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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If only there were a convenient, completely legal 3rd party application that did it for you.

I really hate using third party apps I don't know why.

It just feels wrong.

Notepad++ is good enough for me.

In other news!

It's Kibler's Reno Mage, which more consistently pulls off Reno than SuperJJ's, and I call the deck Kiblereno. I wish I had Echo of Medivh though. Echo-Reno is HILARIOUS.

Disagree? Competitive play is still handlock, conbo druid and maybe some sort of midrange paladin/hunter.

No way are people running one card in those decks, yet, let alone for healing which is going to do very little.

It might stop somebody scamming their way to blizzcon top 8 with face decks, which is good, but that is about it.


I really hate using third party apps I don't know why.

It just feels wrong.

Notepad++ is good enough for me.

In other news!


It's Kibler's Reno Mage, which more consistently pulls off Reno than SuperJJ's, and I call the deck Kiblereno. I wish I had Echo of Medivh though. Echo-Reno is HILARIOUS.

Ha, I've been playing Kibler's Reno Mage too. It's fun to play, I lost 2 games in a row because both of my Mad Scientists were in the bottom 8 cards of my deck so I couldn't proc Reno though.

Has some streamer been playing Buff Priest with Deathlord/Inner Fire/Djinn? I've seen a ton of those in the last 2 hours or so. Had one rage quit against me when he attacked a 48/48 Deathlord into an Ice Block while I was at full health and then I BGH'ed it and got Rhonin. It was delightful.


Hearthstone Deck Tracker is decent, but too bloated imo. I just want to keep track of the cards, and maybe win rates. Hearthstone is not poker.


There are a lot of things you can disable in the settings. Like the hand tracker, card draw % etc..

I'm aware. I disabled all of them.

Edit: Took me some time to figure out how because the importing is clumsy or I'm doing stuff really wrong. Sometimes it worked perfectly, other times I had to manually edit every deck. The constant updates, having to log in with it and the bunch of sub menus to go through are too much. What I'm saying is, the program is just too much for what I need, which are very basic functions so sometimes I don't even bother or remember opening it up, especially if I'm just doing a quick quest or checking some cards. (and yes, I'm also aware there are "auto launch" options :p)


Disagree? Competitive play is still handlock, conbo druid and maybe some sort of midrange paladin/hunter.

No way are people running one card in those decks, yet, let alone for healing which is going to do very little.

It might stop somebody scamming their way to blizzcon top 8 with face decks, which is good, but that is about it.

I completely disagree. Even modest testing on unrefined decks has already proven Reno to be a strong card. Many already believe it will end up too strong. To blanket claim it won't be competitive less than a week into the card's existence is asinine.

Add to that I don't think it's intent is to stop aggro; if anything it complicates fatigue games and combo timing. Unless you're running a complete one-of deck and are mulling super hard, planning to have Reno in your hand by turn 6 and active to not die to aggro seems like a bad plan.
Ha, I've been playing Kibler's Reno Mage too. It's fun to play, I lost 2 games in a row because both of my Mad Scientists were in the bottom 8 cards of my deck so I couldn't proc Reno though.

Has some streamer been playing Buff Priest with Deathlord/Inner Fire/Djinn? I've seen a ton of those in the last 2 hours or so. Had one rage quit against me when he attacked a 48/48 Deathlord into an Ice Block while I was at full health and then I BGH'ed it and got Rhonin. It was delightful.

zetalot I believe


That Reno Jackson guy is broken as fuck
Because he's the hero Hearthstone deserves AND the one it needs right now. So we'll hate him. Because he can whoop aggro. Because he's not our hero. He's a fatigue enabler. A comeback mechanic. A Reno Jackson.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Ran into a fatigue mage running Reno on ladder today.

I fucking hate that piece of shit deck.

I am not sold on this Reno meta, guys.


Is Rogue the only class in the game that only has a single deck archetype in the meta snapshot?

Worse than Shaman confirmed.


Reno decks don't really do anything against any non-aggro decks that goes for board control. Midrange Druid, Secret Paladin, Patron, standard Handlock, like so many things are good against it because Reno decks have to run cards that don't really fit a specific gameplan.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Reno decks don't really do anything against any non-aggro decks that goes for board control. Midrange Druid, Secret Paladin, Patron, standard Handlock, like so many things are good against it because Reno decks have to run cards that don't really fit a specific gameplan.

