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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


I feel like they need to throw some more casual modes into this game.

It's like, you're either playing hyper competitive ladder, hyper competitive ladder-lite (casual), or "what craaaaazy rules will it be this week?" Brawl which is pretty hit or miss. Arena is arguable more frustrating than ladder because more is on the line and you come across the silliest of decks (facing a Druid with 7 swipes comes to mind, which actually happened).

When I think about my background in Magic the Gathering, I don't think I have ever once played "standard". It was either drafting – which isn't the same here and can't be the same because of the current class system – or something goofy like my personal cube draft with friends, or EDH/Commander. Or aside from that, casual format-less deck battles with friends, sometimes of current cards, sometimes of stuff we had lying in our card boxes. There's not really a mechanism for games like that aside from challenging people directly on your friends list.

I dunno, I guess it's its own game. I would love some kind of multiplayer mode though.


Unconfirmed Member
Some sort of draft mode could be pretty cool, but hearthstone seems pretty feature complete to me with the various modes they already have.

I think the competitiveness factor is mostly what you make of it yourself. You can just stick around level 18 with whatever crappy deck you feel like making. The matchmaking is eventually going to put you around a 50% win ratio eventually anyway no matter how good you are and how hard you try, unless you're at the absolute top or bottom of the ladder.

I could reach rank 5 and probably legend if I decided to try hard with netdecks every season, but I personally find rank 13 to 11 being about the right amount of competitiveness for me, putting together unique decks that are only sorta bad instead of complete garbage.


Some sort of draft mode could be pretty cool, but hearthstone seems pretty feature complete to me with the various modes they already have.

I've been thinking about doing a hobby site for something hearthstone related and I might write a tournament draft mode app. I'd mostly be writing it for fun to be used at my group of friend's annual hs/bgaming weekend, but maybe I could polish it enough for public use.

I don't think they could reliably do any sort of matchmaking for draft/tournament modes, but I could see them allowing players to manage their own maybe.


I don't think they could reliably do any sort of matchmaking for draft/tournament modes, but I could see them allowing players to manage their own maybe.

Legacy of the Void got an Automated Tournament mode. It might not be a priority for the Hearthstone development team right now, but it is definitely doable. Alternatively they could release the API and let us handle tournaments on sites such as your draft app.


I just sent a ticket asking them to remove (or restart, rather) my Hearthstone account in order for me to stop playing this game. Hopefully this is something they can do.

I regret every single dollar that I've spent on this (it's a lot, unfortunately) and I would actually rather inject my entire lower body with physical, harmful diseases rather than continue breaking stuff out of frustration because of this game. To give you some perspective, I've broken and spent enough shit on this game since release (2 years?) than I have every other Blizzard title - including those that I've played for 10+ years (WoW, Diablo 2).

No, I'm done. This isn't a case of me and anger issues or whatever - this is about Blizzard fucking up with the quality of their games, resulting in them losing me as a customer or fan or whatever the fuck you want to call my "obsession". I've actively tried to defend the shit that they've been releasing lately, but I've got to be real. Blizzard, as a game developer, is absolute trash and they haven't released a good game in over 10 years.

When my account has been put to restart, I'll probably ask them to do the same for Heroes of the Storm as well as SC2 and WoW. I don't see why not, as I can only sense even greater frustration in the near future with these games.

You could scramble your Battle.net password.. or throw away the authenticator if you have it. No one is forcing you to continue playing.

It's partly your anger issues for sure, but it's not only you. No game has gotten me angrier than Hearthstone - Arena especially. There are times when I can just play it and enjoy whatever happens, and then the salt just starts to flow and there's no stopping it. You can get better at drafting arena, of course (I'm so-so and Trump's tools only seem to make it worse) but you can't really do anything about ladder, because the game has been out for long enough that everyone is going to be running an optimized meta deck that some streamer has used to hit Legend. You can't beat them with better cards, and better play can only do so much when the mulligan phase does so much to determine the outcome of the game.


Forget the rubbish I spouted last week about midrange druid.
The deck is insane. Problem was me not the deck :D

Edit: Unless you meet tempo but thats okay.

