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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


anybody have success using garrison commander. About to use him in a hunter deck and wanted to see

I crafted 2 when TGT released. Was trying to make inspire decks work. Thought it might've been the missing link. Card never worked for me. In order to get something out of its ability you can't really play it as a 2-drop. However you usually don't have the luxury, especially against tempo decks, to keep it in your hand that long either. That said, I didn't try in Hunter or with any LoE cards, so maybe you can it work. :)
The bodies should still trigger Knife Juggler. Even bodies summoned by spells like Unleash, Animal Companion, Imp-losion, and Dark Wispers trigger KJ.
Yeah, for sure, was just curious about the interaction.

My guess is that Druid Choose One abilities used to function as Battlecries, and Blizzard doesn't want them to trigger with Brann. Somewhere along the line they broke something pretty bad.

Now I'm trying to remember if that Hearthstone Science video tested out SI:7 Agent with Djinn.


Just q'd with my Reno mid range paladin to farm some aggro.... there was none :(

priest priest priest warrior warrior priest warrior warrior. I mean it wasn't bad for me still but damn.

I don't think it's feasible to play freeze mage right now either lol.
Garrison Commanders success makes me doubt about bann bronzebeard

Garrison commander's impact is very low because inspire card impact have been very low. But battlecries often have very big impacts, so I think that alone makes the card have a much larger potential than commander.

In other words, I think GC has shown itself to be weak because to get real value off it you need to combo it with cards that haven't made their way into decks yet. But if they do, then GC has the potential to be a strong card. Meanwhile battlecries have been highly valued for a long time and in various metas, therefore BB has a lot better chance to make a large impact.

BB + healbot for a 16 point heal is pretty damn high impact. Perhaps worth running instead of reno, because it isn't like BB's usage ends there either.

And lets say the reno meta slows the game down a lot, maybe inspire decks become a thing and even GC becomes worthy of running. Who knows what will happen after the rest of LOE releases. It looks like there are good cards coming for both aggressive and defensive styles.

How does the Faceless on Shade even work? Why is it a 3/1?

It should copy a minion exactly as it is, with all enhancements and damage taken. For some reason it is not copying the enhancement, which iirc was a bug back in beta.

Also weird is that I have seen faceless work as intended on leeroy + poweroverwhelming. Maybe it is something very specific with shade and the way it buffs itself.


Garrison Commanders success makes me doubt about bann bronzebeard
That's two very different things. For Garrison Commander you need to use your hero power twice which is high anti tempo as it is. That's a very low impact play without having Inspire minions on the board or having a buffed hero power.

With Brann you combine it with just one other Battle Cry and it will gain value. So if you are doing like Brann plus Dr Balanced that's incredible value right there. Or Fire Elemental, Azure Drake, Healbot etc.
Slapped together a djinni druid deck to mess around with on lunch.

Absolutely destroyed a midrange hunter. Never got to slam dark wispers though. Sad day.


That's two very different things. For Garrison Commander you need to use your hero power twice which is high anti tempo as it is. That's a very low impact play without having Inspire minions on the board or having a buffed hero power.

With Brann you combine it with just one other Battle Cry and it will gain value. So if you are doing like Brann plus Dr Balanced that's incredible value right there. Or Fire Elemental, Azure Drake, Healbot etc.

that's the thing, the card is a little situational, for example healbot on turn 8 against aggro will be gg, but by then you probably already lost, with boom you had to wait until turn 10, is still good value but in some match ups will be way too slow

and playing him in turn 3 is still a problem since lots of classes can kill him easily

At least making a deck based around this card isn't as viable as thaurissan where you could get value and still play on curve


Maybe with Brann aggro priest finally works. Yo can play Brann + 2x shadowbomber for 12 damage, 3 cards and 5 mana it's pretty good. Then add the rest of the set with mindblast and things like that, maybe it's viable. I will probably test.


Just q'd with my Reno mid range paladin to farm some aggro.... there was none :(

priest priest priest warrior warrior priest warrior warrior. I mean it wasn't bad for me still but damn.

