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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


I think the true potential of Forbidden Healing comes from looking at is as a mana scalable battle cry. You could use one or two mana in a style similar to Earthen Ring Farseer and heal a minion for favourable trading. You could also use 3 or 4 mana for a Antique Healbot style hero heal while still developing the board. And finally you have the all out 8-10 mana heal when you're facing aggro just as they're running out of resources, this will probably lead to many satisfying concedes, that could also be useful in games that reach fatigue.

The flexibility should make it a lot more useful than regular Healing Touch style cards.


Corporate Apologist
The best thing about Forbiden Healing it it can target minions. Being able to heal a minion to full health while still having the option to heal your hero later in the game makes the card super good.

Like Turn 5, you have Yeti, kill some 4 health minion, whack another with the True Silver you just equipped, you can use Forbiden Healing to heal back Yeti to 3HP for 1 mana, that you otherwise couldn't do.

Oh you are facing Freeze mage, he Alex's your face, so you can follow it up with Aldor Peacekeeper and Forbidden Healing to face, making his 8/8 and 1/8, and putting you back at 29 HP.
You only have 30 card its exactly why you play this card you dont always can use all your mana. This card does that. Filling yoùr curve is never bad thing and many game decided on that

What if on torn 13 you only have yeti or boulderfist.. what you use for the rest of curve? Etc

If your argument card is limited why you questioning card that can fill in alot of scenario?

Why not run voodoo doctor then? That should answer your question.

It doesn't cover a lot of scenarios. It covers exactly one scenario, which is healing. Other cards do that as well, but give you things like a body on the board, value and/or tempo. What would you rather do, heal for 14 or heal for 6 and put a 5/6 on the board? Both are kind of crappy, but the latter is generally going to always be the better choice.

Having a card sitting in your hand for the chance of healing big and doing absolutely nothing to the board is not a recipe for success.

The best thing about Forbiden Healing it it can target minions. Being able to heal a minion to full health while still having the option to heal your hero later in the game makes the card super good.

Like Turn 5, you have Yeti, kill some 4 health minion, whack another with the True Silver you just equipped, you can use Forbiden Healing to heal back Yeti to 3HP for 1 mana, that you otherwise couldn't do.

Oh you are facing Freeze mage, he Alex's your face, so you can follow it up with Aldor Peacekeeper and Forbidden Healing to face, making his 8/8 and 1/8, and putting you back at 29 HP.

I'd still rather play aldor and gok. You might be at 29HP, but you just lost your turn to play a 3/3 on the board and your opponent will have a huge advantage next turn. Of course you are right in that it works against very specific decks that are bursting you down, but I'm kind of assuming they are going to be gone.



Robert Wing @RobertAWing
We'll be revealing a Legendary minion from the #OldGods set on Sunday before the final match of the Europe Winter Championship! #HCT


The Adder

Realistic scenario wherein the Forbidden Paladin card is good.

Turn 10+

You have the board, a 3-6 drop minion, and forbidden healing.

With that minion you hace lethal next turn. However, your opponent can kill you this turn.

This is a scenario that happens all the time. Forbidden Healing lets you put another body on the board AND gain a shit ton of life


I might have to stop playing arena, I get so mad during it, more so then when I play any other game right now. It feels like every player either had a perfect curve with great answers or they play like shit but still win because they frostbolt-ice lance into pyroblast (my last game). I'm turning into Kripp.
Realistic scenario wherein the Forbidden Paladin card is good.

Turn 10+

You have the board, a 3-6 drop minion, and forbidden healing.

With that minion you hace lethal next turn. However, your opponent can kill you this turn.

This is a scenario that happens all the time. Forbidden Healing lets you put another body on the board AND gain a shit ton of life
There are SO many matches where I have total control of the board but lose to a bunch of face spells. I find the card quite useful just for that. Hell, just imagine if you survive the first 6 turns against a Face Hunter, but are down to 5 life, and pop up to 19 on the next turn. That's GG right there, and while Lay on Hands is the better spell, you can't cast that on turn 7.

