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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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This brawl is pretty fun, and I think Shaman comes out ahead of everyone in it. Top tier class minions and plenty of usuable spells keeps things consistent in the randomness. Was crushing all of the other classes with Shaman, but maybe my arena experience is carrying me.

Warrior seems really bad, Warlock seems bad in theory (haven't tried it yet), Mage seems good, everyone else hit or miss.

That said, I don't see myself playing it much more lol.

Warlock's okay, it gets carried by the hero power in many cases. I kept being given succubi though.


I've gotten more value out of Hemet Nesingwary in this brawl today than I've ever had in the rest of the game.

The fact that I never play him myself might skew the results, but still...
Is there a hidden mechanic for Grom that says "When played, put an Antique Healbot in your opponents hand" because every single time I have played him and it wasn't lethal they have a Healbot. I'm not joking, either. It's happened at least eight times.
So my friend who is on day 2 of playing hearthstone, recently beat someone who then friended him, and told him he was basically part of a Blizzard CS sting operation and that they have been watching him for days and then because he was hacking he would be banned permanently starting at 7am this morning. LMAO - you just can't make this shit up. Unbelieveable.


I give this Tempo Mage clown a Ghoul on turn 4
Kills off mine with 2/1 and the copied Ghoul (leaving it alive), plays Flamewaker + Apprentice + Mirror Images

It's almost as if all of this trash is going to die when I kill the Ghoul with my second DB charge LEL WHATEVER BOAR CONTROL

Play Patron, swing Axe, everything but the now 2/2 Flamewaker dies, giving me 3 more Patrons

I'm afraid they'll just play it passive and Flamestrike next turn


2nd Apprentice + Arcane Intellect without pinging off the 3/1 or trading the Flamewaker into the 3/2 Patron

Watches as I get another 2 free Patrons

"You win this one"



Is there a hidden mechanic for Grom that says "When played, put an Antique Healbot in your opponents hand" because every single time I have played him and it wasn't lethal they have a Healbot. I'm not joking, either. It's happened at least eight times.

lol. Yeah against a deck that runs healbot or likely has removal in their hand you obviously want to wait as long as possible to use him. Getting Grom out as early as possible when a Hunter is closing in on lethal has worked well for me though
lol. Yeah against a deck that runs healbot or likely has removal in their hand you obviously want to wait as long as possible to use him. Getting Grom out as early as possible when a Hunter is closing in on lethal has worked well for me though

Sometimes it's my only option. Guess I need to add in some more card draw to Patron if this is a problem


Meh brawl this week, but at least it's better than webspinner one.

I'm disappointed - when I read "crossroads", the first thing I thought of was "hey, maybe classes will get each other's cards, that would be an amazing Brawl!" or even "well, nothing interesting so far, maybe halfway through the match something happens to shake things up?"

Sadly, probably a one and done for me this week. : (
Tavern Brawl this week is bad, but I've had a few LOLs so it's alright with me overall.

My favourite moment was when, with a huge lead, a Priest played an Explosive Sheep and then dropped a YOLO Bomberino that hit his face, then his Northshire, then hit the Sheep to annihilate his whole board while still leaving my pathetic board of River Croc and Shadowboxer alive.

Godspeed, Mad Bomber.

Then he played a Cabal a turn or two later to steal my Shadowboxer, then I stole it back with a topdecked Cabal, then he played a Magma Rager and I sniped it with my Boxer.

I have never LOLed so hard playing this game.
I think it is kinda fun. You just see a lot of cards you would normally never see in the game. If you take it too seriously, like all the others, you'll be disappointed I guess.\

I'll probably try once of each class, win or lose. Already 2-0 though :)


This Archon team tournament is highlighting exactly how bad the class balance is right now.

Teams go up 5 wins and then lose anyway because they are forced to run one of these classes (Druid/Shaman/Paladin). Top players going like 0-4 because they are using these classes and are getting bullied.