Also just faced a aggro druid that ran ysera...what the heck? o.0 (slaughtered him but still)


gawd, renolock is sooo good. I'm actually playing combo renolock as I don't have Jaraxxus on EU, it's like the usual list with thaddius etc but I have one po, one arcane golem and one faceless. full on win streak 20+. faceless on its own is pretty amazing, dropped the faceless on opponents ysera and the priest had no answer for it, lolz, it's preetty good on Tirion too, other times it hits face for 24. It feels good not losing at all if you play well. This is my go to deck from now on, crafting golden Jaraxxus soon for it. a tier 1 deck that doesn't feel disgusting to play and skill actually matters? yes please.


i'm getting a lot of card back glitches when using or the opponent uses i presume the christmas back, the backs are showing the standard basic back on ios.


Kripp - How I'd Improve Hearthstone

TL; DW shamelessly stolen from Reddit:

1) More than 9 deckslots
shouldn't be a high "paywall", but if they have to, make us have to pay to have more than 9

2) Golden portraits
why are there no more alternate portraits??

3) Tavern brawl
more than one deck slot in tavern brawl, maybe? (2, 3)
tavern brawl tournaments
why do we have 4 days then 3 days of nothing?
have 2 tavern brawls (one premade one you make deck yourself)
how many times have we won in it? win counter

4) Arena
paying so much to play sucks
make it 50g, but no pack reward
arena voucher (even a reward from tavern brawl or daily quests)

5) Constructed
buff bad cards (Ice Rager still sucks, isn't how they should do it - just buff magma rager)
changing them constantly will make the meta always like it is after LoE (a ton of variety)
treasure goblins - from diablo 3 (and is being introduced in WoW) - free stuff - you queue into a treasure goblin

I like the treasure goblin idea. Any way to let new players build their collection faster is sorely needed.
Kripp's comments... uh.

1) More than 9 deckslots
shouldn't be a high "paywall", but if they have to, make us have to pay to have more than 9

Of course we have to pay to have more deck slots. It's easy Blizzard money. Yeah, I agree the paywall shouldn't be high, but the "if they have to" comment makes me think he forgets that Blizzard is here to make money, not give things away.

2) Golden portraits
why are there no more alternate portraits??

Yeah, more is always better, but I assume there aren't more because they're working on other things. Blizzard likely lacks the man-power or has other priorities for said man-power rather than a complete lack of interest in doing this.

3) Tavern brawl
more than one deck slot in tavern brawl, maybe? (2, 3)
tavern brawl tournaments
why do we have 4 days then 3 days of nothing?
have 2 tavern brawls (one premade one you make deck yourself)
how many times have we won in it? win counter

More deck slots would be great.
Tournaments would require a ton more effort (see #2 above).
There are days without Tavern Brawl because they make no money from pre-constructed Tavern Brawl whereas the other modes (Arena, Constructed) encourage spending money.
Multiple tavern brawls at once? (see #2 above); also, to encourage people to play Constructed or Arena.
Win counter? (see #2 above)

4) Arena
paying so much to play sucks
make it 50g, but no pack reward
arena voucher (even a reward from tavern brawl or daily quests)

I'm sure the price is based on what Blizzard feels makes them the most money. If this ever is raised or lowered it'll certainly be for a financial gain for Blizzard. Personally, I like the pack reward and I assume the average casual player also enjoys getting the packs. Kripp has hardcore-gamer goggles on, IMO.

5) Constructed
buff bad cards (Ice Rager still sucks, isn't how they should do it - just buff magma rager)
changing them constantly will make the meta always like it is after LoE (a ton of variety)
treasure goblins - from diablo 3 (and is being introduced in WoW) - free stuff - you queue into a treasure goblin

Nah. Keep bad cards bad for the numerous reasons everyone has always said (learning for new players, fun for players that want to try to win with bad cards, and so forth).

I feel like most of what Kripp said was 1) short-sighted, 2) entitled, 3) obvious, or 4) wrong. Sorry Kripp. I appreciate constructive ideas to improve Hearthstone, but I'm just not sure anything he said is really that impressive to me, especially for someone that plays the game as much as he does.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Has Blizzard ever really charged for a "game feature" before?

If Blizzard charges for deck slots that would be in really, really bad form.


I'm all for taking the pack reward out of arena and lowering the cost. Infinite arena players don't necessarily want to play constructed. This would also solve the "which pack to reward" problem.

I think there should be alternate portraits for each hero that can be earned past 500 wins and then bought for a pricey gold amount. Something like the mastery skins in HotS. Something to work towards past 500 wins. At minimum they should have a counter for 500+ instead of nothing.

