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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Second best mage draft ever. Second 12-0. Coincidence? Doubt it.


Cut off cards are Flamestrike x2, Captured Jormunger and Molten Giant.
Yeah i do that too a lot, if i loose 3 times in a row i tend to quit for awhile because i get tilted heavily, try it. What deck are you using? I'm currently using tempo mage and is working ok even in this meta. My advice is to take each match a time.

I'm using Warlock right now since Mage got kinda boring. It's also the class that I've found most fun to play.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I'm using Warlock right now since Mage got kinda boring. It's also the class that I've found most fun to play.

That's good, i have always heard that the best way to get good ranks is to play the class you like the best, worked for me. Warlock is pretty good right now since there are many different types of strong deck right now, there's handlock, demonlock, zoo, demon zoo, renolock, combolock,malylock thaddiusloc, Etc. I dunno what your card collection looks like but i heard that a cheap zoo deck could get you high ranks somewhat easily, i wonder if that remains true.


What's the best cost-effective anti-aggro deck? I was surprised i lost so many games in a row with renolock but if you don't draw reno and they have a great curve things get out of hand fast.


What's the best cost-effective anti-aggro deck? I was surprised i lost so many games in a row with renolock but if you don't draw reno and they have a great curve things get out of hand fast.
Curve gods slay any deck. Maybe check out Dog's Elise Priest, it's pretty cheap if that's what you mean by cost-effective.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Playing Raptor Rogue against Control Priest. He goes first. Plays Turn 1 Zombie Chow, Turn 2 Museum Curator. He does this before I can play a Turn 2 Haunted Creeper.

On his turn, instead of popping the creeper and killing one of the ghost spiders, he just goes face?

Turn 3 I play Unearthed Raptor. "Thank you".

I ended up winning the game of course. Priest ain't gonna win if you just let me set it up like that bro.


What's the best cost-effective anti-aggro deck? I was surprised i lost so many games in a row with renolock but if you don't draw reno and they have a great curve things get out of hand fast.

Midrange Patron still works great as an anti-aggro deck, it's just worse against any Control deck with AOE clears now.


What's the best cost-effective anti-aggro deck? I was surprised i lost so many games in a row with renolock but if you don't draw reno and they have a great curve things get out of hand fast.
Elise Anti Aggro Priest, Midrange Paladin and Midrange Grim Patron Warrior.

As you can tell only one of these is an actual anti aggro deck. The other two are basically Midrange deck that just also can curve out well or tempo well enough to react to aggro with their own minions.


i thought of crafting elise priest cards but i went druid pieces first, i think whatever i do i'll end up playing against whatever class i'm weak to like how Hearthstone demands.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
squire gets buffed by sword of justice before silver hand knight??

Yes. Minions generated by battlecries are actually considered to be generated before the main minion hits the board. Battlecries in general are supposed to be resolved before the minion hits the board and so that behavior is a consequence of that. The animation is deceptive here but it is working as intended.


that feel when you win with gromm on board and dream + slam in hand for exact lethal

hehe, reminds me of when I had a death's bite equipped and no board or cards in hand. My opponent had 5 health, a 1 hp taunt, and a bunch of minions. I topdicked arcanite reaper to overwrite my DB, removing the taunt and giving exact lethal.


Overriding Death's Bite to trigger the Deathrattle and making a godlike play is one of the best feelings in HS.

I wish they had more and better Deathrattles on weapons. We would have more plays like this.


Overriding Death's Bite to trigger the Deathrattle and making a godlike play is one of the best feelings in HS.

I wish they had more and better Deathrattles on weapons. We would have more plays like this.

That tells me again how deep the Warrior class is, I've won 150+ games as Warrior and never even knew that overwriting a Death's Bite triggered the 'rattle. In hindsight, though, I'm sure I've been in a couple situations where that would have been the right call.


Overriding Death's Bite to trigger the Deathrattle and making a godlike play is one of the best feelings in HS.

I wish they had more and better Deathrattles on weapons. We would have more plays like this.

