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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

I'll be surprised if Anyfin burst/combo decks are popular in a week or two. While it's a fun combo to pull off that's pretty strong, it's really not as easy or consistent as other popular Paladin decks.

Unless if there's another Paladin Murloc type deck that people are talking about.


I'll be surprised if Anyfin burst/combo decks are popular in a week or two. While it's a fun combo to pull off that's pretty strong, it's really not as easy or consistent as other popular Paladin decks.

Unless if there's another Paladin Murloc type deck that people are talking about.

EleGiggle Why play new cards when you can play Secret Paladin EleGiggle
So you're telling me that in your mage deck that runs Counterspell, you don't run Mad Scientists?

I mean, you do realize that having mad scientist bring out counterspell means it will more than likely absorb one of the paladin's early spells like consecration/muster and will therefore do nothing against Anyfin, right?

Or that running double counterspell is the equivalent of a midrange hunter that runs double flare?

Unless you're telling me that your mulligan strategy in a tempo mage deck vs a paladin (unlikely knowing which variant it is), is to fish for counterspell?

Why not?

You seem to be referencing a hearthstone deck building rule book that doesn't actually exist. It is the same logic that stops hunters running flare to deal with secret paladin or people running kezan to beat freeze mage.

Yes I can and do run cards like that to win match ups. It is fun!

I'll be surprised if Anyfin burst/combo decks are popular in a week or two. While it's a fun combo to pull off that's pretty strong, it's really not as easy or consistent as other popular Paladin decks.

Unless if there's another Paladin Murloc type deck that people are talking about.

Eerie statue will mix things up this week. Besides handlock, I'm actually thinking of trying taunt warrior again with it.
I'll be surprised if Anyfin burst/combo decks are popular in a week or two. While it's a fun combo to pull off that's pretty strong, it's really not as easy or consistent as other popular Paladin decks.

Unless if there's another Paladin Murloc type deck that people are talking about.

If secret palidan shows anything, its that if a decks not fun only a small percentage of people are actually going to play it for a majority of the season.


Holyshit that Anyfin deck is legit. Just destroyed 3 priests in a row lol. They thought they were safe with 30 HP. :^) First Anyfin gave me 30+ damage, because they stole a Old Murky lol. Second Anyfin gave me 50+ damage. Great to have a finisher on Paladin. Something they lacked (lack of removal kinda got fixed by the new Uldaman). :D

Edit: still struggling with those aggro Druids though. They only go face. D:


Wait, another strong pally deck with strong pally cards? Figures

Shammy aggro is totally cancer. I need my taunts early on as priest otherwise Im fucked. That damn doomhammer too... almost putting an ooze in my deck.


Ah so they just gave what Patron had to work for the entire match, juggling and sacrificing combo pieces while minimizing damage, to Paladin as a single card

Remember it's interactive because you drop the strongest possible minion each turn and your opponent has to skillfully draw every answer

But of course I'm overexaggerating. There are lots of factors you have to consider piloting a Paladin deck, for example I've sometimes seen some less experienced players forgetting to hit face with their Muster weapon.


Rank 5, 2 stars....

4 hours later...

Rank 5, 2 stars....I'm fed up today. It doesn't help that I switch decks every 3 games or so. Tomorrow I will try to stick with midrange pally or something.


The stupid thing about how murloc paladin wins games is that it's just the midrange paladin part of the deck which wins games. It's like how you used to win games with Patron Warrior without playing a single Patron.


Lol both my Anyfin were in the last 3 cards of the deck. Ugh. Also had a game where I only drew 2 murlocs and had like 7 cards left.


paladin lacked one thing, burst. they got that too now :p bu bu but you have to put some garbage (murlocs) in your deck so it's balanced. lol

I like this meta though, rogue just beats just about everything and control warrior seems to be close to extinction lolz.


I haven't played HS in a while I decided to buy a few packs of the new expansion and didn't get anything too great. This is my current Rogue deck and I think it's decent for a mostly free-to-play deck. I'm not happy with the 3 mana cards, specifically the Shady Dealer and Fencing Coach. I'm not sure what else to put in there. The Fencing Coach has been decent actually, in terms of tempo, but not great. Shady Dealer is too situation as I only have two pirates in my deck. Ideally I'd like to get the Thalnos legendary in there but I don't have nearly enough dust. I was thinking of putting in a Shadowstep, I could double up on healing or card draw with the Drakes. Any suggestions? Rogue and Priest are my hero's. I really need work on my Priest deck, I'm trying to save up for the Cabal Shadow Priests.

I'm trying to play my fatigue priest deck. I'm only rank 15, so can't say yet if deck is any good or not. I'm not meeting many netdecks at this rank so I'm not sure how to handle all those 20+ damage combos that will come my way, but time will tell.

But I'm having fun! I think this is the play-style I want to play more of. Entomb is a fun card. In one game I played 3xAlextrasza and it isn't even in my deck. I thoughtstole 2x and entombed one.


Why not?

You seem to be referencing a hearthstone deck building rule book that doesn't actually exist. It is the same logic that stops hunters running flare to deal with secret paladin or people running kezan to beat freeze mage.

Yes I can and do run cards like that to win match ups. It is fun!

Well, correct me if I'm wrong but from the start you've been going on about how "non-viable" the whole murloc paladin OTK deck is, how it doesn't do anything better than a standard midrange, is easy to counter etc, and your choice of a "easy counter" card is...counterspell.

By that logic I suppose we can say that Freeze Mage is a non-viable deck because not only does it auto-lose to CW 90% of the time, it is hard-countered by Kezan/Flare and therefore is too gimmicky. But of course we don't say that. Counterspell to Anyfin is not what Kezan is to Freeze Mage, but you are trying to sell it as such, which boggles my mind.

