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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


I dropped coin fire elemental + earth elemental on turn 1.... and lost.

Just stick with it, games are incredibly fast so that is a really good quest to get.
Yeah people are way too pessimistic in this thread lol. I dropped double Tirion and some small minions on the board to get lethal if they stuck for another turn, but enemy Shaman played like a turn 4 Deathwing and I lost the game lol.


i've seen some streams of renolock but i still feel like i am just winging it most turns, ugly match against a secret paladin with a quartermaster that i won after he ran out of cards. I put in a kezan instead of my mct. I also probably should craft sylvanas instead of using Rafaam. I like Rafaam but if he gets in my hand he's a bit to slow for when i need to start putting down threats. Might switch over from my thaddius one to an arcane/faceless/overwhelming.


dat feel when facing a paladin in arena and Grand Crusader gives you a Tirion. That feel when he insta-concedes when you play Tirion is priceless.
i've seen some streams of renolock but i still feel like i am just winging it most turns, ugly match against a secret paladin with a quartermaster that i won after he ran out of cards. I put in a kezan instead of my mct. I also probably should craft sylvanas instead of using Rafaam. I like Rafaam but if he gets in my hand he's a bit to slow for when i need to start putting down threats. Might switch over from my thaddius one to an arcane/faceless/overwhelming.

Kezan for MCT is okay I guess, but I personally don't run either I'm pretty sure. Maybe I could fit an MCT if I wanted. Rafaam isn't a substitute for Sylvanas at all. You should really get her if you're playing a lot of warlock. Sylvanas + Power Overwhelming or Shadowflane are killer combos.

I prefer the combo version over Stalagg/Feugen myself, though you can fit both win conditions in if you make cuts elsewhere. dog was running with Leeroy instead of Arcane Golem, but you need an Emperor discount on at least one of your combo pieces to make it work. I have Leeroy, but was doing the Arcane Golem thing. Not sure which is better TBH.
Kezan for MCT is okay I guess, but I personally don't run either I'm pretty sure. Maybe I could fit an MCT if I wanted. Rafaam isn't a substitute for Sylvanas at all. You should really get her if you're playing a lot of warlock. Sylvanas + Power Overwhelming or Shadowflane are killer combos.

I prefer the combo version over Stalagg/Feugen myself, though you can fit both win conditions in if you make cuts elsewhere. dog was running with Leeroy instead of Arcane Golem, but you need an Emperor discount on at least one of your combo pieces to make it work. I have Leeroy, but was doing the Arcane Golem thing. Not sure which is better TBH.

I believe Dog's reasoning was that since you need a bunch of mana anyways to pull off the combo, leeroy is fine. I don't remember exactly what he said
Some dude spoiled Star Wars for me, I added him because I enjoy salt and he said, "You like secrets huh? (Playing secret pally) and then he spoiled it... I'm not even really mad, I just thought it was a pretty funny way to say it.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
People will probably disagree, but I feel like AI for card draw for mage isn't with it now unless you are running it for specific tempo.

I feel like the discover spell, discover mech, and dragon draw are all better as they aren't just a spell.


People will probably disagree, but I feel like AI for card draw for mage isn't with it now unless you are running it for specific tempo.

I feel like the discover spell, discover mech, and dragon draw are all better as they aren't just a spell.
A lot of the time you just use it with Sorc Apprentice for a discount or you use it late game to refill you ammo.


Some dude spoiled Star Wars for me, I added him because I enjoy salt and he said, "You like secrets huh? (Playing secret pally) and then he spoiled it... I'm not even really mad, I just thought it was a pretty funny way to say it.

EleGiggle Spoiling a 2 week old movie EleGiggle

Eddie Bax

After bouncing up and down Rank 8 for far too long the other day, I just hit Rank 5 for the second month in a row.

