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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

there were some leaks through Japanese voice cast that suggest more are coming. It's been really slow though.

They sort of implied that it wasn't a priority during Blizzcon because they are "working on a lot of [other] awesome things".

Leaked list of unreleased cards/characters: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/3rh204/japanese_voice_actor_list_contains_many/cwnz9xl

Liadran = Paladin
Maeiv = Rogue
Tyrande = Priest


Oooooh cool!
Was bored and I had 3200+ dust sitting around so I finally crafted Justicar and Baron Geddon to wrap up my control warrior deck. Also dusted my golden coghammer for a second brawl (you typically don't need two coghammers anyway).

Now this means I can't craft a few other key epics I'm missing for some decks, but that's fine.
Wow why does that new paladin secret kill BOOM, HIMSELF, when I only had one other guy on my board prior to playing Boom. Shouldn't it have killed one of the boom bots instead? Total bullshit.


Wow why does that new paladin secret kill BOOM, HIMSELF, when I only had one other guy on my board prior to playing Boom. Shouldn't it have killed one of the boom bots instead? Total bullshit.

The battlecry triggers before the secret, so the two boom bots are essentially already on the board when you play Dr. Boom.


I finally got into single digit ranks. hold me.

The amount of times sacred trial has killed a Dr doom to save my ass has been delicious.
counts him as the 4th minion even when they only have 1 on the board. This blew my mind.


Wow why does that new paladin secret kill BOOM, HIMSELF, when I only had one other guy on my board prior to playing Boom. Shouldn't it have killed one of the boom bots instead? Total bullshit.
It's pretty dumb but consistent with the rules. Battlecries resolve before secrets trigger, so when you have one minion on the board and play Boom the bots are summoned, then the secret is checked, you have now 4 minions and Boom becomes a valid target. If battlecries were resolved later the secret wouldn't trigger at all, it would never kill a bot because it only targets minions played, not summoned.


I finally got into single digit ranks. hold me.

The amount of times sacred trial has killed a Dr doom to save my ass has been delicious.
counts him as the 4th minion even when they only have 1 on the board. This blew my mind.
Reaching single digit ranks with Secredin is like getting the monthly cardback with any other deck
The battlecry triggers before the secret, so the two boom bots are essentially already on the board when you play Dr. Boom.

Ah so it was just bad luck that it killed Boom this time. Still seems a bit silly in that it should target the 4th minion (ie one of the bots) since Boom was technically played second.

Edit: or maybe I misunderstand the secret - it doesn't target the 4th minion, just one minions at random of the 4.


Ah so it was just bad luck that it killed Boom this time. Still seems a bit silly in that it should target the 4th minion (ie one of the bots) since Boom was technically played second.

Edit: or maybe I misunderstand the secret - it doesn't target the 4th minion, just one minions at random of the 4.

No, it targets the 4th minion. Both boom bots appear on the board before Dr. Boom even though it doesn't visually appear that way. When Dr. Boom is played the secret will automatically check the board condition and it will see the two boom bots (minion #2 & #3) coming down before Dr. Boom (#4).

Another example of battlecry > secret is Kezan Mystic played into a Mirror Entity. The battlecry triggers first and steals the secret before the Mirror Entity can copy the Kezan - even though the Kezan (visually) fulfills the criteria to trigger the secret.


I think Cairne is amazing in Deathrattle Rogue, even if you don't get to copy it. Several times his effect was more useful for me than Sylvana's would have been if I had her.


I think Cairne is amazing in Deathrattle Rogue, even if you don't get to copy it. Several times his effect was more useful for me than Sylvana's would have been if I had her.
You are better off playing Piloted Sky Golem over Cairne. The 4 mana equivalent of Cairne would be a 2/3 minion that spawns a 2/3 when it dies. Would you play that over Shredder?


