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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Man, early in the season it's just concede city once I weather the first couple turns and stabilise as control warrior. Just had a Hunter concede at literally full health on turn 8.

Rarely anyone lets me play out the game. :( Going to stop for now and play in a couple days when the worst rushers have calmed down.

Rushers? It's anybody that can't be arsed to watch you remove their threats, tank up and wait for Alex. Even if that's not your plan that's what people are thinking, it's not fun, much easier to concede.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Okay, crafted a Jaraxxus finally and am trying Renolock. Seems like a lot of fun so far.

Also, I am totally sold on Discover as a mechanic. I was against a control warrior and was 4 off lethal with 2 cards left in my deck, and I knew one of them was Dark Peddler so I was aiming to get something like power overwhelming. I attacked with my Voidcaller, mortal coiled it, had to tap after to actually get the Peddler and got Soulfire from it for the win. Felt really good to pull off.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I've got to ask, do people that bm in this game get an erection from it? Are they so pathetically lonely, as in no friends, SO or family, that they feel inside their body the urge of showing how much skill it requires to draw the correct cards?


I usually dont BM, but if someone BMs me once if I have lethal will rope him spam him to death, bgh ny own dr boom, reno myself at 30 life, whatever to make them feel miserable.

Exception are face decks, I always BM face hunters, and never reply if Im getting BM as a face deck because I deserve it.
I've got to ask, do people that bm in this game get an erection from it? Are they so pathetically lonely, as in no friends, SO or family, that they feel inside their body the urge of showing how much skill it requires to draw the correct cards?


Also, I got destroyed the other day by a Maly Shaman. I thought the deck looked pretty interesting with so many board clears and Malygos + 2x 9 damage crackles that eventually finished me off. Does anyone have suggestions on a good build for that kind of deck? Did my opponent just get the perfect win condition or is it pretty stable to run through a few levels on ladder?


yeah, I only return the favor if the other guy is really obnoxious. It's mostly some paladin/druid players that think they're so good.
Also, I got destroyed the other day by a Maly Shaman. I thought the deck looked pretty interesting with so many board clears and Malygos + 2x 9 damage crackles that eventually finished me off. Does anyone have suggestions on a good build for that kind of deck? Did my opponent just get the perfect win condition or is it pretty stable to run through a few levels on ladder?

It's a gimmick deck. The cards to make it consistent still don't exist. It got a little better with things like Healing Wave, Elemental Destruction, and Ancestral Knowledge, but I don't think you can consistently last long enough to pull off the Malygos dream and Shaman still doesn't have good enough card draw to draw through the whole deck.

bad manner. As in be an ass.I just autosquelch everybody.

Autosquelch doesn't stop BMers from roping you every turn. I had a Face Hunter rope against my Control Warrior deck literally every turn. What should have been a 3 minute game took 20. Worthless trash got totally wrecked and wasted both of our time.


Rank 5

Cobra shot

Thinking of dusting brawl since I have one regular one and I don't currently play control warrior as I lack the legendaries.


Face Hunter detected

Nah I'm not keen on the ladder, I'm just messing about with my own Beast Hunter (which isn't face) and Inner Fire Priest decks at the moment. Although it doesn't matter what I play, I'm still quick to concede against CW.


Starting to think I'm bad luck. Had the spectate quest for 3 days and watched 9 games without completing the quest.
Autosquelch doesn't stop BMers from roping you every turn. I had a Face Hunter rope against my Control Warrior deck literally every turn. What should have been a 3 minute game took 20. Worthless trash got totally wrecked and wasted both of our time.

You can either return the favor, which often stops the other person from roping or you could entertain yourself with another activity, while he's wasting his turn. I tend to play a bit of online poker while playing ranked.


People who rope every turn when they know they have lost are the absolute worst. Out of spite they not only waste their own time but time of the other player as well. Just concede and move on.


Haha I was down to 1 HP and a minion, my opponent was still at 16hp and played Doctor Boom.

