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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Secredins complaining about Freeze Mage EleFuckingGiggle

(My phone auto-corrected Secredin to "We're done". Makes u think)

Also I haven't seen a Freeze Mage in weeks, must be because I'm playing Warrior

That rigged matchmaking at work.
This week's tavern brawl is the worst one I've ever played, god damn. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather have the web spinner one.


"Wallet Warrior" huh?




I understand a combination of cards being needed for the win, like Combo druid. But, Anyfin and MC decks can win games without their namesake cards ever being played. The decks' cards have good synergy, which makes it very potent. I've had plenty of games where my MC didn't drop until after I used all my secrets...and I still won because of secretkeeper, blessings, muster, etc.

Conversely, freeze mages spend 6 to 8 turns dropping frost nova, doomsayers, blizzard and card draw. No HP damage. No board presence. Once you mystic their Ice Block, 75% of the time they concede. Even though they have two, the entire hand revolves around that 1 card and the ensuing burst. Moreover, you have an ice block and their deck is setup for a one-time burst. After that, it's a wrap!

I had a lot of issues without the mystics in the deck, but once I finally stopped being stubborn and added them by removing one muster and a creeper, I've been consistently winning. Biggest issue was consistently getting the Kezan in hand, but Divine Favor made it easier since Freeze loves to stockpile cards.
First you rant how OP and unbeatable freeze mage is and now you rant about how easily it can be completely countered.


Brawl is dumb af due to the double Malygos combos, even without the turn 1 lethal potential. The idea is really cool and at least they remembered deathrattle exists this time around, but it's just too busted. 10 mana brawl made for a similar experience, and while it wasn't as unique it also was a little less broken than 1/1 brawl.


With one of the worst Brawls along comes one of the worst Trump Brawl videos. Instead of making his own deck (which could've been at least somewhat interesting) he just opted to use one from the chat and bullied some players with turn 2 wins a couple times in a row. boring af
First you rant how OP and unbeatable freeze mage is and now you rant about how easily it can be completely countered.

I don't see why I would be ranting about it being countered easily. I'm asserting that the deck revolves around one card and it was my stubbornness that didn't allow me to see that.

Your problem isn't Freeze mage. Your problem is that Paladin weakness is burst from hand and Freeze Mage just capitalize on it. Druid can combo even if Freeze mage frostnova/doomsayer. Shaman can burst. Warlock can burst etc... Paladin can't.

It took some serious deck refining to try and cover the pally deficiencies and your post helped a great deal. Thank you for the insight. Helps cover a broad range of issues I tend to face with lack of hand burst.
I'm not really sure why Secret Paladin gets so much hate. Is it a bullshit card? Of course, but the game is full of bullshit cards/decks.

Aggro Shaman has taken from over Face Hunter as the "Face, face, FACE!!!" players deck of choice. Druid has mana crystals coming out of their arses enabling them to wombo-combo you to death in one turn. Freeze mage should come with a health warning that it may cause narcolepsy in your opponent. Mid-range is using that cheap-ass board clear of Wild Pyro and Equality. Priest steals your shit left, right and centre or just kills it out right with Shadow Word:Death/Pain. Warrior had Grim Patron until it's nerf, but it still lives on with it's furry cousin, the Enraged Worgen. And those Warriors with more money than sense run Control with numerous legendaries. Warlock has been getting high on Reno Jackson's juice since he came out when they're not playing more Giants than Eli Manning's birthday party. And don't get me started on Alexstrasza...

Basically, the game is always gonna be like this. Yes, you can play cards to counter certain decks but it's a moot point as you never know what you're going up against. If/when MC gets nerfed, someone other BS deck will take it's place and the cycle will continue.

It is what it is. I just don't even bother getting salty anymore. Just keep on playing...


So 50 brawl wins so far, with a win percentage of about 80%. This is probably my favorite brawl so far thanks to being able to pull off sick combos. Highlander Brannadin deck. Seems a lot of people don't understand how to play reverse curve.

I will say, this is not new player-friendly. : p


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I'm not really sure why Secret Paladin gets so much hate. Is it a bullshit card? Of course, but the game is full of bullshit cards/decks.