There was a reasonable amount of deck variety in the 8-5 range - Secret and Murloc Pallies; Aggro Shammies; Face and Midrange Hunters; Control Warriors; Combo Druids; Control and Dragon Priests; Freeze and Tempo Mages; and even some unique decks I hadn't really seen before, like (for want of a better term) control Rogue and some sort of weird midrange Shammie that used Anubisath Sentinel and Reincarnate to buff up the board.

Thinking about a push for legend, but I kinda feel like I've done enough grinding for now.


Yeah people are way too pessimistic in this thread lol. I dropped double Tirion and some small minions on the board to get lethal if they stuck for another turn, but enemy Shaman played like a turn 4 Deathwing and I lost the game lol.

I played a turn 3 Deathwing once and still lost. Warlock always seems to have a Siphon Soul ready.


For brawl just play druid, I have had ridiculous winrate with druid. Between all the big class drops and innervate you will do just fine. I got Aviana in a lot of games too.


For brawl just play druid, I have had ridiculous winrate with druid. Between all the big class drops and innervate you will do just fine. I got Aviana in a lot of games too.

Yeah kind of late for that considering the brawl is already over though lol. Druid was indeed the best. Lots of large minions to get discounted. I still got royally screwed a couple times still.
For brawl just play druid, I have had ridiculous winrate with druid. Between all the big class drops and innervate you will do just fine. I got Aviana in a lot of games too.

Warlock was my best and Shaman the worst. Overload destroyed me as Shaman but the hero power on Warlock was so great. I think I in total won almost 30 matches this Brawl. Probably played 50-60 games in total.


I am done with hearthstone. As long as paladin remains this strong there is literally no reason to play this game.
It requires zero brain to play any paladin deck because you have all the answers every fucking time and the oppoenent needs to play perfect while the paladin needs to be unlucky with draws. Hearthstone in its current state is a broken card game.


Facehunter should not work at all. Its everything wrong about hearthstone in one deck.

I am done with hearthstone. As long as paladin remains this strong there is literally no reason to play this game.
It requires zero brain to play any paladin deck because you have all the answers every fucking time and the oppoenent needs to play perfect while the paladin needs to be unlucky with draws. Hearthstone in its current state is a broken card game.

Wait hold on, first you say it's hunters that are wrong with Hearthstone now you are saying it's Paladins? Which is it, and what deck do they use so I can go and own the ladder with it like you say?


The meta seems pretty balanced right now. There many decks that one can choose and be competitive.
That depends on what you define as meta.

If you consider meta to be what classes get used then yeah it's pretty decent. Every class has at least a tier 2 deck at the moment. No class is shit. Probably the best the game has ever been.

If you consider meta to be what type of decks get used then it's in a pretty bad shape. It's dominated by tempo/aggro at the moment. With the way HS works, the lone between tempo and aggro is very blurred. It's all about playing curve and maximizing mana usage every turn with effecient minions.

Paladin: Secret Paladin, Aggro Paladin, Midrange Paladin aka all based around aggro and Tempo. Murloc Paladin plays for tempo/aggro as much as it can the draws into combo like Combo Druid.
Druid: Aggro and Combo Druid. All based around aggro and Tempo with a combo finish.
Mage: Freeze and Tempo. Freeze Mage has been side lined for quite some time now, game is too aggressive to hold them off especially when everyone is running Loatheb.
Warrior: CW and Patron. CW is bottom of tier 2 and gets crushed by the effecient aggro/tempo decks people are running. Patron is a tempo deck and is OK but not too godly as it gets wrecked by control decks unlike other top tempo/aggro decks.
Hunter: Can only play tempo/aggro.
Shaman: Can only play tempo/aggro.
Priest: Control and Dragon. Dragon is basically a tempo deck where you play effecient minions on curve, it's basically Secret Paladin without a broken finisher like MC. Control Priest is good but not tier 1 good, sometimes even a full retard anti aggro Priest deck gets beat by aggro lmao.
Warlock: Renolock and Zoolock. Zoolock is basically another aggro/tempo deck but Reno is probably one of the only non aggro/tempo deck that is actually strong at the moment.

