Could you guys give me advice on my mage deck? Decided to build one last night(After like, months of not playing mage). I also kinda adjusted it after a few games and this is what I got so far(As far as usable cards, I have the majority of classic cards, Naxxramas, about 75% of Goblins/Gnomes, and very little of anything after that).
What's with all these one-ofs? You want consistency, especially in the early game. A whopping four secrets but just one Scientist?
Drop Mirror Image, Fallen Hero, Duplicate (you have nothing worth duplicating, it's a card for super-controlling grinder decks), Spellbender, Kirin Tor, at least one of Poly and Spellbreaker, Flame Lance (arena card), Bomb Lobber (too slow for this type of deck), Ogre (replace with Sylvanas/Emperor/Sky Golem).
If you have Anton drop Pyroblast and add some cheap spells like Arcane Missiles. Rhonin is good with him too. You desperately need Flamewakers and Boom would make a big difference as well. Add second copies of Mana Wyrm, Scientist, Apprentice, Fireball, Frostbolt. And Thalnos if you have him. Belchers help you transition into the later turns, maybe one Healbot since your deck is on the slow side overall.