That shaman legendary could backfire and fill the board with mana tide totems so that you can't play any minions and mill yourself to death.
I have 3 dupes in my AnyFin Reno (might add Equality forth). But those times I can't get it off is shear panic. Disgustingly defensive trying to draw cards hoping and praying the next one is my last dupe. I can't tell if it shows up as me stalling, strategic healing, or abject panic.I've seen plenty of Reno decks run duplicates and have rarely seen them run into situations in which they couldn't get it off. Also Reno comes as even more of a surprise as most don't count on it if they notice you playing even one card twice.
EZ Justicar pick![]()
People who take an absurdly long time on early turns should be banned from playing this game. Maybe all video games.
Everyone thinks totems are shit until they make a card that puts a billion of them into play for free, just like Paladin secrets.
I feel like a lot of cards would just become confusing if this was played.How about a Warrior card..
Berserker Rage: 4 mana spell. All card text has double effect this turn.
I use this time to go to the bathroom or let the dog out.People who take an absurdly long time on early turns should be banned from playing this game. Maybe all video games.
Don't forget about Sludge BelcherIt just sunk in that we're actually gonna get a format without:
* Mad Scientist
* Shredder
* Boom
* Unstable Portal
* Muster
* Minibot
I mean, there will still be things to be salty about, but holy shit will Standard be an improvement over the current state of the game.
Don't forget about Sludge Belcher
God I hate Sludge Belcher.
Hearthpwn said:No plans on buffing any cards during the balance pass.
The number of card changes will be more than 2 cards but less than 20.
They're looking at Druid basic cards as Druids use more basic cards than any other class.
Ideally they will change as little as possible with the nerfs so old cards stay recognizable.
The bulk of balance efforts will be dedicated to Standard.
Wild balance will likely be reactive.
They will still take a conservative approach to balance.
Wild will "have interesting new combinations of cards that should be pretty fun and more powerful than baseline Hearthstone feels right now".
New heroes have not been given up on - they just haven't made any new ones yet.
Ben thinks we'll "hear about new heroes in the not-too-distant future".
They're aware of what tools we'll lose when sets drop from standard and can plan accordingly to give us new tools that we want.
They were "very wrong" about Undertaker back in the day.
They've been talking internally about how they can make dailies better - it's been a while since they've touched it.
Will the new players still have the opportunity to enjoy the old Adventures after they cycle out of standard mode?
We're excited to make use of that content in the future. Haven't decided on the details. (Source)
Espo just went tilt on the show because of it.....
I'm very confident the designers will come up with something awesome.(Source)
Source:, have you given any thought to rotating what cards make up Classic? Something like what L5R did with different Editions?
I think there are lots of things possible once we've had some time to play with the two formats and see what's good and bad. (Source)
Just bummed that cards I just bought will only be usable in 1 format in a few months. Would've spent on TGT had I known otherwise.
They're only usable in 1 format now, but Wild should be a rad format going forward. If it's not, we'll make changes until it is. (Source)
If your goal is to keep wild balanced how are you going to handle reprints? There are a lot of cards we would like to see again.
No current plans for reprints but it certainly could happen. Not sure we'd want to do it in the next set, though. (Source)
Not including cards in a standard shifting "core" is better than nerfing classic many classic cards no?
Maybe. We'll start with this and see how it goes. Nerfing cards might make both formats more fun. We'll learn, at least. (Source)
If I lose on Ladder these days I make a mental note of the cards:
"Yeah she would not have won in Standard because her Portal game her Ysera"
"Shredder gave him that Doomsayer that allowed him to get back in the game..."
Ladder is just insufferable right now when you have Standard on the back of your mind. When you take notice of these things it's staggering how many of these cards get played so often. I can't go a game without seeing Minibots, Scientists, Dr Boom, Shredder etc.
Why don't Mages have a 2 damage AoE for 4 like Paladins? I feel like Consecrate is the best early board clear out there.
Do share. I am interested in face Shaman if aggro lock becomes too weak.
It's like people play something and expect to win every match up.
That's by far the most value I've ever seen out of Skulker. He still lost, though.
It's consistent with the text. Just like how Paeltress can summon another Paeltress.Again, I have my doubts that blizzard even tests anything. Who thinks a murloc knight should be able to summon another murloc knight.
Again, I have my doubts that blizzard even tests anything. Who thinks a murloc knight should be able to summon another murloc knight.
I'd like to see statistics about how many times a joust card has won the game vs how many times a joust card lost the game because it wasn't Sunwalker/Zombie Chow/etc
Had a run where I picked Master Jouster in Arena. Every single time I used him, he tied. Every. Single. Time. Five. Times.
Why wouldn't it? Gorillabot can discover another Gorillabot, Paletress can summon another Paletress.
Only the Paladin ones are fine, surprising no one.
True, I was thinking about arena-relevant classes there. Elekk is actually very good, Healing Wave not so much in arena but it has seen some use in niche tier 4 constructed decks.Healing Wave and the hunter elephant are both fine
Healing Wave and the hunter elephant are both fine
Avoid joust like the fucking plague, it's not even funny how many times those clowns I was forced to pick have done absolutely nothing. Gadgetzan and Warhorse are the struggle picks I can live with, but I'll take almost anything over Master Jouster.
Only the Paladin ones are fine, surprising no one.
Yeah but it always pulls your Chow vs their Boom anywayjust fucking
just make it so that the person who starts the joust wins on ties
No I will never let this go. it's so stupid.
What????// class levels aren't irrelevant. You can get golden ironfur grizzlies and ironforge riflemen, you will need those for standard
What????// class levels aren't irrelevant. You can get golden ironfur grizzlies and ironforge riflemen, you will need those for standard
I love the fuck out of my golden Chillwind Yetis. Thank you based Garrosh.
A non-standard question, new player to veterans:
What keeps you playing this game?
I mean, seriously.
Is it deck building? Ie, you do your routine, then you get an interesting legendary and the bulb goes off - 'wait a second, let me build a deck around this!'?
Is it making a collection? Ie, you are playing, get a couple of packs, then open them breathing hard and the moment you see a card you don't have - yet alone a card that will help you play - you get a dose of dopamine?
Is it the social thing, tournaments, teams, whatever? Ie, if there is a tournament, you watch it with popcorn in one hand and a drink in the other, because it's just plain entertaining, and in between tournaments you are playing a bit yourself, sometimes trying to do what other guys doing, but not really caring much?
Is it something else? (Or is it just "nothing else to play" / "I am already invested through the roof so I will wait to see what they will do with the game"?)
(You can tell I am looking for an inspiration, somehow it all looks a bit boring and bleak and, frankly, hopeless to me right now, an endless treadmill with tons of random that makes wins mean little and losses irritating, lots of mundane games which are a repeat of each other... but I think it is a worthwhile question to ask.)