I don't think it's feasible to play freeze mage right now either lol.
It's crazy how fast the meta changes and how the entire ranked play community knows about it instantly.


that's the thing, the card is a little situational, for example healbot on turn 8 against aggro will be gg, but by then you probably already lost, with boom you had to wait until turn 10, is still good value but in some match ups will be way too slow

and playing him in turn 3 is still a problem since lots of classes can kill him easily

At least making a deck based around this card isn't as viable as thaurissan where you could get value and still play on curve
There are other cheaper Battle Cries too like Novice Engineer, Farseer, Refreshment Vendor, Darnassus Aspirant, Abusive Sergeant, SI7 etc.

There are quite a few good Battle Cry cards in HS and many of them are regularly used.

Though I think it's more like a better/faster Rivendale. Not all around useful like Emperor but good in some decks that have a very specific theme. For example Brann is excellent in Mill decks because they can double up on Cold lights with it.


We've had Reno for all of three days and people are already calling for nerfs? Late game/greedy control decks haven't been viable in forever (with a few exceptions) and it's not like a deck running Reno is unbeatable.

If there's a ton of Reno decks out there then god forbid you play something other than a face aggro deck.

Let's be clear - FACERS are calling for a nerf. Their pleas fall on deaf ears, because I'm all out of fucks to give (not that I have any say in the matter).

Keep crying, face hunters : D You might have to use actual strategy now.


There are other cheaper Battle Cries too like Novice Engineer, Farseer, Refreshment Vendor, Darnassus Aspirant, Abusive Sergeant, SI7 etc.

There are quite a few good Battle Cry cards in HS and many of them are regularly used.

Though I think it's more like a better/faster Rivendale. Not all around useful like Emperor but good in some decks that have a very specific theme. For example Brann is excellent in Mill decks because they can double up on Cold lights with it.

The other thing to consider is that he can't target twice a battle cry, so in some cases the double battlecry could get lost

Still, lots of pro had faith for the card, so maybe it will completely change the meta


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
There are other cheaper Battle Cries too like Novice Engineer, Farseer, Refreshment Vendor, Darnassus Aspirant, Abusive Sergeant, SI7 etc.

SI:7 agent is not actually a battlecry. That keyword does not appear on the card. It just says combo.
that's the thing, the card is a little situational, for example healbot on turn 8 against aggro will be gg, but by then you probably already lost, with boom you had to wait until turn 10, is still good value but in some match ups will be way too slow

and playing him in turn 3 is still a problem since lots of classes can kill him easily

At least making a deck based around this card isn't as viable as thaurissan where you could get value and still play on curve

The problem with Garrison Commander is that it requires a lot of resources to get minimal value. The only time that he's actually good is if you already have at least one inspire minion on the board. Even then, you have to have Garrison Commander in hand and 4 extra mana to spend, so it's not even really playable until turn 6. If you play it any time prior to that, then you just played a generic 2/3. Hero power is generally pretty weak (there are a few exceptions like Tank Up!), so the inspire minion has to be really good. There are only a few really strong inspire minions (Thunder Bluff, Saraad, Kodo Rider, Murloc Knight, Paletress to name a few), and they're not likely to stick around because people know not to let that kind of thing snowball if they can help it. It's just too hard to set up a scenario where Garrison Commander generates significant value for what you have to spend on him. That's the reason that inspire as a mechanic has mostly been a flop as well.
Let's be clear - FACERS are calling for a nerf. Their pleas fall on deaf ears, because I'm all out of fucks to give (not that I have any say in the matter).

Keep crying, face hunters : D You might have to use actual strategy now.

I don't play aggro much at all and I still think reno might need a nerf. On the other hand, I know it is way too early to nerf. For the record, a 20-25 hp heal is just as devastating to control as it is to aggro. I lost to a reno warlock because it simply let him to survive to jaraxxus and then get infinite big dudes. And then to another reno warlock deck who got to hit for 20+ damage combo using leeroy, poweroverwhelming and faceless. And another time to fatigue mage healing for 29 health after I pop ice block, this time playing control rogue myself (the other examples I was playing control paladin with justicar'd hero power and lots of late game high value generating cards like KT + Tirion). And once against a reno warrior whom I was way ahead on board and going to win in fatigue but lost because of a 25 heal, which put my fatigue clock 3-4 turns ahead of his.