I hope all classes get a Forbidden spell. The only question is how would they work.
Warlock: Consume all of your available mana. For each mana consumed this way, draw a card.


Freeze Mage makes me want to vote for a Trump presidency.
Freeze Mage is my dream deck. :-D

I just need...3 more legendaries...yeah.


Freeze Mage is gonna get nerfed, no point in thinking too hard about it.

Just muster through the current meta for a little bit longer.


Corporate Apologist
I hope all classes get a Forbidden spell. The only question is how would they work.

Well, if we want to give Warlock a good card, we could give him something like this.

Forbidden Knowledge: 0 mana spell
Spend all your mana. Draw a card for every 2 mana spent, damage yourself for every mana spent.

Basically let Warlock use his hero power multiple times in a single turn.


I don't mind freeze Mage. I think it's a fun deck to play against as it usually ends up going on the wire.
I hate mech Mage though(tempo or whatever is called) Glad it's out of standard
I don't mind freeze Mage. I think it's a fun deck to play against as it usually ends up going on the wire.
I hate mech Mage though(tempo or whatever is called) Glad it's out of standard
Mech Mage and Tempo Mage are different. Flamewaker + lots of spells = Tempo, AKA Casino Mage.

I didn't mind Freeze Mage until I had a loss to one after what I consider to be perfect play. I had 28 health, and the Freeze Mage had 1. Ice Block is triggered. Cool.

The Freeze Mage lays down ANOTHER Ice Block Secret. Proceeds to cast Frostbolt, Fireball, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Frostbolt: 20 damage.

I trigger the second Ice Block, and take a deep breath.

Pyroblast. GG.

No Antonidas. No Alex. Just a ton of spells that I couldn't do anything about. I countered every single thing the guy did aside from the Ice Blocks. I silenced Doombringer 1. I saved a surprise Kill Command + Argent for the inevitable second Doombringer.

The only thing he had to help him was Thaurassan dropped for 1 turn - I took it out on the next turn. The 2 damage my Face took were from Fireblast pings on turns 2 and 3.

I think Ice Block needs to be a legendary card, or it needs a weakness. I'm sure someone will come along and tell me I got outplayed, but I'd love to hear how. I died on turn 9 to the reduced cost Pyroblast.
Goblin sapper is such an underrated card in this brawl. forces people into wasting spells and cards in very inopportune ways, for instance last game dude had 6 cards so he had to spend a humility, and only thing he could really throw it on was the sapper, which only lowered his attack by one. clockwork giant could even be playable if you wanted to go nuts lol


Ben Brode is fucking useless, if he didn't have his "I act quirky look at me LOL" shtick he'd get so much more backlash. He's the HS version of Jay Wilson.


A druid just played the combo against me whilst he still had a wild pyromancer on the board

He conceded out of shame.


If they keep pushing the coin theme to rogue I wonder if the rogue card would be "Spend all your mana, gain a coin for each mana spent." Not sure if that would be any good. Could draw a lot with auctioneer.
Mech Mage and Tempo Mage are different. Flamewaker + lots of spells = Tempo, AKA Casino Mage.

I didn't mind Freeze Mage until I had a loss to one after what I consider to be perfect play. I had 28 health, and the Freeze Mage had 1. Ice Block is triggered. Cool.

The Freeze Mage lays down ANOTHER Ice Block Secret. Proceeds to cast Frostbolt, Fireball, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Frostbolt: 20 damage.

I trigger the second Ice Block, and take a deep breath.

Pyroblast. GG.

No Antonidas. No Alex. Just a ton of spells that I couldn't do anything about. I countered every single thing the guy did aside from the Ice Blocks. I silenced Doombringer 1. I saved a surprise Kill Command + Argent for the inevitable second Doombringer.

