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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


The funny thing is that Aggro Dark Priest is on the cusp of being really strong, just needs a couple more cards. Cards like Mind Blast are broken for an aggro face deck.
Do these egg druids run combo? I'm guessing not. looks fun but there is no way to win against decks with several board clear like renolock or oil rogue. I just fought against two back to back.

No, they run a really low curve that caps out at Shredder/Savage Combatants.

The funny thing is that Aggro Dark Priest is on the cusp of being really strong, just needs a couple more cards. Cards like Mind Blast are broken for an aggro face deck.

Someday it will happen. Shadowbomber, Mind Blast, Velen, Shadowform, they've been getting shit for a while to build it up.


The funny thing is that Aggro Dark Priest is on the cusp of being really strong, just needs a couple more cards. Cards like Mind Blast are broken for an aggro face deck.

It doesn't have enough now with auchenai - flash heal and the new 2 drop from LOE? Seems like you could top out at a 6 point curve with thaurissan for shenanigans, throw finley in for face damage and go to town. I don't care to try it myself but I would think aggro priest has enough stall and burst now to make it happen. My only concern would be card draw considering they dont have the tools in an aggro deck to draw all of the cards they might need to end the game by turn 5 or 6


The new Priest 2 drop doesn't fit into that type of deck.

I am talking about more cards like that 5/4 they got in TGT or Shadow Bomber. Just straight face damage cards.


The new Priest 2 drop doesn't fit into that type of deck.

I am talking about more cards like that 5/4 they got in TGT or Shadow Bomber. Just straight face damage cards.

I just included him as a kind of wild card that might get you something good to last a little bit later in the game if your aggro stalls out.

But yeah, shadow bomber, spawn of shadows, auchenai with flash heal, light of the naaru and mind blast, throw a few more cards in there to support the early game, doesnt seem un reasonable. Now that I think about it though, so many decks are running so much healing, I don't think you would ever be able to aggro them down before turn 6. It would probably end up being another mid range combo deck...
Just had a game with Midrange Paladin vs Aggro Shaman. I had damn near perfect draw and still only won with 8HP.

I mean top deck belcher twice (on 5, and 6) and top deck Tirion (on 8) against his fucking hammer + rockbiter.
Oh and I hit Lotheb (on 7) when I was sure he was gonna blow me the fuck up.


Here's my Midrange Murloc Paladin list, hit rank 5 with it. It's more midrangey rather than some of the other lists which bank more heavily on drawing more murlocs to get a bigger Anyfin Can Happen, but the idea with mine is to have a more consistent gameplan and to use the 2nd copy of Anyfin for actual lethal in longer games because the 1st copy buffs the 2nd copy.



So I think I just played the longest game ever with a rando by juggling my excavated evil back and forth while infinitely buffing my holy champion with 4+ heal each turn haha


I kind of want to experiment with Rogue this month, especially with Pillager coming this week.

I'm not a very good player. I've only played Priest up to about 100 wins (level 40.) I can field a decent Oil or DR Tempo deck, but have heard the skill cap is high. Should I go for it, and just stick with it, or go with something easier to play?

My real goal is rank 5 for the gold epic, but I'd probably settle for single digits this month.


I kind of want to experiment with Rogue this month, especially with Pillager coming this week.

I'm not a very good player. I've only played Priest up to about 100 wins (level 40.) I can field a decent Oil or DR Tempo deck, but have heard the skill cap is high. Should I go for it, and just stick with it, or go with something easier to play?

My real goal is rank 5 for the gold epic, but I'd probably settle for single digits this month.

Rogue is in a good spot right now. It is by far my favourite class to play, and has been since the glorious days of miracle.
Yes it does requiere some skill to pilot, but if you play rogue and stick with it you will be rewarded with fun and engaging gameplay.


no way this shaman deck is the best in this meta. Should get ready Harrison and acidic though since many fools will try to use it lol
I kind of want to experiment with Rogue this month, especially with Pillager coming this week.

I'm not a very good player. I've only played Priest up to about 100 wins (level 40.) I can field a decent Oil or DR Tempo deck, but have heard the skill cap is high. Should I go for it, and just stick with it, or go with something easier to play?