As bad as those 3 classes are right now... at least some teams they are 6th best unlike the Priest which isn't getting used at all.


It's kind of weird that Gaara would bring an out there Mech Shaman decklist when there are like exactly two semi-viable Shaman decklists out there right now. Right?


I'm disappointed - when I read "crossroads", the first thing I thought of was "hey, maybe classes will get each other's cards, that would be an amazing Brawl!" or even "well, nothing interesting so far, maybe halfway through the match something happens to shake things up?"

Sadly, probably a one and done for me this week. : (

Yeah, random all cards could be fun. You select your hero power and then the get a deck with random cards from any class.


Yeah the reason he's losing is because he's playing inconsistent variants, if he just sticks to a standard list he could easily eek out one win out of 3 or 4. It's not even like he's modifying the deck with a surprise tech like Kezan.


It's kind of weird that Gaara would bring an out there Mech Shaman decklist when there are like exactly two semi-viable Shaman decklists out there right now. Right?

Seems like you haven't watched Savjz trying to get the last dozen of wins for his golden Shaman today. He went through every single current list, losing hundreds of legend ranks and then threw together an idiotic full overload list which won him his first match against Hunter.

If forced to I'd much rather play Mech Shaman than these trash midrange lists where half of your deck is situational and never powerful enough to address the situation at hand while the other half is rng crap. No card draw so all you do is wipe away the tears while you're rolling the wrong totems and hoping for that one topdeck every turn plus just autolose to Hunter because you can't fit healing in there either.

But it seems that Gaara brought another one of his "best deckbuilder in the world" lists so idk about that
Seems like you haven't watched Savjz trying to get the last dozen of wins for his golden Shaman today. He went through every single current list, losing hundreds of legend ranks and then threw together an idiotic full overload list which won him his first match against Hunter.

If forced to I'd much rather play Mech Shaman than these trash midrange lists where half of your deck is situational and never powerful enough to address the situation at hand while the other half is rng crap. No card draw so all you do is wipe away the tears while you're rolling the wrong totems and hoping for that one topdeck every turn plus just autolose to Hunter because you can't fit healing in there either.

If you play Mech Shaman though, you need to include Powermace. No idea why he's not playing it


Shut it down guys, the new meta is everything beats Tempo Mage if it misplays and draws poorly.
Strifecro misplayed again? Jesus dude get it together, that Freeze Mage game was bad enough for weeks. You'd think with a prize pool like Archon's you wouldn't want to burn yourself out with all these low tier HTC and keyseller tournaments.


Is this just total randomness? I kind of dig it. I always win in this type of shit. It's fun to see opponents struggle when they don't have their perfect netdecks and no planned synergy. I play better in scenarios where I'm forced to improvise....usually.

But just how random can this get? Could you get a deck full of minions or full of spells? Could someone get a deck full of legendaries and you get only commons? Does anyone know?

I dig premade deck and random deck brawls because they get people to discover new card combos and scenarios they hadn't thought of before. There's a tunnel vision native to Constructed play which stifles inventive/random discovery.

Admittedly, like everyone else, I'd rather have truly memorable, fun, chaotic brawls like last week's, though.

One player got double Vol'jin against me.
card back for getting SCII LotV Deluxe Edition.


edit: posted!

I purchased the deluxe edition but don't see my card back. How do I claim it?

edit: bah, won't be released for a while. my mistake
Not really having fun with this week's brawl, since it's the worst kind of RNG. At least last week's brawl can lead to some spectacular fights. This weeks feels like it is just one sided beat down depending on who gets the better opening hand as you pretty much snowball from there without much of a way of come back.

Oh well at least there's a free pack in it for me, even though it's just all shitty commons and a shitty rare.


