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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Via Boba2007:

I meant that it's easier for Hearthstone devs to change a card if they want where as it's not as easy for MTG devs.
Right, but the point is in both cases, the devs don't want to completely minimize bad cards (and for good reason). To the extent that they could even do that, anyway, since the idea is fairly vague to begin with (what constitutes a bad card exactly).

Occasionally they DO want to buff a card, but that is by far the exception. An example from hearthstone would be Bane of Doom being buffed recently to bring it in line with its wording. Mtg has done similar things before, where a card will be ruled to operate differently so that it is more intuitively in line with the card (mainly with creature types, as an example). This kind of 'buff' is more amenable to the designers because it's about making the game more intuitive and sensible more than it is about power level.


Just tuning in, what happened

First NikoTheGreat misses PO + Doomguard lethal. Then he misses lethal because he used two 2 attack minions to go through a belcher instead of a single 3 attack minion and then he fucks up killing Alexstraza by POing the 2 attack minion and not the 4 attack minion.


First NikoTheGreat misses PO + Doomguard lethal. Then he misses lethal because he used two 2 attack minions to go through a belcher instead of a single 3 attack minion and then he fucks up killing Alexstraza by POing the 2 attack minion and not the 4 attack minion.

The elder scrolls legend thing is a bit funny. But really no reveal on gameplay. But it is pretty hilarious how much they're trying to work off of hearthstone's momentum. Even in the title "legends". Darn it, I already hit legend!


I'd still give Elder Scrolls Hearthstone a fair try and hope it's decent because Hearthstone needs competition or they'll just go Ben Brode HAHAHA and rest on their laurels and ignore stuff like more deck slots.
I'd still give Elder Scrolls Hearthstone a fair try and hope it's decent because Hearthstone needs competition or they'll just go Ben Brode HAHAHA and rest on their laurels and ignore stuff like more deck slots.

I agree.

Not that I'll try it, because fuck anything Elder Scrolls related and fuck a new .net service in the world. But I appreciate that other people will try it and create competition.

Blizzard need to pull their finger out. I'm sure they'll get to the needed features of hearthstone *eventually* but another option will kick them along.


Guess I've played bit too much of Hearthstone lately, got my first "salt" moment, Warlock draws first Doomguard and then taps Power Overwhelming for lethal. And I would have won him next turn.

And seems that now there's tons of patron counters out there, or more aggro stuff which does work wonders against patrons, saw few aggro paladins and one mech mage even. Though still playing at ranks 12-15 at EU, so that could explain thing or two.


siphon, double bgh, double hellfire handlock

are you actually fucking serious
Double Hellfire is pretty common these days in Handlock (you can thank Grim Patron for that) and a single Siphon Soul gets play sometimes but double BGH is straight up "I want to win the mirror".

And yeah its good that Elders Scroll exists to challenge Hearthstone although Hearthstone will still remain dominant.


I had the game under control against this handlock, victory was like a turn away, I had Ragnaros and Boom on board, his side clean. Play efing Deathwing. GG, first time I lost to this nonsense, salt.


A few months back I talked about Troggzor the Earthinator. After almost two dozen games, I decided he just couldn't be fit into my deck. The lack of stats and an ability based on opponent's play just wasn't strong enough.

This weekend I gave Troggzor another chance. The idea was that since Tempo mage, Patron Warrior, and Malylock are seeing lots of play that maybe he could fit into a deck.

In Short:
Troggzor rocks in this meta. He is a staple in my current mid-range paladin and a flex for control warrior.

The Long Story:
Against aggro decks that are heavily minion based, Troggzor is too slow and can easily be played around. (Zoo, Hunter)
Against decks that are built on combos he absolutely shuts them down. (Patron Warrior, Tempo Mage, Oil Rogue)

Many new decks try to ignore the board. Troggzor punishes that hard, so when played on an empty board you almost always get 4+ mana of value as he spawns Troggs. When played on an even board he is a weak body, but he forces trades if they plan any sort of spell combo(which is much more common than previous seasons). When played from behind, a 6/6 is better than nothing.

I picked mid-range paladin as the deck to play because of their strong board presence and ability to reclaim the board in lots of different ways(Consecrate, Equality, KJ+Muster, and Weapons). I need to play some more games. I only had time for ~12 games. The last 6 of which were a winstreak.


The Long Story:
Against aggro decks that are heavily minion based, Troggzor is too slow and can easily be played around. (Zoo, Hunter)
So you are saying it's crap then. /s

Troggzor is a good Legendary but unfortunately for him he's not good enough. That's because in his slot.... the balanced one exists.


First 3 games of Hearthstone in a while today, all against face hunter. Sigh... thought this meta would have changed up a bit already.
Hunter never goes away.

Troggzor should have 7 or even 8 health tbh

6 is just a joke for what he's supposed to accomplish
Might be too strong with more health especially being a 6/8. That's Chromaggus tier health and that card isn't very easy to remove.