My real goal is rank 5 for the gold epic, but I'd probably settle for single digits this month.

I think the biggest consideration should be: how much of a dust/gold/real money investment would you have to make to accomplish this?

The skill question is irrelevant as long as you are having fun playing it. You can learn it eventually, if you have fun enough to continue learning.


Rogue is in a good spot right now. It is by far my favourite class to play, and has been since the glorious days of miracle.
Yes it does requiere some skill to pilot, but if you play rogue and stick with it you will be rewarded with fun and engaging gameplay.

I was just trying to make Miracle work the other day with Cutpurse and Auctioneer. Seems way too slow, but I wonder if we'll see it again when Pillager comes out at the end of the week. ; )

I think the biggest consideration should be: how much of a dust/gold/real money investment would you have to make to accomplish this?

The skill question is irrelevant as long as you are having fun playing it. You can learn it eventually, if you have fun enough to continue learning.

I have two Preps (finally) and a Boom / Sylvanas (not that they're included in Oil.) The only thing I seem to be missing is Edwin and Thalnos, though it seems like they're not that mandatory.

Everything else is pretty standard.

I've always like Rogue. It's my second highest class right behind Priest. I've just never been able to get anywhere with it (except for some luck I had with Mech Rogue a while back.)


Tried egg druid, got so rekt

"he's got 3 mana, and a single wyrm on board, what's the worst can happen?" So I flooded my board with 1/1s to set up next turn power play.

Arcane explosion is apparently the worst can happen,
Druid hero power, top deck sir F, get warlock hero power,top deck power of the wild getting exact lethal....Not sure how i feel about egg druid so far, but sir F is alot of fun


The new aggro shaman deck is a real shitty deck. Mind you, it's not unfair or unbalanced, it's just shitty.

The primary reason it's shitty is that no one playing it crafted it, they all just heard about it. The wins they're gathering with it aren't their own, even though just about everyone here will disagree with that.

Craft your own decks, people.
3-0 with the new Aggro Shaman and it has been a total blow-out each time. Even got through a Warlock that had Sludge Belcher and Heal Bot, lulz.

#ezmode #onthegravytrain #rekt #noshame


The new aggro shaman deck is a real shitty deck. Mind you, it's not unfair or unbalanced, it's just shitty.

The primary reason it's shitty is that no one playing it crafted it, they all just heard about it. The wins they're gathering with it aren't their own, even though just about everyone here will disagree with that.

Craft your own decks, people.

There are a limited number of decks good enough to win over 50% of the time

The ideal is for there to be enough variety in the meta and enough card options to be able to tinker things for yourself but that's a long way off.

People don't find losing with an unoptimised deck fun, and given enough time they would make those optimisations themselves anyway


Fuck every other Paladin in arena. Every other one drafts at least a Shielded Minibot and/or Muster for Battle. And what do I get? Scarlet Purifier.


So I guess Sir Finley in midrange druid is a thing now? getting paladin or shaman hero seems pretty decent I guess.

Looks like these 3 legendary card from LoE set are going to see play in some form. That's really good and they're all brand new effects. Even with the other two being timmy cards it's still the best adventure I guess. (just legendary cards)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
how is the ladder now that shaman is #1 ?
I have two Preps (finally) and a Boom / Sylvanas (not that they're included in Oil.) The only thing I seem to be missing is Edwin and Thalnos, though it seems like they're not that mandatory.

Everything else is pretty standard.

I've always like Rogue. It's my second highest class right behind Priest. I've just never been able to get anywhere with it (except for some luck I had with Mech Rogue a while back.)

Sounds to me you are ready to start! You will know if Edwin/Thalnos are worth it once you have played the deck for a while.

If you have trouble playing the deck, watch a pro-player play it, or watch a guide. It will give you a good baseline on what the idea is.


Today is my first day on ladder since the reset (I like to sit the first weekend out) but so far out of 6 games two were shaman. It's rank 20-17 though, not really indicative of much.

Trying out egg druid since midrange druid isn't gonna get it done at this rank at this time of the season, been doing pretty well so far. Like all aggro, if you run out of gas you die, but if you draw decently and they don't have answers you're winning on turn 5.