Found it interesting how nice people are in this brawl due to the absurd rng factor, many genuine "well playeds" and apologies over outrageous topdecks or legendary chains


LOL. Playing face hunter for the first time. It's nice to not think at all, make crazy mistakes and somehow still win game after game.
Is there a hidden mechanic for Grom that says "When played, put an Antique Healbot in your opponents hand" because every single time I have played him and it wasn't lethal they have a Healbot. I'm not joking, either. It's happened at least eight times.

Well, it's kinda like Tirion vs. Owl - "every time I play Tirion they have the Owl!"

And I eventually realized it's because you cling onto that Owl like a motherfucker all game if necessary because you know that Tirion is coming at some point. I added one Owl to my Control Warrior deck mainly for things like Tirion, and I had a game recently where I passed on Owling a 6/6 shielded minibot - I gave up a bigger play that turn to instead use Taskmaster + BGH. Because I knew the Pally was gonna put his Faith in the Light. And soon enough he did and the Owl won the game.


Well, it's kinda like Tirion vs. Owl - "every time I play Tirion they have the Owl!"

And I eventually realized it's because you cling onto that Owl like a motherfucker all game if necessary because you know that Tirion is coming at some point. I added one Owl to my Control Warrior deck mainly for things like Tirion, and I had a game recently where I passed on Owling a 6/6 shielded minibot - I gave up a bigger play that turn to instead use Taskmaster + BGH. Because I knew the Pally was gonna put his Faith in the Light. And soon enough he did and the Owl won the game.

IMO it's more fun to win even though you gave them a 5/3 weapon for free :p
I played each class exactly once (well, twice for warrior cause the guy conceded real fast). Each class I won with except for 2. I lost with hunter and mage and won with all the others. I enjoyed this week's brawl and I think it is possible I'll even play more later on in the week.

I got millhouse manastorm twice, once the priest had both shrinkmeister and shadow word death... plus velen's chosen. Then vs a shaman, he played 0 spells. 50/50 on that guy heheh.


Is there a hidden mechanic for Grom that says "When played, put an Antique Healbot in your opponents hand" because every single time I have played him and it wasn't lethal they have a Healbot. I'm not joking, either. It's happened at least eight times.

I mean when you have enough mana for Grom your opponent has drawn through at least half of their deck, certain archetypes can even be nearing fatigue at that point. Coupled with the fact that most lists that run Healbots include two copies the odds to have one are pretty high. Also since Grom is Control Warrior's only finisher, and a very predictable one at that, of course you hold onto those healbots until you actually get to 12 life or lower.

That's also the main reason you don't Grom face without having lethal unless a) you can get a good trade against aggro who don't run target removal/BGH, or b) you're in a fatigue war vs control and have seen all of the expected removal cards already.
This Archon team tournament is highlighting exactly how bad the class balance is right now.

Teams go up 5 wins and then lose anyway because they are forced to run one of these classes (Druid/Shaman/Paladin). Top players going like 0-4 because they are using these classes and are getting bullied.

As bad as those 3 classes are right now... at least some teams they are 6th best unlike the Priest which isn't getting used at all.

Um, I mean if you're going by that, then Patron Warrior has been sinking teams too.

This tournament is a pretty good argument that the meta can handle Patron if prepared for it.
Holy shit does Hemet suck. The LEAST he could do is be able to destroy a beast even if it's got stealth.

Hemet is probably the most useless card in the game. Only one class uses beasts outside of a few Druid cards and Hunters don't build decks around beasts, the best thing you can do is kill a Savannah Highmane because it dodges BGH. No idea what they were thinking with Hemet
I would like this brawl more if it was all class cards included so you could end up with crazy shit all the time. Rogue with Mal'Ganis and Master of Disguise! Priest with Auchenai and Mistress of Pain! Gahz'rilla Warrior!

And since it would be 100% random you wouldn't know if you had the cards or not


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Whenever they do these "RNG ESPORTS" Brawls where you chose a class and nothing else, it always becomes painfully clear who are the winners and losers in terms of class design. They might as well turn off classes and throw the whole pool of cards together.
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