This is kind of confusing. What do you think Twilight Drake, Mountain Giant and taunt givers are for?

Frost Nova and Doomsayer?

Shredder and Slude Belcher?

Like, half the time i'm just playing Midrange without needing to use Reno at all.


This is kind of confusing. What do you think Twilight Drake, Mountain Giant and taunt givers are for?

Frost Nova and Doomsayer?

The thing is that you're only running 1 of each and that weakens the overall deck so much. If you can't play those at the optimal turns, or be able to board clear twice in a game then you end up losing board control. In a non-aggro matchup your opponent that isn't running 1 offs will have 2 sets of optimal cards and 2 sets of removals, whereas your optimal removals may not match up since you're only running 1 off. You're literally running a sub-optimal deck just for healing but healing doesn't matter if the opponent isn't trying to face you down.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Minions in this game are removal. If you don't draw the right removal then you can just start trading like everyone else.


Minions in this game are removal. If you don't draw the right removal then you can just start trading like everyone else.

You're falling into the fallacy of expecting that you'll always draw the perfect minions at the perfect times. By running a deck that only consists of 1 offs you're 50% less likely to draw the right drop at each turn, so you need to have big comebacks like Nova+Doomsayer or Molten+Shadowflame. But you're only running 1 of each set so if the opponent gets board back after you get the board clear then you have no more comebacks. Or you just don't draw those 2 combo cards together because you're only running 1 of each, or Doomsayer gets silenced. If you look objectively at a Reno deck vs a standard midrange/control deck, standard decks are overall favored.


You do run some doubles, don't you? Obviously good draw options and stall mechanics come into play as well if your plan is to come back from low health later on.


Reno decks don't really do anything against any non-aggro decks that goes for board control. Midrange Druid, Secret Paladin, Patron, standard Handlock, like so many things are good against it because Reno decks have to run cards that don't really fit a specific gameplan.
Aside from Renolock, the other Reno decks aim to grind out decks. Especially that Warrior deck which demolishes control decks because it will just out last them and take the game into fatigue or mill their cards with Coldlights.

Reno is actually a big buff for the fatigue decks that can out last control decks because their big weakness was being overrun by aggro (as stuff like Coldlight would just refill their ammo). Reno prevents this which means that these decks can concentrate on just countering the control.

You do run some doubles, don't you? Obviously good draw options and stall mechanics come into play as well if your plan is to come back from low health later on.
There are two kinds of Reno decks now.

There's the Highlander decks which are usually Renolocks and Reno-Paladins which basically just play a different version of their standard lists just one version of each card and Reno. These decks are better against aggro/combo burn decks but worse against control (because a Renolock is not favored against classic Handlock).

However there are the super late game fatigue Reno decks with stuff like Fatigue Mage and Immortal Fatigue Warrior. They basically just grind out the game and they don't even care to try to kill you from board, they will kill you from fatigue. They actually run two copies of important cards because they play the super long game and Reno is like a late game heal for them or to win in the fatigue war. They runs stuff like Coldlight Oracles and Deathlords.

Like look at this Warrior list


And tell me how a non Handlock control deck is supposed to kill that. And these fatigue decks actually counter the highlander Reno decks as well (minus Handlock if it manages to get out Jaraxxus early).


You do run some doubles, don't you? Obviously good draw options and stall mechanics come into play as well if your plan is to come back from low health later on.

I'm talking about Reno decks that don't run any doubles, running doubles leads into a whole different set of problems where your Reno doesn't work. Stalling doesn't do anything most of the time in a board-control matchup. The whole point is that Reno decks have worse board control options compared to a standard deck that runs 2-offs, and Reno decks have to win via board control.

Reno decks aren't going to be a problem in the meta, most standard decks will crush them overall.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You're falling into the fallacy of expecting that you'll always draw the perfect minions at the perfect times.
I don't need the perfect minion at the perfect times. I just need a minion or spell that's "good enough". Even if I'm bleeding health, as long as I'm not being completely overwhelmed I can get it all back with Reno.

I have to ask how much you're actually testing Reno decks because I'm not seeing the standard decks being favored at all. At best, it's close to 50% +/- 10% with a large amount of variance (because the decks are inconsistent), but how is that different from any other current deck?

You do run some doubles, don't you? Obviously good draw options and stall mechanics come into play as well if your plan is to come back from low health later on.

