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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


My first 12-0 in arena, woot! Did it as a mage, of course.

Edit: only spells I had were singles of effigy, fireball, and polymorph. no legendaries or epic cards either.
I guess you could say that this is one way to "nerf" Life Tap.
I guess the question now is if that's good for the game. I know people hate Secret Paladin, and it is annoying to play against, but what if there's a chance all classes are put on the same level?(I personally find that impossible to ever happen though) Maybe at that point Warlocks will just peak out again since they can get through their deck faster. Just have to wait another ~3-4 months or so to find out what's next.


I guess the question now is if that's good for the game. I know people hate Secret Paladin, and it is annoying to play against, but what if there's a chance all classes are put on the same level?(I personally find that impossible to ever happen though) Maybe at that point Warlocks will just peak out again since they can get through their deck faster. Just have to wait another ~3-4 months or so to find out what's next.
With the way the game is going... every deck eventually will just work like Secret Paladin where they just play their Drs on every turn. We are almost there already.

Secret Paladin is dominant (ie. the best) because all the slots are filled up. For other classes they still have big holes especially early on.
My first 12-0 in arena, woot! Did it as a mage, of course.

Edit: only spells I had were singles of effigy, fireball, and polymorph. no legendaries or epic cards either.

I've got 12-7-10-8-8 the last 3 days all with Mage. Man ethereal conjurer is so bull shit in arena. That and the obvious flamewaker and doesn't hurt if you draft a flame strike as well.


I've got 12-7-10-8-8 the last 3 days all with Mage. Man ethereal conjurer is so bull shit in arena. That and the obvious flamewaker and doesn't hurt if you draft a flame strike as well.

I think the only reason why I won a lot of them was people were playing around spells while I only had good minions.
I think the only reason why I won a lot of them was people were playing around spells while I only had good minions.

That is the real fun of playing mage. If you have no great play on turn 5 or 6 you just ping some big minion and they'll stop playing cards.
Didn't know they give a pack fot playing on android device. Probably missed it when i got it on my main but logged into my f2p and i wad like woaaaah what? Lol awesome.


played 10 games, 9 were secret paladin, the other was aggro shaman. the game is hilariously screwed right now lmao. We reached the point where every moron seemingly crafted secret paladin, and boy do they get salty when they lose.


played 10 games, 9 were secret paladin, the other was aggro shaman. the game is hilariously screwed right now lmao. We reached the point where every moron seemingly crafted secret paladin, and boy do they get salty when they lose.
It's end of the month Ladder grind, LoE has long gone...

It's back to "All Hail Da King".

I keep telling people to play Secret Paladin. The more people play it, the faster it's going to get nerfed.


Interesting. I never thought of it like that before. Spam all of Constructed full of Secret Paladins until they have to kill the deck like Patron.

They should kill Uther instead, heh heh heh.


Patron at its peak was no where near as ubiquitous as Secret Paladin is on Ladder.

Most players would go on Tempostorm, copy the Grim Patron deck... then get crushed on ladder and would revert back to whatever flavor of the month aggro deck was in trend. So for those people Tempostorm wasn't all that relevant because they couldn't pilot the best decks or in some cases even construct it (if it was like Handlock or CW).

That's not the case anymore. The best deck right now is probably among the easiest decks ever made for the game so everyone from beginners to advance players could pick it up and play it (and win with it), plus it's not even that expensive to make. You know it's fucking bad when bots have a damn near 55% win rate with the deck at around rank 5-6.

On the same note the Druid Combo bull shit needs to be stopped too. So fucking tired of that shit.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
My hope is that if they do nerf Secret Paladin the nerf comes in to a card that's not Mysterious Challenger, just so people can't get their dust back.


My hope is that if they do nerf Secret Paladin the nerf comes in to a card that's not Mysterious Challenger, just so people can't get their dust back.
That's impossible.

Most I can see them changing is that they make it so that you can only have 3 Secrets max at one time. But that won't really fix the issue entirely... MC would still be insane value if it could pull out 3 Secrets.


My hope is that if they do nerf Secret Paladin the nerf comes in to a card that's not Mysterious Challenger, just so people can't get their dust back.

Without avenge the deck would be a lot worse even with current MC. That's one card they could target I guess if they want to do that, really unlikely though. It's the only secret that is really good to play on its own and it elevates noble sac to something really good too.
Join the Dark Side, play SMOrc Shaman.

Out of town so I won't be playing much if at all the last few days of the season, probably end up stuck in rank 3-4 hell. But one of my best streaks was with Shaman. Went up I think 2 ranks with it with nary a loss before falling back down some. Dunno if I had switched to other decks at the time though.

