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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Love coming to this thread after new, creative cards are revealed to hear how bad they are.

I love cards that don't automatically have great value, but need to be played at the right time. It sucks to topdeck Inner Rage, but that can sometimes be the card that wins the game for me, so I have to run a lot of card draw to avoid situations where I am topdecking.

The reason why meta decks are the way they are, is because they can forgive a lot more bad play. If you are efficient, you can get away with using "bad" cards that perform a specific job better than others. Axe Flinger, for example, has poor stats, but he's an extra bit of reach that can give you lethal where a Piloted Shredder couldn't.


Again, brawl after the first day is no fun, everyone is now running summoning stone, no one wants to even get a little creative


Again, brawl after the first day is no fun, everyone is now running summoning stone, no one wants to even get a little creative

Doesn't bother me in this case, since it's about the only thing fun about this one.

As for kill command, I think it's fine. Just happens to synergize very well with the hunter kit.


Finally level 20 in WoW! The last few levels were pretty quick because I just went through a couple of dungeons. I will say that this has been, without a doubt, one of the most boring gaming experiences i've had in a long long time. I'll wear this hero portrait as a badge of shame for the hours i've wasted today.


Watching some tournament for SXSW, kripp casting, it's not his strong suit.

Kripp is great at casting casual or more laid back tournaments, but he's pretty poor at the more stuffy, professional ones. I find him pretty entertaining most of the time anyway though, much more so then some of the other casters in the scene. Should say I haven't watched any of this SXSW tournament yet


Kripp is great at casting casual or more laid back tournaments, but he's pretty poor at the more stuffy, professional ones. I find him pretty entertaining most of the time anyway though, much more so then some of the other casters in the scene. Should say I haven't watched any of this SXSW tournament yet

I like his YouTube videos and some of his stream, but in the two tournaments I've seen him cast in, he just is not as professional as he could be. I know people say he's real or whatnot and that's just him, and I she that is him, but in a tournament cater setting it just doesn't fit. Even reynad at least was diplomatic when he he was commentating last week.


I like his YouTube videos and some of his stream, but in the two tournaments I've seen him cast in, he just is not as professional as he could be. I know people say he's real or whatnot and that's just him, and I she that is him, but in a tournament cater setting it just doesn't fit. Even reynad at least was diplomatic when he he was commentating last week.

Yeah, I think his informal casting style works really well when it's something fun like Challengestone, or a more informal tournament like Seastory cup or the Viagame house cup, but in tournaments where they play it straight and have the 3 dudes in shirts standing behind a desk talking very seriously about the game, he really struggles.
Yeah, I think his informal casting style works really well when it's something fun like Challengestone, or a more informal tournament like Seastory cup or the Viagame house cup, but in tournaments where they play it straight and have the 3 dudes in shirts standing behind a desk talking very seriously about the game, he really struggles.

I think the problem is more the other guys.

It is a rng based card game, it shouldn't be taken all that seriously.


It is a rng based card game, it shouldn't be taken all that seriously.

I agree! The best tournaments are the ones where the casters and players are interacting and just having a good time. But you'll still see at the big tournaments like blizzcon or dreamhack that they tend to want to casters to behave professionally and focus on discussing the games seriously, as if it gives more gravitas to the whole thing.


Unconfirmed Member
We have to see what deathrattle cards are there, there will be some. Getting sylvanas/chillmaw/cairne isn't bad. It just doesn't give free taunts as much anymore.

Unless a lot of the new Deathrattles are pretty good, the overall power level of cards that come out of it will be pretty bad. Sylvannas is pretty much the best thing in there now, maybe Savannah Highmane or Tirion as well. But you'll get a lot more Loot Horders, Corrupted Loot Horders, etc with a much lower powerlevel than stuff like Shredder, Sludge Belcher, & co. Still a pretty good card, but not horrible.