I don't like playing the doubles deck. SuperJJ's Mage seemed to be built for SeatStory cup, it's not great on the ladder. Kibler's Reno Mage is a lot more consistent and it only runs 2 Mad Scientists. Renolocks run 0 dupes.


You can make the argument that you are sacrificing consistency for flexibility with Reno decks (the highlander variant).

Like for example, you are against a Paladin board with Knife Juggler, Minibot (without shield) and a bunch of tokens... and you have Hellfire and Demonwrath in hand. Now if you were playing old Handlock you would have two Hellfires in hand and in this case having the option of Demonwrath is better. Hellfire also does face damage to yourself which isn't desirable.

Maybe you queue up against a Priest, they play Wyrmwrest Agent and you have that Shadow Bolt/Soul Fire that would've otherwise been a Dark Bomb.

That's why Reno works so well with Handlock, it's because they have a high hand size so they are likely to have different solutions to a problem.

Besides, Handlock struggled against aggro and combo the most (which Renolock actually does improve)... the current Renolock does well against most control decks anyway except another Handlock.
Reno is still very good against midrange decks. Any deck that wins by killing you or bursting you down, a full heal can seal a win. Even against fatigue decks reno is still strong because you just hold onto him til the last possible moment to get the largest heal possible. Even if you're ahead in fatigue by 1 or 2 turns, that can extend your clock by 3-4 turns depending on what fatigue turn it is.

People's initial reaction is that it "kills" aggro decks. And sure, Reno beats aggro decks that run out of steam easily. But don't assume reno's strength ends there. Most decks being played win by killing your opponent with face damage.

But I don't think Reno needs to be nerfed. I'm not on one side or the other. And next week we might just see Reno decks shelved for something else anyway.


I honestly don't think Hearthstone has had such a controversial card.

And by controversial I mean people are debating all across whether it's gimmicky/bad to straight up the most over powered card created.

It's quite mind boggling and interesting at the same time.


There's already a card in the game that hard counters Reno.

It's Beneath the Grounds.

Alex as well, as long as you wait until after they play Reno. If you Alex too early than Reno becomes the counter to Alex! So games like that become interesting as one side is waiting for the other to blink.


Unconfirmed Member
Not interested in making a Reno deck yet, but this Reno meta is a riot. I hope it doesn't fizzle out fast.

I'm sorry but it's way to tempting to play face hunter in this meta.

Yeah it's an instant conceed when Reno gets played, but you still have about a 50% chance they don't draw it in time, and more if they're greedy enough to include any duplicates.

Meanwhile, decks like Dragon Priest go away thanks to being out controlled by Reno.


Aggro still works of course but you really have to bank on your opponent not having Reno in their hand.

Aggro decks basically have to play like Reno doesn't exist. You can't really afford to play around the card as an aggro deck you just give them another out otherwise.
Aggro still works of course but you really have to bank on your opponent not having Reno in their hand.

Aggro decks basically have to play like Reno doesn't exist. You can't really afford to play around the card as an aggro deck you just give them another out otherwise.

pretty much. It's gonna be the same thing with brann+healbot. Turn 8, 16 health is also gonna be gg


pretty much. It's gonna be the same thing with brann+healbot. Turn 8, 16 health is also gonna be gg
Turn 8 most games against aggro are decided anyway. I guess the Brann + Healbot is more relevant against something like a Druid to escape combo ranges.

Though unlike Reno... Brann is a card that could be used aggressively as well. Stuff like more damage on Abusive, Dark Iron, Lance Carrier, maybe double damage from Nightblade (aaaayyyyy). Though probably not.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
When you play against Xmas Paly as Hunter expecting to win as I'm running dual flares. Can't draw either, and I lose. Then the next match I dump my hand at the start, and it gives me both flare cards.



LMAO @ Kripp stream chat:

Hey guys a little bit armor up today ResidentSleeper kinda tired cuz I didn't armor up well ResidentSleeper gonna be another armor up stream ResidentSleeper we're going to armor up some dailies on the free accounts first ResidentSleeper we'll do some armor up later ResidentSleeper


Chemo Jackson created a strategy that revolved around fully healing your hero in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. Going face and trying to kill your opponent as fast as possible makes an overall game of Hearthstone more fun and compelling, but restoring 20+ health in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Of all the terms to borrow from MTG, "highlander" must be the worst one. "Singleton" makes sense and is descriptive. "Highlander" is a fantasy franchise no one cares about.
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