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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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What was the minion? There was a [Hearthstone Science] video about this.
Pretty sure it was a 3/2, interesting thing to know though. Thanks!

How did they do that video though? I can't think of a situation where this would happen in a regular game.

P.S. I feel like people should stop calling Wrathion a Rogue(This is aimed at the fake patch notes). Unless if I have missed something in the last two years if not playing, Wrathion does not even have an identifiable class. Sure, he's a cool character but I'd be surprised if he became a Hearthstone hero. If I had to bet, he'd be a Priest.


Pretty sure it was a 3/2, interesting thing to know though. Thanks!

How did they do that video though? I can't think of a situation where this would happen in a regular game.

P.S. I feel like people should stop calling Wrathion a Rogue(This is aimed at the fake patch notes). Unless if I have missed something in the last two years if not playing, Wrathion does not even have an identifiable class. Sure, he's a cool character but I'd be surprised if he became a Hearthstone hero. If I had to bet, he'd be a Priest.

Illidan. Pretty much all the Hearthstone Science videos involve Illidan spawning tokens which triggers Knife Juggler and sets off some crazy chain of events.


Finished at 50 wins for Tavern Brawl.

My last game was kinda meh (I won it but it was pretty vanilla) but the game before the last one was INCREDIBLE!

I got double back to back Leeroy Jenkins off of two Holy Wraths to steal the victory from the Druid!

Last 10 games were all against Druid by the way. I won more than I lost but some games were absolutely disgusting where the Druid opened with double Wild Growths and then some Power of the Wild/Soul of Forest combo into Savage Roar to finish game in like 3-4 turns.

Even with the OPness of Druid, this was BY FAR the best Brawl yet without a question. So much fun was had and so much salt was generated along with numerous "Well Played" and "Well Met".


Though this gives Druid another way to at least tie the game in a dire situation if they get Auchenai off of say a Swipe and then double Innervate a Tree of Life.

There are actually a lot of outs in this mode because of stuff like Doomsayers, Leeroy Jenkin spawns, Lore Walker Chos, random taunt spawns. You may think you are out of it and then something spawns that might help you win.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Illidan. Pretty much all the Hearthstone Science videos involve Illidan spawning tokens which triggers Knife Juggler and sets off some crazy chain of events.

Violet Teacher can do the same thing.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Finished at 50 wins for Tavern Brawl.

My last game was kinda meh (I won it but it was pretty vanilla) but the game before the last one was INCREDIBLE!

I got double back to back Leeroy Jenkins off of two Holy Wraths to steal the victory from the Druid!

Last 10 games were all against Druid by the way. I won more than I lost but some games were absolutely disgusting where the Druid opened with double Wild Growths and then some Power of the Wild/Soul of Forest combo into Savage Roar to finish game in like 3-4 turns.

Even with the OPness of Druid, this was BY FAR the best Brawl yet without a question. So much fun was had and so much salt was generated along with numerous "Well Played" and "Well Met".


Though this gives Druid another way to at least tie the game in a dire situation if they get Auchenai off of say a Swipe and then double Innervate a Tree of Life.

There are actually a lot of outs in this mode because of stuff like Doomsayers, Leeroy Jenkin spawns, Lore Walker Chos, random taunt spawns. You may think you are out of it and then something spawns that might help you win.

Gallywix also makes games a mess in a hurry.

The best part about Cho is how it gives the spell right when he spawns, lol.


Can anyone comment on my question from earlier? Druids really haven't been great in all my experience with this brawl (whether playing as one or against one) but everyone here seems convinced they're OP as fuck....


I know that deathrattles activate in order the cards are played but what about active abilities? Let's say if I play Maexxna before opponent's grim patron. Patron hitting Maexxna, still patron duplicates then dies right? there is no possible priority order here?


yeah druids seem really meh to me, I've won every single brawl with rogue on the other hand, like it wasn't even close games.


Can anyone comment on my question from earlier? Druids really haven't been great in all my experience with this brawl (whether playing as one or against one) but everyone here seems convinced they're OP as fuck....

Tons of removal and buff spells. Also, Wild Growth.
Scrolling through this thread got me wondering. With all the "I had an awesome game where X and Y happened" and "Check out this stupid move my opponent made" posts I've seen in this thread since I started following it, has there ever been a moment where another poster goes "Hey, that was me! Hi!" ?


Can anyone comment on my question from earlier? Druids really haven't been great in all my experience with this brawl (whether playing as one or against one) but everyone here seems convinced they're OP as fuck....

