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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Control decks cannot win against Murloc OTK Paladin.

It's actually impossible unless the control deck has their own win condition or burst to kill the Paladin.

Priest can Entomb one of the key pieces.


Priest can Entomb one of the key pieces.
They still have huge damage even if you Entomb a piece. And if you play that piece again they can still get it back (so you have to not play it which means the you have a dead draw in your deck).

And I am talking about the variant that runs double Anyfin.


It's rough for warrior right now, this control priest fad just destroys patron and control warrior. it's so miserable. double lightbomb, double circle, double holynova, double entomb. it's too hard.

I'm watching sjow right now, he's been matched with 5 priests back to back, all control. he's playing patron. he can only win... by being lucky at times. they always have double lightbomb always. you gotta play some stupid raging worgen OTK deck at this rate. warrior got nothing this set. they really didn't in TGT either, yeah more armor and that's it.
It's rough for warrior right now, this control priest fad just destroys patron and control warrior. it's so miserable. double lightbomb, double circle, double holynova, double entomb. it's too hard.

I'm watching sjow right now, he's been matched with 5 priests back to back, all control. he's playing patron. he can only win... by being lucky at times. they always have double lightbomb always. you gotta play some stupid raging worgen OTK deck at this rate. warrior got nothing this set. they really didn't in TGT either, yeah more armor and that's it.

yea, I was trying dragon warrior out the other day and realized that wasnt going to get far against priest
Yeah...LoE gives Warrior absolutely nothing. The only thing that isn't trash is Fierce Monkey and it's not exactly something you'd always want in your deck anyway. The neutrals are situational subs at best - Brann, Jeweled Scarab, Elise, Finley, and Rafaam are the only ones that'll really see play. Maybe Naga Sea Witch in an extremely greedy build (though a lot of the strength of Warrior is cheap removal and the card works against that). Reno Warrior doesn't really work IMO - better off tanking up via Justicar and saving yourself with Alex if you need to. And all the other neutrals are bad or wouldn't work.


Aren't Fierce Monkey and Obsidian Destroyer supposed to be really good for arena, where Warriors are hurting the most right now?

Fierce Monkey is a god tier minion in arena, not so much in Constructed because Paladins always have that fucking Truesilver Champion ready. As they should.. they already would mulligan for it against Warrior because of Frothing Berserker.


It's rough for warrior right now, this control priest fad just destroys patron and control warrior. it's so miserable. double lightbomb, double circle, double holynova, double entomb. it's too hard.

I'm watching sjow right now, he's been matched with 5 priests back to back, all control. he's playing patron. he can only win... by being lucky at times. they always have double lightbomb always. you gotta play some stupid raging worgen OTK deck at this rate. warrior got nothing this set. they really didn't in TGT either, yeah more armor and that's it.
Aggro Warrior breh.

And yeah Warriors are in an awful spot right now in Constructed.

Shaman? Get killed by turn 6.
Priest? Get out controlled and out fatigued (thanks to Entomb).
Druid? Was always bad to begin with, get comboed. Now you gotta worry about other stickier Druid variants which CW has no chance against.
Warlock? Both variants lose to Handlock/Renolock anyway, CW loses to Zoolock too.
Paladin? Ayy LMAO!
Mage? Tempo Mage with god tier opener can wreck any Warrior. Ain't no one playing Freeze Mage anymore.
Hunter? Probably the only good match up they have left but Hunters are tier 3 level right now with more aggressive options out there... not enough Hunters to make Warriors good.
Rogue? Decent match up though Oil Rogue can really put the hurt on Patron Warrior.

The funny thing is that this new Control Priest that runs double Flash Heal can actually beat Handlock now. Basically just save your Auchenai, Harrison and Flash Heals for the Jaraxxus then draw into the combo to burst down Warlock. Having Justicar set up also helps. Seriously, you can do 5+5+4 with no board against Jaraxxus, with a Chow you can kill that's GG.

Entomb is actually the final piece of the puzzle that makes Control Priest consistent. No more getting obliterated by Twilight Drakes, Druid of the Claws, Sylvanas, Tirion, Mysterious Challenger, Highmanes etc. It also counters other stuff you may not think of normally like using it on an opponent's Deathlord in a fatigue battle. Control Priest is actually one of the few control decks that can beat other fatigue decks because of Entomb.

But you will still get whooped by Druid Combos and Shaman doing 15 damage from hand with spells. And Paladins playing on curve.


