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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Oh how lovely. Completely forgot that if you use a Kodo on a Mad Scientist who then summons a mirror entity will also immediately copy your Kodo. Fucking nonsense.

Anyway, in order to balance this game they should probably start by nerfing the overpowered cards sooner rather than later instead of designing new cards around them. The meta will only go further and further into extremities. Also trying to solve the balance by adding more cards with even more random effects is not a great way to balance the game Blizzard.

Also completely removing sets in order to make the game more accessible to new players is an absolutely awful idea. I'd much rather see them add a few staple cards from GvG/TGT to the basic card list for example. It won't be as easy to do that with the adventure expansions without devaluing them though.
I love beating Secret Paladins. So satisfying. He played both of his MCs and had me down to 1 health. Thank you museum curator for the chillmaw.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
They shouldn't remove entire sets, nor should they just throw certain sets into the basic set.

What MTG does and what I think is a pretty good idea here is for Blizzard to essentially relegate certain cards into a legacy format (effectively banning them from the main ladder and competitive play - only for funsies or adventure modes) and then other cards can get rolled into the basic and classic sets. Plus you can make certain adventures free (especially something like Naxx) so that you can pull certain cards out of the new lineup from those adventures (mad scientist *coughcough*).

So the end result might be, free Naxx, GvG and TGT gone as purchaseable sets, Half of Naxx, GvG, and TGT cards removed from standard play, other half of GvG and TGT rolled into the classic and basic sets, maybe even throw some current classic cards into the basic set to reduce the size of the classic set, and the new expansion is only purchasable card expansion.


They shouldn't remove entire sets, nor should they just throw certain sets into the basic set.

What MTG does and what I think is a pretty good idea here is for Blizzard to essentially relegate certain cards into a legacy format (effectively banning them from the main ladder and competitive play - only for funsies or adventure modes) and then other cards can get rolled into the basic and classic sets. Plus you can make certain adventures free (especially something like Naxx) so that you can pull certain cards out of the new lineup from those adventures (mad scientist *coughcough*).

So the end result might be, free Naxx, GvG and TGT gone as purchaseable sets, Half of Naxx, GvG, and TGT cards removed from standard play, other half of GvG and TGT rolled into the classic and basic sets, maybe even throw some current classic cards into the basic set to reduce the size of the classic set, and the new expansion is only purchasable card expansion.

Speaking of MTG I've been having a go at Magic Duels recently, which seems like it's Wizards' attempt at an answer to Hearthstone (it's free-to-play Magic with single player adventures and AI skirmishes and online multiplayer ranked battles, and you can actually build your own deck out of the cards you've unlocked or bought from the store with coins). While the basic idea is sound (and they haven't made the mistake of nickel-and-diming you at every turn with microtransactions) there's a lot of stuff they could learn from Hearthstone - not gameplay-wise, even just the user interface/user experience feels really clunky coming from Hearthstone.


I wonder when we can expect some craziness in the expansions. Everything is just bland in this game, put strong minion on board and trade, bla bla bla.

When I tried MTGO and had no money , I made a shit gimmick deck that consisted of a card that didn't let me die when my hp reached 0, cards that allowed me to kill myself, and finally a card that would switch my hp with my opponent. It was shit but it gave me the impression that magic allows far crazier deckbuilding.
Expecting something exciting next expansion, please don't be another TGT. LoE seems to be going in the right direction.


Rethinking my previous post it'll be interesting to see if there's a trend established with the next expansion. TGT was an utter failure and an account of blindness re: where the game was heading, while LoE was after all a pretty big step in the right direction. It appears that somewhere during LoE's production phase Blizz had a wake-up moment and finally tried to build the groundwork for a more interesting future, but as a small adventure LoE couldn't possibly have the impact to fix Hearthstone's deep-rooted issues on its own. Again, no set can at this point, but with more cards in the vein of Reno/Elise and less bullshit bombs like MC they could at least slow down the descent into pure curve worship until they finaly get around to introducing significant changes to the overarching systems.


Whew, made it to rank 5 on the back of tempo mage just in time. Winstreaked through rank 6 too. Getting a mirror entity proc on a secret paladins tirion in the last game too. Felt so good.


TFW your opponent plays Reno Jackson and... nothing happens.



Whew, made it to rank 5 on the back of tempo mage just in time. Winstreaked through rank 6 too. Getting a mirror entity proc on a secret paladins tirion in the last game too. Felt so good.

On EU Tempo Mage seems to be a lot stronger than people think it is, I went 7-1 at rank 5 today and breezed myself to rank 4 to concluded this month's laddering.

I actually had a harder time ranking up from 7 to 5 with Secret Paladin.


On EU Tempo Mage seems to be a lot stronger than people think it is, I went 7-1 at rank 5 today and breezed myself to rank 4 to concluded this month's laddering.