Aggro Shaman has taken from over Face Hunter as the "Face, face, FACE!!!" players deck of choice. Druid has mana crystals coming out of their arses enabling them to wombo-combo you to death in one turn. Freeze mage should come with a health warning that it may cause narcolepsy in your opponent. Mid-range is using that cheap-ass board clear of Wild Pyro and Equality. Priest steals your shit left, right and centre or just kills it out right with Shadow Word:Death/Pain. Warrior had Grim Patron until it's nerf, but it still lives on with it's furry cousin, the Enraged Worgen. And those Warriors with more money than sense run Control with numerous legendaries. Warlock has been getting high on Reno Jackson's juice since he came out when they're not playing more Giants than Eli Manning's birthday party. And don't get me started on Alexstrasza...

Basically, the game is always gonna be like this. Yes, you can play cards to counter certain decks but it's a moot point as you never know what you're going up against. If/when MC gets nerfed, someone other BS deck will take it's place and the cycle will continue.

It is what it is. I just don't even bother getting salty anymore. Just keep on playing...

Mysterious Challenger isn't just a bullshit card. It's the most bullshit card. By a wide margin. And all the way up until it gets played, Paladins can play any number of other extremely strong cards.

Basically, it's the strongest deck in the game AND it is very easy to play, making it extremely common and extremely frustrating to play against.
here is current aggro priest btw, ready to go hard next season since i wrecked up to 9 pretty easily since it counters secret pally, freeze mage, and most aggro decks (aggro depends on smart mulligan most of all)

tech choices on the bubble are second flamejuggler, dr win, second velens, and jungle panther. any arguments for any of those or other cards i haven't considered? dr win seemed auto include but i've found out that making it hyper aggressive and non combo reliant made it the most consistent; winning t5 - 8 is the goal since there's no card draw (but like with face hunter it isn't really relying on it), that's why i've steered more towards loatheb over dr win (loatheb is really effin clutch and has won me more games than a late game dr win since you lose board control mid game anyway, so boom's impact isn't insane like it usually is)

i keep thinking a wolfrider for a panther but...the problem is when you're topdecking for lethal, you really want those holy fires and mind blasts and leeroys and charges to pop up if you're running out of steam.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
5 imps on the table, and one nerub egg

I arcane missiles with an Azure Drake on the board. Two missiles hit the egg, the other two goes face.

I'm glad I quit this piece of shit game. How people still play this is beyond me.
So 50 brawl wins so far, with a win percentage of about 80%. This is probably my favorite brawl so far thanks to being able to pull off sick combos. Highlander Brannadin deck. Seems a lot of people don't understand how to play reverse curve.

I will say, this is not new player-friendly. : p

Makes me wonder if there's any merit to a Brann Paladin deck in constructed. Granted, I can't think of anything too strong of a combo other than Quartermaster though. All other strong Paladin Battlecries really only work once.

Guess there's always Dragon Paladin too.


5 imps on the table, and one nerub egg

I arcane missiles with an Azure Drake on the board. Two missiles hit the egg, the other two goes face.

I'm glad I quit this piece of shit game. How people still play this is beyond me.
When you play the most rng BrokeBack casino deck in the game one of those rolls is gonna backfire eventually

Unless you're talking about arena, in that case I'd actually feel sorry


Mysterious Challenger isn't just a bullshit card. It's the most bullshit card. By a wide margin. And all the way up until it gets played, Paladins can play any number of other extremely strong cards.

Basically, it's the strongest deck in the game AND it is very easy to play, making it extremely common and extremely frustrating to play against.

and when you think you finally depleted their resources because they're topdicking, they use Divine Favour.


5 imps on the table, and one nerub egg

I arcane missiles with an Azure Drake on the board. Two missiles hit the egg, the other two goes face.

I'm glad I quit this piece of shit game. How people still play this is beyond me.

We both know that you'll be here again next week complaining about RNG.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
i keep thinking a wolfrider for a panther but...the problem is when you're topdecking for lethal, you really want those holy fires and mind blasts and leeroys and charges to pop up if you're running out of steam.