Deck slots should be earnable with gold or bought with cash, just like adventure wings. Should be sold as extra pages in desktop version, so 9 extra slots. Mobile would be more cumbersome with lots of scrolling once you have a lot of slots. They would need to have some sort of paging for mobile.


Pretty sure Kripp said both options should be available for Arena (50g and 150g). I don't know how anyone can really disagree with that. Let Arena only players play only Arena if they want.

One of the main things that Kripp over looked was providing option for which pack you want from Arena. Being locked into a pack choice is kinda lame.

The rest of the stuff is no brainer and is stuff that is coming so it really wasn't too helpful. Like we already know deck slots and golden portraits are coming.

The buff bad cards thing really boils down to whether you want the standard buff old cards that Blizzard used to do in beta or just print better versions of old cards. They have been doing the latter for a while noa and they don't seem to be stopping. 100% every basic neutral card will have a better version of it down the line. I vastly prefer just buffing old cards rather than printing the same but better cards but oh well... not happening I guess.

Really though Blizzard needs to do more frequent but less aggressive balance changes. Having to wait 6 months for them to nerf a card is idiotic and when they get around to it they butcher the card.

Legacy formats or something akin to it has to be on the table or the game will become more and more broke over time.

Casual mode is long overdue for an overhaul. Either that or they should just rename it to Unranked because that is what it actually is.


ViviOggi - How I'd Improve Hearthstone

  • Delete Paladin


Add Warrior in there too.


So, ignoring things like Hero Power and neutral cards, what is it about RenoLock specifically that turns it into a force to be reckoned with? If the crucial part really is the Hero Power, couldn't you produce a facsimile with other classes with Sir Finely? Then, reproduce the other necessarily techy stuff like board clears, early game, big late game threats? What's the secret sauce?


So, ignoring things like Hero Power and neutral cards, what is it about RenoLock specifically that turns it into a force to be reckoned with? If the crucial part really is the Hero Power, couldn't you produce a facsimile with other classes with Sir Finely? Then, reproduce the other necessarily techy stuff like board clears, early game, big late game threats? What's the secret sauce?

I don't think any other class has as much board clear as Warlock. Demonwrath, Hellfire, Shadowflame, Twisting Nether is an amazing suite of board clear options that scales really well from early to late game


You can't ignore Warlock's hero power, it is the best one in the entire game by a huge margin.

Then I feel like more classes should be trying to emulate It(RenoLock)'s style of play -- almost one-for-one if they can. First step is using Finley and then the next is trying to match the deck as you see fit.

I don't think any other class has as much board clear as Warlock. Demonwrath, Hellfire, Shadowflame, Twisting Nether is an amazing suite of board clear options that scales really well from early to late game

Specifically, I'm thinking Priest and Shaman for their clears compared to Warlock. In fact, it was that line of thinking that got me interested in possible emulation in the first place. And even Warlock has a few stinkers that both those classes can pull off a bit better (for example: healing).


Holy shit control murlocadin, unstopable, lose 2 games to disconnection and drop yesterday to rank 8 trying to win 5 games with cancer shaman (not good SMOrc Biblethump)...grab the deck again and go back to rank 3 and 4 stars dropping only 1 game. Deck is real, I laugh at Tempostorm, tier 3 my ass.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Warlock also has a lot of redundancy in its spells. Cards like Twisting Nether or Demonfire that were considered unplayable have a home in a singleton deck as backup Hellfires and Shadowflames. And then it plays Implosion, Darkbomb and Soul Siphon for single target removal. No other class is as flexible at all mana costs 1-8.

Cat Party

Kripp - How I'd Improve Hearthstone

TL; DW shamelessly stolen from Reddit:

I like the treasure goblin idea. Any way to let new players build their collection faster is sorely needed.

Buffing old cards makes no sense. Brode is totally right about that. Hearthstone, like all CCGs, is full of shit cards, or cards with extremely limited usability. Buffing old cards guarantees high power creep, because they have to sell something. Instead, by making better versions of shit cards, you get a more sane level of power creep.

Treasure goblins is a cool idea, though. You could have them appear more often for new players to get them a boost at the beginning.
Then I feel like more classes should be trying to emulate It(RenoLock)'s style of play -- almost one-for-one if they can. First step is using Finley and then the next is trying to match the deck as you see fit.

