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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

Doomsayer is kind of pointless when Warlock can T2 Power Overwhelming to nab both presents. I think it's too slow overall. I've seen it work only occasionally when Warlock has many guaranteed ways to clear presents.

Mage is the other good one. Anyone with lots of non-enemy instant damage will do well.

Doomsayer will still get you a present on your turn + it obviously stops them playing something else if they can't kill it.

So it is far from pointless.


Corporate Apologist
Just had to explain to a friend getting into the game what Ysera did and it struck me that if you go into your collection and look at Ysera it doesn't tell you what the Dream Cards are. That is extremely un-intuitive. Same with Rafaam, Gelbin Mekkatorque, ETC, Jaraxxus and Majordomo...

Yeah, maybe there should be an uncollectable part of your collection, that with different tabs can show you what different card groups are. Spare Parts, Dream Cards, Powerful Artifacts, Awesome Inventions, ect.
I haven't been playing for super long so I'm no expert, but I think whatever matchmaking set me up with the golden priest's golden deck at "You can't lose stars at this rank" 20 may have been a little optimistic about my chances.



Late screenshot, when 1 Dr. isn't enough.

I really hate this card, I didn't even run it in my deck :/
Museum Curator MVP. I've either gotten Sylvanas, Cairne, Skygolem or Sneeds every single time. It's insane

Couldn't you just run those cards? I know it works well in Priest, but that is more because you were not going to play anything anyway, so at least it gave you something to do.


Couldn't you just run those cards? I know it works well in Priest, but that is more because you were not going to play anything anyway, so at least it gave you something to do.

yeah you could but the mvp is the discovery ability. You choose what you need that time.
Couldn't you just run those cards? I know it works well in Priest, but that is more because you were not going to play anything anyway, so at least it gave you something to do.

The advantage is, you can pick a card that suits the deck you're facing. Aggro deck? Grab a Sludge Belcher. Control deck? Sylvanas may be nice...


Also curve. Playing Belcher into Cairne is infinitely better than having Sylvanas and Cairne in hand, even though Sylvanas is generally the better card. If you don't play these cards on curve you might not even get another chance.

Plus it's a 2-drop which we all know non-Dragon Priest lacks (Pyro and Shrinkmeister are mainly combo pieces). 1/2 is an awful statline by itelf but it's enough to trade with aggro garbage and a decent Velen's target, and midrange/control usually won't spend the resources to remove it immediately. Unlike other 2-drops it's still great when drawn in the lategame.


Oh man, opponent is down to 2 life and I'm down to 5 and I have attacked with every minion. I play Curator and get a Leper Gnome. Circle of Healing, Pyro triggers, GG


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Doomsayer does get you both gifts, since the game considers you as having killed them both. I coined one out and played a turn 2 Dr. 6 against a Paladin.

Doomsayer will still get you a present on your turn + it obviously stops them playing something else if they can't kill it.

So it is far from pointless.

What I meant is T2 Power Overwhelming beats T2 Doomsayer every time. It's just so much better than Doomsayer usually the guy who plays it only kills one present.

It's only when someone has a completely dead draw that Doomsayer lives the dream of dual presents and that's not what I consider a great card. Good, sure, but not as optimal as playing Warlock, which gives you a whole suite of removal.


Playing idiot smorc Shaman for double dailies, am like "I'll have to topdick serious burn to kill this Priest with Justicar"

Topdick Leper Gnome, attack with my garbage putting them at 2

Starts attacking face putting me at 5, am like "who the fuck still runs Holy Fire"

Doesn't heal self, plays Lightbomb, Leper Gnome lethal

Rank 5 plays

Happy feast of Winterveil


What I meant is T2 Power Overwhelming beats T2 Doomsayer every time. It's just so much better than Doomsayer usually the guy who plays it only kills one present.

It's only when someone has a completely dead draw that Doomsayer lives the dream of dual presents and that's not what I consider a great card. Good, sure, but not as optimal as playing Warlock, which gives you a whole suite of removal.

Or you can play Warlock and put in both POs and Doomsayers. You are not always going to get PO to use on T1-2 you know.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Or you can play Warlock and put in both POs and Doomsayers. You are not always going to get PO to use on T1-2 you know.

Ideally. But I was responding to this:
It doesn't really make a huge difference what deck you play. Just make sure that Doomsayer is in your opening hand and snowball your way to victory.
It absolutely does make a difference which class you play. Some are just better at on the spot removal than others, especially with the Treasure RNG (3 mana Twisting Nether heh heh heh).

