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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


You'll hear no argument from me that warrior has serious problems right now, but I still don't advocate nerfing anything Paladin has right now except Mysterious Challenger.

If Shredder and Dr. Boom got their well deserved nerfs that would also knock Paladins down a peg.

I agree, though Shredder and Boom are good enough to be used by any class so they are, in a sick way, inherently balanced. It's not like something like a Grim Patron which was only OP in one specific deck. Hell, even Aggro Druid uses Boom. What other standard meta aggro deck has ever used a 7 drop? It wasn't that long ago you would never see one with anything over a 4.

This style of play is what paladin class is about. It's the board centric class, it's like the only class where you can tell if they can kill you next turn or not with just what's on board plus 4 in most cases. They have no burst damage instead they have good minions. Even aggro paladin isn't about huge burst. Murloc change that though, that card can be problematic. Now MC is just too broken even for this class but rest of their kit is still reasonable. Paladin isn't going to be able to play something more complex though with this design, they're about 'honest' fights, here are my dudes every turn, can you deal with them? It's simple but as long as the dudes aren't utterly broken like MC is, it should be fine and beatable.

Shielded Minibot is too hard to remove. You'll either trade two cards, seriously weaken your board, or spend a lot of mana. And if you can only pop the bubble, he'll just Coghammer it the following turn. But if you leave it alone, he'll wreck you with it. Divine Shield is kind of a bullshit mechanic anyway. I'm surprised we haven't seen an uptick in Blood Knights again, not because it's an amazing card but just because of the sheer salt factor.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I was just thinking it's been months since I've even seen a legendary card in a pack, won this week's brawl and got this:
Keep or dust?
Raptor Rogue.

"What the fuck is this Golden Hunter with all Golden cards doing in Casual?"
Oh, Twitch streamer. Fuck that.
I take a 3 week break and Hearthstone becomes excessively annoying to me. Every game. Some new kind of annoying. Anyone have a win everything deck so I can get out of this funk?


finally i'm GOLDEN!!!!!!



Raptor Rogue.

"What the fuck is this Golden Hunter with all Golden cards doing in Casual?"
Oh, Twitch streamer. Fuck that.
I take a 3 week break and Hearthstone becomes excessively annoying to me. Every game. Some new kind of annoying. Anyone have a win everything deck so I can get out of this funk?
Auto-built Paladin
finally i'm GOLDEN!!!!!!


How do you even deal though, I'm less than 50 wins away from golden Warrior and CANNOT be bothered in this garbage tier meta. Paladin rekts you, Druid rekts you, the control-ish decks rekts you and even Idiot Shaman can run away with games


Auto-built Paladin


How do you even deal though, I'm less than 50 wins away from golden Warrior and CANNOT be bothered in this garbage tier meta. Paladin rekts you, Druid rekts you, the control-ish decks rekts you and even Idiot Shaman can run away with games

I alternate between control and patron, but mostly played patron for my last 30 wins. I hadn't face many control decks for the pass few days. Only faced one control war on the first day and a reno-mage early today.


Tbh, I don't think that minibot is OP. It just trades excellently with other 2 drops that are played currently. If/when Blizz makes more good 2/3 2-drops it'll drop in value.


Tbh, I don't think that minibot is OP. It just trades excellently with other 2 drops that are played currently. If/when Blizz makes more good 2/3 2-drops it'll drop in value.

Minibot is OP compared to everything pre-Naxx. It's only if you use Mad Scientist as a baseline of power that it's considered "normal".
Yeah i enjoy the game making my own decks and countering whatever i see when i play. I think half the fun is just making your deck

That is the best way to go about it.

For example there isn't much that can be done about Secret Paladin at the moment. But playing Hunter with double secret keeper, secrets, flare, blood knight and kezan? Priceless.


Priest is another class where Murloc Paladin wrecks so hard compared to other Midrange or Secret.
edit: I guess unless they Entomb your Warleader
Nah you still get rekt since you CANNOT threaten 50+ life, your board relies on low attack/high health minions which they can hard clear several times over, Keeper/other Keeper single threats while pumping out their own midrange bodies every turn. Then they just kill you with their cancerous board remains and whichever Murlocs are spawned.


Nah you still get rekt since you CANNOT threaten 50+ life, your board relies on low attack/high health minions which they can hard clear several times over, Keeper/other Keeper single threats while pumping out their own midrange bodies every turn. Then they just kill you with their cancerous board remains and whichever Murlocs are spawned.

