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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Is this zoo the one with double sea giant and that new 1/1 that goes to 5/5? yeah I played against that three times, looks pretty strong... against paladin and that's it. It's really strong against paladin though, those sea giants do work.


Im playing it to try it. It wrecks classic agro counters like dragon priest easily. Its absourdly strong against paladin whule retaining the classical good matchups like druid. Its really bad against face hunter so thats it.


I tried it for a bit and went 6-5 with it. I think I like voidcaller zoo better. Although I am missing Gormok so maybe having it would up my winrate.


that hotform drama on reddit, missing lethal with twitch chat is serious business.

it's kinda embarrassing to misplay like that for a semi finalist of HWC though. it's really hard to misplay here lolz.


he seemed like a calm nice guy when I looked into his stream sometimes, appears not...


Motherfucking priests.

I have 5 cards in my hand, and he mind visions Twisting Nether to wipe my board.

Yup. two holy novas, belcher, sunwalker, mind control, SW:D, holy fire, a giant and a stormwind champion


A question for GAF.

I got lucky and managed to unpack a golden mal'ganis (yay!). And looking over my collection i'm basically 2-3 craftable cards away from having everything in most demon handlock or handlock lists. So, any tips on learning handlock to someone who's mostly played tempo/aggro and never had the chance to play an actual control deck before?


Is this zoo the one with double sea giant and that new 1/1 that goes to 5/5? yeah I played against that three times, looks pretty strong... against paladin and that's it. It's really strong against paladin though, those sea giants do work.
Yep I just want against it also. I top-dicked a consecration at the end to come back. Felt good.


A question for GAF.

I got lucky and managed to unpack a golden mal'ganis (yay!). And looking over my collection i'm basically 2-3 craftable cards away from having everything in most demon handlock or handlock lists. So, any tips on learning handlock to someone who's mostly played tempo/aggro and never had the chance to play an actual control deck before?
Basically you have to get comfortable tapping more than seems comfortable. I would definitely look up some YouTube videos of people playing it. You also need 2 molten and 2 mountain giants.


Basically you have to get comfortable tapping more than seems comfortable. I would definitely look up some YouTube videos of people playing it. You also need 2 molten and 2 mountain giants.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I have to imagine that tapping must feel extra uncomfortable against aggro.


I think blizzard must have some logic that puts (or has a greater chance to put) cold lights in the bottom half of your deck if you're playing a mill deck.

Trying to have some fun with Brann mill rogue but 7 games in a row cold lights in bottom half and most of those in bottom 10. Feels like this happens every time I try a mill deck.

Then turn around and play secret pally ... Minibots, shredders and MCs on curve almost every game. Wonder if blizzard would adjust probabilities to encourage certain game play types? We've actually had one instance confirmed with the discover mechanic.



A question for GAF.

I got lucky and managed to unpack a golden mal'ganis (yay!). And looking over my collection i'm basically 2-3 craftable cards away from having everything in most demon handlock or handlock lists. So, any tips on learning handlock to someone who's mostly played tempo/aggro and never had the chance to play an actual control deck before?
You need massive balls to play Handlock these days.

Many times you have to tap twice to activate Mountain Giants on turn 4. That means skipping 3 turns and taking 6 free damage. Against most decks you basically just lose right there. It's why Mountain Giants have been abysmal for Handlock as of late. There have been way too man times where I play Handlock and I am sub 10 health by turn 5.

Reno mitigates some of these issues. You can play riskier with Reno in hand, tap dangerously. Mountain Giant still sucks.. it's why people have been using stuff like Void Caller, Senjin, Refreshment Vendor, Shredder recently.

Kripp knows a bit about people having no clue hitting legend

Can't be worse than face hunter though tbh. Also I really doubt that. Rogue isn't an easy class to master.
Kripp already got Legend. He's now forever Legend.

It's not worse than Face Hunter but he compared it to Midrange Hunter in play style.


I was trying Keeper of Uldaman in my hybrid paladin deck. Two BoKs could get clunky, you want something to play at times if you fall behind. I like the cards so far, turns out combo with argent squire is like the closest thing to Dr. 5, it makes your 1 drops valuable if you draw them later in the game and help against priest steal too.

after going through several seasons of revisions I feel the deck is really good right now. The key is to curve and right now it curves more consistently than any other paladin deck I've played, it doesn't have the problems of midrange paladin here where you got bad hand an it's game over for you, it doesn't run out of gas like aggro paly did and has big dudes against control, no one expects to see Tirion after you opened with Leper Gnome... This is the list now.


Aldor is the tech slot, I put it in today because of these zoolocks and I don't want to run BGH, Aldor is useful everywhere else too. You can play owl instead, I generally use equality instead of owl because of priest and it's great against handlock or druid too unlike owl. You can play Loatheb if you want too.

-It crushes any kind of warrior, like not even close.
-Control priest is probably the worst match up but that goes for paladin class in general. The key is get good value out of divine favor and equality.
-Secret paladin is super easy, you draw minion and damage, they draw secrets, you win on board every time.
-Casino mage can pull off stupid things and win against just about anyone, no difference here but it's not bad for you overall, you have a lot of shields in here.
- Freeze mage is ok since you have a lot of damage.
- Druid can't keep up with your tempo.
- Rogue could be bad, but rogue can beat itself with bad draws, I've been doing fine against them, even raptors aren't a big deal since you shouldn't leave anything in the opening with your board control anyway.
- One drops hell a lot against hunter and the taunts push you ahead, it's been really easy for me.
- shaman just concedes.

