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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt





Paladin secrets aren't even shitty. They're ok except Eye for an Eye, avenge and get down were always good, they just didn't have a deck. Avenge was always a pick in arena.

Building your deck around two camels and two 1 drops to possibly have this pretty good turn 3 to have a second mediocre body next your 3 drop with mediocre body and if you're lucky nothing from your opponent's side.... yeah. It's quite alright still, the design is interesting. It's nothing broken or absurd. We have already mechwarpers and snowchuggers being played on turn 3, even some free 1 mana mechs along side quite regularly, I just played a match like that actually. It's sure pretty good and strong even but it's not some absurd board or anything. Now your 2/4s here are way worse than these mechs as they don't do anything but you didn't play the second 2/4 from your hand, that evens out I guess.

These are their attempts to help hunter play a more midrange to control style game after their bad move of nuking their card draw engine, same goes for explorer's hat, I've seen an analogy that the hat is pretty much an alt hero power for hunter to control the board. It's all quite interesting. Dreadscale is a good card too, I'm sure if they keep at it like this a deck will emerge some day.

The Adder

In regards ti Pit Snake:

I'd rather have that sitting in my hand turn 6 or 7 than I would any other 1 drop and most 2 drops.

It demands an answer before your opponent can play any of their big minions and for 6/9 classes answering it is more anti-tempo for your opponent than playing it was for you most of the time.

The exceptions are Priests, Hunters and Druids (1 mana removal). Mages who get a lucky Arcane Missles. And Warriors who already have a weapon out.

Turn 6 Pit Snake into Shadow Pan going into your opponent's turn 7 (or even better, their turn six) is going to be back breaking.


In regards ti Pit Snake:

I'd rather have that sitting in my hand turn 6 or 7 than I would any other 1 drop and most 2 drops.

It demands an answer before your opponent can play any of their big minions and for 6/9 classes answering it is more anti-tempo for your opponent than playing it was for you most of the time.

The exceptions are Priests, Hunters and Druids (1 mana removal). Mages who get a lucky Arcane Missles. And Warriors who already have a weapon out.

Turn 6 Pit Snake into Shadow Pan going into your opponent's turn 7 (or even better, their turn six) is going to be back breaking.

if you want to do that might as well play patient assassin!

I agree, there is little point in playing something like that on turn 1. Rogue has better one drops. It doesn't do anything against other one drops. It's not any better against most common 2 drops than any other 2/1. I guess it can be good against druid but that's it. It's generally worse than Buccaneer in most cases, your turn 2 play is mostly hero power.

The Adder

if you want to do that might as well play patient assassin!

There is a world of difference between a 1 drop and a 2 drop.

Patient Assassin on turn 6 means you're playing a 4 drop with it. Your opponent can clear it and match your drop. And if your opponent doesn't have AoE then they have to incentive to gimp their turn to deal with it. They just put 2 bodies on the board.

This isn't the case for Pit Snake.

Not to mention the most obvious thing about Pit Snake:

It's a 1 drop to enable combo.


Well, stealth is huge for your purpose. You can play better cards as a combo enabler, that's the thing. Snake isn't going to do much if anything for that. You're wasting a precious card slot in a rogue deck, 1 drops like deckhand does something when they are played, same for buccaneer they enable combo, not just in the sense of the keyword, they're the combo. buccaneer is a way bigger threat than this card can ever be in any kind of rogue deck and even that hasn't been popular. Pit Snake is tech choice against druid or priest, that's the best I'd evaluate it.

The Adder

Well, stealth is huge for your purpose. You can play better cards as a combo enabler, that's the thing. Snake isn't going to do much if anything for that. You're wasting a precious card slot in a rogue deck, 1 drops like deckhand does something when they are played, same for buccaneer they enable combo, not just in the sense of the keyword, they're the combo. buccaneer is a way bigger threat than this card can ever be in any kind of rogue deck and even that hasn't been popular. Pit Snake is tech choice against druid or priest, that's the best I'd evaluate it.

Realy? I'd say Druid and Priest are two of the 3 classes it's the worst against. They can remove it with no need for RNG and no more tempo lost than it cost you to play it.

And PA is awful for the purpose I'm describing. Like I said, it puts you two mana behind and fails to incentivize your opponent to remove it since a lot of the time they can't.

Anyways, my main point was that your deck isn't going to curve out perfectly every time and, unlike most 1 drops, Pit Snake it going to have an effect on the board well into the mid-game and possibly into the first stages of late game. I think it'll see play.

Watch this space.


Man I hate it when people use meta decks in casual, go shit up ladder.

Meh ,if it's a deck that takes a bit of skill to pilot I can see trying to learn it in casual. However, it's the losers running face hunter / secret pally / etc in casual that piss me off. Fuck off with that shit.


Meh ,if it's a deck that takes a bit of skill to pilot I can see trying to learn it in casual. However, it's the losers running face hunter / secret pally / etc in casual that piss me off. Fuck off with that shit.

Yeah I'm fine with that, but I've seeing a bunch of secret pallys in a row.
Meh ,if it's a deck that takes a bit of skill to pilot I can see trying to learn it in casual. However, it's the losers running face hunter / secret pally / etc in casual that piss me off. Fuck off with that shit.