I think that new priest card is definitely playable. I dunno if it will become staple or anything, but the flexibility of it is really really nice. Getting a X cost minion to round out your curve is completely worth it. Especially if Blizzard is going to be pushing board interactivity with the Standard format. That benefits preist's hero power a lot.

ALSO: 8 mana is the clear sweet spot for that card with the currently known minions. 10 mana is real bad compared to the awesome stuff at 8.


I agree! The best tournaments are the ones where the casters and players are interacting and just having a good time. But you'll still see at the big tournaments like blizzcon or dreamhack that they tend to want to casters to behave professionally and focus on discussing the games seriously, as if it gives more gravitas to the whole thing.

Yeha both kind of tournaments can exist and have a place. He probably does fit very well in a casual tournament, but say a more professional one also requires someone to be a bit more professional. You're not going to be at the Blizzard ones and call a play stupid, you say "oh that was not the best possible choice he could have made"
People are so rude. He's a mage, turn 1 mana wyrm, I axe it down, he concedes then messages me FeelsBadMan


I love these, I want some website to collect these and make a wall of shame.


Can someone explain to me the new Mage/Priest cards?

So if I play a turn 4 Spellslinger and I use this card... do I still get the 3 damage or it just doesn't work because I didn't use up all of my mana?


Can someone explain to me the new Mage/Priest cards?

So if I play a turn 4 Spellslinger and I use this card... do I still get the 3 damage or it just doesn't work because I didn't use up all of my mana?

After spellslinger on turn 4, the mage card would deal 1 damage, because you have one remaining mana crystal. So, for example, if it was the only thing you played turn 10, it would deal 10 damage. But, if on turn 10 if you played a belcher first, and then the mage card, it would deal 5 damage. It's all about how many mana crystals you have available.
Can someone explain to me the new Mage/Priest cards?

So if I play a turn 4 Spellslinger and I use this card... do I still get the 3 damage or it just doesn't work because I didn't use up all of my mana?
They consume all remaining mana you have open for use, and have an effect proportional to that mana.


They consume all remaining mana you have open for use, and have an effect proportional to that mana.
Ok then the card is under powered.

For some reason I was thinking that it dealt damage based on how much mana you spent and costed 0 mana. So you could do like turn 5 Azure Drake and hit some minion for 6 damage (5 damage plus 1 for spell damage bonus) with it which would make it an insane tempo card.
The lead designer of Hearthstone everyone.


PCG: How much do you factor into that conversation the skill that is required to play a particular deck? I think what annoys people is a sense that with Secret Paladin, similar to Undertaker Hunter, you just plop your stuff down and don’t really need to do too much else. With Patron and Miracle Rogue there was at least an element of timing, and managing your resources carefully.

BB: I think that decks like Secret Paladin do actually require a lot of skill to play perfectly.

PCG: Are you sure you want that to be a quote… ?

BB: [Laughs] It does! Absolutely. The people who are playing Secret Paladin and hitting Legend could be hitting Legend with other decks too. When you’re playing Secret Paladin against Face Hunter, as an example, when do you decide to be aggressive, and when do you start trading with minions? Those are hard decisions, and those decision points change through the course of the game. Often the game hinges on whether I attack their hero or their minions, and a lot of players get that wrong. What do I mulligan for? What is important to keep in my opening hand in this deck? I have Secretkeeper, do I keep this bad secret in my opening hand or do I throw it back in my deck? There are a lot of decision points that are quite difficult to make, but because some games you feel like you can curve out perfectly and dominate, playing against it you sometimes feel like, “I didn’t have a chance. My opponent just played the best card every turn and won.” But you don’t see what the other options they had were. It’s not autopilot.


Unconfirmed Member
What happens when you play Forbidden Flame at 0 mana left? Could you combine it with +1 spell power to do 1 damage?
Based on everything I have ever read from Blizzard across all games, I think it might be company policy to never admit any faults in the games, and always pretend everything is better than it is. Years of talking to WoW community managers...


A lot of secret paladins I've been playing against are absolutely horrible players. Truly the only reason some of them win is by getting the god curve. Otherwise they can be outplayed if you have enough tools on board to deal with their challenger.