I mean what is more consistent at early Treasure removal and snowballing? 2 Powers, 2 Doomsayers, 2 Soulfires, 2 Corruptions, or 2 Doomsayers, 2 Shadow Word: Pain? Holy Nova/Excavated Evil/Lightbomb vs Hellfire/Shadowflame/Twisting Nether? This shouldn't be a controversial assertion; there's definitely a class tier list for this brawl.


Ideally. But I was responding to this:

It absolutely does make a difference which class you play. Some are just better at on the spot removal than others, especially with the Treasure RNG (3 mana Twisting Nether heh heh heh).

I mean what is more consistent at early Treasure removal and snowballing? 2 Powers, 2 Doomsayers, 2 Soulfires, 2 Corruptions, or 2 Doomsayers, 2 Shadow Word: Pain? Holy Nova/Excavated Evil/Lightbomb vs Hellfire/Shadowflame/Twisting Nether? This shouldn't be a controversial assertion; there's definitely a class tier list for this brawl.
Oh, I can agree on warlock being TOP tier in this brawl , but as with everything else you can often get destroyed by rng by not drawing any of the mentioned while your non-warlock opponent does. The point being made in the quote is probably along the lines of how it isn't like the difference between midrange shaman vs midrange paladin where the pally would win 70%+ of the time. It's closer to comparing tier 1 decks to the TOP tier 2 decks imo.


the new anyfin can happen paladin deck is good, i think the "pros" understimated that card like always.

Im playing the heavy control version (2x healbot 2x lay on hands, doomsayers, pyro equality, etc...) with anyfin as finisher and having a blast, when you outheal a face shaman who rockbitter his doomhammer the feeling is nice.
The advantage is, you can pick a card that suits the deck you're facing. Aggro deck? Grab a Sludge Belcher. Control deck? Sylvanas may be nice...

That works for the beetle (always get a 3) but for curator? Not so much. You seem to pretty much always just get a slow death rattle card which is ok, but I don't think is worth the risk in a super crowded deck.

Even if you got the card you need 95% of the time, you are facing 97% aggro decks so it doesn't really work.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Im playing the heavy control version (2x healbot 2x lay on hands, doomsayers, pyro equality, etc...) with anyfin as finisher and having a blast, when you outheal a face shaman who rockbitter his doomhammer the feeling is nice.

Yeah that's the one i faced today and the one disguised toast was playing on stream yesterday. It's suprisingly effective it reminds me of patron pre nerf with the frothings, the idea is the same.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Playing idiot smorc Shaman for double dailies, am like "I'll have to topdick serious burn to kill this Priest with Justicar"

Topdick Leper Gnome, attack with my garbage putting them at 2

Starts attacking face putting me at 5, am like "who the fuck still runs Holy Fire"

Doesn't heal self, plays Lightbomb, Leper Gnome lethal

Rank 5 plays

Happy feast of Winterveil

My rank 6 into rank 5 match was a face warrior.

He used his upgraded war axe, smashed my face, then used heroic strike after to do nothing.

Well played.
That works for the beetle (always get a 3) but for curator? Not so much. You seem to pretty much always just get a slow death rattle card which is ok, but I don't think is worth the risk in a super crowded deck.

Even if you got the card you need 95% of the time, you are facing 97% aggro decks so it doesn't really work.

Maybe true, but it feels like Priest doesnhave a great 2-drop to counter aggro anyway. This is better than nothing.

In other news, I played Hunter in this Tavern Brawl in two games, facing two Warlocks, and I beat the second Warlock. Suck it Warlock scum.


I'm having a lot of fun playing Aggro Warrior, which is surprising since I don't usually enjoy pure aggro decks. I think the Sir Finley effect does a lot to change how things play out game to game. I will probably push harder for face damage if I get Steady Shot but if I get Dagger Mastery, it provides more opportunities to trade favourably and maintain an aggressive board presence, you don't get that variety with decks like Face Hunter or classic Aggrodin. Cursed Blade is also quite a nice one-of for Aggro Warrior. It's great to get in the early game even when you break the last charge with a War Axe and that two extra damage can be useful when you're pushing for lethal. Turns out that Poisoned Blade still holds the Worst Weapon spot.