I kind of want to experiment with Rogue this month, especially with Pillager coming this week.

I'm not a very good player. I've only played Priest up to about 100 wins (level 40.) I can field a decent Oil or DR Tempo deck, but have heard the skill cap is high. Should I go for it, and just stick with it, or go with something easier to play?

My real goal is rank 5 for the gold epic, but I'd probably settle for single digits this month.

Dr. Boom is played in some lists, like Mryagut's list. he got rank 1 on EU with it last season. It's a very good list.

Oil rogue is relatively cheap deck and you have the preps already. What's left is Edwin and Thalnos.

I'd say Edwin is optional, it's one of the best 3 drops in the whole game but you can play without it just fine. Edwin I feel is best against aggro actually, you can outrace them. Control decks generally deal with it quickly but still eats a removal and demands an immediate answer.

Thalnos on the other hand is quite important. Spellpower is huge for rogue. It makes your backstabs and FoKs go from ok cards to game winning tempo swings but it's also card cycling which is highly valuable in this deck. Loot Hoarder or Kobold are not a replacement, you have Thalnos in the deck because it's both in one. a lot of players often don't realize that, those two cards are just bad here.

So if you decided to craft a legendary for rogue, I'd get Thalnos first. It might feel bad crafting a 1/1 but you will see how good of a card it is very soon. It is used in other classes too.

It's a lot of fun to play, you will get good at it eventually. Watching streamers helps a lot. watch mryagut. It's one of the most rewarding decks in the game, it feels great winning with it. but I'm not sure if it's realistic to reach 5 with it this month if you just start playing it now. it takes some time improve with it.After 70 games or so you should be comfortable with it.


How much of the meta is determined by region?

Like, as a player in JP. I was recently given the chance to migrate my account over to the Asian servers where I imagine they pay less attention to Tempo Storm and whatnot. It seems like TS is pretty much defining the meta, as opposed to describing it, which is quite advantageous considering what line of business they're in. (I declined since I've already crafted Boom / Silvanas / Lightbomb / Prep on the US server.)

Is the meta different in say, EU or Asia? Are people pretty much playing the same decks?

Check out LBYS' decklists to get the flavor of it. His aggro mage is pretty brutal and borderline unfair when it works, but it's tricky to play and he goes super light on tech cards.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
If I removed Justicar from my mid-range paladin, is it even worth having quartermaster still? I have x2 muster.


If I removed Justicar from my mid-range paladin, is it even worth having quartermaster still? I have x2 muster.

running just one is quite standard, people play belcher instead usally, justicar lists usually lack taunts. Right now I feel taunts are quite needed, might want 1x argus over 1x keeper even.


Fought a shaman with Justicar and it worked surprisingly well against me, being able to put up multiple taunt totems is a pain to deal with.

I only won because I had Blackwing corrupters to get through em.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Rogues are dumb as fuck and if you're playing one regularly you deserve to get deranked to 25 for an eternity


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Oh and Harrison is a piece of shit card and whoever recommends it in this meta is out of his/her mind.

This is how Harrison works.

> me vs Warlock
> I draw Harrison early.

"Oh, I'll just wait for Jaraxxus."

> Jaraxxus is never played.

> me vs Warlock round 2
> He plays Jaraxxus at turn 15
> Still no Harrison draw

Like honestly, I wouldn't hesitate choking myself with a spoon if this keeps up


Harrison Jones sucks in the meta. Unless they are a Rogue, they won't really care that they get to lose durability on their weapon. Card is just too slow, honestly better off using Ooze if you really need that weapon removal.

And why would you not use Justicar in Midrange Paladin? Card is almost a win condition against certain decks.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
What is this card back?



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Also commonly know as ehsports.

Anyway, Finley is probably one of the coolest cards created. It's what Sideshow Spellwhatever should've been. And it's all thanks to the Discover mechanic, which is becoming a favorite. I'm really interested to see if they'll pursue an expanded upon list in the future, because the possibilities have barely been scratched. I think denoting a card by it's #-mana cost is a smarter play than just writing in Deathrattle/Battlecry/Etc.
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