I just found a random list, I don't even use that list myself.Hrm his low mana minions were cut off so I didn't see the 1 drops. Those are the ones that I'm iffy about other than Chow. Well the ones I really dislike in the list you linked are Nerubian Egg, Demonfire, Ancient Watcher.
Make a neutral secret that punishes healing battlecries lol
Nerubian Weblord breh.I do find it somewhat upsetting that there is actually no way to counteract battlecries. So much of the tempo/aggro meta revolves around stacking high value battlecries that a counterspell/spellbender for battlecries would be a welcome addition.
Nerubian Weblord breh.
Hmm the list that Mr Yagut is playing right now seems a bit better and fits the playstyle of Handlock. Gonna watch him play it a bit to see how it goes.
That's like half the list LOL!
People are too greedy to be using BGH's these days in their tempo decks. Secret Paladin doesn't use it for example.I spent my evening playing Aggro Druid.. the DarkShadow alternate. I don't have the Blackrock expansion unlocked, so I replaced Dragon Eggs with two Undertakers. They did pretty good work for me in terms of confusing my opponent and making them waste resources, but those Fel Reavers are amazing cards. I expect to see BGH wedge himself firmly into the counter-meta if this deck takes off.
People are too greedy to be using BGH's these days in their tempo decks. Secret Paladin doesn't use it for example.
At lower ranks I was seeing it, though infrequently. Fortunately, with decks like that, if they draw the wrong removal for the situation, aggro can walk all over them. And if they draw the right removal, then you know by the end of turn 7 that you're going to be topdecking crap cards one at a time for the rest of the match, and should just concede so you can move on to the next game.
And follow the rules is why you hold onto your Keepers of the Grove in the Paladin matchup.
Main issue with Nerub is the statline. The effect is nice but a 1/4 is really meh.
That's like half the list LOL!
Man these Reno decks have such a long list people need to take 2 pics.
I feel like these quotes are relevant, with all this "nerf Reno" talk going around.
So like regular Handlock right now.Renolock is pretty mediocre. It's not "bad" persay but it's definitely not tier 1 or 2. The lack of consistency is so bad as I thought.
Renolock is pretty mediocre. It's not "bad" persay but it's definitely not tier 1 or 2. The lack of consistency is so bad as I thought.
Reno is the hero that Hearthstone needs, and the one it deserves!
Surprised Kripp thought so highly of the card even though he wasn't having much success with it. I guess he admitted that he was trying different decks with it rather than using the best Reno deck which he believes to be Renolock.
Yeah been watching a lot of Reno streams and playing some myself. While Renolock seems the most consistent of the Reno decks and you can ladder up with it, a lot of times you just win cause the warlock hero power is so OP and Reno wouldn't have made a difference in the outcome and you probably would've been better playing a different type of lock.
You get these great memorable games where you heal for 29 and win, but that kinda skews your outlook cause every other game a secret pally gets a good curve (which happens a lot cause it's a consistent deck) and you just get steamrolled even if you reno turn 6 or you just don't have an answer against a druid one turn then they just combo you out of the game at near full health.
I'm confused here, how would Dark Peddler interact with Reno? It just adds the card to you hand.
one card in hand and another in deck doesn't that count for no activation?
Idk I find my casino/tempo mages do pretty well against secret Paladins. Counter spell wrecks them, and spellbender is a god tier tech to stop the guardian of kings crap. Flame walker and arcane middles effing up the tokens. Of course by doing well I just mean I have the weapons to win just barely if I play super smart lol. And since it's not big on minions that new secret isn't too big of a deal.I've played this game a lot since LoE came out, made it to rank 5, and for whatever reason, I'm just not seeing freeze mage, though I am seeing a ton of control warriors, tempo mages, and secret paladins.
Maybe if people stopped playing so much control warrior, you would see more freeze mages and not as many secret palidans as you see now, but I think there are a lot of people that invested a ton of dust into it and wont ever stop playing it no matter the reason. I can't ever remember a time when control warrior was rare to see.
EDIT: BTW, I gave up on mech mage after I started seeing more Secret Palidans, and just went face hunter because someone has to keep the secret paladins in check.
Now that blizzard has introduced "deck conditional" cards what other cool concepts could they print?
Some that I thought of:
-If your deck's minions cost 4-7 destroy all non 4-7 cost minions (original cost) on the board (neutral spell, 3 cost, epic rarity)
-If you deck has only even cost cards make your hero power "Destroy a minion with an odd number on it" (4 cost legendary)
or along those lines
-If your deck only has common cards make your hero power "Destroy a non-common minion"
Would be really hard to make something balanced (reasonably) for all classes though.
Now that blizzard has introduced "deck conditional" cards what other cool concepts could they print?
Would be really hard to make something balanced (reasonably) for all classes though.
It's beautiful.
Also is Divine Spirit/Inner Fire just the standard for dragon Priest now? Almost all the ones I run into are using it.
Oh, for some reason I thought it was destroy a random minion, seems good against zoo, and boom if it'll kill him instead of a bomb.Getting value of the new secret in my midrange paladin
No.Damn guys. Brann is going to be awesome with Discover. I initially thought Discover would find a X mana card 'in your deck' not just a semi random X.
It's such a great way to curve when you currently don't have any curve. Also, Reno decks are going to be filled to the brim with heals. Bran and Antique 8 mana 16 health. Hell even bran and voodoo or ERF is still pretty damn good.
What I wonder is if Bran doubles Crowd Favorites buff?
CF is "When you play a card with Battlecry" not "When a Battlecry activates"
I am loving all the back and forth discussion on the card. This is what it's all about.
Things should change up again with the next wing. There are definitely a few potentially strong cards in there.