had two 5 win with mage quests and a total dominance. I had not played mage in some time and I'm really sick of mech/tempo. sooo I put together a fast dragon mage, it's like a hybrid of tempo and dragons with duplicate/effigy as secrets, I still have mana wyrm, flamewaker etc. it's still a relatively fast deck compared with the dragon mage decks you see around but damn it worked really well, went 5-0 and it was lots of fun to play. face hunter rage quitting after 2x twilight guardian + duplicate and corrupters helping control secret paladin board. it's probably a bad deck I put together in 2 minutes but it's fun to dominate meta decks with a homebrew deck :b


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Maybe true, but it feels like Priest doesnhave a great 2-drop to counter aggro anyway. This is better than nothing.

Shadow Boxer can be an amazing aggro counter. I've had many games where the extra damage coming out of its effect remove many x/1s. I just wish it was a 1/4 so it didn't die to 3/2s but then again, Priest has PW:Shield and Velen's Chosen.

I hope there's another card like it a la Holy Champion / Light Warden where it gets a fatter body but that is highly unlikely.


holy shit this brawl is a stupid piece of shit

everyone is running the same fucking warlock deck
That's usually what happens when the best strategy/deck for a Brawl gets figured out.

I still think Mage is pretty strong in this because it can shutdown a game quick with Antonidas and some spell usage. With Warlock though you are playing for the long haul.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think the cleverest Mage play I saw was spamming Rhonins and then using all those Arcane Missiles with a single Flamewalker.

I thought I was doing a good job suppressing Rhonins, nope.
This brawl shows that after you win with a class, it should be locked until you win with something like two other classes.

If you are looking for a fun alternative to Warlock, I think reincarnate Shaman is the one. You can quite easily pull off the "combo" and still have mana to spare.


Faced a guy who had Reno and my King Krush survived for like 7 rounds and got off 5 face attacks. Never had that happen before. Shaman that had 0 cards of clearing.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I just sent a ticket asking them to remove (or restart, rather) my Hearthstone account in order for me to stop playing this game. Hopefully this is something they can do.

I regret every single dollar that I've spent on this (it's a lot, unfortunately) and I would actually rather inject my entire lower body with physical, harmful diseases rather than continue breaking stuff out of frustration because of this game. To give you some perspective, I've broken and spent enough shit on this game since release (2 years?) than I have every other Blizzard title - including those that I've played for 10+ years (WoW, Diablo 2).

No, I'm done. This isn't a case of me and anger issues or whatever - this is about Blizzard fucking up with the quality of their games, resulting in them losing me as a customer or fan or whatever the fuck you want to call my "obsession". I've actively tried to defend the shit that they've been releasing lately, but I've got to be real. Blizzard, as a game developer, is absolute trash and they haven't released a good game in over 10 years.

When my account has been put to restart, I'll probably ask them to do the same for Heroes of the Storm as well as SC2 and WoW. I don't see why not, as I can only sense even greater frustration in the near future with these games.


I've always used it as a timewaster. The way they have it setup you could inject over $1000 and still lose over 50% of your games


Frustration is part of the game, fairness is not what they had in mind making this game. Losing to this tempo mage pulling earth elemental from portal makes you think why you play this thing and just quit for the day at least. I still enjoy the game and new cards are a lot of fun, it's some past mistakes that really damage the game, some abysmal cards made it into the game that should have never left the design table.

I stopped putting money into this since BRM though, I just realized it's never going to be worth it. I got LoE with gold, got TGT packs with gold too and right now I'm hoarding gold too on a daily basis. I overcome the temptation of getting packs because the system is so bad it's not going to work out for you ever. I don't need the dust or the cards even, I have almost everything I want and monthly rewards covers things that I don't have. My classic packs have been so awful and full of dupes all the time that killed any interest I had in buying more packs. I think I bought medivh with amazon coins since, that's the only thing I've purchased. Let's just say that I opened 4 Nat Pagles and 2 Lorewalker Chos this year, yeah good thing I didn't pay real money for those. I've crafted every classic legendary except Al'Akir I think. My luck has been so shit, fortunately TGT was really good for me... except the cards generally sucked instead. I like the game as a time waster here and there, I play like 5-6 matches a day on average, any more than that and I can get really salty lol. I'm not going to invest in this more than I already have.


new snapshot.


well, if secret paladin is in the game for like 2 more months I'm probably going to quit too, no one has time for that garbage.
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