Man....I lost three times with Druid. And absolutely melted the four Druids I fought as a mage or priest. I don't see its OP potential in this brawl. What am I missing?
The reason why Druid are so good in this Brawl can be boiled down to these reasons:

*Ramp combined with high cost spells. In this format high cost spells even if they are "bad" are pretty godlike (with the exception of stuff like Twisting Nether which destroy your own board but even that spell isn't that bad because you can potentially get Sneeds and gain board advantage). Stuff like Starfire basically kills one of their mid to big sized minion, draws you a card and puts a big 6 mana cost body on the board. This already solves one of Druid's issues which was tempo... this Brawl proves that if Druid had ways to get tempo back they would be unstoppable because of their ramp. Because Druids can ramp up so easily with stuff like Wild Growth and Innervate, their high cost spells give double benefit. It's like they start the game 2nd, coin out Wild Growth, get two minions on board... then innervate another Wild Growth for 4 minions with 4 mana on the next turn which they can Soul Forest and win the game off of the god draw.

*High cost spells that also draw them cards. Nourish is insane in this format because not only can it ramp up but it also draws you 3 cards AND puts down a 5 cost body on the board. In the late game Wild Growth is insane because at 10 mana you can put down a 2 drop minion + Wisp/Target Dummy and draw a card. This makes it so that Druid can dump their hand in the beginning of the game then draw cards back so they don't run out of steam. They have Starfire, Nourish, Wild Growth, Wrath for draws.

*High cost board clears and removals. Starfall is bad in Constructed but godlike in this format because while Consecration summons a 4 drop minion...Starfall summons a 5 drop minion. Recycle is a bad card in regular format but godlike here because it lets you gain massive tempo (remove their big creature and summon your own big creature). Force of Nature is not only good to finish game but clear the board AND put out a big body. Swipe of course is godlike here as well.

*Druid makes great use out of the 0 cost minions because of stuff like Power of the Wild and Soul of the Forest... both cards are like top 5 cards in this format. Power of the Wild at the WORST summons 2 2 drop minions and on the other end can buff you board while also putting out another body that is 2 drop. You have two shitty minions on board and then with one card you have 3 decent threats on board. Soul Forest makes their board very sticky and annoying while ALSO putting a 4 drop on the board. And then suddenly these shitty 0-2 drop minions they got from ramping up their mana with Innervates/Wild Growths suddenly become huge threats because of Power of the Wild and Soul of the Forest. Druid also has 2 buff cards like Mark of the Wild/Nature that buff up a card to prevent aggression with a taunt and ALSO summon another minion. So they get a Target dummy out of a 0 drop spell like Coin or Innervate, then they buff it up with +2/2 Taunt which gives them enough time to prepare their real cheap stuff...

*Ability to finish games quick. Because of their combination of fast ramp that puts minions on the boards and board wide buffs that makes their shitty minions strong... you get put into lethal range really quick because of Savage Roar. Suddenly they have 5 minions on board and by turn 5 they use Savage Roar and you die instantly. Even in the late game if you manage to wipe their board they can kill you the old school way with Force of Nature and Savage Roar. Even if the combo doesn't kill they have stuff like Starfire/Swipe/Bite to finish the game.

*Late game survival. Druids actually have a lot of ways to tech their cards because they have a lot of spells. You can tech for late game survival by having heals like Healing Touch and the godlike Tree of Life. Tree of Life is an insane comeback mechanic because it heals your board, your face AND puts down a 9 cost minion. You can get a Malganis, Ysera, Malygos ,Mekineer etc that can shutdown the game by themselves after you were put in a losing situation. Because of their card draws and these heals... they can comeback pretty easily in a dire situation.

Mage can counter Druid because a lot of Druid's potency relies on having a sticky board in this format and Mage can freeze their buffed up board while building their own. Frost Nova stalls the board while building the board of the Mage, same for Cone of Cord, Blizzard and Flamestrike. Then Mage can finish the game with Fireballs, Pyroblast (insane in this format because it puts down either Sea Giant or Deathwing) and Antonidas.

Priests have some ways to counter Druids as well. Mass Dispel is great because it negates Soul of Forest, Power of the Wild, draws them a card and puts down a 4 drop minions. Priest also has buff cards that can finish the game real quick and Lightbomb to clear Druid boards. In the late game if Druid doesn't have a full board then they will get demolished by Priests' Mindcontrol (take a big creature, summon Sea giant or Deathwing LOL!). Shadow madness can take a Soul Forest creature and kill another creature while spawning a 4 drop minion. Lightbomb is still effective at clearing a huge board.

Paladin has Equality Consecrate combo to deal with Druid boards which is why I personally use it. There's also Equality Avenging Wrath combo which summons a 2 cost minion with 1 health and a 6 cost minion. Plus Paladin has very similar playstyle to Druid where they have a bunch of very powerful draws, board clears, powerful buffs and health regain... what they lack compared to Druids is the ramp up which is why Paladins are strong but not as good as Druids. Paladin can also shutdown a game quick because of stuff like Blessing of Might into Blessing of Champion on a solid minion for lethal.

