But wouldnt it be better if they had a cheap deck that would actually teach them how to play properly? Facehunter is aggro done wrong. You just go face and hope for the best. Thats pretty much strictly against everything a new player should learn. (Or at least I hope)
I am btw not saying its OP. Just that its a deck that rewards playing with your mind turned off. Much like secret paladin. (which is much stronger than face hunter)
Well, "But wouldn't it be better if..." is pretty much the tag line to Hearthstone at this point
But we need to work with what we have for now and I think Brawl is doing the job of teaching players how to theoretically play Hearthstone. Obviously not all weeks do this, but by and large you are playing random/unknown decks and hence have to make good trades and control the board to try to minimise it.
The "but wouldn't it be better if..." part is Blizzard making a proper casual mode, but it doesn't look like this is going to happen. Even then, the more cards that get released, the further behind new players will be trying to make a real deck. At least they'll have a few gold this way to achieve that.
To actual teach the reality of Hearthstone? Facehunter is pretty spot on. It'll teach you to always go face and never trade. The next step is to always go face but sometimes trade, aka secret paladin and that is about all you'll really need to know. In reverse, it is also important. While complaining about cards/decks online is an important Hearthstone skill to have! Getting beat by a facehunter really shouldn't happen all that often. Players will hence learn how to substitute in cards that'll beat it most times, which teaches both sides.