Aggro Warrior breh.

And yeah Warriors are in an awful spot right now in Constructed.

Shaman? Get killed by turn 6.
Priest? Get out controlled and out fatigued (thanks to Entomb).
Druid? Was always bad to begin with, get comboed. Now you gotta worry about other stickier Druid variants which CW has no chance against.
Warlock? Both variants lose to Handlock/Renolock anyway, CW loses to Zoolock too.
Paladin? Ayy LMAO!
Mage? Tempo Mage with god tier opener can wreck any Warrior. Ain't no one playing Freeze Mage anymore.
Hunter? Probably the only good match up they have left but Hunters are tier 3 level right now with more aggressive options out there... not enough Hunters to make Warriors good.
Rogue? Decent match up though Oil Rogue can really put the hurt on Patron Warrior.

The funny thing is that this new Control Priest that runs double Flash Heal can actually beat Handlock now. Basically just save your Auchenai, Harrison and Flash Heals for the Jaraxxus then draw into the combo to burst down Warlock. Having Justicar set up also helps. Seriously, you can do 5+5+4 with no board against Jaraxxus, with a Chow you can kill that's GG.

Entomb is actually the final piece of the puzzle that makes Control Priest consistent. No more getting obliterated by Twilight Drakes, Druid of the Claws, Sylvanas, Tirion, Mysterious Challenger, Highmanes etc. It also counters other stuff you may not think of normally like using it on an opponent's Deathlord in a fatigue battle. Control Priest is actually one of the few control decks that can beat other fatigue decks because of Entomb.

But you will still get whooped by Druid Combos and Shaman doing 15 damage from hand with spells. And Paladins playing on curve.

You gotta be kidding about Druid. Patron in particular dances all over Malfurion's stupid antlered head. It's not going to win 75% of its games like Secret, but it's still a much better deck than you give it credit for. It's still capable of surprising anyone in any matchup.


You gotta be kidding about Druid. Patron in particular dances all over Malfurion's stupid antlered head.
Was talking about CW. Yeah Grim Patron beats Druid but even that's not as bad as some may think. You can easily get over run by Aggro Druid or Midrange Druids can set up a few big minions and then combo you to death.

Druid is one of the most consistent class in the game just because they have shit like ramp and combo.

If I had to play a Warrior in this meta I would still play Grim Patron don't get me wrong. Grim Patron deck does better to counter the type of aggro people are playing these days and has better ways to close out a game faster. But then you have stuff like classic CW, Handlock/Renolock and Control Priest that take a giant dump on you.


Was talking about CW. Yeah Grim Patron beats Druid but even that's not as bad as some may think. You can easily get over run by Aggro Druid or Midrange Druids can set up a few big minions and then combo you to death.

Druid is one of the most consistent class in the game just because they have shit like ramp and combo.

If I had to play a Warrior in this meta I would still play Grim Patron don't get me wrong. Grim Patron deck does better to counter the type of aggro people are playing these days and has better ways to close out a game faster. But then you have stuff like classic CW, Handlock/Renolock and Control Priest that take a giant dump on you.

True, Priest has always been the class I hated playing against as a Warrior.. but their rise is because they are an even better counter to the Paladin decks that have been running rampant. Nobody can crush Uther's dreams quite the way Anduin does. I'll be happy to take a little of that collateral damage if it means seeing less of the cheap-shit Paladin decks running around. And I'll still beat a few of them anyway.

If Priest does end up becoming a bigger player in the meta, then that sounds like a great opportunity to try out Oil Rogue.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
And yeah Warriors are in an awful spot right now in Constructed.
I remember when I used to be afraid of Warrior. I mean, pre-TGT I never ventured past rank 15 but after that they just scared the shit out of me. Now, this just happens. I had a Rivendale out and my Belcher spat out a Sorcerer's Apprentice and Thalnos. Raptor 1 has Belcher effect, Raptor 2 has Nerubian effect. I just laughed my way through the entire thing. He ended up using Barron Geddon and that only made my board stronger. Topdecked an Argus for the win.I was only one off lethal, so anything would have done, really.