I'm just saying it isn't nearly cut and dry as you'd think. I certainly don't think a handful of situations means it should be nerfed. People make the argument that a single card's strength can't be so high, particularly pointed at mysterious challenger. I think the same argument should at least be considered with even Reno Jackson.


Like they said to truly shine, it has to be on 10 mana for Paletress and Fizzlebang(others in 8 mana or so) used the next hero power for 0 minion previous turn, and then play one of those minions and hero power twice with a coin, just a wee bit of trouble to pull off.


Brann is going straight into most lock variants. They always lacked decents three drops anyway, and a 2/4 for 3 isn't unplayable on curve as it will usually survive. However, opening up for massive twilight drakes , healbots, arguses etc.. is amazing imho. And late game, it can be kept in hand for good double battlecries topdecks , like Boom, Kezan, Dark Peddler etc... I'd say scrap mountain giants cause they make for too many awkward plays against most decks in the format except control warriors and the like.

I'm also afraid the card will actually be good in fatigue coldlight oracle rogue for an OTK based entirely on card draw. Imagine:

- You control first turns with the rogue arsenal and whatever, then:
- Brann into Coldlight (4 cards), shadowstep, coldlight (8 cards), coldlight (12 cards). That's 10 mana for 12 cards burned (and it's effectively a 2.5 cards combo because of how many cards you draw while you combo the first 2 cards). Jesus. Add additionals coldlights, gang ups, and emperors. Elegiggle.

Also, i'm not sure but i think that raptor copy the deathrattle twice with a brann out. Too bad Combo don't work with battlecries, as well as choose one. I think they all should be reworded to Battlecry:Combo/Choose one for consistency tbh. Would also make the weblord actually a playable hate card.


is anyone trying a buff deck that uses djinni, lightbane, darkbane, summoning stone and other crap? I don't think I have the cards to pull it off.


Built my Secret Paladin deck. It feels sorta disgusting, but man, I'm knocking these Paladin quests out of the park.

EDIT: My conclusion after ten games with this deck is that I don't really like how it plays. I mean, I won like 7/10 of them, but the deck is sorta... dull.

The Adder

Just had a hunter try to bluff me into conceding.If he had Kill Command it would have been lethal. Otherwise I was fine. He hero powered, well played, then pointed a card at me until rope.

Was an aggressive Sergeant.
Brann is not something you play on turn 3. It is a "broken combo" card. Like double shadowbomber + nightblade for 18 unblockable burst. People will come up with some cool stuff.

Garrison commander? When I was playing justicar/fatigue warrior before it became trendy it was the mvp. At worst it was an early game 2/3 with pseudo taunt against aggro. At best it was an extra 8 armour at the late game, which won all sorts of matches.
Brann is not something you play on turn 3. It is a "broken combo" card. Like double shadowbomber + nightblade for 18 unblockable burst. People will come up with some cool stuff.

Garrison commander? When I was playing justicar/fatigue warrior before it became trendy it was the mvp. At worst it was an early game 2/3 with pseudo taunt against aggro. At best it was an extra 8 armour at the late game, which won all sorts of matches.

I'd aim to make velen double mindblast work before going there I think. Just a single ET proc and coin is whatevs... and it doesn't deal 12 damage to yourself.


Priest has a lot of burst potential now, it's just that it's so hard to make a functioning deck with them.

If you want to build a combo deck, you need ways to stall the game, priest has aoe for that sure but fitting those and combo burst is so hard.

If you want to build a face deck, maybe it's more feasible but I'm not sure.

The best deck is probably something between those, a burn deck similar to aggro freeze mage.