The only thing he had to help him was Thaurassan dropped for 1 turn - I took it out on the next turn. The 2 damage my Face took were from Fireblast pings on turns 2 and 3.

I think Ice Block needs to be a legendary card, or it needs a weakness. I'm sure someone will come along and tell me I got outplayed, but I'd love to hear how. I died on turn 9 to the reduced cost Pyroblast.

There's not a whole lot you can do about a Freeze Mage with perfect draws. If you run into a lot of them, you can tech in a Kezan, or just start running Control Warrior.

If they keep pushing the coin theme to rogue I wonder if the rogue card would be "Spend all your mana, gain a coin for each mana spent." Not sure if that would be any good. Could draw a lot with auctioneer.

This would be an absolutely insane card. You're trading a card and all of your mana for a bunch of cards that give you the same amount of mana back and can be used to activate Combo, Violet Teacher, and Gadgetzan. You could even use it to make plays that require way more than 10 mana. I'd even run Questing Adventurer and Mana Addict. Van Cleef get absolutely fucking nuts with that thing. Imagine a turn 3 where you play that spell, all three coins it gives you, a second copy of that spell, all of those coins, then Van Cleef.


If they keep pushing the coin theme to rogue I wonder if the rogue card would be "Spend all your mana, gain a coin for each mana spent." Not sure if that would be any good. Could draw a lot with auctioneer.

That would be ridiculously overpowered. Not only does Rogue have insane synergy with the coin, it would basically be "save your spare mana for future turns to spend as you wish". It would be OP in any class, IMO.


Mech Mage and Tempo Mage are different. Flamewaker + lots of spells = Tempo, AKA Casino Mage.

I didn't mind Freeze Mage until I had a loss to one after what I consider to be perfect play. I had 28 health, and the Freeze Mage had 1. Ice Block is triggered. Cool.

The Freeze Mage lays down ANOTHER Ice Block Secret. Proceeds to cast Frostbolt, Fireball, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Frostbolt: 20 damage.

I trigger the second Ice Block, and take a deep breath.

Pyroblast. GG.

No Antonidas. No Alex. Just a ton of spells that I couldn't do anything about. I countered every single thing the guy did aside from the Ice Blocks. I silenced Doombringer 1. I saved a surprise Kill Command + Argent for the inevitable second Doombringer.

The only thing he had to help him was Thaurassan dropped for 1 turn - I took it out on the next turn. The 2 damage my Face took were from Fireblast pings on turns 2 and 3.

I think Ice Block needs to be a legendary card, or it needs a weakness. I'm sure someone will come along and tell me I got outplayed, but I'd love to hear how. I died on turn 9 to the reduced cost Pyroblast.
You got out played because you didn't use Loatheb and Kezan Mystic at the right time.

Real answer is that playing against a Freeze Mage who isn't a doofus is a game of solitaire. Either they get the draws they need to kill you or they don't and you wipe them. Not much in the way of interactivity, after a certain point once both players understand the match up its all by the numbers.

Also without looking at the entire match from both perspectives it's impossible to deduce who out played who. This is where HS fails in providing a replay function. The Freeze Mage may have had the option of clearing one or two of your minions with Fireball and Frostbolt earlier but instead played the long game by calculating lethal for turn 9 3 even 4 turns in advance. It was probably extremely risky on his part but he made a calculated decision and it paid off. He probably wouldn't have done that if he didn't have double Ice Blocks.


If they keep pushing the coin theme to rogue I wonder if the rogue card would be "Spend all your mana, gain a coin for each mana spent." Not sure if that would be any good. Could draw a lot with auctioneer.

As long as they're special coins that do nothing.

0 mana, is a spell.

OR, it gives both you and your opponent a coin. "Forbidden riches" (edit: actually, that's insanely broken for mill rogue)

What if it gives you a coin WORTH the mana you used to make it? Spend 6 mana this turn so you can use 6 mana some other turn? - actually, still super broken. Sigh. No forbidden riches.