I would also argue that in terms of class variety it's dominated mainly by Paladin and then by Druid.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Priest: Control and Dragon. Dragon is basically a tempo deck where you play effecient minions on curve, it's basically Secret Paladin without a broken finisher like MC. Control Priest is good but not tier 1 good, sometimes even a full retard anti aggro Priest deck gets beat by aggro lmao.

Dragon Priest is tempoy but it's not like many other tempoy decks because it's not particularly aggressive. Instead of pushing for damage it goes for board control and uses efficient taunts to slow down the aggro decks. So it isn't as effective against midrange and control decks as other tempoy decks. It's just more of an anti-aggro deck.


Anybody else just not get credit for their wins sometimes? Been happening to me more and more lately, I'll win a game and not get quest credit for winning. Kind of annoying when you're trying to burn through 3 quests.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Anybody else just not get credit for their wins sometimes? Been happening to me more and more lately, I'll win a game and not get quest credit for winning. Kind of annoying when you're trying to burn through 3 quests.

Yeah the game will hiccup sometimes. If you play another game it usually resolves it, though.


Wait hold on, first you say it's hunters that are wrong with Hearthstone now you are saying it's Paladins? Which is it, and what deck do they use so I can go and own the ladder with it like you say?

Everything is what's wrong with hearthstone. But Shamans, shamans are what's wrong.

I gave up on face hunter, was playing and stalling with secret paladin, switched to Renolock and lucked into a two wins, then switched back to a different secret paladin deck after watching a toast stream, won two more games. At rank 7 eyeing 5.


Nerub eggs + Uldaman so good in secret pally imo. Dropping down the eggs 1 turn before conc/holy nova fucks up their attempts to comeback on the board, and like with h.creepers the death rattle minion gets to be buffed by avenge as well, if avenge was played first of course. The priest I just went up against holy nova'ed a board of juggler + muster dudes and the egg, only to now face a 7/6 that can already attack immediately. Uldaman is so versatile and is an additional activator for the eggs as well.

2x noble sac
2x avenge
1x redemption
2x abusive
2x eggs
2x creeper
2x knife juggler
2x minibot
2x muster
1x coghammer
1x Aldor
1x divine favor
1x argus
1x consecration
2x Uldaman
2x kings
2x MC
1x boom
1x tirion

Thinking of maybe dropping the Aldor for loatheb.


i ran into problems with eggs in secret pally, sometimes i liked them a lot and others you start way too slow with not having anything to attack with immediately.


Dragon Priest is tempoy but it's not like many other tempoy decks because it's not particularly aggressive. Instead of pushing for damage it goes for board control and uses efficient taunts to slow down the aggro decks. So it isn't as effective against midrange and control decks as other tempoy decks. It's just more of an anti-aggro deck.
Dragon Priest is the most viable tempo deck Priest can make. Obviously it's not as tempo heavy as other decks and it's in fact the only deck in the game I would consider an actual Midrange.

But it's not Midrange by choice, it's Midrange because that's the fastest it can be. If Priest had Innervate then they would run two of those in Dragon Priest and push for tempo early if they could.

What I am saying is that every class WANTS to play the tempo game but a few of them lack tools to do so. Not everyone has 0 mana cheat curve cards or cards that pull out crap from your deck.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
But it's not Midrange by choice, it's Midrange because that's the fastest it can be. If Priest had Innervate then they would run two of those in Dragon Priest and push for tempo early if they could.

Is there any deck in the game that wouldn't run two innervates if given the option? I'm thinking and the only thing I can come up with are fatigue decks...


Oww baby, Elise warrior is pretty solid. Makes it slightly more fun to wait for the monkey than just waiting for the fatigue to kick in. I guess it added to the fun that I played against 0 paladins and shamans during the test runs. Once its back to those Im sure Im switching decks yet again.
I now rope every single player that BMs me. I realize I am now part of the problem but I will be so fucking pleased once this Winterveil shit goes away.


