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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

14 minutes waiting on this douchey zoo warlock. Like seriously? Takes double the time with his fairly standard deck than I did with my burgle rogue deck. FFS. 22 minutes for 1 win.

Anyway, I think control rogue has a real good shot in the coming weeks. I think it has already shown to have some legs in TGT, however rarely it was seen on ladder. There is a list that dog ran (although didn't make) in legend. I think unearthed raptor and tomb pillager could make running control rogue unique and somewhat exciting.

First cuts of what I think this deck might look like



I just want to say that I was playing Renolock before anyone. Even posted my list here like day 1 of Renolock being a thing.

You should note that while you improve somematch ups with Reno in Handlock... you make other match ups worse. It's still every easy to get blown out at the start using a slow Warlock deck. You are still inconsistent at the start.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You guys are literally incapable of reading. I know this thread can be bad with long posts but Jesus fuck. Why the hell am I posting actual non-salt discussion when the rest of you only read two words of my posts, "nerf" and "Reno"?

They'll give LoE a few weeks during its launch window, but once sales die down they'll have to look at Reno.

The problem with Reno, not that I want to see it nerfed, but looking at it from Blizzard's point of view,
New favorite thing to happen;

I play Sylvanas on 6.
They play Boom on 7.
I play Enter the Coliseum to clear out Boom Bots.
Bots kill Sylvanas and I take Boom.


I've considered all this. The way I see it you're either playing Reno or non-Reno Control (which will still be heavy on legendaries to outvalue Reno), which is something Blizzard does not want, and is hostile to new players.

Reno can slow down the game enough to make Confessor playable, which is another 1600 dust that won't be available to new players.

I'm not sure Blizzard is concerned about people spending more money on the game :p

it's not like rush decks become obsolete, they just revert to a more reasonable position. They can still play face hunter for ever and after and there will be new cards for those decks in future, there are some in this set even.

I think Reno is of the few strong but balanced cards the game has received since the original set. When you look at cards like Lord Jaraxxus, it's super strong but it's still balanced and its design is extremely clever, then we got broken rubbish like Dr. Boom or MC that just vomit value on board from thin air. This card is actually a return to form from design stand point.


You guys are literally incapable of reading. I know this thread can be bad with long posts but Jesus fuck. Why the hell am I posting actual non-salt discussion when the rest of you only read two words of my posts, "nerf" and "Reno"?
I did read that and other posts. I think at this time calling Reno a Mysterious Challenger for control decks is a bit much.

I also think Blizzard hasn't actually nerfed heal based cards before (I mean after release). It's pretty much all been aggressive or combo based cards.

Undertaker, Leeroy, Warsong, Auctioneer, Soul Fire etc.
You guys are literally incapable of reading. I know this thread can be bad with long posts but Jesus fuck. Why the hell am I posting actual non-salt discussion when the rest of you only read two words of my posts, "nerf" and "Reno"?

Really isn't directed just at your post, or at least in my case it's not. There's people on the Blizzard forums calling for a nerf already. I've seen it on Reddit as well.

I don't see any way Blizzard nerfs Reno, especially not after a knee jerk three day evaluation. It's not an unbeatable card and it requires you to build your deck in a specific way, usually at the cost of consistency/power in other parts of your deck which is a pretty fair trade off.

The only worrisome thing about Reno, in my opinion, is that it makes Freeze Mage that much stronger and well....fuck Freeze Mage. Still, I think Blizzard would find a way to nerf that deck without knocking Reno. That is, of course, if it becomes an overwhelming problem.


Freezemage is not going to be an issue, sure it will be strong bu it has fool proof hard counters in the game unlike say patron. Just play Kezan and Loatheb, generally good cards too elsewhere. or you can just play Reno! it happens to be good against freeze mage also.

Reno popularity will hurt current oil rogue lists as they have limited damage, that's the downside imo but that has solutions too between gang up on boom, assassin's blade and more, it will be more control oriented rather than combo burst which is alright I guess.
I did read that and other posts. I think at this time calling Reno a Mysterious Challenger for control decks is a bit much.

I think he meant that you build your deck overall worse to make one card in your deck really shine. In that way, yeah it is like MC but not just for control decks, for really any highlander or highlander-esque deck.

I think it is incredibly unlikely that reno gets nerfed though.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Also Torch is busted as well, I agree with Dahbomb here.

Overcosted Frostbolt + Undercosted Fireball in one card, lawd in heaven.


Also Torch is busted as well, I agree with Dahbomb here.

Overcosted Frostbolt + Undercosted Fireball in one card, lawd in heaven.
IMO Reno isn't that great in Freeze Mage (right now) but if Mage starts to get more cards like that that can replace existing cards then Reno would be insane in Freeze Mage.