And Dragon Priest with 2x Entomb isn't bad vs. Secret Paladin unless they curve like a God, but that's sort of unavoidable loss vs. any aggro deck. I'll have to post my list later. Don't own Chillmaw which may be good, not sure TBH - there's like at least 4-5 other cards that would be nice to fit in but can't.

Otherwise Renolock is good, though I'm not sure if the Stalagg/Feugen variant that dog was playing tonight is better than a version with Jaraxxus (and Mal'Ganis if you have him). It's really about what kinds of win conditions you want.

Though I think I did most of my climb this season with Druid - aggro and mid-range. And there's still something to be said about the power of mid-range Paladin.


Otherwise Renolock is good, though I'm not sure if the Stalagg/Feugen variant that dog was playing tonight is better than a version with Jaraxxus (and Mal'Ganis if you have him). It's really about what kinds of win conditions you want.

He was playing Combolock if I'm not mistaken. Runs Leeroy, PO and Faceless.
Join the Dark Side, play SMOrc Shaman.

Out of town so I won't be playing much if at all the last few days of the season, probably end up stuck in rank 3-4 hell. But one of my best streaks was with Shaman. Went up I think 2 ranks with it with nary a loss before falling back down some. Dunno if I had switched to other decks at the time though.

And Dragon Priest with 2x Entomb isn't bad vs. Secret Paladin unless they curve like a God, but that's sort of unavoidable loss vs. any aggro deck. I'll have to post my list later. Don't own Chillmaw which may be good, not sure TBH - there's like at least 4-5 other cards that would be nice to fit in but can't.

Otherwise Renolock is good, though I'm not sure if the Stalagg/Feugen variant that dog was playing tonight is better than a version with Jaraxxus (and Mal'Ganis if you have him). It's really about what kinds of win conditions you want.

Though I think I did most of my climb this season with Druid - aggro and mid-range. And there's still something to be said about the power of mid-range Paladin.

chillmaw is a hit or miss card in dragon priest. On one hand it's a dragon and taunt but on the other hand the deathrattle fucks your board and silence makes it pretty useless. It's not an auto include for me, but it can be alright


chillmaw is a hit or miss card in dragon priest. On one hand it's a dragon and taunt but on the other hand the deathrattle fucks your board and silence makes it pretty useless. It's not an auto include for me, but it can be alright

Chillmaw is a great catch-up card. You use it when you're behind or have little board presence. It's also great for completely shutting out aggro, especially when you get a second from Museum Curator.


after weeks of 40 dust per pack (like not even 2 rares...seriously) I opened a GOLDEN... gladiator's longbow... I guess I can pretend I opened another Nat Pagle. With end of season chest I can get Jaraxxus now, I'm happy for a proper Renolock deck I guess.


Is 2 cabals too much when I dont play shrinkmeister? http://imgur.com/L6Fvzkp
Sometimes I feel having a bigger heal would help especially with really fast aggro decks. When we get to the point where I can actually slow down the opponent its already too late cause thats when the spell spam / hammer rockbiter starts.


Is 2 cabals too much when I dont play shrinkmeister? http://imgur.com/L6Fvzkp
Sometimes I feel having a bigger heal would help especially with really fast aggro decks. When we get to the point where I can actually slow down the opponent its already too late cause thats when the spell spam / hammer rockbiter starts.
I run a second Lightbomb over a second Cabal in my Dragon Priest. I think the consistency it adds for drawing board clears is a lot more useful.
Chillmaw is a great catch-up card. You use it when you're behind or have little board presence. It's also great for completely shutting out aggro, especially when you get a second from Museum Curator.

Dragon Priest doesn't really have room for Curator unless you're greedy and cut like, Wyrmrest Agent.

Curator isn't a bad card, but it's super greedy I find, and is only really good in control matchups to generate value. Vs. Aggro you'll just get run over most of the time in my experience.

And yeah, if you're not running Shrinkmeister, 2x Cabal is probably too much. I guess that's where you could fit in Curators.

But I like Shrinkmeister combo too much to give it up in Dragon I think - I got a double Shrinkmeister combo off a few times the other day - stealing a Sylvanas into concede once.


Of course there'll be many games played when you get overrun or forced to concede on turn 2 by design.

I don't even mind most random brawls, the non-manastorm version of the current one for example is totally fine. There you get to play a new shitty arena draft each game which has its charms. But this shit? It's a parody of 2015 constructed
Didn't Blizz say this Brawl was the most played one? I thought I remember them announcing that during BlizzCon.

EDIT: Yup. https://www.pixeldynamo.com/news/ga...onium-hearthstones-popular-tavern-brawl-date/

I wish we knew if it was most time spent playing or most games played. Most games played is a no-brainer because people constantly win or concede in the first three turns if they get some insane minion slammed down early. If it is most time spent playing, well, I guess I'm not too surprised because I really like it because it's so easy and thoughtless. I get so many quests done in this Brawl that it basically consumes all time I'd otherwise have spent trying to grind out some quest.

