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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


God Priest vs. Rogue is like the most one-sided matchup in the game outside of Control Warrior vs. Freeze Mage.

You just sort of sit there while they give it to you good.
I think the tools Priest has received with TGT and LoE at least give them a fighting chance against Rogue now. The Rogue would basically have to throw the game for the Priest to win before that.


Played against a Renolock who played Brann+Dr. Boom on Turn 10. Two Boom Bots cleared my two minions with 4 damage each and the other two hit my face for 4 damage each. Enough Hearthstone for today.


So after droping several games in a row to again, secret paladin, change to priest and face 2xFreeze mage(in a row...), patron warrior (0 lightbombs drawn), malygos rogue (FeelsBadMan) and secret paladin...but lost :(. Ok HS, you win.


You drafted the exact same deck and went 12-1?

Oops, was playing (and posting) while drunk, meant to post this deck, which went 12-1


This was 0-3


3 miniboy and 2 keeper in arena.... gg.

and went 0-3! Sometimes your enemy just has god-draws


This has to be the worst brawl there is.

Either I concede on turn 3 after they pull a 1 Mana Boom or something or they concede around the same time for me doing the same.


Anyone with a random tip for a newbie?

If you want to just win and not have to think play Secret paladin.

If you want to have fun and don't care to much about reaching legend but want to make meaningful decisions play everything else.


Alright so i've been playing off and on for awhile, finally went and bought Nax and the LoE solo adventures and played through all of em' and got all the cards.

I got a decent mix of cards from the base set along with the 2nd expansion, but not much from the newest. Can I make any decent decks or do I pretty much need to invest further to be somewhat competitive?


Alright so i've been playing off and on for awhile, finally went and bought Nax and the LoH solo adventures and played through all of em' and got all the cards.

I got a decent mix of cards from the base set along with the 2nd expansion, but not much from the newest. Can I make any decent decks or do I pretty much need to invest further to be somewhat competitive?

The Grand Tournament didn't add that many cards that see competitive play.


Patron was a combo deck. Neo-Patron is just another midrange list.

Pile on! Pile on! Pile on! Pile on! It's my favorite deck to play right now, and I never run into a mirror. If I see another Warrior I know it's going to be control (and I'm going to get wrecked).


new patron is just too bad against every control deck in meta right now, when patron warrior gets something resembling a win condition against control then it can be tier 1 again. It's yolo hope for the best maybe steal a win with Gromm right now which rarely works. Control warrior, handlock/renolock, dragon priest even not just control priest, all roll over patron.

Oil rogue doesn't have these problems, if anyone is interested in playing a combo deck, miracle or oil rogue are the only options imo with miracle being way worse but more fun. Patron is good in a druid or aggro heavy meta. It is not all that great against secret paladin, it's like 50-50 at best, if you don't draw execute or patron in time you just die. Playing patron now helps you against druids and it's not a bad deck against paladin in general. I feel these faster control warrior decks that are coming out recently seem like can be a better choice to play on ladder for warrior class. Patron warrior doesn't have a comeback mechanic and that makes it very fragile overall in every match up.
Just beat the Golden Monkey in a Priest mirror. Guy even got it out with like 14 cards left. He pulled a Vol'jin, which was kinda bad, then next turn he played a Varian which pulled Mal'Ganis, Grom, and Gazlowe. Blessed Lightbomb tho. Had enough after that to deal with all his threats and he was low to begin with. Was a good game.
I'm curious who you favor in Priest vs Rogue? I think the match-up is very dependent on what type of rogue you are. I tend to do pretty well against priest with oil rogue and mech rogue, but not so great with raptor rogue.

Rogue crushes Priest. If you win, they did it wrong. Mostly talking about Oil/Miracle. Raptor Rogue is a myth.


Paladin Murloc and Aggro Druid are the main suspects of the problem and need to be hunted down and Pyroblasted.

Happy Feast of Winterveil!
I've yet to try the Anyfin can happen deck. Seen it maybe once on ladder. Not sure if I really need that second Lay on Hands though. Would rather save the dust.


Pretty much what i've read up. Also heard that the 1st wing of the 2nd expansion is pretty useful, saving up gold right now for it.

It has Emperor (practically a must for combo decks), Quickshot (same for hunter decks) and Patrons (must for... patron decks) oh and gang up, if you want to play mill rogue (please don't)

The 2nd wing has a great card for warlocks and 4th for (tempo) mages. Rest aren't that important unless you want to make a dragon deck.


new patron is just too bad against every control deck in meta right now, when patron warrior gets something resembling a win condition against control then it can be tier 1 again. It's yolo hope for the best maybe steal a win with Gromm right now which rarely works. Control warrior, handlock/renolock, dragon priest even not just control priest, all roll over patron.

Oil rogue doesn't have these problems, if anyone is interested in playing a combo deck, miracle or oil rogue are the only options imo with miracle being way worse but more fun. Patron is good in a druid or aggro heavy meta. It is not all that great against secret paladin, it's like 50-50 at best, if you don't draw execute or patron in time you just die. Playing patron now helps you against druids and it's not a bad deck against paladin in general. I feel these faster control warrior decks that are coming out recently seem like can be a better choice to play on ladder for warrior class. Patron warrior doesn't have a comeback mechanic and that makes it very fragile overall in every match up.

I built a deck called "Fury Tank" after Naxx came out. It was a lot of fun to play back then. I think it could be ready for an update and a comeback. I also made an early version of wallet warrior in beta, so I have a bit of a track record. :) Obviously the problem will be crafting a win condition. Adding a little removal to a so-so deck still makes it so-so.



