There will be more discover cards for sure.
We're bound to get a legendary that reads discover a legendary minion for one...
Druid, mage, warlock and priest got a specific discover card each, others probably follow eventually. We've 2 of them so far and both are very very good. The priest and druid one will surely be even better. Egg druid for one can really benefit from that 1 mana spell and priest one is just too good.
-For one I think warrior will get weapon discovery. That would be huge. Right now there are 6 weapons right?
terrible: cursed blade
it's bad but not end of the world: ogre one
decent: king's defender, 3 mana war axe. better than nothing.
good/great: gorehowl, fiery war axe.
stupidly good: death's bite.
So right now if they printed that card it would be OP. I think warrior needs like 2 more garbage weapons added before they can print that card, even then the card will probably be auto include.
-Hunter kinda has a discover card right now in the neutral 3/3 beast one I guess. I can't see much more happening here yet.
-Rogue discover card could be, discover a 0 mana card similar to warlock. it would be really good. you might get wisp, target dummy or the murloc but it doesn't really matter. even those are usable. I'd say target dummy would be pretty good even in some cases. The good outcomes are just insane now, so maybe they wait to add more 0 mana cards.
- Shaman like hunter kinda got a discover card with Sir Finly and Jeweled Scarab.
- Paladin could get.. discover a divine shield minion...this one is probably preetty
We're bound to get a legendary that reads discover a legendary minion for one...
Druid, mage, warlock and priest got a specific discover card each, others probably follow eventually. We've 2 of them so far and both are very very good. The priest and druid one will surely be even better. Egg druid for one can really benefit from that 1 mana spell and priest one is just too good.
-For one I think warrior will get weapon discovery. That would be huge. Right now there are 6 weapons right?
terrible: cursed blade
it's bad but not end of the world: ogre one
decent: king's defender, 3 mana war axe. better than nothing.
good/great: gorehowl, fiery war axe.
stupidly good: death's bite.
So right now if they printed that card it would be OP. I think warrior needs like 2 more garbage weapons added before they can print that card, even then the card will probably be auto include.
-Hunter kinda has a discover card right now in the neutral 3/3 beast one I guess. I can't see much more happening here yet.
-Rogue discover card could be, discover a 0 mana card similar to warlock. it would be really good. you might get wisp, target dummy or the murloc but it doesn't really matter. even those are usable. I'd say target dummy would be pretty good even in some cases. The good outcomes are just insane now, so maybe they wait to add more 0 mana cards.
- Shaman like hunter kinda got a discover card with Sir Finly and Jeweled Scarab.
- Paladin could get.. discover a divine shield minion...this one is probably preetty