I feel like you have to be hurting for draw. You ever think about running jeeves?

And if you ran jeeves you could sub out the owls for silence.
Got a pack with two epics! Dusted all my non-Warlock stuff for 640 dust and bought knifethrowers, doomguards, and imp-plosions.

5 imps on the table, and one nerub egg

I arcane missiles with an Azure Drake on the board. Two missiles hit the egg, the other two goes face.

I'm glad I quit this piece of shit game. How people still play this is beyond me.
Don't play the card if you can't handle its RNG. :p
I feel like you have to be hurting for draw. You ever think about running jeeves?

And if you ran jeeves you could sub out the owls for silence.

i had a jeeves version before but it felt like a worse version of egg druid; if they ever add more deck slots i'll try to make a hyper low curve version with him for sure, but this seems fairly consistent.

yeah it hurts for draw, that's the reason why it's curved the way it is, basically get them down to half health by turn 5, then surrender the board and do 5 - 10 damage face per turn after for the win. reno wrecks it but healbot doesn't. early game you can out board pretty much any aggro deck so that's what i mean by that mid game swing where you stop caring about having a full board and start caring about calculating mana to lethal, finley helps a lot, he's actually ideal to drop turn 5 or 6 when you can use him to double hero power making him basically an extra 5 mana card or an emergency t1 play if you mulliganed poorly

maybe drop a knife juggs for a velens, panther, or flame jugs, creeper isn't that great but he makes the dog a little more worth it, and the dog usually gets value since
1. you're full of charge and early flood to get value
2. he's a taunt they'll waste removal or a minion on
3. if you power him up then lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
i had a jeeves version before but it felt like a worse version of egg druid; if they ever add more deck slots i'll try to make a hyper low curve version with him for sure, but this seems fairly consistent.

Really? I mean what you're running now looks like a worse version of Face Hunter to me. I figured you were just going the Aggro Priest route for funsies.


Well, I've got a new "dumbest move I've seen." I had a summoning stone down and someone throws down Rafaam, when I had both of my mind-controls and an entomb in my hand. Steal it, get a deathwing. He manages to kill my deathwing with pyro blast, then plays Alexstrasza with my summoning stone still up and I steal it and get a frost giant.

I refuse to believe he didn't have smaller minions or some sort of clear as a mage. He had 5-6 cards to choose from and he picks Rafaam!
Really? I mean what you're running now looks like a worse version of Face Hunter to me. I figured you were just going the Aggro Priest route for funsies.

mindblast is a better version of kill command
holy fire hits face hard and often extends the game for one more turn; for you to throw down the second one, or double mind blasts, etc
shadowbomber is a better leper gnome (triggers past taunt for more) , and with your HP you can negate the downside
velens is amazing with cheap minions
PWS is cycle and keeps cheap minions alive longer
finley makes the deck much better than it could've before this expansion (obviously lifetap and hunter power are OP)

it is a unique face deck that counters secret pally v hard


While I haven't played a list like that the 1-drops seem like serious overkill and you're desperately missing a turn 3. Animal Companion is Face Hunter's glue because Misha and Leokk protect/amplify the garbage you vomited out over the previous turns and their statlines ensure your opponent can't deal with everything at once. I imagine the Worgens don't have much impact compared to the other 1-drops, maybe try swapping those for Cultists or something as that's Priest's only good 3.
While I haven't played a list like that the 1-drops seem like serious overkill and you're desperately missing a turn 3. Animal Companion is Face Hunter's glue because Misha and Leokk protect/amplify the garbage you vomited out over the previous turns and their statlines ensure your opponent can't deal with everything at once. I imagine the Worgens don't have much impact compared to the other 1-drops, maybe try swapping those for Cultists or something as that's Priest's only good 3.

i modified it a little bit today but the whole point is to fart out a huge board that does face damage t1-4, fast enough that they can't keep up. then after that, you forget about the board, play charge/face/powerup, then phase 3 is the holyfire/mindblast etc face burn.