You are better off playing Piloted Sky Golem over Cairne. The 4 mana equivalent of Cairne would be a 2/3 minion that spawns a 2/3 when it dies. Would you play that over Shredder?

I don't have Sky Golem, so let me enjoy my mediocre card!

Just lost to Aggro Shaman, because his Crackle hit for 6. Fuck that shit.


With Cairne you know what you will get, that's a big deal. A lot of 4 drops are bad, like you can get a junkbot for it which is really awful but with Cairne you get the best stats a 4 drop can have every time.

sure you can get a shredder from golem, but it's just RNG. I like certainty better...


I don't have Sky Golem, so let me enjoy my mediocre card!

Just lost to Aggro Shaman, because his Crackle hit for 6. Fuck that shit.

Im with you Cairne is, for me, better than sky golem right now, belcher is less played nowadays and 5 toughness over 4 is huuuge. Also Sky golem deathrattle is on average worst than the 4/5.


With Cairne you know what you will get, that's a big deal. A lot of 4 drops are bad, like you can get a junkbot for it which is really awful but with Cairne you get the best stats a 4 drop can have every time.

sure you can get a shredder from golem, but it's just RNG. I like certainty better...

That's a wrong way of looking at it. The reason why Piloted is better than Cairne is that with a deathrattle minion like that you want more attack stats over health stats. Health is almost irrelevant on it, because it's either going to go face or trade into a bigger threat. The chance of getting a worse minion than a 4/5 is not a big deal, Shredder is still played even though you can get Aspirants and Doomsayers from it. What matters is that it still drops a body.


Yeah I played some Raptogue with Cairne too and while he's not bad he doesn't do much either since he can't trade up. Most of the time he'll be clearing garbage for 2 turns until he dies, and by time you get the second body out a 4/5 matters even less. He's a bit annoying for CW but with tank up Cairne doesn't even tickle.
Has anyone tried out that Dreadsteed Reno deck? I was thinking about trying it out but I'm still missing a Dreadsteed and I don't wanna blow 400 dust if it's terrible.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You are better off playing Piloted Sky Golem over Cairne. The 4 mana equivalent of Cairne would be a 2/3 minion that spawns a 2/3 when it dies. Would you play that over Shredder?

To be fair, if Shredder's power was in line with Piloted Sky Golem, the main body would be a 4/2, not a 4/3. In that case a double 2/3 would be worth considering for a deck that wanted to trade against little stuff a lot.

Basically, pick Sky Golem if you want to be more aggressive and go with Cairne if you want to trade and go for a longer game. So Sky Golem is probably better if you are topping out at Dr. Boom in your deck but go with Cairne if you want to push towards Anub'arak.


It's terrible.

Dreadstees Reno deck made it to high legend. They have been a pain in the ass to deal with, but can be weak to an owl or cabal. Even with cabal they can still beat priest because of Jaraxxus.

I still think regular handlock/demonlock will be stronger if you are seeing less aggro and paladins.


I too, use Cairne in my Deathrattle Rogue. I also own only 1 Sky Golem and no Sneed (not sure if I would use it though) so it made sense to me. Not sure if it's better than Sky Golem, but it does seem more consistent. Also Belcher and Loatheb aren't in every single deck right now like they were last year when Cairne stopped being used.
I also made a Deathrattle Shaman again. Haven't played one in over a year, thought I'd try it again. It also has a Cairne.

Honestly, deathrattle in general might just be a little too good for this game. Or at least some minions with deathrattle are. They really destroy the value of so many spells. And it's not like they can put their decks full with silence cards anyway.


Jeez Vodform look in shape on stream but now that i see him with this lateral cam


Dreadstees Reno deck made it to high legend. They have been a pain in the ass to deal with, but can be weak to an owl or cabal. Even with cabal they can still beat priest because of Jaraxxus.

I still think regular handlock/demonlock will be stronger if you are seeing less aggro and paladins.