Though I would say that Aggro Druid can finish games before Reno is even a factor so that's not even completely true. Midrange Druid still does really well against pretty much every Reno deck.

Not to mention that Secret Paladin can still beat all these Reno decks. Tempo decks aren't going anywhere with Reno.

Exactly. I am tearing it up right now with a Highlander control rogue. I can beat aggro, control, midrange decks.

HOWEVER, my 2 biggest losses were to secret paladin and a face hunter who had perfect curve. I died with Reno in my hand both games because I didn't have time to play him before the game was over.


Unconfirmed Member
I think a zoo type deck is probably the best counter deck to the Reno meta. I've been doing really well with Mech Mage. It's a pretty hard counter to Reno thanks to Reno decks running light on AOE, making you win fairly quickly whether they have Reno or not, unless draw poorly.

It also helps mech mage that Reno is making freeze mage a bit less popular.

Edit: I'm guessing aggro druid is probably pretty good too, but I hate druid.


I think a zoo type deck is probably the best counter deck to the Reno meta. I've been doing really well with Mech Mage. It's a pretty hard counter to Reno thanks to Reno decks running light on AOE, making you win fairly quickly whether they have Reno or not, unless draw poorly.

It also helps mech mage that Reno is making freeze mage a bit less popular.

With JJ's win at Seat Story Cup today I think we will see more freeze mage for awhile. Already noticed more myself.

Control warrior, Flare Hunters and teching Kezan will probably be a good idea.
Did I ever mention how much I love Jewel Scarab?

Matched up against Handlock so I pick Coldlight Oracle from the Discover. He accidentally taps into a 10 card and can't play anything so I drop the Coldlight and he ends up burning 3 cards. Best feeling.


I thought they fixed that turn skip bs with Nozdormu. Popped out of an opponent's effigy and it basically skipped a turn (I had maybe 2 seconds to act) after the Mage waited until the very last second to throw out three Arcane Missiles.

Lost the game because of that. /salt


I created my own Reno Warlock deck today. First chance that I had to play Reno for a massive heal, I accidentally clicked on my Dread Infernal instead. Woops!

I went on to win the next two games with it, but Reno wasn't a factor in those wins. Atoll fun to experiment!

Having massive fun with my CaReno Mage deck. All singles. I love making hunters cry.
I thought they fixed that turn skip bs with Nozdormu. Popped out of an opponent's effigy and it basically skipped a turn (I had maybe 2 seconds to act) after the Mage waited until the very last second to throw out three Arcane Missiles.

Lost the game because of that. /salt

I think they just fixed joust. that's about it


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Hey guys, Dahbomb and I are going to do our card review stream again. This time is different! We're going to look back at our past predictions and pay the piper. Figure out what we got right and what we got wrong.



I think it's detrimental to my mental health do to 5 arena runs in a row.

The amount of RNG bs that you see, I think it's worse than constructed.


I think it's detrimental to my mental health do to 5 arena runs in a row.

The amount of RNG bs that you see, I think it's worse than constructed.

I'm averaging approx 4-5 wins on arena, I only play one per day, that way I will keep making gold until the next expansion and I don't get tired


I just want to say that I was playing Renolock before anyone. Even posted my list here like day 1 of Renolock being a thing.

You should note that while you improve somematch ups with Reno in Handlock... you make other match ups worse. It's still every easy to get blown out at the start using a slow Warlock deck. You are still inconsistent at the start.

Got a link for this Renolock deck list, ideally a tuned one?


Unconfirmed Member
With JJ's win at Seat Story Cup today I think we will see more freeze mage for awhile. Already noticed more myself.

Control warrior, Flare Hunters and teching Kezan will probably be a good idea.

I've played this game a lot since LoE came out, made it to rank 5, and for whatever reason, I'm just not seeing freeze mage, though I am seeing a ton of control warriors, tempo mages, and secret paladins.

Maybe if people stopped playing so much control warrior, you would see more freeze mages and not as many secret palidans as you see now, but I think there are a lot of people that invested a ton of dust into it and wont ever stop playing it no matter the reason. I can't ever remember a time when control warrior was rare to see.

EDIT: BTW, I gave up on mech mage after I started seeing more Secret Palidans, and just went face hunter because someone has to keep the secret paladins in check.


Got a link for this Renolock deck list, ideally a tuned one?
I don't think any Renolock deck is tuned right now, everyone is running their own versions.


I would replace Demonfire with Demonwrath and Bane of Doom with Jaraxxus (wouldn't run Nerubian Egg either). Jaraxxus is IMO essential in this deck because it allows you to take on other control decks (which Reno doesn't do much against).

You can make the call of having an additional silence, a 2nd Sunfury and/or 2nd Molten Giant.


yesterday went on a 20 game losing streak, I rage crafted a couple MC and now on a winning streak.