Same goes for FoN/SR. "Psh, counterspell hard-counters force of nature and therefore breaks the combo, its not OP at all guys".

This isn't Yugioh or Magic, where you get to choose when to activate your trap/quick cast spell during your opponent's turn. Even in the idea scenario where you've somehow managed to play counterspell on the exact turn before the paladin plays Anyfin AND he somehow has no other spells to trigger it first, unless he is dead on the following turn and therefore has to pull off Anyfin, he can just play his other cards and wait to draw into a spell. Specialized Anyfin decks run plenty of draw cards and a good number of spells, those that just tech it in obviously do not rely on it as their deck's win-condition.

No, I'm not saying that Anyfin is anywhere close to as strong and reliable and FoN/SR, but your example of it being "easily countered" just doesn't cut it.

And no, I'm not referencing some deckbuilding rulebook, it is simply how deckbuilding works for the competitive hearthstone decks. You can't, for example, throw in 15 7+ cost legendaries into your deck and expect it to curve well because you happen to have one pair each for 1-6 cost cards. Sure, you can go ahead and throw in 2 counterspells into a tempo mage deck with mad scientists and a pair of Mirror Entities, but if you somehow expect the deck to function as consistently as the competitive lists being used by pros/on ladder then you will be very disappointed.


Murloc pally is annoying as fuck because they have a ton of board clears. Equality + Wild Pyromancer/Consecration and theres nothing you can do. Raptor Rogue is a good option against them though.


So theres pretty much 0% chance of winning vs. this Anyfin garbage with anything other than aggro or combo? Cool. Good card design.


I know it's kinda old hat to complain about this by now but it sure would be nice to be able to experiment with all these new deck variations without having to delete my staple decks.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
If Anyfin sticks around I'm sure Blizzard will nerf it. They've made their feelings on decks like this pretty clear. They probably did not think of the OTK potential of that card when they designed it.


I need to start keeping track of the murlocs I've played. I have to say though that Midrange Murloc Pally is the most fun I've ever had playing Midrange Paladin in the history of Hearthstone.


Purple got so wrecked :lol

Board has Weblord with Kings on it and 4 dudes. He brawls, Weblord survives and gets Avenge. Surrender drops Tirion on his turn.
well im thinking the issue is that now priest is one of the worst classes to ladder with. No way to deal with the new stuff coming out even with their new cards.


Pallys are incredible powerful but yeah, control warriors are still the most impossible matchup for me as dragon priest. Can't do shit -_-
Pallys are incredible powerful but yeah, control warriors are still the most impossible matchup for me as dragon priest. Can't do shit -_-

When I was running Dragon Priest before it was good, I would run Velan and a Mind Blast for 10 burst. It worked out pretty well since no one else uses it. I'm not sure how flexible Dragon Priest as a deck is but it's some pretty good reach.

However, this was before Justicar and whatever they're running now, so it might not even matter if you can't get them to 10 health.


Where do you guys fall on Mounted Raptor vs Shade of Naxxramus in traditional Combo Druid? Shade is obviously better for combo damage but Raptor seems more versatile in the early game.


Where do you guys fall on Mounted Raptor vs Shade of Naxxramus in traditional Combo Druid? Shade is obviously better for combo damage but Raptor seems more versatile in the early game.
Pretty sure it depends on the meta.
Shade isn't that useful against aggro,because you just can't wait too long before you have to use him.


If Anyfin sticks around I'm sure Blizzard will nerf it. They've made their feelings on decks like this pretty clear. They probably did not think of the OTK potential of that card when they designed it.

Poor underdog Uther needs any help he can get


Anyone else hates to start the game?

I think the first player should at least see 4 cards, just like the second one. The first player doesnt draw, though, but he can change any of the first 4 cards presented to him. Being able only to work with 3 can be rough.
Anyone else hates to start the game?

I think the first player should at least see 4 cards, just like the second one. The first player doesnt draw, though, but he can change any of the first 4 cards presented to him. Being able only to work with 3 can be rough.

Both are equally advantageous. Really it depends on if you have a 1 drop or a 2 drop in you r starting hand which is better.
Anyone else hates to start the game?

I think the first player should at least see 4 cards, just like the second one. The first player doesnt draw, though, but he can change any of the first 4 cards presented to him. Being able only to work with 3 can be rough.

That would actually give going first a much bigger advantage than it statistically already has. This is not true across the board but across the majority.


Shaman 3 wins. ok time for reynad's cancer shaman. shaman quests never cleared this fast. killed CW by turn 5. gotta wash my hands after touching this deck.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Played Deathlord against this freeze mage in order to bait out Alextraza... got a better result. Reno... you can see the result of that happening below :p



Just counter spelled an Anyfin Can Happen after he was shit talking all match then he instant conceded hahahahahahah

Man I feel great right now


Where do you guys fall on Mounted Raptor vs Shade of Naxxramus in traditional Combo Druid? Shade is obviously better for combo damage but Raptor seems more versatile in the early game.
Mounted Raptor is much better for Aggro Druid or Token/Beast Druid. For regular Midrange it's a meta call.


This brawl was a lot of fun I won 23 games over the week in it. Some highlights include gang upping my Sylvanas to play her 4 times in a row and pulling Old Murk Eye when my opponent played Neptulon. I also had a game where I had 3 Gormocks on the field at the same time before I won.

I also got enough gold to get the third explores wing today. Not much of value to me since I don't have Murlock War Leaders.

I'm really looking forward to Raven Idol in the next wing. I'm always trying to improve my cheap card pool in my mid druid.
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