I'd argue that face decks require more skill than Secret Paladin.

It really depends on what our definition of skill is when it comes to Hearthstone.

As a card game it depends on: Deck choice, deck building, RNG outcomes, meta gaming and experience.

I thinking knowing when to play a face deck if you are trying to climb the ladder is just as important as how to play.


When you’re playing Secret Paladin against Face Hunter, as an example, when do you decide to be aggressive
When they run out of steam.

and when do you start trading with minions?
From the first turn, usually. Your stuff sticks better than theirs.

Often the game hinges on whether I attack their hero or their minions
It's usually their minions, because you want to hold onto the board for Turn 6.

and a lot of players get that wrong. What do I mulligan for?
You mulligan for turn 1, turn 2, turn 3. If you have the coin, maybe you keep something a little heavier.

I've probably seriously damaged my ability to actually play the game by using Secret Paladin so much to advance rank.

ben brode pls


I don't think that secret paladin is a high level deck to play, but is not as braindead as people make it sound, in some matchups you really need to know how to mulligan, and you had to understand well what the other opponent will play to make the most optimal choices (especially when you had lots of cards with similar costs the first 4 turns. or how to play the secrets in a way that you will gain advantage by doing it)


I pray all day this expansion don't have NotAvenge so SP can die for good.. we have Secret eater sure but I still wish the worst for those shit


Put together a elise healadin with ALL of the keepers, acolyte of pain, double equality and wild pyromancer. It's actually quite fun. It crushes control warrior and renolock, I'm actually doing ok against priest and druid. All the aggro decks just get rekt. I lost quite a few ranks playing malyrogue today, it was just face face face control warrior repeat. I went 13-1 with the deck. preeeetty good.


So (dumb question inc.) as someone looking to get into Hearthstone (not really looking for gameplay tips, I know there are guides out there and streams to watch) but would it be advisable that I first get every class to 10 (vs. AI) so I have all their free basic cards and have a better idea of which play style I may prefer rather than just randomly choosing one and going with it?


So (dumb question inc.) as someone looking to get into Hearthstone (not really looking for gameplay tips, I know there are guides out there and streams to watch) but would it be advisable that I first get every class to 10 (vs. AI) so I have all their free basic cards and have a better idea of which play style I may prefer rather than just randomly choosing one and going with it?

Definitely do that first, you get 100 gold for it I think (or was it 300?)

Then go beat expert AIs, you get another 100 gold for that too. These help you get started on card collection. Do these see which class you like the best though those decks are really outdated.

The deck recipes the game suggests are actually mostly decent and can tell you what the class is about, take a look at them.


Definitely do that first, you get 100 gold for it I think (or was it 300?)

Then go beat expert AIs, you get another 100 gold for that too. These help you get started on card collection. Do these see which class you like the best though those decks are really outdated.

The deck recipes the game suggests are actually mostly decent and can tell you what the class is about, take a look at them.

Alrighty, thanks. I will definitely do that first then.


I don't think that secret paladin is a high level deck to play, but is not as braindead as people make it sound, in some matchups you really need to know how to mulligan, and you had to understand well what the other opponent will play to make the most optimal choices (especially when you had lots of cards with similar costs the first 4 turns. or how to play the secrets in a way that you will gain advantage by doing it)

Sure you can do all that and win even more...or you can make terrible plays and still win just the same. I watched Reckful ranking up from 2 to legend with secret pally and he not paying attention at all , making misplays on purpose and because of lack of attention and still winning and ranking up all the while laughing at how retarded the deck is. He kept Dr 6,7,&8 as his opening hand against zoo and still won.

Just today in a game a pally put kings and coghammer for divine shield on a creeper and goes face instead of killing my 5/4 tombkeeper for free against me as a rogue ...who hasn't played a SAP and had lots of cards. I proceed to SAP and dominate tempo but still almost lose cause of Dr 6-8.
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