Pretty much. Many of them are over powered as fuck and outside of that only Dr 6 and Dr 7 are OP in the late game. Emperor is on the cusp too but Emperor is too slow to be run for quite some decks which just highlights the problem.
I feel like I have been fighting against Mana Wyrms, Shredders, Imp Gang, Mad Scientist, Darnassus, Minibot, Knife Jugglers, Haunted Creepers, Dark Cultists, Clerics, Flame Imps, Void Walkers all my life.
Now they introduced double raptors to fill that 3 slot plus that 1 drop Shaman card.
What gets me is that there are only three taunt Legendaries, Hogger, Chillmaw and Tirion. Very few huge taunts for the rest of the classes.
And Al'Akir. But yeah who plays Shaman lol.