Maybe they are trying to do dailys? I've ran into quite a few meta deck in normal when I'm trying to play lulz stuff like Malagyos crap for dailys or what not.
A win from a knife juggler 50/50 swing should count as a draw at best BabyRage

Of course the very next round boom bot fails to 50/50 for me... no wonder I'm not a pro player like some of these people, his boom bot hit the right target for at least the right amount of damage. :)

The Adder

You really should mention the most obvious thing about pit snake, which is that it doesn't have stealth.

And then they spend 2 mana dealing with your one mana card. Which was kind of my point in the first place. They have to answer it and, in most cases, answering it is going to make their turn worse than playing it made yours.
And then they spend 2 mana dealing with your one mana card. Which was kind of my point in the first place. They have to answer it and, in most cases, answering it is going to make their turn worse than playing it made yours.

It is an okay card on curve and somewhat is okay in ideal scenarios, but just don't forget the amount of ways to deal 1 damage are in the game. Knife juggler, flamewaker, swipe, hero powers, mortal coil, arcane missiles... there are just so many efficient ways to deal with it that, and I am basing this off of buccanneer, will probably have you getting so little value out of pit snake that it might as well not even be in your deck. And I am pretty sure some people just let me get value off buccanneer or I got value off buccanneer when I could hero power the same turn playing it way way way way more often than buccanneer actually surviving a round to get any real value.

Pit snake is pretty trash imo. Trading a 1 mana CARD for 2 mana is bad, unless you have a reall great follow up to continue holding tempo and push from there. So there is a situation where it is okay, but the downside is that there are so many more situations where it is bad. For comparisons sake, mana wyrm works because it has 3 health. Dealing with a 3 health minion sometimes is not easy to do and then you sneak in a bunch of damage a 1 mana minion should never do.

If the upside is 1 mana less so you can play it earlier, I'd rather run patient assassin. And I'd probably never run patient assassin.
freeze mage is sort of a guilty pleasure

it's not fun to play for 99% of the time, but that one turn where they think they've won and start spamming well played and then you play that second ice block and they lose the next turn


EDIT: everyone is forgetting about the pit snake synergy with rhino. 6-mana assassinate that also spawns a better warsong commander, now that is value!


Meh ,if it's a deck that takes a bit of skill to pilot I can see trying to learn it in casual. However, it's the losers running face hunter / secret pally / etc in casual that piss me off. Fuck off with that shit.

Sorry, just grinding gold for the xpack.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah, 1/2 on snake would be really good. 2/1 is ass.

The 5/4 coin guy could be cool if shredder wasn't dumb, a 5/4 needs to be REALLY good to actually make the cut. The only ones I can think of are Goblin Blastmage for obvious reasons, and Savage Combatant which is hugely threatening/great to innervate.
For a class exclusive I think 1/2 is fine. Poison might actually see some play then. 2/1 just dies to Paladin tokens/living roots/anything because it has 1 hp


Yeah, 1/2 on snake would be really good. 2/1 is ass.

The 5/4 coin guy could be cool if shredder wasn't dumb, a 5/4 needs to be REALLY good to actually make the cut. The only ones I can think of are Goblin Blastmage for obvious reasons, and Savage Combatant which is hugely threatening/great to innervate.
Well, getting a coin,espically in rogues, is pretty damn good, so it might see play in constructed.


Played against a Druid with 5 swipes at 5-1 wins in arena. I don't even know how to play against that! It was just comical by the 5th.


Have total board control, completely lose it and the game because a pally got Enter The Coliseum from a Grand Crusader.



Yeah, 1/2 on snake would be really good. 2/1 is ass.

The 5/4 coin guy could be cool if shredder wasn't dumb, a 5/4 needs to be REALLY good to actually make the cut. The only ones I can think of are Goblin Blastmage for obvious reasons, and Savage Combatant which is hugely threatening/great to innervate.

I also have to wonder, what is the point of 2 attack stat at all? Maybe it gets silenced and can do 2 damage? But besides that, seems like they gave it 2 attack for the sake of it.

I run Tundra Rhino anyway, seems like it would only be useful with charge.


It's the same as before only with Bash and Justicar thrown in it.

Yeah I think Bash is the sleeper hit of the expansion. I see it in almost every control warrior deck.

Justicar got panned in initial reviews too, but I think people all agree Justicar is good in warrior, priest, paladin.



Tempted to run this card in my deck, can't tell you how many times I have lost to Yesra, a card I unfortunately do not have ... yet

Cat Party

I also have to wonder, what is the point of 2 attack stat at all? Maybe it gets silenced and can do 2 damage? But besides that, seems like they gave it 2 attack for the sake of it.

I run Tundra Rhino anyway, seems like it would only be useful with charge.

2 attack means it can at least hurt the face a little bit if the opponent doesn't play minions for a turn or two in response. Patient Assassin is strictly a removal tool. Pit Snake is different.

Edit: Does Entomb remove the enemy card from the board? If so, that's an extremely powerful card.


Yeah I highly doubt Entomb removes the minion from the board especially because it's a common rarity. That's why I didn't think it would be played in constructed.


i think people presume it removes. You'd think it would say copy a minion and shuffle it into your deck if it didn't remove it.
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