There used to be a streamer who viewbotted during the first year after Hearthstone launched. I don't remember his name but he was of South Asian descent, I recall that there were posts made about him on r/hearthstone and he actually got banned by Twitch within like a month of the thread. It's irritating me that I don't remember the name, would be cool if someone can remind me. Anyway it's surprising Twitch hasn't taken action against Massan yet especially if it's true what Reckful said that Twitch employees told him that they know there are viewbots on his channel.
Not the biggest fan of this brawl but when it goes in your favor it FeelsGoodMan.
Played Fel Reaver, opponent proceeded to burn 9 of my cards in his turn. My next drawn card was a discounted Pyroblast for lethal. <3
Eh, I went like 2-3 with a deck that should have been at least 4-5 wins the other day. Got crushed by a couple of godlike 12-win decks and then eventually just lost a closer match.
Hey y'all.
Managed to get enough dust for another legendary and am looking for advice.
I have Dr. Boom, Sylvanas, Alexstraza, and Jaraxxus.
I play Priest (control) and Rogue (everything I can). If I had to choose a third class, it'd probably be Shaman.
I'm considering Justicar, Paletress, Ysera, or Bloodmage Thalnos.
Justicar is good in Priest, but I don't play Warrior or Paladin.
Paletress looks like fun and helps the Control match-up.
Both Justicar and Paletress can only be crafted since you can't get TGT packs via quests, brawls, or arena.
Ysera is a card I've wanted for a long time, but she doesn't seem worth it unless you play Dragon.
BM Thalnos seems like he'd be good for Shaman and Mil-sempai strongly recommended him for ROGUE (especially Oil.)
Of course, I'd also like A'nub, Saraad, Galywix, and Vol'jin. :/
Hey y'all.
Managed to get enough dust for another legendary and am looking for advice.
I have Dr. Boom, Sylvanas, Alexstraza, and Jaraxxus.
I play Priest (control) and Rogue (everything I can). If I had to choose a third class, it'd probably be Shaman.
I'm considering Justicar, Paletress, Ysera, or Bloodmage Thalnos.
Justicar is good in Priest, but I don't play Warrior or Paladin.
Paletress looks like fun and helps the Control match-up.
Both Justicar and Paletress can only be crafted since you can't get TGT packs via quests, brawls, or arena.
Ysera is a card I've wanted for a long time, but she doesn't seem worth it unless you play Dragon.
BM Thalnos seems like he'd be good for Shaman and Mil-sempai strongly recommended him for ROGUE (especially Oil.)
Of course, I'd also like A'nub, Saraad, Galywix, and Vol'jin. :/
Dreadsteed Renolock?
How is that a thing that exists?
Why not?
Danksteed is dank?
Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree in areeeenaaaaa
Anyone else not have a golden portrait yet?
Most I've got is like 300 some wins on Druid, and then like 250+ on a couple classes. No 500 yet though.
Anyone else not have a golden portrait yet?
Most I've got is like 300 some wins on Druid, and then like 250+ on a couple classes. No 500 yet though.
Anyone else not have a golden portrait yet?
Most I've got is like 300 some wins on Druid, and then like 250+ on a couple classes. No 500 yet though.
Anyone else not have a golden portrait yet?
Most I've got is like 300 some wins on Druid, and then like 250+ on a couple classes. No 500 yet though.
Anyone with a random tip for a newbie?
Oh my god just faced the coolest deck. Silence Druid with Wailing Soul, Ancient Watcher, Eerie Statue.
Run while you canWhat a great game!
I played the beta and never touched it again. Some buddies at work where talking about the game and that pulled me back in.
Bought the first expansion and its a lot of fun. I'm really scared all my money will be spend on these awesome cardpacks.
Anyone with a random tip for a newbie?
Anyone else not have a golden portrait yet?
Most I've got is like 300 some wins on Druid, and then like 250+ on a couple classes. No 500 yet though.
Anyone with a random tip for a newbie?
God Priest vs. Rogue is like the most one-sided matchup in the game outside of Control Warrior vs. Freeze Mage.
You just sort of sit there while they give it to you good.