I get how aggro decks work. Cultist only has 1 less attack than Panther which imo is pretty terrible without beast synergy, easy to remove on its own and played right into the common AoE turns (Nova, Consecrate). Meanwhile Cultist either gets to attack 2+ times or keeps your early game garbage around. Obviously it's no Animal Companion but it's the most annoying/sticky 3 Priest has and you need that to offset the increase in power level between 2-, 3- and 4-drops. Playing a shitload of 1- and 2-drops can win you game buts it's not consistent, when you've played four cards by turn 3 and have no card draw whatsoever you're just putting yourself in topdeck mode by design. A single-card, high-impact turn 3 play helps with that.
It fulfills a similar role to Voidcaller in Demonzoo: you want to ignore it but 3 attack is the sweet spot of where you simply can't do that for multiple turns. I think it's at least worth a shot when the alternative is crap like Panther or losing the game to one piece of midgame AoE.
sure panther doesn't have beast synergy; but you're forgetting the synergy aggro priest adds, which is the ability to PWS or velen it and make it sticky/strong as hell, and you generally get a free turn so you can throw those things on him next turn since he's stealthed. i teched in two right now but admittedly only having one might be better.
idk when i used cultist it was very situational, since clearing the board is rarely a priority for aggro priest taking care of a bunch of 1 health minions and cultist after isn't really that hard for most decks, and if you don't get any face damage out of it it's wasted in the strategy, the more i play stealth minions the more synergy i see with PWS and velens which are much stronger when you can wait a turn to drop the mana on them, as you can with a stealthed creature. i would never run two worgens in face hunter personally but with priest ironically even tho its a 1 health creature it's easier to get value out of it, very easy for me to run away with the board until an AOE comes and by then shifting to holy fire/mind blasts/charge minions etc seem to be working. i would seriously consider mukla but don't own
most important is as you said, you get into top decking mode quite quick; so it's important to have almost every minion be able to provide some sort of immediate or delayed face damage effect, which everything except the owls does right now (and loatheb but he's more of a tech choice, i'd be suprised if i found a better tech than him tho since like i said boom generally gets dropped too late and disrupts the strategy of slamming down the hand quickly and efficiently). weapon classes often dead by turn 5, idk monday i'll get the chance to prove it's legit but getting to r 8 in half a week was decent to me, i'd like to tinker with an even lower curve jeeves variant but i don't really want to nuke a deck slot at the moment to toy with it
i wish mini mage was like, a 2/1 for 3 mana, i like the idea of it but it's super expensive , maybe if it had the same cost and +2 spell damage 2/1 i'd be even more inclined to drop it
also beefing up cultist with pws or velens is a ginormous silence target, cultist is a great control card tho