And to invite hate some kind of negativity (?), please critique my Paladin deck, GAF. It used to have two Uldaman but it was making getting a Reno off really, really difficult. It also used to have Fuegen and Stallag and actually may have been doing better when it did. But they kept getting silenced and it was annoying. My main problem is some mix of doubling down too hard on aggro but then not having board control after Reno to survive anymore than two more turns. Which works out really well if I've already drawn and played my Murlocs but too often it's,
Reno -> Murk Eye. Board dies. Anyfin -> Summons Bluegill, Warleader, Murkeye. I spent 10 Mana for 10 damage... My most recent edit ins are Acidic Swamp, Argent Protector, Imp Master. I exchanged out for Muster for Battle, Shielded Minibot, and Knife Juggler for them.
I'm not sure I see the value of anyfin in a reno deck but idk. Wild pyro + equality is a great board clear so try to include a pyro in the list somewhere. Also I'm sure there are better 3 drops than imp master


old patron ran over any kind of priest, you didn't care about aoe, they only have 30 health with no real pressure :(

For patron to be a tier 1 deck again, first it needs a board clear against mid range. then it needs win conditions against control that doesn't rely only on hopefully maybe we hit them with Grommash. It's not nearly good enough. 10-12 damage for one time, say compared with druid or mage or like almost every other midrange deck isn't all that amazing.

I really think patrons charging wasn't broken, a card that let you do that again would be so fun. Something like your patrons have charge but can't attack heroes is perfectly fine, just a board clear mechanic and if you want to attack face you have to kill it first for example.

As for control win condition I have no idea what can be done. Elise is fun right now but it's not dependable, sometimes it does work. it's clear that we won't be getting more stupid charge potential (lol I kid we just got anyfin can happen...)


Elise is so garbage.

It's only use is in a deck that wants to fatigue you through attrition. Like Fatigue Warrior. And that's only because Elise puts cards in your deck.

You actually DO NOT want to play the Golden Monkey if you draw it. Well in most cases you don't but you use it either A) you are going to lose anyway so you need to pull out a crazy Legendary to get back into the game or B) both you and your opponent are playing the fatigue game and you need to put some threats on board after the other guy has spend all of his cards.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It does have genuine merit for control mirrors to turn unplayable stuff like acolytes and shield blocks into something usable atleast. Though Elise making EVERYTHING change instead of just the minions can be brutal. Losing out on removal makes it so even if they get the monkey off you just flood as much as you can and faceroll. Like a priest using the monkey against a pally when they have an entomb in their hand and haven't seen tirion yet is gonna be pretty game losing which can actually make it a card you can't play. Meanwhile a midrange pally will just whittle you down with recruits and not play tirion. Lose/lose.


well, it's either Elise right now you just have to give up, with Elise maybe you get something stupid they can't answer, it's just hope to continue playing and not rage concede lol.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I'm not sure I see the value of anyfin in a reno deck but idk. Wild pyro + equality is a great board clear so try to include a pyro in the list somewhere. Also I'm sure there are better 3 drops than imp master
Imp Master is pretty terrible. My initial thought was that I need more 1/1 presence. But the thing is basically a 1/1 and a 1/4 and that's just wasteful =[. So I took out Acidic for Pyromancer. Which means I still need to replace Imp Master. Somewhere between Brann Bronzebeard, Argent Horserider, Harvest Golem, Mukla, Jungle Panther, MCT and Shade. It's gonna be a pita settling on one. Probably not the Panther. Just a bad Shade. Brann has good stats and a good effect but it only works twice (Dr.Boom and Healbot). Though to be fair those are both game winning effects. But he's more of a Turn 10 and Turn 8 play. Which I already have 2 of both. Golem is too slow so no. MCT is more of a tech for a thing I never run into. Mukla would play nice with Truesilver, Blessing, and Uldaman. Argent is just a good thing to have.

So it's between Mukla, Argent Horserider, Shade, and Brann. Unless someone has a reason one of those wouldn't work. Probably Mukla (that won't work the most).


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Imp Master is pretty terrible. My initial thought was that I need more 1/1 presence. But the thing is basically a 1/1 and a 1/4 and that's just wasteful =[. So I took out Acidic for Pyromancer. Which means I still need to replace Imp Master. Somewhere between Brann Bronzebeard, Argent Horserider, Harvest Golem, Mukla, Jungle Panther, MCT and Shade. It's gonna be a pita settling on one. Probably not the Panther. Just a bad Shade. Brann has good stats and a good effect but it only works twice (Dr.Boom and Healbot). Though to be fair those are both game winning effects. But he's more of a Turn 10 and Turn 8 play. Which I already have 2 of both. Golem is too slow so no. MCT is more of a tech for a thing I never run into. Mukla would play nice with Truesilver, Blessing, and Uldaman. Argent is just a good thing to have.