Other classes like Hunter and Rogue have insane early game tempo and damage where they can finish the game before the Druid can set up any real board IF they get lucky.
Can anyone comment on my question from earlier? Druids really haven't been great in all my experience with this brawl (whether playing as one or against one) but everyone here seems convinced they're OP as fuck....

They can get some crazy openings, especially with the coin and there's no real downside to their ramp cards since you get free minions. You can do things like Coin, Wild Growth, Innervate, Power of the Wild for 2X 0 mana minions and 2X 2 mana minions all with +1/+1 on turn 1. Or Coin, Innervate, Soul of the Forest for 2X 0 mana minions and a 4 mana minion all with deathrattle summon a 2/2 Tree. Then you basically just need to maintain a decent board until you get Savage Roar. Because there are always minions spawning, there's actually a use for things like Mark of Nature and Mark of the Wild. Nourish is really awesome and doesn't require you to sacrifice tempo. Recycle and Starfall are actually useful in this brawl.


I haven't been able to join in this Brawl yet, but I'm itching to now that the weekend is here. Going to start with a funky rogue list(Headcrack, Betrayal, Vanish for sure) and go from there.


Even if Druid is super powerful this brawl is still a hell of a lot of fun though.

Yep, as much as I have disliked some of them, the brawls have me playing the game again. I hate ranked and arena, but I at least do my dailies in brawl mode every day. The two or so days when brawl is down, I dont play the game at all. So its definitely a positive addition overall. I was done with the game for a moment and this brought me right back.


What is the deal with Starladder stream having one perspective normal with red hp when something is damaged and then the other side is kept white by some macro.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Hmm interesting, do you guys have most of the legendaries? I bought like 2-3 arena runs I think, a long time ago

All the good ones. It would cost me about 35k dust to finish my collection and I have almost 12k dust in the bank.


I think around $40. Roughly $20 for expert packs when I first got into it and then roughly $20 for GvG. All the Adventure modes I bought with gold I grinded.

Dang I just started playing (have no good cards, really. No legendaries, etc), I heard that the most cost efficient is to buy the 2 single player adventures, but then I read posts like this and I wonder if I should just "git gud" :\


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Dang I just started playing (have no good cards, really. No legendaries, etc), I heard that the most cost efficient is to buy the 2 single player adventures, but then I read posts like this and I wonder if I should just "git gud" :

If you spend any real money at all, spend it on adventure modes. Grinding the gold for the adventure modes is a chore.
Awesome. Two Webspinners and my opponent gets Maexxna and King Krush. Then when I have lethal on the board he top decks another King Krush to kill me.

Man, just fuck this game.


Dang I just started playing (have no good cards, really. No legendaries, etc), I heard that the most cost efficient is to buy the 2 single player adventures, but then I read posts like this and I wonder if I should just "git gud" :\
It's actually more efficient to buy the Adventure mode if you want to spend the money.

The reason why I personally grind the gold for adventure mode is that I can basically grind around 600-700 gold per week for the Adventure mode as they come out (they come out per week). I start off with like a few hundred gold before these adventure mode comes out and then save up my gold for the weekly adventure release.

I would probably have spent real money on them if I got into the game AFTER those adventure modes came out.

Hmm interesting, do you guys have most of the legendaries? I bought like 2-3 arena runs I think, a long time ago
I have most of the important/useful one but very few of the unused ones. Like I don't have Mimiron's Head, King Crush, Gallywix, Neptulon, Troggzor, Iron Juggernaut, Malorne, Bolvar, Nozdormu, Deathwing etc. I basically dust the bad Legendaries/Epics for good Legendaries.

I have never bought Arena runs.


remember me
I've spent like $10 on arenas when I was starting out. I'll never spend another dime unless they massively speed up their content releases. Already have 6,500 gold saved up towards the next expansion or adventure, along with 7,000 dust.


How much money have you guys spent on this game?

$25 from a gift card I got for my birthday. And then about another $12-15 that I got from doing Google Rewards surveys. Also have 2,500 Amazon coins I got from Bing rewards that I'm saving for the expansion.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I guess the people saying they don't spend very much either dust everything they feel they don't need immediately and/or play a lot more arena than i do.
Hmm interesting, do you guys have most of the legendaries? I bought like 2-3 arena runs I think, a long time ago

No but I have all the best ones. My collection is probably 85% complete, missing mostly bad class epics like Beastial Wrath or Siltfin Spiritwalker that I'll never craft but probably won't unpack either


Been finding it harder to accumulate gold lately, I only play arena though

I unlocked naxx through gold, but BRM would just take way too long to unlock, not willing to grind
How much money have you guys spent on this game?

Probably around €200, most of which was present money.

I consider a euro an hour to be good value for a game, and I've played HS for a lot more than 200 hours, so it's still pretty good. It's money that would only go to crap on Steam anyway.


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