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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


I think it was warlock and neutral.

Which still could make it playable maybe... a soulfire/power overwhelming draw would be nuts for zoo. Most 1-drops are not that bad for zoo either. It's just a matter of finding a slot for peddler.

Discover lets you choose too, so that eliminates some bad RNG.


Isn't it from all 1 cost cards or has it been confirmed to only pull from Warlock cards? Because if it's only Warlock cards, then that's a lot better.
Discover is always class cards + neutrals.

I think the card is alright,because the effect is kind of like drawing a card.
The other warlock cards are terrible.
Seeker will almost never get her effect and if she does,you probably won already anyway.
Curse is even worse.Losing tempo, just to deal a little bit of face dmg isn't worth it.


Is the card given by Curse a spell? In a fast meta no one is gonna care about the 2 extra face damage if that means they gain a bit of tempo, but against a Mage for example it would be hilarious if you are actually giving them another way to Flamewalker your face on top. It needed to be like 4 dmg to be playable I think.


Is the card given by Curse a spell? In a fast meta no one is gonna care about the 2 extra face damage if that means they gain a bit of tempo, but against a Mage for example it would be hilarious if you are actually giving them another way to Flamewalker your face on top. It needed to be like 4 dmg to be playable I think.
It is a spell.
Yeah,tempo mages will love this card.

"Thanks for the spell, dumbass!"


That paladin minion that makes another one a 3/3 is a really good card, with that you can kill a shredder with a silverhand knight or even better, a shielded minibot with divine shield, plus getting a good body on the board


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I think the cost of reliquary makes it stand apart from gormok.

The extra value you get from meeting the condition is nearly the same, though. If you meet the condition on Gormok, it's like you get an extra +3/+3 value for the mana cost. About the same with this card (+3/+4 or so). That's kind of what I mean. The additional value proposition is roughly the same but the condition is much harder to meet with Reliquary Seeker. So it'll sit dead in your hand as a 1/1 most of the time. This really doesn't jive with what zoo wants to be doing.


Supposedly Ostkaka tossed the Hearthstone World Championship trophy into the garbage and someone else found it, according to Thijs.


it looked like the adventure themed card back is this month's Rank 20 back instead of having a pre-order, at least from yoshi-updates.


These are the cards I'm most excited for.

Naga Sea Witch: 5 for 5/5 - Your cards cost 5.
I think she might be able to bring some consistency to a Ramp Druid deck that tries to use Aviana. She allows you to make some big power plays with minions that cost 7+ mana and she is a decent sized body herself.

Djinni of Zephyrs: 5 for 4/6 - Buffs on other minions also buff him.
There are a lot of good buffs and there are now neutral minions that have synergy with buffs at 3, 4, and 5 mana slots. This might be the card that opens up those decks.

Raven Idol: 1 mana - Choose to discover a Spell or a Minion
This is really good. A 1 mana do anything you might need is powerful. There is a chance it doesn't give you a good option, but any card that can help you in both the early game and late game is amazing.

Rumbling Elemental: 4 mana 2/6 - Deal 2 random damage when a battlecry is played.
The deal damage effects are always really powerful. With 6 health this guy might stick to the board. Shaman has some powerful battlecry minions with Fire Elemental, tuskar totemic, Fireguard Destroyer, and Totem Carver. Combo this with the new legendary that doubles battlecry effects and it might be a good deck.

Anyfin Can Happen: 10 mana - Summon 7 murlocs that died
I might play some pally murloc.

Entomb: 6 mana - Choose an enemy minion and Shuffle it into your deck.
This is really good removal. It silences, kills it, and adds a card to your deck. This is absolutely an auto include in Control Priest and will probably replace Mind Control forever.

Unearthed Raper: 3 mana 3/4 - Copy a friendly deathrattle effect
This card will turn death rattle rogue into a thing. It has good stats no matter what and it has good text. This card is going to be broken as hell when it copies a Nerubion Egg and even weaker copies like the Spider will make it incredibly hard to win back the board.


Raven Idol: 1 mana - Choose to discover a Spell or a Minion
This is really good. A 1 mana do anything you might need is powerful. There is a chance it doesn't give you a good option, but any card that can help you in both the early game and late game is amazing.

I like this one. It's similar to Tracking, but you don't discard any of your actual deck.