Based on everything I have ever read from Blizzard across all games, I think it might be company policy to never admit any faults in the games, and always pretend everything is better than it is. Years of talking to WoW community managers...


The conspiracy theories people from outside Blizzard about how things are done here always make me chuckle. Never change, guys.


He's right though, any deck requires skill to play perfectly. There's a sizable difference between players who end the season high legend with secret paladin and ones who try but can barely break rank 10.

If you disagree you're wrong.
Ben Brode is fucking useless, if he didn't have his "I act quirky look at me LOL" shtick he'd get so much more backlash. He's the HS version of Jay Wilson.
Who is Jay Wilson? Help me understand the reference.

If they keep pushing the coin theme to rogue I wonder if the rogue card would be "Spend all your mana, gain a coin for each mana spent." Not sure if that would be any good. Could draw a lot with auctioneer.
My #1 fix for this game would be Coin not counting as a spell. Rogues can get a different thing instead of Coins that work the same for their decks, but nothing makes me rage more than a Wild Pyromancer or Flamewaker that is fueled by the free coin a player gets. It's an enormously unfair advantage.

There's not a whole lot you can do about a Freeze Mage with perfect draws. If you run into a lot of them, you can tech in a Kezan, or just start running Control Warrior.

This would be an absolutely insane card. You're trading a card and all of your mana for a bunch of cards that give you the same amount of mana back and can be used to activate Combo, Violet Teacher, and Gadgetzan. You could even use it to make plays that require way more than 10 mana. I'd even run Questing Adventurer and Mana Addict. Van Cleef get absolutely fucking nuts with that thing. Imagine a turn 3 where you play that spell, all three coins it gives you, a second copy of that spell, all of those coins, then Van Cleef.
Up until that match, I've only lost to one other Freeze Mage IIRC, and it was my fault for going too Face and not killing Antonidas right away. So until now, I haven't understood what people are complaining about.

You got out played because you didn't use Loatheb and Kezan Mystic at the right time.

Real answer is that playing against a Freeze Mage who isn't a doofus is a game of solitaire. Either they get the draws they need to kill you or they don't and you wipe them. Not much in the way of interactivity, after a certain point once both players understand the match up its all by the numbers.

Also without looking at the entire match from both perspectives it's impossible to deduce who out played who. This is where HS fails in providing a replay function. The Freeze Mage may have had the option of clearing one or two of your minions with Fireball and Frostbolt earlier but instead played the long game by calculating lethal for turn 9 3 even 4 turns in advance. It was probably extremely risky on his part but he made a calculated decision and it paid off. He probably wouldn't have done that if he didn't have double Ice Blocks.
I don't think I drew Loatheb at all in that game. :(

Also, I wouldn't consider the scenario you listed at the bottom as being outplayed, because there's no choice to be made on my end. :p


LOL who was it that said there would be a new card being revealed today in the EU Winter tourney?
edit: oh before the final match on Sunday


Jay Wilson was the director responsible for vanilla D3 which was a mediocre game. After he left the game improved dramatically. When a D2 developer criticized D3, Jay made an inappropriate response to it.


My #1 fix for this game would be Coin not counting as a spell. Rogues can get a different thing instead of Coins that work the same for their decks, but nothing makes me rage more than a Wild Pyromancer or Flamewaker that is fueled by the free coin a player gets. It's an enormously unfair advantage.
Free coin? You're literally 1 mana behind for the entire game except for the one power turn provided by the coin.

Flamewanker is just a horrible card that not only enables one of the dumbest, most rng-heavy decks in the game but has also ruined almost every constructed brawl to date.


Free coin? You're literally 1 mana behind for the entire game except for the one power turn provided by the coin.

Flamewanker is just a horrible card that not only enables one of the dumbest, most rng-heavy decks in the game but has also ruined almost every constructed brawl to date.
LMAO so true.
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