So it's between Mukla, Argent Horserider, Shade, and Brann. Unless someone has a reason one of those wouldn't work. Probably Mukla (that won't work the most).

Are those the only 3 drops you have? If not I think Silver Hand Regent is pretty solid for pally. Used to have it as a one of in my midrange list before uldaman.
Imp Master is pretty terrible. My initial thought was that I need more 1/1 presence. But the thing is basically a 1/1 and a 1/4 and that's just wasteful =[. So I took out Acidic for Pyromancer. Which means I still need to replace Imp Master. Somewhere between Brann Bronzebeard, Argent Horserider, Harvest Golem, Mukla, Jungle Panther, MCT and Shade. It's gonna be a pita settling on one. Probably not the Panther. Just a bad Shade. Brann has good stats and a good effect but it only works twice (Dr.Boom and Healbot). Though to be fair those are both game winning effects. But he's more of a Turn 10 and Turn 8 play. Which I already have 2 of both. Golem is too slow so no. MCT is more of a tech for a thing I never run into. Mukla would play nice with Truesilver, Blessing, and Uldaman. Argent is just a good thing to have.

So it's between Mukla, Argent Horserider, Shade, and Brann. Unless someone has a reason one of those wouldn't work. Probably Mukla (that won't work the most).

you can always switch a 3 drop out for a shredder. Most of your 3 drops you are going to play on 3, but you don't really have a 4 drops you are just going to play outside of murkeye. BoK yes if you have a minion or Truesilver if you have board control but obviously just doing truesilver isnt the best.


You know, I love playing Priest and consider myself a Priest player, but now that so many other people are playing it, I kind of want to switch to something else.

Let's see, the current underdog is ... hunter? Eek! Maybe rogue?


Play non-aggro Shaman lol.

I watched a guy play Brann / Control Shaman last night on Zeta's stream and was completely turned off of Zeta as he kept trashing the player and his deck.

Like, Zeta always talks down to people who netdeck, but then starts talking crap about this Legend player's original Shaman deck. The Shaman player was doing well for awhile, but eventually lost.

I turned the stream off and decided to take a break from Zeta for awhile. I respect him as a Priest player, but I don't really want to support that kind of negativity.

I'd TOTALLY play control shaman and I TOTALLY regret dusting my golden Charged Hammer (to craft Dr. Boom.) I just don't have Nept, Al' Alkur, Doomhammer, or even two Earth Elementals. I played Totem Shaman for awhile after TGT, but it was too slow. Not sure what that leaves for me ... death rattle Shaman? lol
I watched a guy play Brann / Control Shaman last night on Zeta's stream and was completely turned off of Zeta as he kept trashing the player and his deck.

Like, Zeta always talks down to people who netdeck, but then starts talking crap about this Legend player's original Shaman deck. The Shaman player was doing well for awhile, but eventually lost.

I turned the stream off and decided to take a break from Zeta for awhile. I respect him as a Priest player, but I don't really want to support that kind of negativity.

I'd TOTALLY play control shaman and I TOTALLY regret dusting my golden Charged Hammer (to craft Dr. Boom.) I just don't have Nept, Al' Alkur, Doomhammer, or even two Earth Elementals. I played Totem Shaman for awhile after TGT, but it was too slow. Not sure what that leaves for me ... death rattle Shaman? lol

Honestly I'm not sure there are any Shaman lists worth pursuing outside of aggro, even if you want to play the underdog.

Bloodlust is probably still the best bet right now though and I think you only really need Boom for it.
fuck the mulligans in this game. for real fuck these mulligans. Always get double of crap I dont want or get the other card of what I mulligan away. Seems to be happening more often now


tried some taunt warrior decks, yeah this just never works. I'm not sure what it needs even.

saw a cool aggro warrior deck on kibler's stream earlier playing with dragons. Some kind of taunt / charge combo seems like it could be cool, charge with champion/ Kor'kron taunt with twilight guardian to protect them.


True, Priest has always been the class I hated playing against as a Warrior.. but their rise is because they are an even better counter to the Paladin decks that have been running rampant. Nobody can crush Uther's dreams quite the way Anduin does. I'll be happy to take a little of that collateral damage if it means seeing less of the cheap-shit Paladin decks running around. And I'll still beat a few of them anyway.

