Well you can put them on different decks, so you can effectively have 9 different card backs active at a time, which is better than the way it used to be.
Oh you can? That's something at least
Well you can put them on different decks, so you can effectively have 9 different card backs active at a time, which is better than the way it used to be.
Gotta practice playing minions on curve.Golden Secret Paladin in casual. It's like...why does casual even exist?
Fixed that for you for Blizzard pricing model.14,99
Just played vs TidesOfTime but he wasn't streaming
Actually faced a Druid who played Astral Communion on ladder. Next turn, he plays Ysera.
"Happy Feast of Winterveil!"
golden monkey wars
Kibler is so damn lucky, warrior guy must be raging.
Elise is gud.
I'm still a Hearthstone n00b, but at least this thread has made it all fun anyways! Since today is my bday I'd just like to thanks Hearth GAF for an enjoyable hear!
Control Priest is so annoying to play against right now that I think I'm going to make it my next class to get to 500 wins. If you can't beat em, join em.
Anyone on EU that can let me watch a win?
Miracle rogue is so fun to play but
Are you sure he was THE TidesOfTime? Copycats are everywhere man.
Happened to me in casual. Fucking coin>innervate>astral>deathwing>Rag.
And here I was trying to play my lulz deck and he out lulz me.
First step, time travel back one year.
Even if we have full powered leeroy and auctioneer. Minions are way better and aggro way more efficient and faster. Miracle has no chance.
Jaraxxus hard counters Priest anyway but Priest actually has a win condition against Jaraxxus now in the form of Auchenai + Flash Heals other thing is faceless/arcane golem in renolocks. This is nasty. Reno made that old combo deck pretty good now. You can survive almost anything, play just like a renodeck, pull PO from peddler and eventually bam 24 damage. I lost to these today, couldn't end the game fast enough. I imagine these decks hard counter priests.
one other thing is faceless/arcane golem in renolocks. This is nasty. Reno made that old combo deck pretty good now. You can survive almost anything, play just like a renodeck, pull PO from peddler and eventually bam 24 damage. I lost to these today, couldn't end the game fast enough. I imagine these decks hard counter priests.
one other thing is faceless/arcane golem in renolocks. This is nasty. Reno made that old combo deck pretty good now. You can survive almost anything, play just like a renodeck, pull PO from peddler and eventually bam 24 damage. I lost to these today, couldn't end the game fast enough. I imagine these decks hard counter priests.
Ooh I thought it was just me that faced it. Some streamer playing it?
Ooh I thought it was just me that faced it. Some streamer playing it?
vlps has a leeroy renolock
Vlps is streaming it right now.
apdrop plays nothing but that deck :l
apdrop plays nothing but that deck :l
Ranked isn't even fun anymore. All i see are the same decks (dragon priest, control warrior, secret paladin, freeze Mage). I have most of the cards and I have 10000 dust so I can craft any deck I want it's just not fun going up against the same 4 decks (especially not these 4 over and over and over).
Thankfully I finally got enough gold last night to unlock the last explorers league wing so I can finally go back to arena.
Yeah pretty much. You just find decks from tempostorm and so on. Lots of paladins and warlocks too. Some of the decks are a PAIN to fight against too. If you are a priest you can just concede against Renolock. Freeze mage is another matchup that's boring as f.