I actually had a harder time ranking up from 7 to 5 with Secret Paladin.

I ranked from 8 to 5 on it. Tried zoo and midrange paladin but the meta is either cancer or super greedy control and neither felt that good. And I tend to have horrible Implosion rolls.


Made it to rank 5 and I am done with ranked for the month. Made it to 5 this month and last month, but it was just such a grind I can't see myself doing it again.

About 90% of the matches seemed to be determined before they even began simply based on whether one deck had a huge advantage over the other (ie: I'd be Renolock, they'd be face hunter). Not much fun when you know all the cards in their deck and they know all the cards in your deck.

Back to arena where every match is a complete surprise! "He already played 5 swipes, there's no way he can play another" Bam, 6th swipe.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Kinda offtopic but is anyone having issues with twitch tv?
All the streams freeze every 20 minutes or so, i have the same bandwidth as before when it worked perfectly.

Tried both PC and Mobile, same issue.

On topic: Been playin' Malyrogue, hella hard to play but so damn fun when it works.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
been playing hybrid hunter with a flare and nothing is better than to destroy paladin secrets followed by happy feast of winterveil, the deck seems ok but i haven't encountered any reno jackson yet so that's good.


Someone unstable portaled Neptulon and Onxyia and I managed to clear them taking maybe 8 damage. Still lost. Zzzz. Frakking 4 mana Neptulon and 6 mana Onxyia.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
It's nice but their curve still beats yours

yeah they have a better curve with higher quality minions, muster for battle is the best 3 mana card in the whole game costing me games all the time. But it's stil a fun deck just for the chance to flare their MC, i haven't done that yet just secrets played from hand.


Wanted to check out Tavern Brawl and grab my free pack. Couldn't click on it and said "ready in 3 hours". I was like "Oh yeah, there was some thing about that...". Why does Blizzard keep Europe like a redheaded stepchild?


tavern brawl...i played a slightly modified secret paladin with equality and consecration to help clear the board but i forgot a hero power is do 1 dmg to all and summon slimes if you kill stuff and th at's what my opponent kept getting that kept me from playing the two musters in my hand. Eventually the game evens out until my opponent plays the summon one card for each player onto the board and i get tirion, he gets BGH, then i get shredder and he gets unstable ghouls after summoning 3 whelps. That was one dangerous button.
Golden Far Sight and a brawl in my tavern brawl pack

Needed the brawl but I doubt I'll ever run dual far sight in a deck so that could be a nice amount of dust for something useful :)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Golden Far Sight and a brawl in my tavern brawl pack

Needed the brawl but I doubt I'll ever run dual far sight in a deck so that could be a nice amount of dust for something useful :)

Malygos Shaman runs Far Sight. If that's your thing.

Cat Party

To combat all these powerful combo decks, do you think they'll start introducing more disruption into the game? To me, the uninteractive OTK decks should be far more risky to play.

I have two ideas for this. First, a minion with text saying "No battlecries trigger." This card counters owl, which alone stops a lot of bullshit combos. Also counters Boom and MC. Second, why not a minion saying "No minions have charge"?
My Reincarnate Shaman ran Far Sight and it was so much my thing. The was when it hit Al'Air and a Reincarnate or an Ancestral Spirit. Then in could play Al'Air > Ancestralx2 > Reincarnate. Even better if I could keep Rivendare on the board.

Thinking about it, that probably still is my favorite deck.


It was only a matter of time until it happened, on my ipad i was going to fireball something and decided not to, i didn't bring it down far enough and hit myself in the face. I think my opponent thought i was letting him have the game...

two of my last epic pulls: Patient Assassin from a few weeks ago, Golden Patient Assassin from brawl pack. This game wants me to play patient assassin.


lol, Kibler just made trolden

First the secret paladin topdecks Boom > Rag > Tirion. No matter, Kibler is playing a hobgoblin deck, floods the board and kills the Boom. Finally, he has the paladin dead on board (like <5hp), and has a handful of minions after Boom goes through his taunt. Paladin swings face with Ashbringer, ends turn. Kibler had 4 or 5 minions left on board.

My Reincarnate Shaman ran Far Sight and it was so much my thing. The was when it hit Al'Air and a Reincarnate or an Ancestral Spirit. Then in could play Al'Air > Ancestralx2 > Reincarnate. Even better if I could keep Rivendare on the board.

Thinking about it, that probably still is my favorite deck.