PWS is a cycle and free health to keep low health stuff alive
shadowbomber is essential, it does damage past taunts and the downside can be negated if you didn't finley yet and have mana to spare to fill your (obviously low for a reason) curve
leper is essential
abusive does work especially with all the charge
finley is a 5 mana card ideally, but can be used earlier to fill the curve if needed
and worgen almost always survives to do face, he's practically a charge, but, he's better in this deck than any other class because you can PWS or velens him and make him a 4 damage charge basically, or drop him t1 and then t2 PWS him, making your opponent likely unable to take care of him until the next turn, and allowing you to draw another card which makes it v likely there will be a 1 drop somewhere to fill the curve give you early board advantage and get a lot of face punches in before the cards start to dwindle

i took out alpha and creeper for two jungle panthers, and a knife jugg for a flame jug, and added a second velens.

turn 3 priority is velens on a cheap minion
jungle panther
combination of 1 and two drops
healing and dropping a 1
or dropping wolf or arcane golem (which actually CAN work out on curve if your hand is full of enough holy fire/mindblasts or you can coin a pws on him and make him stick, but yeah last case scenario)

cultist is very bad considering the most consistent way to win with aggro priest is t5-8, the earlier the better (unless you're facing aggro, in which case the end of that number is more ideal since you have a much better stalling game)

the reason my curve is so low is you spend all of your mana very efficiently, like face hunter, except you have some more options and people are much more prone to misplay vs you

and its by far the most fun aggro deck IMO :)


I get how aggro decks work. Cultist only has 1 less attack than Panther which imo is pretty terrible without beast synergy, easy to remove on its own and played right into the common AoE turns (Nova, Consecrate). Meanwhile Cultist either gets to attack 2+ times or keeps your early game garbage around. Obviously it's no Animal Companion but it's the most annoying/sticky 3 Priest has and you need that to offset the increase in power level between 2-, 3- and 4-drops. Playing a shitload of 1- and 2-drops can win you game buts it's not consistent, when you've played four cards by turn 3 and have no card draw whatsoever you're just putting yourself in topdeck mode by design. A single-card, high-impact turn 3 play helps with that.

It fulfills a similar role to Voidcaller in Demonzoo: you want to ignore it but 3 attack is the sweet spot of where you simply can't do that for multiple turns. I think it's at least worth a shot when the alternative is crap like Panther or losing the game to one piece of midgame AoE.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
mindblast is a better version of kill command
holy fire hits face hard and often extends the game for one more turn; for you to throw down the second one, or double mind blasts, etc
shadowbomber is a better leper gnome (triggers past taunt for more) , and with your HP you can negate the downside
velens is amazing with cheap minions
PWS is cycle and keeps cheap minions alive longer
finley makes the deck much better than it could've before this expansion (obviously lifetap and hunter power are OP)

it is a unique face deck that counters secret pally v hard

I mean, yes, I recognize that there are differences because hunter is not priest but neither do you have Madscientist, Glaivezooka, Animal Companion, UTH, or Eaglehorn bow. Not exactly seeing how your aggro priest is really all that different from Face Hunter in terms of gameplan or overall strength, though. And Face Hunter is similarly a counter to Secret Paladin.


Oh god, an even dumber opponent today. Necro who had complete board control. I had holy fire in my hand like 6 turns but couldn't do anything with it because an imp had buffed his stuff past its damage. So I held onto it. Over the last 2-3 turns he taps and flame imps himself into lethal, and I holy fire his face and he dies with a board of 7 minions hahahaha.


Oh god, an even dumber opponent today. Necro who had complete board control. I had holy fire in my hand like 6 turns but couldn't do anything with it because an imp had buffed his stuff past its damage. So I held onto it. Over the last 2-3 turns he taps and blood imps himself into lethal, and I holy fire his face and he dies with a board of 7 minions hahahaha.

To be fair Mindblast/Holy Fire don't really exist anymore, generally you expect 3-4 points of burst from Priest (2-drop+Velen's+Nova / double Nova) unless you were able to make a read on them being either aggro (obvious) or running Flash Heal + Auchenai shenanigans (still somewhat uncommon). But that's for close calls, seems like that guy could have easily taken it slow. Might have been tapping for lethal or Reno, who knows. Priest lists are all over the place right now.