Murloc Shaman can "make" it to high legend, take all those posts about deck lists making high legend with a fistful of salt.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I actually can't wait until the next wing so I can be so troll with murloc paladin.

I hope to god it doesn't become viable.
Ah so it was just bad luck that it killed Boom this time. Still seems a bit silly in that it should target the 4th minion (ie one of the bots) since Boom was technically played second.

Edit: or maybe I misunderstand the secret - it doesn't target the 4th minion, just one minions at random of the 4.

The issue is that the visualization of boom coming down isnt consistent to what is happening. The boom bots come down first then boom, not bot, boom, bot. I think the visualization is just to make having boom bots on either side not look super janky. So in reality its actually bot, bot, boom. Thus making him the 4th when you have one other minion on board


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The issue is that the visualization of boom coming down isnt consistent to what is happening. The boom bots come down first then boom, not bot, boom, bot. I think the visualization is just to make having boom bots on either side not look super janky. So in reality its actually bot, bot, boom. Thus making him the 4th when you have one other minion on board

Every battlecry that summons minions is like this. You can test with Sword of Justice if you want to see.
Could you guys give me advice on my mage deck? Decided to build one last night(After like, months of not playing mage). I also kinda adjusted it after a few games and this is what I got so far(As far as usable cards, I have the majority of classic cards, Naxxramas, about 75% of Goblins/Gnomes, and very little of anything after that).
Could you guys give me advice on my mage deck? Decided to build one last night(After like, months of not playing mage). I also kinda adjusted it after a few games and this is what I got so far(As far as usable cards, I have the majority of classic cards, Naxxramas, about 75% of Goblins/Gnomes, and very little of anything after that).

You need Flamewakers. I know you said you don't have BRM, but you need those. Remove flame lance for +1 fireball or polymorph. +1 mad scientist -1 spellbender. Add another mana wyrm. Add another water elemental. Replace Boulderfist with Sylvanas or Emperor (when you do the first wing you will also get him)
You need Flamewakers. I know you said you don't have BRM, but you need those. Remove flame lance for +1 fireball or polymorph. +1 mad scientist -1 spellbender. Add another mana wyrm. Add another water elemental. Replace Boulderfist with Sylvanas or Emperor (when you do the first wing you will also get him)

I can do everything except Flamewaker and emperor lol. Sounds good.


Could you guys give me advice on my mage deck? Decided to build one last night(After like, months of not playing mage). I also kinda adjusted it after a few games and this is what I got so far(As far as usable cards, I have the majority of classic cards, Naxxramas, about 75% of Goblins/Gnomes, and very little of anything after that).

You're running a Reno deck without Reno, seems weird to me. You'd probably have more success with a classic tempo mage. So you'd better cut Fallen Hero, Duplicate, Kirin Tor Mage, Spellbreaker, Boulderfist Ogre, Ragnaros and so on for dupes of the essential cards like Frostbolt, Fireball, one Flamestrike and Antonidas if you have him.


Could you guys give me advice on my mage deck? Decided to build one last night(After like, months of not playing mage). I also kinda adjusted it after a few games and this is what I got so far(As far as usable cards, I have the majority of classic cards, Naxxramas, about 75% of Goblins/Gnomes, and very little of anything after that).

What's with all these one-ofs? You want consistency, especially in the early game. A whopping four secrets but just one Scientist?

Drop Mirror Image, Fallen Hero, Duplicate (you have nothing worth duplicating, it's a card for super-controlling grinder decks), Spellbender, Kirin Tor, at least one of Poly and Spellbreaker, Flame Lance (arena card), Bomb Lobber (too slow for this type of deck), Ogre (replace with Sylvanas/Emperor/Sky Golem).

If you have Anton drop Pyroblast and add some cheap spells like Arcane Missiles. Rhonin is good with him too. You desperately need Flamewakers and Boom would make a big difference as well. Add second copies of Mana Wyrm, Scientist, Apprentice, Fireball, Frostbolt. And Thalnos if you have him. Belchers help you transition into the later turns, maybe one Healbot since your deck is on the slow side overall.