That play has happened quite a number of times with pre-nerf Patron for me. Not so much with Midrange Patron since you no longer have the big OTK combo.


"I will fight with honor" immediately plays secret ....
"I will fight with honor"

"Well Met"

Turn 1 Secret Keeper or a Secret
Turn 2 Knife Juggler/Minibot or double secrets to buff Secret Keeper
Turn 3 Muster for Battle
Turn 4 Shredder
Turn 5 Loatheb or more Secrets or Divine Favor which gets the MC
Turn 6 Mysterious Challenger
Turn 7 Dr Balanced
Turn 8 Tirion, very rarely some dude puts in Ragnaros that hits face for lethal

"Happy feast of Winterveil"


"I will fight with honor"

"Well Met"

Turn 1 Secret Keeper or a Secret
Turn 2 Knife Juggler/Minibot or double secrets to buff Secret Keeper
Turn 3 Muster for Battle
Turn 4 Shredder
Turn 5 Loatheb or more Secrets or Divine Favor which gets the MC
Turn 6 Mysterious Challenger
Turn 7 Dr Balanced
Turn 8 Tirion, very rarely some dude puts in Ragnaros that hits face for lethal

"Happy feast of Winterveil"
Forgot one.

*Ben Brode Laugh*


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I guess it's because Paladins are a kind of elite religious order so there are secrets of the Light?

I have no fucking idea.


The only secret paladins have is that their order keeps getting taken over by the undead and/or demons, but at this point that's not really a secret anymore.

I guess you could make arguments for characters like Tirion/Bolvar, but neither of them are secret based in Hearthstone.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I felt the Paladin order was always at least semi culti-ish. They did give rise to the Scarlet Crusade after all, and their mythos strongly evokes the crusader aesthetic, which can be tied to the concept of "holy mysteries".

Of course very few of the paladin secrets actually express this notion but perhaps this is more the fault of the designers?
Hunters are really the only class that makes sense because of Traps. I can get why Mages kind of work but it's a stretch because they don't do anything preemptive in WoW, not that I remember anyway. Paladins are the same way in WoW, they don't have anything that could be seen as a preemptive measure. What I mean by that is they don't do anything before hand that counters things where are Hunters actually do place traps.

That being said, I do like Avenge as an idea since it fits the theme of Retribution. Same for Eye for an Eye but last I remember that was always a horrible talent.

Hell, I feel like Rogues would make more sense in how they use Stealth and Openers over Mages and Paladins.


Fuck divine favor. Paladin runs out of steam > topdeck DF > well met. Fuck that card.

I was playing tempo mage the other day, and the paladin I was facing was top decking. I had a fair number of cards, and he plays divine favour, which would have probably won him the game, but I had counterspell up. If I was a smoker, I would have lit up a cigar after that because damn was that nice.


Fuck Elemental Destruction in arena, you know they fucking have it at 5+ wins but you still cannot afford to play around a 3 mana 5 damage board clear


Man, every druid deck is basically the same at mid 10's rank.
Mass the board with some low ass minions. Innervate/savage roar x2. Done.


entered the brawl but it appears to be broken? can't get a match with an error message.

It was something like, deathrattle, battlecry etc murlocs choose a side build a deck blah blah.

edit: scheduled maintenance, looks like a bad time for that...
Is there anywhere that I can read about all the different deck types? Sometimes I'll read something like Control Warrior, and while it's easy enough to figure out what it means, I'd still like to read exactly what it's all about. Same with all the midrange decks.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Sir Finley as druid

against unknown paladin

Dagger or Fireblast

Which one?


Sir Finley as druid

against unknown paladin

Dagger or Fireblast

Which one?
Ez daggers, you can spend 2 mana to clear 4 mana worth of tokens every two turns, remove piss bubbles/get down with a dagger you made earlier when you were floating mana, the tempo gain is off the charts. One of the reasons why Rogue is so good against Paladin in arena.

I guess it sucks a bit against Eboladin but that's extremely rare nowadays and not even that bad in the end. Fireblast is also a downgrade over Druid hero power in this matchup, the ability to proc get down without using minions is so crucial.
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