That's what I'm saying, Murloc Paladin > Priest. Whereas normally Priest > Midrange Paladin / Secret. I've been trying to find streams of people playing it but I only find VODs of them trying it out for the first time but then they stop playing it. I suspect that a lot of tourney players who stream have realized how powerful it actually is in a conquest format and have stopped playing it on stream in order to keep it on the down low to take it out in tourneys.




That's what I'm saying, Murloc Paladin > Priest. Whereas normally Priest > Midrange Paladin / Secret. I've been trying to find streams of people playing it but I only find VODs of them trying it out for the first time but then they stop playing it. I suspect that a lot of tourney players who stream have realized how powerful it actually is in a conquest format and have stopped playing it on stream in order to keep it on the down low to take it out in tourneys.

Or maybe it's just not that good. It's not like the streamers are facing a lot of Murloc Paladins either.


That's what I'm saying, Murloc Paladin > Priest. Whereas normally Priest > Midrange Paladin / Secret. I've been trying to find streams of people playing it but I only find VODs of them trying it out for the first time but then they stop playing it. I suspect that a lot of tourney players who stream have realized how powerful it actually is in a conquest format and have stopped playing it on stream in order to keep it on the down low to take it out in tourneys.

I was referring to the edit. You can entomb their Warleader all you want, grab Murk-Eye too if you're feeling crazy, and you still lose 9/10 games
That's what I'm saying, Murloc Paladin > Priest. Whereas normally Priest > Midrange Paladin / Secret.

I disagree. Priest has lots of board clears, but if you run Justicar in Midrange Paladin, then you have an endless supply of dudes to flood the board with. Deathlord + Velen's Chosen gets wrecked by Keeper/Equality. Just don't play Tirion until they've played both Entombs and don't play Minibot around turn 6. It takes a long time, but you'll eventually outlast them. Once they're out of board clears, you just keep piling on recruits until they're dead. I had a really good win rate vs. Priest with Midrange Paladin last season and only really had trouble with burst variations with Mind Blast, Prophet Velen, and Soul Priest.


Well in another chapter of rank 20 plays:

I was facing a Renolock almost going into fatigue and with me on 24 armor he thought it would be a good idea to throw down a wrathguard (not from Shredder he literally played it)



Well in another chapter of rank 20 plays:

I was facing a Renolock almost going into fatigue and with me on 24 armor he thought it would be a good idea to throw down a wrathguard (not from Shredder he literally played it)

Rest In Pepperonis


Since I don't have the cards for Control Warrior, I'm playing a little bit of Patron. Though I'm missing Grom and replaced him with Rag. Pretty succesful for the...
games I played and won so far. Did cut Frothing, too, since I don't like it without charge.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Auto-built Paladin
That wasn't very fun. It didn't even feel good.
I wish I could just play infinite Arena. I wish I could play all the classes and get decent drafts without running out of gold. I'm gonna do one more Arena run and we'll see if Hearthstone keeps my attention this week.

What's with the Murlocadin hate? It's the longest combo in the game. My deck I stashed with anti-aggro taunts and of course the Murloc pieces for Control finishers. It (at least mine does) at mid-range. Don't get it. More fun to play than good.
That wasn't very fun. It didn't even feel good.
I wish I could just play infinite Arena. I wish I could play all the classes and get decent drafts without running out of gold. I'm gonna do one more Arena run and we'll see if Hearthstone keeps my attention this week.

What's with the Murlocadin hate? It's the longest combo in the game. My deck I stashed with anti-aggro taunts and of course the Murloc pieces for Control finishers. It (at least mine does) at mid-range. Don't get it. More fun to play than good.

People hate Murlocadin because there's nothing you can do about it. You can't leave the Murlocs on board and they'll just come back with Anyfin after you kill them. If you can't win the game before turn 10, you're going to get burst down, even if you're at 30 health. If the first Anyfin doesn't kill you, the second definitely will. It flies in the face of everything that the game designers tell us that they want the game to be. That being said, I don't think it's all that powerful of a deck, and it's certainly not common enough to be a real problem, but it is annoying to know exactly what's coming and be totally powerless to stop it.


I think i will finally craft a Darkbane next and work on a priest or paladin buff deck. it can do insane burst if the opponent has no response to a djinni on the board.

EDIT: was doing secret paladin to finish daily fast and a tempo mage killed me on turn 5-6 because he played flamewaker - coin - apprentice - 4 1 mana spells reduced to 0 all on turn 4...


