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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Priest can do fine against Handlock/Renolock by just controlling the minions. Biggest issue are the Drakes but if they play Reno they only have one.

The main issue (and it's the same against Control Warrior) is Jaraxxus. You basically have to pray that they are stupid enough to use Void Caller with Jaraxxus top deck or a Deathlord picks it out from the deck. Or you can some how put enough pressure before Turn 9 so that if they use it they will lose the game but that is very unlikely because they are board controlling you as well.

Just saw the Amaz vs Lifecoach game from today where Boom Bots hit 4 twice to face for exact lethal on turn 8. That was so disgusting that not even Amaz smiled at it... he knew that was filthy.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Priest can do fine against Handlock/Renolock by just controlling the minions. Biggest issue are the Drakes but if they play Reno they only have one.

The main issue (and it's the same against Control Warrior) is Jaraxxus. You basically have to pray that they are stupid enough to use Void Caller with Jaraxxus top deck or a Deathlord picks it out from the deck. Or you can some how put enough pressure before Turn 9 so that if they use it they will lose the game but that is very unlikely because they are board controlling you as well.

Just saw the Amaz vs Lifecoach game from today where Boom Bots hit 4 twice to face for exact lethal on turn 8. That was so disgusting that not even Amaz smiled at it... he knew that was filthy.

It's especially nasty if you get the emperor proc on jaraxxus so you can hero power the same turn.

I had a priest entomb my thaddius before which was pretty funny. Even if he drew it a 10 mana 11/11 that does nothing would have been way too slow, essentially ate a future draw.
if nothing else, I feel like there's a larger number and variation of viable decks right now, even if all of them are based on really dumb cards

but I'd agree that I don't see Hearthstone continuing on the current model 2 years from now, just based on how many new cards they have to constantly release and how many interactions they'd have to account for just to make the game run, nevermind achieving any semblance of game balance.


holy shit, just faced a greedy renolock that burnt his reno. man i felt his tears through the Cosmos. He concede a few seconds later.

edit: and starseeker f*ucked me over in a mirror match vs a control warrior . I had the game in a the beg and i felt cocky and played the monkey and it gave me shit tier legendareis like two feugen, a millhouse, a thalous and darkbane.
I agree that you should have 9 decks...but make it per hero. That way when I open up a hero, say Pallidin, I have 9 different classes of the Pally archetype I can create and have their decks saved. This will allow multitudes of decks and yet keep the ui clean as a whistle.

This can't be too difficult to program and put in the game, right?


I agree that you should have 9 decks...but make it per hero. That way when I open up a hero, say Pallidin, I have 9 different classes of the Pally archetype I can create and have their decks saved. This will allow multitudes of decks and yet keep the ui clean as a whistle.

This can't be too difficult to program and put in the game, right?



That would be so good, I could have all my serious deck variations, my gimmick ones and the shitty adventure decks and not have to constantly delete and rebuild them...
I love Museum Curator. I can get good cards from it on regular basis. Chillmaw, Sneed, Sylvanas, Sludge Belcher, Toshely... think of a deathrattle legendary or taunt minion, and I most likely got it in the about 30 games I played yesterday and today. If played on turn 2, I can with decent likelyhood get something to play on turn 3 too, if that's what I want.

Museum Curator can't kill anything on its own, but it's a good play when you are not under threat of imminent death.
ive been stuck at 15-16 rank for the past week or so. shit feels bad

I've been demoted from 4 about 8 times now. And demoted from 5 about 8 times as well. Climbed back to 5... i don't know I feel about this game right now. So many aggro shamans lately and I feel the game is practically decided in the mulligan phase.


First iteration of my new Spell Druid.


Double Moonkin is too much of a liability, especially with so many Mages and cheap spells around. Geddon might be too optimistic and I'm pretty sure he's 90% out (hes' helped against some Paladins, that's why he's in there). I hate having to tech in cards, but the meta is what it is. Possible changes: getting rid of Geddon and Boom for 2 raptors, Shredders, or other value early minions. I think Sir Finley might be a great option actualy. This spell deck isn't about an OTK like the double faceless one, but adapting to your opponent, trading and then ultimately clearing/spelling his face. Changing to a heal/burn hero power might further that plan along. I used to have this deck without Grove Tender and just 2 Wild Growths, more like a ramp Druid, but in this iteration I definitely need guaranteed early presence, and while I hate giving my opponent cards/crystals it hasn't backfired that much yet.

Opinions welcome as always =)
I am impressed how horrible the Skelesaurus heroic encounter is from a design perspective.

Its bad but hilarious.

I was playing mill rogue against him, and I almost beat him except he countered my mill by summoning a 0 cost deathwing. That was hilarious.


Might as well get rid of RNG as well. Too complicated for the average HS player.
Nah RNG is exactly directed at new players.

No having to choose cards or outcomes, the game chooses them for you. Then you can blame the game rather than yourself!

Discover on the other hand is definitely too hard for most players.


The funny thing is that Paladin could have a full hospital

Dr.1 Zombie Chow (or secret keeper but doesn't had synergy with my curve
Dr.2 Shielded Minibot
Dr. 3 Muster for Battle
Dr. 4 Keeper of Uldaman
Dr. 5 Loatheb
Dr. 6 Mystery Challenger
Dr. 7
Dr. 8 Tirion Fordring
Dr. 9 Arch Rafaam
Dr. 10 Whatever it needs to win
I've been thinking, we can pretty much all agree that Paladin is a bit weak in the 5 drop spot. Yeah, Loatheb is a great card, but it's not a card that you feel great about playing in every possible situation.

To make up for this, Paladin should clearly get The Steel Sentinel:



I used my only Sacrificial Pact on my imp because I was facing a Mage. Next turn they play Jarraxus from an Unstable Portal. I wanted to cry.


I've been thinking, we can pretty much all agree that Paladin is a bit weak in the 5 drop spot. Yeah, Loatheb is a great card, but it's not a card that you feel great about playing in every possible situation.

To make up for this, Paladin should clearly get The Steel Sentinel:


As long as you have Bolvar in your opening hand, he could be Dr.5

Eloise is Mom, please.

<3 her.

Call Eloise, she's crying T_T BibleThump


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
To make up for this, Paladin should clearly get The Steel Sentinel:

By the way, I guess I'm part of the decks that everyone hates list. I did have to open up my wallet a bit ($50 for 50) but I think I got all the pieces I could ever want for my Anyfin Can Reno deck. Having that Lay On Hands meant I could get rid of a Healbot, Tirion (I cheered in joy when I opened this one) means I can get rid of Fuegen and Stallag. And now the only dupes I have are Muster, Bluegill, Warleader, and Uldaman. Now I can fend off Aggro (Deathlord, Sludge, Tirion) and I even beat down a Handlock! Double Anyfin + Reno is so... disgusting. How do you beat someone with x2 health and can do burst for 48 over 2 turns? I love it. I'd love to say I built it without any help at all but I did have a small bit of inspiration in that the net said I needed card draw.

EDIT : Don't give a fuck if it's annoying. Just beat a Control Warrior.
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