Now that Emperor exists, I really can't see a reason for Far Sight to ever go into a deck. With Far Sight, you get cost reduction on one card drawn at random. In your example, Reincarnate and Ancestral Spirit (2 mana cost cards) actually wind up costing you 3 mana. Yeah, you get the benefit of prepaying for them so that you can combo them out later, but still, you had to overpay for it. With Emperor, you get a straight reduction in cost on all cards in your hand and a 5/5 with super taunt. There's no RNG involved, so you don't have to worry about drawing a card that costs less than 3 or a card that has nothing to do with your combo. And Emperor has the chance to survive getting you even more cost reduction. Far Sight was always kind of bad, now I just can't see any reason to bother with it.


Neo Member
What do you guys think about this deck? I have the burgle there just for shits and giggles. I'm also wondering whether or not I should put in a shady dealer or two.
Now that Emperor exists, I really can't see a reason for Far Sight to ever go into a deck.
Oh yeah, for sure, I completely agree. I was just being nostalgic of deck that I had right after Naxx finished releasing. I was actually thinking about how there are more tools out for that kind of deck, like Emperor, but it would never work in the Meta we have now and probably the one Blizzard is trying to get to. I forgot who mentioned it, but it does feel like Blizzard wants every class to play like Secret Paladin, where you just play the best minions you can for the best value. In that case, 9.9 times out of 10, Far Sight just doesn't do enough as a spell(The fringe case being that you use it to draw a spell you need to board clear or for lethal). This is also enforced by cards like Brann and Reno, where really cool/useful effects are being shifted onto minions instead of spells.

This is also doubly apparent because when I ran the deck, I didn't have any minions that cost less than 4 mana, I only had spells like Earth Shock, Hex, and Lighting Storm. You can't be that greedy even against a control decks today because they have their own early game that can spiral out of control.


Fucking Imp-losion. This freaking Warlock rolled 4 damage twice in the same game. And the second time his Knife Juggler sniped so well, he could clear my board. Otherwise I would have had lethal. But I lost instead.


Given this is Blizzard and they still want to sell you the old content I'm going to go out on a limb and say the formats will actually be incredibly straightforward things like "No Deathrattles" and "No Legendaries".

They're assuredly going to be super concerned about beginners and returning players not understanding more complicated setups and especially the latter not getting why their favorite cards won't work anymore.

I also expect the primary mode to be the one with all the cards still. They wouldn't put on cards like Reno Jackson that reward you for having a huge collection right before adding formats if it wasn't.


Given this is Blizzard and they still want to sell you the old content I'm going to go out on a limb and say the formats will actually be incredibly straightforward things like "No Deathrattles" and "No Legendaries".

They're assuredly going to be super concerned about beginners and returning players not understanding more complicated setups and especially the latter not getting why their favorite cards won't work anymore.

I also expect the primary mode to be the one with all the cards still. They wouldn't put on cards like Reno Jackson that reward you for having a huge collection right before adding formats if it wasn't.
That'd be a terrible way to do formats, but yeah I fear they'll do something inconsequential like that.

"No legendaries" just call it aggro pit.


Aggro aggro aggro aggro.....and you can run the most controly fucking deck and still loose because YOU need the perfect curve and draw and they can just fucking go face.

This game needs a revamp.


I managed to get to legend! First time!

I had planned to try to get to legend this month, since it is holidays. First it was slow, I got into rank 10 fast with rogue raptor and other normal decks but I got stuck there a long time.

I like aggro decks since I do not have much time to play... so I crafted doomhammer and went full aggro shaman. It did not work...

Then I crafted 2 MCs and tried secret paladin, as I thought it was going to be fast. I got incredible success with this deck and an anyfin version and climbed to rank 5, but I could not get past it (maybe I could, but I was two days stuck there).

I did the math and thought I wasnt going to get to legend since I only had 5 days left.

Today I had a warrior quest, I tried an aggro warrior deck made by myself. Won 2 casual games straight and tried in ranked, won another one. I looked on hearthpwn and there was a similar aggro deck.

This deck is amazing and got me into legend! Maybe it is since i am so used to play face hunter, but now that the meta is not so reno-everywhere as the beginning of the month, it was quite easy!.

Got into 7k rank, I've seen people on somewhat 10k rank this month.



Zerg Rush isn't dominating. It's the Immortal All-in.
Yeah that's extremely accurate.

No Legendaries format would be hilariously bad. Basically will just be an even more aggressive Secret Paladin, Aggro Druid and Aggro Shaman/Hunter dunking on everyone.


What's the immortal all in?
It's a Starcraft 2 ProtoSS build strategy that involves going straight into Immortal production with maybe another unit type and keep pumping them to finish the opponent. You are not spending resources on anything except pressure through Immortal production hence the all in. Basically you lose the game if you run out of steam and your units perish but the idea is that you finish the game before something like that is a factor.

That's essentially how HS is now. It's not all in Aggro from turn 1, there is some board control for a couple of turns and then every deck just goes all in with Tempo. If they get controlled then run out of steam and lose but how many times have you caused a Secret Paladin to run out of steam?
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