This is totally the strangest card in the set. Murloc decks are spammy rusk decks. If you're playing a Murloc deck and its turn 10, you've either already won, or are dead.

Any other murloc deck I would agree with, but Murloc Paladins can mount huge come backs after a board clear thanks to Divine Favor. So what I see happening are win conditions developing for the deck in the mid to late game.

You rush the board. Get wiped out on turn 3 to 5.
Put out more threats and rush back onto the board. You should be close to top decking or drawing after that.
If they clear after this it is usually game over. Yet now you have 4 cards that offer you a chance at the win and 4 cards that help draw into those in the late game.
Turn 6 Murloc Knight + Hero Power is a great play when your opponent has been struggling to stop you and it allows you to slow down the number of cards you play.
Turn 6+ Divine Favor or Cold Light Oracle can easily turn around a game when you hit that top deck early. I also want to point out the great synergy that those two cards have, it's like cold light draws an extra two cards at times, since you can empty your hand faster usually.
Turn 10 Anyfin gives you a huge board presence in the late game. Imagine if it read, "Draw 7 murlocs from your deck and play them onto the board"

The late game cards offer consistency that the deck was lacking.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
If you do Anyfin can happen and you get back Old Murk Eye you might just win right there.


No. Tracking allows you to pick from your deck. Discover is from every neutral + druid class card. Big difference.

I know. The tradeoff is that you don't discard any of your deck.

It's basically a free card you play when you have 1 mana remaining or something.
I wonder if there is any power in using Anyfin Can Happen in a specific Murloc deck. Basically if you limit your deck to two Grimscale Oracles, two Warlearders, two Warriors, and Murkeye, on that turn ten you have two 8 damage chargers and one 14 damage charger.

Granted that's a drean of dreams because that's eight cards you have to have, seven need to die, and you need a completely empty board.

Feels like it could be a cool finisher surprise though.


For that card to be good you need more Midrange/late game Murlocs. Pretty much every Murloc except Murloc Knight is early game which skewers how you can make a Murloc deck.


For that card to be good you need more Midrange/late game Murlocs. Pretty much every Murloc except Murloc Knight is early game which skewers how you can make a Murloc deck.

Not to mention most murlocks just suck since they are from classic set.


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This says a lot about the current state of /r/Hearthstone
But if you're paying ten mana, you better win that turn, right? Isnt that the general concensus?

I guess in my mind it's an aggressive deck with a few Murlocs but you can keep track what's in your Murloc graveyard so you know just how much damage you can do. Of course, there's not really a lot you can do without them all present anyway.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Large board clears are not particularly popular right now so I wouldn't underestimate the card. Getting 7 minions is no joke.


If you can revive the old murked eye it could be gg, you can mix the deck with some cards like boom and tirion to had some sutentability on late game

Heck, you can even ignore some murlocs, you only need to revive the key one, the knight, old murked eye and maybe that one that gives 2+2


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Large board clears are not particularly popular right now so I wouldn't underestimate the card. Getting 7 minions is no joke.

The problem with large board clears like Flamestrike is for 7 mana you might clear the board, but you still don't gain tempo. You move that down to cost less mana and it becomes OP though. EQ/Con Paly combo is 6 mana, and even then you see Pally's chosing to go other routes these days.

IDK what they can do about it honestly.


For that card to be good you need more Midrange/late game Murlocs. Pretty much every Murloc except Murloc Knight is early game which skewers how you can make a Murloc deck.
I think 7 crap minions are more than enough to put you back in the game. You should threatening lethal by turn 10. It's a card that could grant lethal, it could give you board control on an even match, it could force your opponent to trade giving you more turns to find lethal, it gives you lots of guys to use buffs on if any survive to the next turn.

As for stand alone cards, the chance of Warleader, Murkeye, and MurKnight will gives the card some straight up win scenarios. Any charge + Warleader is big damage. Murkeye is 8/4 with charge.


The card is obviously a win condition, but you guys have to realize it's a murlock deck. A 10-mana card in a murlock deck is probably not very consistent to begin with.


The card is obviously a win condition, but you guys have to realize it's a murlock deck. A 10-mana card in a murlock deck is probably not very consistent to begin with.

Maybe one day there will be another murloc that is good by himself (like murloc knight).
If you only get 1 activation with your 2 knights, you already have 4 murlocs for the spell.
This way you could play the spell in a control deck.......
Honestly I think the card is quite powerful, just not right now.