That feel when you play coin+cone of cold as a follow up to on curve muster, and then later play fireball on ironbeak owl to ensure board control and win because of it :D


Wait hold on, first you say it's hunters that are wrong with Hearthstone now you are saying it's Paladins? Which is it, and what deck do they use so I can go and own the ladder with it like you say?

Both are a problem. Facehunter because it seems to simple to play for a deck to win with. And paladin is a problem because it has all the best cards right now. Its just objectively much stronger then any other class.

Play secret paladin...
man keeper of uldaman is op as heck

makes shrinkmeister look like a bumbling idiot
Shrinkmeister is all about the synergy it has with Cabal and Shadow Madness. If Priests get more cards that deal with minion's attack values, he could see more use.

That being said, Keeper of Uldaman is way easier to use since the values are permanent and with how versatile it is in both defensive and offensive uses. I'd say Shrinkmeister is only defensive nine times out of ten.
Both are a problem. Facehunter because it seems to simple to play for a deck to win with. And paladin is a problem because it has all the best cards right now. Its just objectively much stronger then any other class.

Play secret paladin...

Are we really complaining about facehunter in Dec 2015? Paladin? Absolutely, there are lots of problems there.

But playing as a facehunter is really just hoping your opponent isn't running something like reno or brann + healbot or the dragon taunts or paladin.

The fact that it is cheap and easy to play with and can get you some wins is a good thing. At least it gives new players a chance.


Are we really complaining about facehunter in Dec 2015? Paladin? Absolutely, there are lots of problems there.

But playing as a facehunter is really just hoping your opponent isn't running something like reno or brann + healbot or the dragon taunts or paladin.

The fact that it is cheap and easy to play with and can get you some wins is a good thing. At least it gives new players a chance.

But wouldnt it be better if they had a cheap deck that would actually teach them how to play properly? Facehunter is aggro done wrong. You just go face and hope for the best. Thats pretty much strictly against everything a new player should learn. (Or at least I hope)

I am btw not saying its OP. Just that its a deck that rewards playing with your mind turned off. Much like secret paladin. (which is much stronger than face hunter)


why complain about facehunter when aggro shaman replaced it as a better deck

Like I said Facehunter is to me everything wrong with hearthstone atm. People turn towards these mindless decks because they are caring so much about reaching ranks faster due to how the ranking system is set up. Shaman aggro is worse yes, but it all started with Facehunter which is why I used that as the example.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Smorc decks like Face Hunter and Aggro Shaman are a necessary evil of the metagame I think They keep certain other greedy archetypes in check. As long as they get countered enough by other archetypes so that they don't become too dominant I am fine with them existing.
Smorc decks like Face Hunter and Aggro Shaman are a necessary evil of the metagame I think They keep certain other greedy archetypes in check. As long as they get countered enough by other archetypes so that they don't become too dominant I am fine with them existing.

yea pretty much how I see it. It's crazy to me that one card caused aggro shaman to jump so high up but guess it was the same w/ secret paladin.
Hunter feels kind of stagnant these days.

Even when they get good cards they just get plugged into existing decks and even then face Hunter has ceased being the premiere aggro deck and midrange Hunter seems to just be drifting along.

Hopefully one day Hunter will have the tools to make a Lock and Load deck really work because in my opinion that's the most interesting/intriguing card Hunter has ever gotten.
yea I really liked running midrange hunter on ladder, but now it seems harder to finish games out. I also don't see how JJ's malyrogue is all that great either. Just doesnt seem to have that great of a finisher compared to malylock, plus you're kind of reliant of auctioneer to get what you need


Is there any deck in the game that wouldn't run two innervates if given the option? I'm thinking and the only thing I can come up with are fatigue decks...
That's the point, tempo is so desirable that a card like that would get used by everyone. It's why Blizzard gave it to a class which purposely struggles with Tempo.
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