If Priest does end up becoming a bigger player in the meta, then that sounds like a great opportunity to try out Oil Rogue.
About a year ago CW vs CP was legit, both had about the same amount of answers and you really had to know the matchup and think about every move. You could get destroyed by Shrink+Cabal on a Belcher, or you could bait it into a high value Brawl. As Priest I often baited a trading Grom to MC for lethal. Next level plays actually gave you the edge over answer drawing dicerolls. It was almost as good as old CW mirror which has become a clown fiesta too nowadays thanks to Justicar.


Yeah, think it's time to turn on the Light and just play around with rogue for the rest of the month.

Going to try Raptor, Cycle, and keep working on Oil. Maybe splash in some Miracle as well.

Sorry, Anduin, I liked you better when you weren't so popular.


Is there even a consistent counter deck to priest right now?

Because the priest deck is so reactionary I feel the matchup hinges only on priest having a bad draw.


Played a few more games with Dog's Control Priest deck. Elise has done absolutely nothing for me so far. Might as well play a Sen'jin or a Holy Champion at this point if all I'm going for is a 3/5 body on turn 4. Games have long been decided by the time the Monkey is drawn and the Legendaries offer little to no comeback potential without a supplementary spell/effect.
I think the biggest issue with Taunt Warrior is that Taunt minions are just that, minions with Taunt. I know that sounds really stupid but in my mind, Taunt minions just don't do enough. You normally pay for stats just so you can get Taunt on a card. Warriors will need more cards like Sparring Partner that has an effect while also being a Taunt minion itself.

So maybe if more of those pop up, that are good, we can see Taunt Warrior crop up. That or just give warriors a card that allows them to discover Tirion, Al'Akir, or Chillmaw with a dragon included.

However, HobBolster is a fun deck to play. Not sure how viable it is now though.


Is there even a consistent counter deck to priest right now?

Because the priest deck is so reactionary I feel the matchup hinges only on priest having a bad draw.

I feel like Oil, and it's massive-ass spikey damage, is pretty consistent against Priest.
I don't know about this latest version of Control Priest, but I think Handlock is probably still good so long as they keep their life total above 12 (or more if the priest is running Justicar.) Reno running Jaraxxus seems like it'd be good as well.

Reno is still pretty affluent, but I don't see much Handlock or Oil recently.
Is there even a consistent counter deck to priest right now?

Because the priest deck is so reactionary I feel the matchup hinges only on priest having a bad draw.

Burst priest down with a combo. Smash his face in with aggro faster than he can clear/heal things. Outvalue him,for example an infinite value deck like warlock Jaraxxus.

As a priest I'm having trouble with these.


Weapons promote control, don't they? Board clears promote control, don't they? I think it's fitting the 2 most defensive classes are at the top of the control food chain. Unless I'm missing some other class besides Warrior and Priest?


Burst priest down with a combo. Smash his face in with aggro faster than he can clear/heal things. Outvalue him,for example an infinite value deck like warlock Jaraxxus.

As a priest I'm having trouble with these.

I dont know what priest deck you are playing but you can be sure the ones I'm against have Deathlords and holy novas on curve.
I dont know what priest deck you are playing but you can be sure the ones I'm against have Deathlords and holy novas on curve.

Sure, but I still lose 50% of my matches vs aggro because of unlucky draws.

Okay maybe aggro isn't consistent vs priest. But the idea still stands: priest decks are slow to start and vulnerable to combos, unless specifically built to counter that style. But those priest counter decks lose control matchups when opponent outvalues us and just keeps throwing big things at us (handlock for example).

Lucky for us, there are not many pure control decks on ladder right now.


Sure, but I still lose 50% of my matches vs aggro because of unlucky draws.

Okay maybe aggro isn't consistent vs priest. But the idea still stands: priest decks are slow to start and vulnerable to combos, unless specifically built to counter that style. But those priest counter decks lose control matchups when opponent outvalues us and just keeps throwing big things at us.

Lucky for us, there are not many pure control decks in ladder right now.

There's no way its 50-50 vs aggro, more like 70-30 at least thats what my stats say.

Its so annoying to play against priest because (as I said above) its so reactionary. They don't really have a win condition, they win by stopping the opponents win condition.

You cant play minions against them, you cant (contrary to what you say) consistently beat them with aggro, and entomb has massively tipped the control matchup in their favour. I really think its becoming a problem class similar to patron.
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