No other class can have as reliable card draw. You can try to use Finley to get the hero power, but he's one card out of 30, it might be too late by the time you draw him. Even if you do draw him, you only have a 3/8 chance of getting Life Tap as an option. As for matching the deck, there is no replacement for Jaraxxus. He's healing, a weapon, and a ridiculous new hero power all in one.

Specifically, I'm thinking Priest and Shaman for their clears compared to Warlock. In fact, it was that line of thinking that got me interested in possible emulation in the first place. And even Warlock has a few stinkers that both those classes can pull off a bit better (for example: healing).

Shaman has the worst board clears. Lightning Storm is RNG garbage with Overload, and Elemental Destruction has a massive Overload penalty that basically requires you to have Lava Shock. Priest has some strong board clears, but I'd give the edge to Warlock. As far as healing goes, Renolock has Reno, Healbot, Jaraxxus, and sometimes ERF. ERF/Healbot + Brann is a ridiculous heal, and then they have Brewmasters to bounce healing minions for a second use.


So, ignoring things like Hero Power and neutral cards, what is it about RenoLock specifically that turns it into a force to be reckoned with? If the crucial part really is the Hero Power, couldn't you produce a facsimile with other classes with Sir Finely? Then, reproduce the other necessarily techy stuff like board clears, early game, big late game threats? What's the secret sauce?
Main issue with regular Handlock is that it is pretty frail. Utilizing the hero power (a core aspect of the deck) means accelerating the clock. That's why the deck also runs double Moltens and Healbots.... it's a deck that expects to take heavy damage. But if the health issue is solved then Renolock will really only lose to something like Freeze Mage because in late game Jaraxxus is the god.

Reno allows Handlock to have an additional comeback mechanic against aggro while also using life tap more aggressively. When you have Reno in hand against aggro you play completely different which helps you dramatically. Playin ultra safe is not always rewarding in HS which is why Reno is a great card for Handlock because it allows them to play risky.

As to why this works for Handlock and not other decks that are late game oriented... the answer is simple. Warlock has many spells that are similar to each other that you can sub from one another:

Hellfire and Demon wrath
Twisting Nether and Shadowflame
Mortal Coil and Dark Peddler
Dark Bomb and Shadow bolt and Implosion

Only weakness is having less taunt activators and one less Molten Giant in a Reno deck. Because of the large hand size you can make use of a larger variety of situations. Maybe the board has mostly 2 health minions and you can clear with Demon Wrath, not needing your Hellfire which you also have in hand... which allows you more room to play something else.

Combination of hero power synergy with Reno, the deck playstyle, Warlock's spell suite and the average handsize of this deck allows Renolock to be strong.

The spell suite will improve over time once other classes get more cards. Sir Finley isn't reliable enough to base your entire strategy around.


No other class can have as reliable card draw. You can try to use Finley to get the hero power, but he's one card out of 30, it might be too late by the time you draw him. Even if you do draw him, you only have a 3/8 chance of getting Life Tap as an option. As for matching the deck, there is no replacement for Jaraxxus. He's healing, a weapon, and a ridiculous new hero power all in one.

Shaman has the worst board clears. Lightning Storm is RNG garbage with Overload, and Elemental Destruction has a massive Overload penalty that basically requires you to have Lava Shock. Priest has some strong board clears, but I'd give the edge to Warlock. As far as healing goes, Renolock has Reno, Healbot, Jaraxxus, and sometimes ERF. ERF/Healbot + Brann is a ridiculous heal, and then they have Brewmasters to bounce healing minions for a second use.

You're right about reliability and just overall better cards like Jaraxxus, thank you for answering. My suspicions were 1) consistency, and 2) class-specific Legendaries. Again, just such a meta-defining card like Reno and the top class to exploit it, I felt like seeing a similar approach among other classes. Perhaps something unique to their own characteristics, but even then I tried looking for more RenoDecks on the TS Meta Snapshot and didn't come across any.

E: I mean, pure and simple, the ability to utilize very similar-to-each-other cards for the effect is the reason why I was considering even looking at copying the Renolock style.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Then I feel like more classes should be trying to emulate It(RenoLock)'s style of play -- almost one-for-one if they can. First step is using Finley and then the next is trying to match the deck as you see fit.

