Priest can do fine against Handlock/Renolock by just controlling the minions. Biggest issue are the Drakes but if they play Reno they only have one.
The main issue (and it's the same against Control Warrior) is Jaraxxus. You basically have to pray that they are stupid enough to use Void Caller with Jaraxxus top deck or a Deathlord picks it out from the deck. Or you can some how put enough pressure before Turn 9 so that if they use it they will lose the game but that is very unlikely because they are board controlling you as well.
Just saw the Amaz vs Lifecoach game from today where Boom Bots hit 4 twice to face for exact lethal on turn 8. That was so disgusting that not even Amaz smiled at it... he knew that was filthy.
The main issue (and it's the same against Control Warrior) is Jaraxxus. You basically have to pray that they are stupid enough to use Void Caller with Jaraxxus top deck or a Deathlord picks it out from the deck. Or you can some how put enough pressure before Turn 9 so that if they use it they will lose the game but that is very unlikely because they are board controlling you as well.
Just saw the Amaz vs Lifecoach game from today where Boom Bots hit 4 twice to face for exact lethal on turn 8. That was so disgusting that not even Amaz smiled at it... he knew that was filthy.