Summary: I like Randomonium.


Just got back from a two week vacation and ran right into a Murloc Paladin that bursted me from 30 to 0. Please tell me ladder is not infested with the these.


Just got back from a two week vacation and ran right into a Murloc Paladin that bursted me from 30 to 0. Please tell me ladder is not infested with the these.

Well sure that can happen but its not like paladins the only class capable of OTK. And dont worry, Ive met way more secret paladins than murlocadins so you should be just fine.


Didn't Blizz say this Brawl was the most played one? I thought I remember them announcing that during BlizzCon.

EDIT: Yup. https://www.pixeldynamo.com/news/ga...onium-hearthstones-popular-tavern-brawl-date/
These stats are fucking meaningless.

Randomonium is probably one of my most played Brawls but it has nothing to do with it being good, it's that the games are decided extremely quick and I can get easy quests. Other people feel the same way.

Just like I don't think some random deck I play online is the best to play because of the quest system. Like if I am playing CW on Ladder it's not because I think it will get me easy wins but because I have a 5 Warrior win quest that day.

And then Blizzard looks at stats like these and says "clearly Secret Paladin is fine, people are playing all sorts of other decks at the moment! The meta is healthy!"


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
And then Blizzard looks at stats like these and says "clearly Secret Paladin is fine, people are playing all sorts of other decks at the moment! The meta is healthy!"

Blizzard has much more sophisticated stats than W/L and what classes people are playing. They can see how often a Secret Paladin will win once Mysterious Challenger drops.


Blizzard has much more sophisticated stats than W/L and what classes people are playing. They can see how often a Secret Paladin will win once Mysterious Challenger drops.
I know they have sophisticated stats like that but stats like that don't matter when you don't interpret them appropriately.

Sometimes you have to actually *gasp* play the game in the wild and make an educated call, sometimes even ignoring stats. Blizzard was always defending Grim Patron because their stats showed them otherwise, they had to make a call against the stats to nerf the deck.

Another example is how they look at stats and say "well most players don't have full deck slots so I guess they don't actually need more deck slots" and "well our data indicates that 1st player wins more than 2nd player". The stats don't tell you that:

1) People have deck slot opens so they can actually make a new fucking deck if they need to and not have to delete old decks to do so. I personally only have 8 deck slots used up and that's because I need to make a deck on the fly sometimes. If I had 20 decks then I would've filled up 18-19 decks slots instead. Of course you can't see this stuff on stats, you have to make an educated call on it.

2) The reason why 1st player will win more than 2nd player even if theoretically it's even is because the coin is an extra resource that players have to use and thus any additional option that is given to the player means there's a higher chance to misplay it. It's like how that Android Cub in Arena plays better in the hands of a better player than a weak player because they know when to use either forms. Many players even mid tier players actually make big misplays using the coins or make sub optimal plays (hell I know I do still) so it's very hard to say that 1st player has the advantage over the 2nd player. Maybe they do but you can't just look at stats when the stats are muddled up by players misplaying the coin.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't disbelieve how much stats they have but they're so cautious and heavyhanded with some of their balance decisions I don't know how much it matters.


when i got to rank 8 i thought i would weasel my way to rank 5 as secret paladin but then i got kicked back to 9 by a control warrior and renolock. Rank 5 isn't happening. Probably got my best start against a mirror secret pally, i got off two secret keepers, they played minibot, i played a secret noble sacrifice, then they played a secret their next turn :O
Log on to do quests, get the 5 tavern brawl wins one.

First person drops Clockwork Giant and Dancing Swords on turn 1, I concede.

Second person drops Flame Leviathan on turn 1, Rhonin on turn 2, Flamestrike on turn 3. I concede.

Sure is going to be a fun quest to complete.


Log on to do quests, get the 5 tavern brawl wins one.

First person drops Clockwork Giant and Dancing Swords on turn 1, I concede.

Second person drops Flame Leviathan on turn 1, Rhonin on turn 2, Flamestrike on turn 3. I concede.

Sure is going to be a fun quest to complete.
Turn on a stream/podcast and go brainafk or just reroll that shit


At rank 7. Only decks I see are secret paladin, Mage and dragon priest. Trying to get to rank 5 before the end of the month for the golden epic, but it's just not fun any more. I actually enjoy tavern brawl more than ranked now.
any tips w/ malylock versus control priest. Tempo says it's favored but idk how you are supposed to deal with deathlords. Do you mulligan for early game or for twilight drakes?
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