Main problem with Troggzor is simply that the meta has too much aggressive crap for Troggzor to deal with. Would much rather have Dr Balanced than Troggzor.



this fuckbag had emperor up for one turn, such an unbelievably moronic card in freeze mage

Might be too strong with more health especially being a 6/8. That's Chromaggus tier health and that card isn't very easy to remove.

could reduce attack by 1 to make up for it, even as a 5/7 he'd be significantly better but far from op


Aren't you playing Malylock with emperor too? Isn't that similar to freeze mage?

Good point, but it's not really comparable both in ease of managing board states and effortless combo potential. The Warlock deck only has completely insane burst potential with the Malygos + multiple burn spells in hand into Emperor lategame combo, all while controlling the board with a mix of minions and spells (which means that you can't really draw that much). That's quite a bit more conditional than Freeze Mage's early hyperdraw into effortless full board freeze, then fire and forget turn 6 Emperor.

That said I can't say how good the list really is, just started playing it.


So you are saying it's crap then. /s

Troggzor is a good Legendary but unfortunately for him he's not good enough. That's because in his slot.... the balanced one exists.
If I were seeing more Zoo this weekend, then sure he would not have been given a slot in the deck. I think it's the patron & tempo mage matchup that is giving me the good feels. It is a card that steals tempo from tempo mage and grants me lethal if Patron warrior attempts a combo. I'm going to try it a little bit more, but there have been multiple games where Troggzor has flat out won the match, which I didn't expect.

Against Patron Warrior -
- 6 health is enough. They don't play strong enough minions to kill him out right. None of the weapons deal 6 damage. So they either need a weapon or Trogg is a 2 for 1.
- Patron Warrior runs 8 spells and depends on them for combos.
- Rockjaws tokens have 3 damage which is important for the matchup.
- Trogg could be used to trigger Frothing lethal, but more than likely you would be dead with the combo anyway.

Against Temp Mage -
- Runs 10+ spells
- Most minions can't deal 6 damage, requires. Forces 2 for 1 unless they use a spell and spawn a Rockjaw.
- Cheap spells cannot be used or the game is over. This can cause a stall out from the tempo mage, which usually means they are going to lose.

Hunter never goes away.
Main problem with Troggzor is simply that the meta has too much aggressive crap for Troggzor to deal with. Would much rather have Dr Balanced than Troggzor.
This is why I've only tried him in mid-range pally. Generally it's a deck than can answer early aggression really well and even apply it to an opponent if the initial draws are good.

This is between ranks 10-5. I don't remember where I left off at.


I was playing a handlock (?) and was slowing down their growing army of giants in the hope of topdecking a pyroblast. Then the poor guy attacks my Piloted Shredder and out pops a doomsayer they couldn't kill followed by a quick concede. I love moments like that.


Looking for an opinion on what to craft next. Purchased 40 packs over the weekend hoping to fill out my collection, hardly got anything useable... 3 legendaries (2 were dupes) with the new one being tinkmaster overspark. I ended up with a good amount of dust as plus side. Crafted 2x Mountain Giant and 2x Golem giant with a couple rares that have avoided me.

Here's the short list of what I'm thinking about crafting in no particular order:

Black Knight

or for Epic cards:

Shield Slam X2
Force of Nature (have 1)
Quartermaster x2
Lay on Hands
Shadow priest

I don't really play any one particular deck, just looking for something fun to play and try everything out. I have 2200 dust left, leaning towards doing Tirion and 2 quartermaster after getting a bit more dust. Or is Grommish that good? I have been playing Warrior a lot lately.


Looking for an opinion on what to craft next. Purchased 40 packs over the weekend hoping to fill out my collection, hardly got anything useable... 3 legendaries (2 were dupes) with the new one being tinkmaster overspark. I ended up with a good amount of dust as plus side. Crafted 2x Mountain Giant and 2x Golem giant with a couple rares that have avoided me.

Here's the short list of what I'm thinking about crafting in no particular order:

Black Knight

or for Epic cards:

Shield Slam X2
Force of Nature (have 1)
Quartermaster x2
Lay on Hands
Shadow priest

I don't really play any one particular deck, just looking for something fun to play and try everything out. I have 2200 dust left, leaning towards doing Tirion and 2 quartermaster after getting a bit more dust. Or is Grommish that good? I have been playing Warrior a lot lately.
Dr. Boom is always the right choice.
Sylvanus is always the best choice.
Both of them fit into almost any and all decks. Paladin, they are there. Tempo mage, there. Ctrl Warrior, there. Handlock, there.

If you already have those, since they aren't on your list:
Ysera & Black Knight are really good and will probably always be in some deck somewhere. Both are good crafts.

Alexstrasza, Grommash, Tirion, Jaraxus, & Cenarius are all great, but make sure it's a class you enjoy playing. They also all lean towards control play styles. Make sure you enjoy playing control games.


Soul Fire and Doomguard will ALWAYS discard the card you don't want them to. Fact.

I actually had a game I lost yesterday where I had a doomguard in hand as Priest with 7 cards in hand. I thought to myself "This is the right choice, as I'm fine unless it happens to discard both shadow word death AND ALSO lightbomb. It's fine to discard one of those, and the odds that it discards both are very small."

Sure enough.
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