Updated deck-

+Ysera&Ragnaros not shown

Surprisingly I don't have Thalnos @_@

It's a bit on the slow and greedy side, but it looks a lot better now. Thalnos isn't really needed in that type of deck you'll be fine without him.

With two Mad Scientist you could also think about a third secret, Counterspell being the most obvious choice. You could also run a Healbot instead of Spellbreaker if you get run over by a lot of Aggro decks.
Same goes for Ragnaros, he's not worth 8 mana if his ability mostly hits a Silver Hand or Imp.


Yeah it's much better already. Flamewakers and Emperor would tie everything together, but seeing the list like this makes me think. You don't have that many options to combo with Antonidas and without Flamewakers you can't really justify including more cheap spells. If those BRM cards aren't an option right now I'd just screw the tempo line, drop Antonidas and Missiles again, add Belchers/1 Healbot, possibly second Flamestrike. Spellbreaker for 2nd Water Ele and find some kind of 3-drop (3-drops really suck actually, probably Spellslinger). In fact I'd include Spellslinger no matter what.

You could just goof around a bit with a tempo- and a midrange/semi-control variant. Neither will be perfectly efficient but both should be serviceable.

Third secret is a fair point, in this meta Spellbender might actually be worth experimenting with instead of Counterspell to steal Uther clowns' Kings etc.


Why is everyone conceding in casual. I just want to try out some new decks...

The new Brawl is pretty funny with double Flamewakers and a Summoning Stone on the board. :D
Yeah it's much better already. Flamewakers and Emperor would tie everything together, but seeing the list like this makes me think. You don't have that many options to combo with Antonidas and without Flamewakers you can't really justify including more cheap spells. If those BRM cards aren't an option right now I'd just screw the tempo line, drop Antonidas and Missiles again, add Belchers/1 Healbot, possibly second Flamestrike. Spellbreaker for 2nd Water Ele and find some kind of 3-drop (3-drops really suck actually, probably Spellslinger). In fact I'd include Spellslinger no matter what.

You could just goof around a bit with a tempo- and a midrange/semi-control variant. Neither will be perfectly efficient but both should be serviceable.

Third secret is a fair point, in this meta Spellbender might actually be worth experimenting with instead of Counterspell to steal Uther clowns' Kings etc.

I picked up Counterspell and it worked pretty well. This deck has good synergy so far.

Which bring sme to a match I just played. This mage was polymorphing and making my low drops into boars(He polyed a mad scientist...yeah I dunno.) I then drop my Ysera and he quits because he used all of his removal on my other cards ._. I did manage to counter his polymorph on my Sylvanas, but then he made it into a boar.


I picked up Counterspell and it worked pretty well. This deck has good synergy so far.

Which bring sme to a match I just played. This mage was polymorphing and making my low drops into boars(He polyed a mad scientist...yeah I dunno.) I then drop my Ysera and he quits because he used all of his removal on my other cards ._. I did manage to counter his polymorph on my Sylvanas, but then he made it into a boar.
The sad part is Scientist being so broken that turning it into Huffer almost sounds like a good deal. And yeah you've kind of got that element of surprise going for you, your early- to midgame looks like standard Tempo Mage which means slower decks will use removal more freely in order to make you run out of gas and take it late. A few tempo lists run Rag but not enough to play around it and absolutely nobody is gonna expect an Ysera.
The sad part is Scientist being so broken that turning it into Huffer almost sounds like a good deal. And yeah you've kind of got that element of surprise going for you, your early- to midgame looks like standard Tempo Mage which means slower decks will use removal more freely in order to make you run out of gas and take it late. A few tempo lists run Rag but not enough to play around it and absolutely nobody is gonna expect an Ysera.

Played a tempo mage that used nefarian
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