Overall I think this is a good easy choice to play right now if you don't mind playing cancer. I got my rank 5 on US really quickly with it and I started actually climbing yesterday, it was random stuff before. If I had the stamina for legend grind I think this is very viable right now. Just went through 10-5 like it was nothing. I wouldn't play it on EU, there are a lot of warriors there usually which is good for you but there are also even more priest players. Priest doesn't seem as frequent on US to me at least.

Argent Horserider is MVP of the deck, it has won countless games for me. Stick that BoM on it and it's just amazing, it can be removal, it can be finisher, it can be what you want it to be. Really good card.

Reno this, Reno that. aggro is very viable.


So, I was up against what I thought to be a typical secrets pally. He killed my deathlord and out comes mysterious challenger. Cool.That denies the battlecry at least, and I had removal for the 6/6 body. I was dragon priest so sw:d took care of him.

Then when I have him on the ropes and was basically about to lethal him...he drops Reno.

What the fuck was that shit.

Normally I'm whatever when it comes to Reno decks and stuff since I played around with some Reno decks myself, but...the fact that he plays MC in a Reno deck with one-ofs and STILL managed to beat out my dragon priest deck right when I had him in lethal range. That felt infinitely worse than just losing to a regular secrets pally.


In other news, with all the Unearthed decks running around, I figured that I could give it a try as well.


Had an incredibly one-sided game vs CW:
Started 2nd - T2 egg, T3 raptor, T4 argus (CW armors up T2 and 3), CW shield-slammed the raptor and killed the 1/3 egg with win-axe.
T5 Assassin's blade, full face damage with double nerubians, argus and weapon. I forgot what he did on T5 (shield block?), but he dropped Emperor on T6. I decided to just sap, Evis, drop a haunted creeper and did full face damage. Warrior went down to 3hp.
T7 he drops belcher, armor smith and armors up. I already had blade flurry + poisoned blade in hand so the game was sealed either way.

I'm thinking that I should probably try to fit in a second sap, but one of the worse things you can face with a deck like this is not having any playable card in your early turns, and sap is something you'd want to draw into later rather than sooner. Maybe an owl instead?
that hotform drama on reddit, missing lethal with twitch chat is serious business.

it's kinda embarrassing to misplay like that for a semi finalist of HWC though. it's really hard to misplay here lolz.

he seemed like a calm nice guy when I looked into his stream sometimes, appears not...

I've watched his stream a couple times and yea he's pretty chill. Not sure what happened there lol
if you're introducing cancer you might as well make it silly and hilarious

though the OTK aspect feels as gimmicky as the auchenai+circle+rivendare+2 chow combo


Had to use my equality against control priest... next turn he plays Ysera..... ahahahahhaha. think you're clever?

Keeper of Uldaman on Ysera, Ysera dies to truesilver followed by looong hover on the card and concede lmao.

the card is legit good, offensive, removal, defensive, it works all ways.


Looking at combo with argent squire, you get a 3/3 with divine shield which is a 4! mana card and 3/4 which is a 3 mana card. 7 mana value for 5 mana is preeetty good I'd say. I might run a second Uldaman, hmm, I feel it can be better than peace keeper even. You would rather kill it than just leave it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Very cool but I don't really see that happening much in ranked, lol.

Obviously not, that's a 7 card combo that needed a Thaurissan proc. You can do any number of shenanigans with that many cards.


It's important to note that the Raptor enables other similar bull shit in the game. That's just a single example. Imagine someone doing a combo like that with Sylvanas and stealing multiple minions.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Best tavern brawl move ever.

Play misdirection.

Rogue plays a 4/4. Oils, then attacks my face. Kills his 7/4.

"The pleasure is mine."


For the first time ever, I hit Rank 10. Feels pretty good! Was worried I'd choke on my advancement match, but I hit god draw/curve on my Mech Mage. Match was pretty much cake.

I know things get substantially harder from here though, lol.

Eddie Bax

For the first time ever, I hit Rank 10. Feels pretty good! Was worried I'd choke on my advancement match, but I hit god draw/curve on my Mech Mage. Match was pretty much cake.

I know things get substantially harder from here though, lol.

Nah, you're probably good until at least rank 5. Gonna run into the same sort of decks through that move up the ranks and you can still winstreak until then, too.


They probably would have made raptor a neutral but then they remembered warlock hero power exists.

I still dont know what were they thinking while designing warlock hero power, suck powerful effect shouldnt be granted for free to a hero. Cards that let do that on MTG multiple times are banned from tournament play...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I genuinely think Raptor being neutral would be enough to make me stop playing the game.

Not even a question. I absolutely would have quit if it was a neutral.

Love this brawl. I used Misdirection to get lethal, lol. WHY YOU HITTING YOURSELF IN THE FACE BRO?

I actually discovered that Fel Reaver is straight up bonkers in this brawl. It's like you don't even have a drawback at all.
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