The meta seems pretty balanced right now. There many decks that one can choose and be competitive.
That depends on what you define as meta.
If you consider meta to be what classes get used then yeah it's pretty decent. Every class has at least a tier 2 deck at the moment. No class is shit. Probably the best the game has ever been.
If you consider meta to be what type of decks get used then it's in a pretty bad shape. It's dominated by tempo/aggro at the moment. With the way HS works, the lone between tempo and aggro is very blurred. It's all about playing curve and maximizing mana usage every turn with effecient minions.
Paladin: Secret Paladin, Aggro Paladin, Midrange Paladin aka all based around aggro and Tempo. Murloc Paladin plays for tempo/aggro as much as it can the draws into combo like Combo Druid.
Druid: Aggro and Combo Druid. All based around aggro and Tempo with a combo finish.
Mage: Freeze and Tempo. Freeze Mage has been side lined for quite some time now, game is too aggressive to hold them off especially when everyone is running Loatheb.
Warrior: CW and Patron. CW is bottom of tier 2 and gets crushed by the effecient aggro/tempo decks people are running. Patron is a tempo deck and is OK but not too godly as it gets wrecked by control decks unlike other top tempo/aggro decks.
Hunter: Can only play tempo/aggro.
Shaman: Can only play tempo/aggro.
Priest: Control and Dragon. Dragon is basically a tempo deck where you play effecient minions on curve, it's basically Secret Paladin without a broken finisher like MC. Control Priest is good but not tier 1 good, sometimes even a full retard anti aggro Priest deck gets beat by aggro lmao.
Warlock: Renolock and Zoolock. Zoolock is basically another aggro/tempo deck but Reno is probably one of the only non aggro/tempo deck that is actually strong at the moment.
I would also argue that in terms of class variety it's dominated mainly by Paladin and then by Druid.