I'm rank 8 already, just rolling with druid with stupid win streak. Wild growth every game, I'm pro at druid already.

Now on a serious note, double azure drake, double groot is really good in midrange druid. I run only one aspirant and one shade. I was watching firebat sometime last week and he wasn't running aspirant at all with this set up saying that everyone mulligans for 3 damage against druid now if they have dark bomb and you have living roots that's really awful for them. I guess it makes sense, aspirant is awful later in the game but with two drakes and emperor roots will be still good.


Unconfirmed Member
People hate Murlocadin because there's nothing you can do about it. You can't leave the Murlocs on board and they'll just come back with Anyfin after you kill them. If you can't win the game before turn 10, you're going to get burst down, even if you're at 30 health. If the first Anyfin doesn't kill you, the second definitely will. It flies in the face of everything that the game designers tell us that they want the game to be. That being said, I don't think it's all that powerful of a deck, and it's certainly not common enough to be a real problem, but it is annoying to know exactly what's coming and be totally powerless to stop it.

I think this isn't quite exact same issue that the other OTK decks have had in the past. The Anyfin OTK never comes out of nowhere. You absolutely know what the paladin is doing when you see them start dropping murlocs. Yes you have to remove them or you will lose. Its the same with almost any deck though, you can't leave your opponent's minions on the board really ever.

I think the difference with this OTK and the other OTKs that I know of from the past, is that this one can fit into a really strong deck (Midrange Pally) without messing up too much of the core of that deck. You only really need 2x Warleader, 2x Bluegill, and 1x Murk-Eye and then 2 Anyfins. Yeah you can include the Oracles to get a true 30dmg Anyfin, but really it isn't necessary. The oracle is really bad by itself and at least the others have some potential to be useful as chargers. Midrange Pally just has so many really good options to include (Uldaman, Aldor, Muster, Minibot, Juggler) that don't conflict with the OTK. That's why its so strong. The power of the other paladin minions just pushes into being a great deck. Give the other classes cards at the same level as minibot and Uldaman and I think the OTK's success rate will drop off really really fast.


I hadn't faced a murlocadin in a very long time, and this is the only forum where I had seen people whining about it

At least I hadn't seen threads about murlocadin as a cancer on reddit, or streamers


It's because Secret Paladin is still more consistent. I think Murloc Paladin is ridiculous but I would still play Secret Paladin over as it's easier and faster. It's one of those decks that is waiting in the wings after MC gets nerfed.
I have to say, Brann into Perdition's Blade is an amazing combo. Wonder if there will ever be a Battlecry Rogue deck. There probably would be if Combo's counted as Battlecries.

Edit: Actually, it's really interesting how the blade's combo is a Battlecry, which means it can work with Brann, where others can't.
Trying to ladder up from rank 20 with renolock. Have the worst luck against a ton of priests. Getting my jaraxxus thought stolen left and right. Worst momemt is when a priest blow my jaraxxus weapon away with a thought stolen ooze.

Said fuck it, went back yo secret paladin, instantly having way more fun beating the hell out of the same priests.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Priest is another class where Murloc Paladin wrecks so hard compared to other Midrange or Secret.
edit: I guess unless they Entomb your Warleader

I actually did this more than once before, entomed warleader but still lost the long games. Priest just can't kill them off with that much heal and the second anyfin decimates.


I have to say, Brann into Perdition's Blade is an amazing combo. Wonder if there will ever be a Battlecry Rogue deck. There probably would be if Combo's counted as Battlecries.

Edit: Actually, it's really interesting how the blade's combo is a Battlecry, which means it can work with Brann, where others can't.

Brann works with the blade because it has a battlecry. The combo just adds more damage to the battlecry. Most combos do not have a base battlecry.
Brann works with the blade because it has a battlecry. The combo just adds more damage to the battlecry. Most combos do not have a base battlecry.

Yeah, that's kind of what I mean. Obviously the Blade has to have the battlecry or it's just a bad 2/2 weapon for 3 mana. However, it could of just easily been "Deal 1 Damage. Combo: Deal 2 instead." Something more akin to Ironforge Rifleman or Ironforge Commando.

Basically it's just one of those inconsistencies like Druid of the Claw, but just barely. Just never noticed it / thought about it before.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The blade says it's a battlecry so it's a battlecry. Ironforge Rifleman and Stormpike Commando are also battlecries. Nothing inconsistent here?
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