LOL, I somehow stopped a Freeze Mage with Dalaran Aspirant and both of us using Spellslinger which his gave me Burgle into Goblin Blastmage and mine giving me Blessed Champion which I used it on Dr. Boom after he Frost Nova it. Killed him with the perfect lethal from 27 HP from Boom's 14, Dalaran 3, Slinger 3, one Boom Bot to the face, a ping, and reduced cost Frostbolt for 5 damage because of Dalaran's Inspire effect from using Hero Power twice before.

Granted, this was Rank 20 and not really much of anything, but I expected his Freeze Mage to just stop me in my tracks.


I've yet to try the Anyfin can happen deck. Seen it maybe once on ladder. Not sure if I really need that second Lay on Hands though. Would rather save the dust.

The cool thing about the Anyfin deck is that there are very few core cards in it. The only thing it 100% needs are 2 Bluegills, 2 Warleaders, 1 Murkeye, and 2 Anyfins. You can put any other good midrange/control Paladin cards into the deck, there's nothing else core. So you can go the route of having less/more draws, more minions, more draws, whatever.


Ugh, opened 50 packs, only 1 legendary (Hogger)...

Alternatively, last week I unpacked Malygos, Thalnos (duplicate) and Captain Greenskin in 15 packs, including a pack that had the Thalnos, molten giant and another epic, think it might have been Lay on Hands.
Raptor rogue is as mediocre as I predicted it would be. I only ever thought control rogue would eve have a chance for unearthed raptor and that isn't that great either. Things will obviously change if they add more deathrattle minions that work better for rogue, or even some different removal options. The deck has potential but right now I don't think it is very high at all. Maybe after next set.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Raptor rogue is as mediocre as I predicted it would be. I only ever thought control rogue would eve have a chance for unearthed raptor and that isn't that great either. Things will obviously change if they add more deathrattle minions that work better for rogue, or even some different removal options. The deck has potential but right now I don't think it is very high at all. Maybe after next set.
Should Blizzard chase after deathrattle rogue or pirate rogue?


How does anima golem work? Enemy Mage got one from unstable portal and played a shredder with it, I killed the shredder then threw down a geddon and killed the unit that came from the shredder but the golem didn't die and hit me for 9 and killed me :/
How does anima golem work? Enemy Mage got one from unstable portal and played a shredder with it, I killed the shredder then threw down a geddon and killed the unit that came from the shredder but the golem didn't die and hit me for 9 and killed me :/

It must check for other minions before Geddon's effect goes off. Weird order of operations stuff I'd guess.


How does anima golem work? Enemy Mage got one from unstable portal and played a shredder with it, I killed the shredder then threw down a geddon and killed the unit that came from the shredder but the golem didn't die and hit me for 9 and killed me :/

First in, first out. When your turn ends, end-of-turn effects trigger in the order the minions were played. In this case Anima Golem was played first, so it checks to see if he has any other minions in play. He does, so nothing happens. Baron Geddon was played second, so Geddon then deals his two damage to everything. When Geddon kills the other minion, it does not cause Anima Golem's effect to re-trigger; that effect has already been dealt with for the turn.


It must check for other minions before Geddon's effect goes off. Weird order of operations stuff I'd guess.

First in, first out. When your turn ends, end-of-turn effects trigger in the order the minions were played. In this case Anima Golem was played first, so it checks to see if he has any other minions in play. He does, so nothing happens. Baron Geddon was played second, so Geddon then deals his two damage to everything. When Geddon kills the other minion, it does not cause Anima Golem's effect to re-trigger; that effect has already been dealt with for the turn.

Yeah thanks, I figured as much after I cleared my head a little. I was confused because I read the card text literally like 10 times. EACH turn, Minion on YOUR side lol

Live and learn I guess, cheers.


I have been getting terrible drafts and luck in arena so I started a new account to test something out. Averaging 7 wins on my new account so I go back to my old one and get shit drafts and curb stomped because of poor draws and top decks like usual.

I think Blizz hates me.
I have been getting terrible drafts and luck in arena so I started a new account to test something out. Averaging 7 wins on my new account so I go back to my old one and get shit drafts and curb stomped because of poor draws and top decks like usual.

I think Blizz hates me.

I legit average 3-4 wins on my main account the last 2 months, and like 9 on my f2p. I have a 10-0 going right now on my f2p account. WTF MAN!

Never done 12-0 though... let see if I can.
Ugh no, anything but a deck completely reliant on sticky minions. Raptor is a stupid card anyway, thank God they gave it to the class who has the least use for it
I guess whining here did something because I am at 9 wins so far in my current run.

Hahaha speaking of which i finish that 10-0 at 12-2. Didn't get the 12-0 but got the 12 and then opened up the legendary pirate. Logged on to my main try a run.... only got to 7 but got True heart.

Wow.... wow what luck today.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Unearthed Raptor is a card that can just get really, really stupid in the future.

If Rogue can actually get some powerful on-curve drops in the early slots (like minibot or muster for battle tier) that card will just get better and better.

If there's any solace here it is that the combo mechanic is built in such a way that just dropping minions on curve will never be a focus for rogue. 1-drop, 2-drop, 3-drop, 4-drop just isn't how Rogue lives its life and it never will be until their kit is completely redesigned.


Why is everyone running FaceHunter all of a sudden? Hadn't come across many for a few weeks then bam, 5 out of the last 6 decks I face are facehunter.

Edit: 6 out of 7 now...


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
How about...

Sneaky Minipirate
Deathrattle: Give your weapon +2/+0
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