wow thanks
I'll point this out for you now as well, if they both die at the same time two of them spawn.
wow thanks
Yeah i do that too a lot, if i loose 3 times in a row i tend to quit for awhile because i get tilted heavily, try it. What deck are you using? I'm currently using tempo mage and is working ok even in this meta. My advice is to take each match a time.
I'm using Warlock right now since Mage got kinda boring. It's also the class that I've found most fun to play.
Curve gods slay any deck. Maybe check out Dog's Elise Priest, it's pretty cheap if that's what you mean by cost-effective.What's the best cost-effective anti-aggro deck? I was surprised i lost so many games in a row with renolock but if you don't draw reno and they have a great curve things get out of hand fast.
What's the best cost-effective anti-aggro deck? I was surprised i lost so many games in a row with renolock but if you don't draw reno and they have a great curve things get out of hand fast.
Elise Anti Aggro Priest, Midrange Paladin and Midrange Grim Patron Warrior.What's the best cost-effective anti-aggro deck? I was surprised i lost so many games in a row with renolock but if you don't draw reno and they have a great curve things get out of hand fast.
squire gets buffed by sword of justice before silver hand knight??
squire gets buffed by sword of justice before silver hand knight??
that feel when you win with gromm on board and dream + slam in hand for exact lethal
Overriding Death's Bite to trigger the Deathrattle and making a godlike play is one of the best feelings in HS.
I wish they had more and better Deathrattles on weapons. We would have more plays like this.
Overriding Death's Bite to trigger the Deathrattle and making a godlike play is one of the best feelings in HS.
I wish they had more and better Deathrattles on weapons. We would have more plays like this.
"I will fight with honor""I will fight with honor" immediately plays secret ....
Forgot one."I will fight with honor"
"Well Met"
Turn 1 Secret Keeper or a Secret
Turn 2 Knife Juggler/Minibot or double secrets to buff Secret Keeper
Turn 3 Muster for Battle
Turn 4 Shredder
Turn 5 Loatheb or more Secrets or Divine Favor which gets the MC
Turn 6 Mysterious Challenger
Turn 7 Dr Balanced
Turn 8 Tirion, very rarely some dude puts in Ragnaros that hits face for lethal
"Happy feast of Winterveil"
Yep. People hate Secret Paladin so much they'll even try to use Warcraft lore to get it nerf'd.lore talk in my hearthstone thread?
Fuck divine favor. Paladin runs out of steam > topdeck DF > well met. Fuck that card.
Fuck divine favor. Paladin runs out of steam > topdeck DF > well met. Fuck that card.
I was considering crafting a Justicar when I hit 1600 dust, and then the game gives me a golden one. Sweet.
Man, every druid deck is basically the same at mid 10's rank.
Mass the board with some low ass minions. Innervate/savage roar x2. Done.
If only ramp Druid could be viable again. I always loved that style of play.
Hell no.is midrange druid on the outs?
Is there anywhere that I can read about all the different deck types? Sometimes I'll read something like Control Warrior, and while it's easy enough to figure out what it means, I'd still like to read exactly what it's all about. Same with all the midrange decks.
Sir Finley as druid
against unknown paladin
Dagger or Fireblast
Which one?
Ez daggers, you can spend 2 mana to clear 4 mana worth of tokens every two turns, remove piss bubbles/get down with a dagger you made earlier when you were floating mana, the tempo gain is off the charts. One of the reasons why Rogue is so good against Paladin in arena.Sir Finley as druid
against unknown paladin
Dagger or Fireblast
Which one?