Are those the only 3 drops you have? If not I think Silver Hand Regent is pretty solid for pally. Used to have it as a one of in my midrange list before uldaman.
I'll have to try it. I guess if it survives turn 3, I have a great turn for with a two drop and hero power. It's not like it'll change my gameplan either since all I have is 3 health minions at 3 mana.
you can always switch a 3 drop out for a shredder. Most of your 3 drops you are going to play on 3, but you don't really have a 4 drops you are just going to play outside of murkeye. BoK yes if you have a minion or Truesilver if you have board control but obviously just doing truesilver isnt the best.
I uhh, didn't think about that. I'll try that too. I've usually just tried to hold a board and push through that turn with two two drops or a buff murk eye.
Usually I try a card and think about what if I had drawn the other card and compare the results. I'll report back later. Y'know, as soon as I'm done with the honeymoon period on raptor rogue.
Anyfin is a pretty ridiculous card, though. I'm sure druid FON combos were already an issue Blizzard was looking into, judging by how they nerfed warsong and Miracle, but then they went ahead and designed a even dumber version of it. Granted, you do need to run a couple of bad cards, but the rest of the Paladin shell more than make up for it.
I guess the real question is whether or not Anyfin Paladin is better than Druid. The Anyfin basic combo does take 5 cards instead of 2 to get full value, but they don't need to sit in your hand and the average quality of Paladin class cards is much better than the Druid ones.
Bluegill is a charge minion. Good.
Warleader is a 3/3 that can be played on turn 5 with Bluegill (4/2 then). Good.
Murk eye is a 2/4 charge. Decent.
If by turn 10 one of each dies, you can do 10 damage over two places. Next time you can do 28 damage just playing the same card. If you have all the combo pieces, and both AnyFin (we're really stretching the amount of consistency here) you can do 28 one turn and anywhere up to 40 the next. The real problem is consistency. But that's fixed with card draw.
And Murlocs don't die at the end of the turn, so even if Anyfin doesn't kill the opponent on the turn it's played, you should still have a board.
AnyFin #1, burn Murlocs into enemy minions to prevent lethal. Enemy kills Murlocs. AnyFin #2, obliterate hero with 40 damage over 5 minions.