Patron is secretly the tier 1 deck. It's been working very well for me. I play my own list, I don't like dread corsairs, I play a more control oriented deck it's just that instead of losing to midrange paladin like control warrior does, I roll them over.
It destroys every aggro deck, specially druid. Handlock is a very good match up now actually. If control warrior is really not all that common it's easy climbing wit patron, even priest is manageable with some tech cards like brawl or Sylvanas. Freezemage is easy win too if you know how to play that match up. I haven't felt more comfortable with a deck than I do with my patron list ever, I feel I can beat anything as long as it's not CW...
Everytime I q as rogue, I just get control warrior after control warrior, so I'm not sure CW is quite dead yet.