EDIT: went from rank 6 to 10, then 10 to 5

EDIT: had perfect opening hands 3 games in a row which killed handlock, control warrior, temp mage by turn 4-5


Yeah, I don't see any way that Thaurissan doesn't get nerfed at this point.

He's flat out breaking Shaman for me. One mana Lightning Storm. Dr. Boom and Antique Healbot for a combined 8 mana. It's just insane.

Thaurissan is so broken

Emperor Thaurissan should be a battlecry, not every single turn. 6 mana card that basically breaks the game.

Beta test has started boyz.

So everyone is going to have to save a removal or silence to deal with Emperor now

I see 2 options here:
1) Nerf the Emperor so his abilities activates at the start of your turn (Given the opponent a turn to clear it)
2) This is the game we'll play from now on.

Emperor balanced is such bad card design. Cards like Loatheb, Dr. Boom and Emperor are just the pay2win aspect of HS. I wonder how many more broken legendaries they can print until decks run out of free space.

It's awful design and it's obviously going to be nerfed. What's even crazy about it is that I put him down and even before my opponent can do anything to him I get his card cost reduction benefit.

I feel like these quotes are relevant, with all this "nerf Reno" talk going around.


I've considered all this. The way I see it you're either playing Reno or non-Reno Control (which will still be heavy on legendaries to outvalue Reno), which is something Blizzard does not want, and is hostile to new players.

Reno can slow down the game enough to make Confessor playable, which is another 1600 dust that won't be available to new players.

Are you talking about Reno in Control Priest, or Control Priest becoming viable because Reno will slow down the game for it to be a thing?

Personally, as a janky priest player, I can't see Priest, especially control, getting anywhere with only one copy of key cards like CSP, HN, CoH, ASP, Pyromancer, and PW:S. As much as I'd like a non-dragon priest deck to be competitive....

I feel like a bad person playing Secret Paladin. Should I feel bad, GAF?

Yes. Though to be honest, my mech rogue is doing OK against it so far....


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Are you talking about Reno in Control Priest, or Control Priest becoming viable because Reno will slow down the game for it to be a thing?

Personally, as a janky priest player, I can't see Priest, especially control, getting anywhere with only one copy of key cards like CSP, HN, CoH, ASP, Pyromancer, and PW:S. As much as I'd like a non-dragon priest deck to be competitive....

Both, actually. I think Priest can play singleton. It's already reached a point where Control runs only 1 SW:D/SW:p, and Lightbomb can sub for one Holy Nova. It has some nice, value legendaries like Velen, Voljin and Paletress. It works well with Justicar, relatively speaking, who shines in the long game.

Unfortunately Priest is my most neglected class so I can't try anything substantial.


I don't think any Renolock deck is tuned right now, everyone is running their own versions.


I would replace Demonfire with Demonwrath and Bane of Doom with Jaraxxus (wouldn't run Nerubian Egg either). Jaraxxus is IMO essential in this deck because it allows you to take on other control decks (which Reno doesn't do much against).

You can make the call of having an additional silence, a 2nd Sunfury and/or 2nd Molten Giant.

Ehhhhh doesn't look that great to play. Literally the only good matchups where Reno Jackson will play a difference with that deck are against pure face decks and Freeze Mage.


Ehhhhh doesn't look that great to play. Literally the only good matchups where Reno Jackson will play a difference with that deck are against pure face decks and Freeze Mage.
Oil Rogue too. And that's pretty much what I said before when people were like "Reno is over powered etc."

Also it's not as bad to play as it seems.


they should just release Las Vegas Jackson, Reno's classier brother

nobody will use him then

Or ACTION JACKSON Carl Jackson for some increased panty-throwing.

Both, actually. I think Priest can play singleton. It's already reached a point where Control runs only 1 SW:D/SW:p, and Lightbomb can sub for one Holy Nova. It has some nice, value legendaries like Velen, Voljin and Paletress. It works well with Justicar, relatively speaking, who shines in the long game.

Unfortunately Priest is my most neglected class so I can't try anything substantial.

We'll see! I hope you're wrong though. I can't excited about the possibility of Wallet Priest (Wallet Worshippers?) though. :/ I had a hard enough time scraping together something for Dragon Priest.


The problem with Reno is that he actually only stands to get better with time. As more cards are released more functionality can be replaced/duplicated with separate one-of cards and it'll be much easier to maintain whole-deck consistency and Reno consistency.

I don't necessarily think this is a problem, yet. Maybe I haven't run into it enough to notice a pattern. It certainly lends to having more combo decks around.


That's the deck most people are running minus Bane of Doom and Shredder.

Hrm his low mana minions were cut off so I didn't see the 1 drops. Those are the ones that I'm iffy about other than Chow. Well the ones I really dislike in the list you linked are Nerubian Egg, Demonfire, Ancient Watcher.
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