To be fair Mindblast/Holy Fire don't really exist anymore, generally you expect 3-4 points of burst from Priest (2-drop+Velen's+Nova / double Nova) unless you were able to make a read on them being either aggro (obvious) or running Flash Heal + Auchenai shenanigans (still somewhat uncommon). But that's for close calls, seems like that guy could have easily taken it slow. Might have been tapping for lethal or Reno, who knows. Priest lists are all over the place right now.

But he wasn't. He had ~12 damage already on the board (which was 100% clear on my end), he ended up with like mid-20ish by the time he was done. He did everything to load up the board and get the +5/+5 on reliquary seeker. I had 14 health the final turn after healing, so it wasn't going to make a difference either way. He could just play the cards in his deck and gotten lethal.

I have mindblast and holyfire in my deck. :> Which was partly why I was sticking around, I was waiting for mindblast to pop if he brought himself to 10, so I could do 10 damage for lethal. But I thought even that was unlikely.


But he wasn't. He had ~12 damage already on the board (which was 100% clear on my end), he ended up with like mid-20ish by the time he was done. He did everything to load up the board and get the +5/+5 on reliquary seeker. I had 14 health the final turn after healing, so it wasn't going to make a difference either way. He could just play the cards in his deck and gotten lethal.

I have mindblast and holyfire in my deck. :> Which was partly why I was sticking around, I was waiting for mindblast to pop if he brought himself to 10, so I could do 10 damage for lethal. But I thought even that was unlikely.
I mean yeah, sounds like another autopilot Zoo player. You do need to keep tapping to refill after a clear especially against Priest, but you definitely don't play stuff like Flame Imp when you have almost double lethal without it. Not really because of burn but simply because it means you'd be able to tap less in the future.


Makes me wonder if there's any merit to a Brann Paladin deck in constructed. Granted, I can't think of anything too strong of a combo other than Quartermaster though. All other strong Paladin Battlecries really only work once.

Guess there's always Dragon Paladin too.

I run it in Constructed. It does no worse for me than secret paladin or any other strong netdeck and is extremely fun.

Eddie Bax

I've mostly played constructed in the past while saving my gold to buy adventures, but now that I have all the adventures, I've been throwing gold towards trying to figure out arena. I feel like I recognize quite well what makes a constructed deck work, but after a few arena runs over the past couple of days, I clearly still have a lot to learn in terms of picking decks that work in that environment.

For instance, in my first run I picked Paladin, got a fairly garbage deck and went 2-3, which is about as good as, if not better than, I expected. Next up, rogue. Drafted what I felt was a pretty good deck with some synergies, decent curve, etc. Won my first game in a canter, then just got stomped for 3 games in row. 1-3.

Then in my third run, I picked Druid as what seemed like the best choice alongside two shitty choices (shaman, priest). I got a shitty curve with very little early game and what felt like too many 5+ mana cards. 6-3. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
As much as I think it's pathetic that certain clearly overpowered cards haven't been nerfed, I still think Ben Brode actually knows way more about how to design and balance this game than at least 90% of GAF. He can at least think about the game from multiple angles which GAF very often doesn't.


They had a good foundation but ran it into the ground. Deathrattle is a terrible mechanic that should have been dropped asap. Although each expansion has had moments of good, sometimes even brilliant design (except for turd tournament) Blizzard's tendency to forcefully enable decks with absurd, tempo-focused single cards coupled with their "wait a year and see" approach to balancing instead of taking advantage of their unique position as a purely digital CCG is highly problematic. Glaring issues have been ignored for so long that only a massive overhaul can salvage the game.

At least they've finally shown signs of life re: arena balance which is unfortunately undermined by Brode's massive hard-on for Paladin commons.

Keep in mind that this is coming from a player who cares about thoughtful board/general resource management and meaningful decision making. If you're looking for a quick, simple diversion Hearthstone does a pretty good job of that.

On a different note: After two and a half years I finally bothered to get my favorite class to 500 wins.
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