Specifically, I'm thinking Priest and Shaman for their clears compared to Warlock. In fact, it was that line of thinking that got me interested in possible emulation in the first place. And even Warlock has a few stinkers that both those classes can pull off a bit better (for example: healing).

Renolock, even aside from all the board clears/single removals, has cards like twilight drake that benefit from having a large hand, plays no draw cards(aside from coil which can cycle), and the tap allows them to more consistently get to reno, or do the molten/reno swing. This also lets warlock play more greedy with tech cards like ooze or kezan mystic while other classes may not be able to fit it in. Plus they even have Jaraxxus as a later game push to really get an edge over control classes and flip the game plan around.

Sir Finley is a one of and even if it's in your starting hand, it's not going to always give life tap as an option. He's best used in decks that have a general plan and multiple hero power fallbacks(aggro shaman likes the hunter to push, but druid is really good with weapons, life tap is great to draw more burn, etc.), where if a deck is made solely hoping for the warlock it would be constructed a lot differently and be much worse everytime it didn't get it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I truly, sincerely hope Blizzard responds to my ticket as soon as possible.



First game trying Reno Hunter and I come up against a Reno Mage... #neverlucky

But then I rekt an aggro Hunter with Reno.

I truly, sincerely hope Blizzard responds to my ticket as soon as possible.


Seems balanced Kappa

But for real. I only started playing a few months ago, should I be surprised that it is taking Blizzard so long to address Dr.7? Or that anything will be done at all? Lower bot damage or make them death rattle rather than battlecry... but at this point, I am kind of bored about talking about Dr.7, everyone knows the issues by now, I guess it's all about money.

It's easier to nerf a basic Warrior card than to nerf an OP card that gets people buying packs.


I truly, sincerely hope Blizzard responds to my ticket as soon as possible.

What ticket? Oh nm, I see your past post. Do you have lack of self control? You honestly can't just stop playing the game?

Hmm, do you think boom bots favor face over all other minions or are you just #neverlucky?
Seems balanced Kappa

But for real. I only started playing a few months ago, should I be surprised that it is taking Blizzard so long to address Dr.7? Or that anything will be done at all? Lower bot damage or make them death rattle rather than battlecry... but at this point, I am kind of bored about talking about Dr.7, everyone knows the issues by now, I guess it's all about money.

It's easier to nerf a basic Warrior card than to nerf an OP card that gets people buying packs.

At this point, I'd be shocked if they did anything to Dr. 7. He's been around for over a year now. Grim Patron Warrior came around after that and has already been nerfed into the ground. They talked about introducing new 7 drops that would be up to that power level, but nothing released at 7 mana since then is even close to the ubiquity of Dr. Boom. The only card they've released that rivals him his Mysterious Challenger, but he'll never be as common because he's a class card.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
What ticket? Oh nm, I see your past post. Do you have lack of self control? You honestly can't just stop playing the game?
I honestly can't stop. Yes, I lack the self control. This game is hurting me, physically, mentally and economically. It's also ruining friendships, family and collage. Hearthstone for me is literally the epitome of everything that is bad and evil on this planet and once again. Blizzard is the only company who can stop this right now.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I honestly can't stop. Yes, I lack the self control. This game is hurting me, physically, mentally and economically. It's also ruining friendships, family and collage.

Hearthstone for me is literally the epitome of everything that is bad and evil on this planet and once again, I am not joking when I say I'd prefer cutting of limbs of my own body rather than continuing playing this game. Blizzard is the only company who can stop this right now.

umm i'm no expert but what you are saying sounds literally insane. Think of what you are saying Yoshichan.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
umm i'm no expert but what you are saying sounds literally insane. Think of what you are saying Yoshichan.
Did I ever say that my relationship towards this 'game' was healthy and/or sane?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think maybe you should give your Blizz credentials to your SO Yoshi and explain to them the situation and make them the gatekeepers.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Oh well, rank 5. I guess I'll be happy with that this month.
People complain more about the RNG then the game having bad internal logic and Blizzard not doing anything to actively improve the game and not taking advantage of being a digital card game, which are way worse.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
These Priests are so zzzzzzzzzz to play against and my draws always go to shit against them!
Haven't played in a few days, log on to do quests and it's just a chore. Maybe I'm close to just being done with this game. Little to no enjoyment coming out of it these days.
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