The card is obviously a win condition, but you guys have to realize it's a murlock deck. A 10-mana card in a murlock deck is probably not very consistent to begin with.

I agree, but I am thinking someone is going to get murloc shaman or paladin to be very close to a viable tier level deck with these cards. I think it will definitely be viable if we get any more murlocs in the next expansion.


The Curse Warlock card seems kind of cool. You're basically giving up 2 mana and some tempo to make the other player also give up 2 mana and some tempo, or take repeated damage. Might be a good card to play early if you can get ahead on the board. On the other hand, 2 mana is a lot in the early game, and it's useless if you're behind. And it's got the problem of giving your opponent the choice, so they'll always choose the best option for themselves.

Interesting card though. I kind of wish it was 3 damage a turn.



Any suggestions to improve my Beastmaster/Secret deck?

Have about 80% winrate in trench

Deck is really weird but I respect that. All I can say is remove Cobra Shot for literally anything else, if its working for you.

Cobra Shot is essentially a Darkbomb + Sinister Strike. DB is 2 mana and SS is 1 mana...so 2+1 = 5, somehow?

Thanks, I guess I'll tinker with replacing it
Deck is really weird but I respect that. All I can say is remove Cobra Shot for literally anything else, if its working for you.

Cobra Shot is essentially a Darkbomb + Sinister Strike. DB is 2 mana and SS is 1 mana...so 2+1 = 5, somehow?


Theory Crafting:

Kill 'Em All Priest
The goal is to load the deck with removal and use discover, entomb, thoughtsteal, and inspire to create your own threats in the mid to late game. The deck may need more stablizing tools, but there should be enough cheap removal to keep up with tempo decks. In all the deck generates 12 cards, more if Ysera, Confessor, or Saraad tick more than once.
2x Holy Smite

2x Shadow Word Pain
2x Museum Curator (Discover)
2x Shrinkmiester (combo for Pain/Madness and tempo vs aggro)

2x Shadow Word Death
2x Thought Steal

2x Shadow Madness (2 for 1)
2x Piloted Shredder
2x Tomb Spider (discover)

2x Sludge Belcher
1x Nexus Champion Saarad

2x Entomb
2x Light Bomb
1x Holy Fire

1x Confessor Paletress

1x Arch Theif Rafam
1x Ysera


Arena is so much fun.

Unless you get offered something else than the class with minibot-seal-blessing-truesilver-murlock knight-consecration-blessing... oh and did I mention they get rares too!



Any suggestions to improve my Beastmaster/Secret deck?

Have about 80% winrate in trench

Thanks, I guess I'll tinker with replacing it

What is your win condition with this deck? Annoy your opponent to death with an endless wave of secrets?

Seriously though, you are going to get outvalued hard by most decks out there. My suggestion would be to remove a lot of the low value cards and replace them with some higher value substitutions. Something like:

- Ball of Spiders, - Cobra Shot
+ Savannah Highmane x2

- Snipe x2, - Misdirection, - Fencing Coach
+ Knife Juggler x2
+ Animal Companion x2

- Acidmaw
+ Dr. Boom

Cat Party

I submit that Paladin is the least fun class to play and to play against. Doesn't matter what the deck type is. When you play it, there are no decisions to make, barely any combos to develop, no surprises to unleash. You just go through the motions. It's just a boring class to me on both sides.


I submit that Paladin is the least fun class to play and to play against. Doesn't matter what the deck type is. When you play it, there are no decisions to make, barely any combos to develop, no surprises to unleash. You just go through the motions. It's just a boring class to me on both sides.

Patron and Miracle were cancerous decks. It takes true skill to unleash the doctors six, seven and eight and makes for interesting, interactive gameplay.


Speaking of murlocs, unless you're running a Totem Shaman, I think Sir Finley Mrrgglton will be an auto-include in every Shaman deck. The randomness of the Hero Power and the high cost of Justicar Trueheart is worthless compared to having a consistent Hero Power. Even getting Paladin's 1/1 Silver Hand is better than randomly getting the 1/1 fire totem. And a 1-cost minion with 1/3 stats is nice.

It's weird though how Paladin got one extremely good Murloc card in TGT and now they're being considered for future Murloc cards. Just goes to show how much a single card can influence things. Same with Dragon Priest, Pirate Rogue, and all the variations. Though... I think they still need to work the kinds out of Discard Warlock.
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