I created this deck today, after reaching rank 5 with mid range paladin, I was facing a lot of aggro, and I was defeated, even control warrior won against me, so I went back to dragon priest but then I faced a lot of control warriors and dragon/control priest, plus lots of paladins

So after thinking about which cards where killing me I decided to include a justicar, a harrison and 2 thoughtsteal. I returned to 5 after falling at 7 with 2 stars
Justicar has helped me a lot, since I had seen that games are getting longer now, so if I manage to save table I can save some of my minor minions, also healing 4 on your HP saves A LOT in this meta. I faced a mage with fatigue and reno jackson and still managed to defeat him with 28 hp.

Thoughtsteal was playing too much with rng, but it has saved me a lot, specially against the priests, since I manage to had more cards than them, and in the end all the priests suffer when you had more options to outplay him. And against paladin works since after dr 6 you had a lot of chances of pulling a tirion.

Harrison hasn't been useful yet, I just was sick of the warriors and ashbringers, but I had faith that sooner or later he will help me.

My most anticipated card is entomb, I think that this card will make priests super dangerous, since you can remove lots of bullshit cards, plus stealing them. and since my deck is slighty inclined to end in fatigue, I can had even more options in the end game. Sadly I can't think of which card removes since all play a function one way or another. Harrison is probably one card that I will replace with entomb


Priest has a lot of burst potential now, it's just that it's so hard to make a functioning deck with them.

If you want to build a combo deck, you need ways to stall the game, priest has aoe for that sure but fitting those and combo burst is so hard.

If you want to build a face deck, maybe it's more feasible but I'm not sure.

The best deck is probably something between those, a burn deck similar to aggro freeze mage.

Here's the priest deck that I posted a couple pages back. I think it's exactly what you're talking about it.

I think it's technically a midrange combo priest... There's just a lot of synergy in there, and people don't expect it. It's got a lot of early control and there's so many targets for the combo. an uncontested Injured blademaster, tournament medic, or even bone guard luitenant can just end the game on turn 6 or 7... and if it goes late you can end up with some amazing board states with medic, spawn of shadows, and baron geddon.

It's a lot of fun to play, and I know it has a lot more potential then I'm able to get out of it because I'm constantly misplaying the combos but still pulling off cool shit. I posted it early because I was hoping someone who's way better then me could try it out and lemme know what they think. maybe that's you?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
LTTP but Heroic finished

First boss easy once I gave it a ran a time or two.

Second boss was some total bullshit, but eventually I got him. I needed the perfect opening draw.

Escape was simultaneously total fuckery and easy as shit. Freeze Mage makes this basically auto win if you draw decent. I cleared first time as Freeze Mage. That being said I don't see how it's even possible any other way. Total bullshit design by Blizzard.


The Bizzard HS forums are hilarious right now. Seems likes a civil war is imminent among pro Renos vs anti Renos. You have threads ranging from "Reno is the best card Blizzard has made" to "please nerf it".


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not having much luck with Reno Mage on latter, I think I'm messing up the mulligans.
The game seems to be very glitchy right now. Getting three wins for gold but not receiving the gold or the daily progress, conceded in the next mach and then got it...


kinda get the sense that all the discontent with challenger and stuff had them push up the launch of LoE so now we have bugs.... or something.
The Bizzard HS forums are hilarious right now. Seems likes a civil war is imminent among pro Renos vs anti Renos. You have threads ranging from "Reno is the best card Blizzard has made" to "please nerf it".

I love what Reno is doing to the game. It is almost the perfect card in that it is basically irrelevant for competitive play, but destroys people grinding out lame shit for no apparent reason.

It lets people actually play hearthstone.


Living the dream with a Summoning Stone and 2 Djinni on the board. Cast double kings on the summoning stone and blew through the priest's buffed Deathlord for lethal.

This paladin buff deck would probably pretty decent if I had Darkbane and some other epic/legendary crap.


Living the dream with a Summoning Stone and 2 Djinni on the board. Cast double kings on the summoning stone and blew through the priest's buffed Deathlord for lethal.

This paladin buff deck would probably pretty decent if I had Darkbane and some other epic/legendary crap.

Do you had a decklist?

I had been lucky with those 2 buff legendaries, I had got them 3 times on packs, lightbane once appeared as a golden card


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Having to track my cards for Reno is suuuuuuuuuuuuuch a chore.
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