I was like "fuck".
But then he apparently had to take an urgent shit or something because his time ran out twice and I killed him. Feels good.
Starting to think I'm bad luck. Had the spectate quest for 3 days and watched 9 games without completing the quest.

You can either return the favor, which often stops the other person from roping or you could entertain yourself with another activity, while he's wasting his turn. I tend to play a bit of online poker while playing ranked.

I started roping him back, but all that really did was drag the game out even longer. I had Free Cell open in the background, but I was still pissed. I was trying to hit rank 5 before the deadline and only had a few days left to do it at the time.
I'm such scum. (Mostly) secret pally from 20 to 12 (where I ended in November) today so far. Crushing hordes of legend players from the past season.

That keeper of uldaman card is really strong though and I don't have it since I haven't bought LoE. Ladder seems to be predominately paladins and druids at the moment. Handful of hunters, handful of mages. Very few if any priests, rogues, warriors. Some shaman running that face ebola Reynoodle popularized.

I fucked up and lost one mirror though cause the guy played a naked noble sacrifice on turn one, which threw me for a loop. In hindsight I should've attacked differently, but that ended up costing me the game.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It's a gimmick deck. The cards to make it consistent still don't exist. It got a little better with things like Healing Wave, Elemental Destruction, and Ancestral Knowledge, but I don't think you can consistently last long enough to pull off the Malygos dream and Shaman still doesn't have good enough card draw to draw through the whole deck.

Yeah it's basically freeze mage but without the freezes. For that reason it can't handle the dumb sticky crap like Freeze Mage can.
Yeah it's basically freeze mage but without the freezes. For that reason it can't handle the dumb sticky crap like Freeze Mage can.

Shaman also doesn't have Ice Block. Ice Block is better than any heal in that it definitely buys you another turn (OK, there are a few workarounds to Ice block), whereas a heal just makes it a little harder to kill you next turn.
Starting to think I'm bad luck. Had the spectate quest for 3 days and watched 9 games without completing the quest.

You can either return the favor, which often stops the other person from roping or you could entertain yourself with another activity, while he's wasting his turn. I tend to play a bit of online poker while playing ranked.

You can spectate someone winning against the AI doing a solo adventure or pratice mode. Just tell one of your friends you need it shouldn't take more than like a minute.


Golden Sword of Justice
Golden Totem Goldem
Golden Bash

Pretty good haul I'd say, especially considering I don't even have most of the purples from classic even though it's been two years. I'm seriously considering dusting a golden legendary just so I can finally have molten giants and another ice block


The fucking luck from Scamaz in this series
I'm liking Fierce Monkey in control Warrior quite a bit. Can pretty much lock down the early game if you happen to combine it with a weapon or Armorsmith.
I was playing my control rogue and was up against a reincarnate shaman who was BMing me non stop. I was generally ignoring him.

Then he plays an Earth Elemental, and puts two copies of that spell that gives it a deathrattle to resummon itself on it, and well playeds me.

lol, sap, "Sorry about that"

Two turns later, after BMing a few more times in between, he Kelthuzads and Reincarnates onto an empty board and well played again.

lol, sabotage, sabotage, "The pleasure is mine"

So sometimes I kind of like when they BM me :)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I will physically hurt myself each time I play against a secret paladin.

I will literally hurt myself. Over and over again. Until I manage to kill myself, and Blizzard is forced to shut down the servers for this shit after the media explodes when realizing someone killed himself over this pos game.


Either I have been unlucky or the general quality of drafts in arena has gone up considerably for my opponents since LoE. My drafts have been very volatile though... some great cards negated by shit that loses me the game when played on curve, or at all really.


Either I have been unlucky or the general quality of drafts in arena has gone up considerably for my opponents since LoE. My drafts have been very volatile though... some great cards negated by shit that loses me the game when played on curve, or at all really.
TGT bonus is gone and there won't be a new one until the last LoE wing is out, so people have even access to the entire card pool. So yes, you'll run into well above-average decks earlier than usual, with a significantly higher rate of removal picks and busted shit like Minibot, less subpar inspire minions and joust coin flips. It's kind of like an alternate universe version of Classic arena where HearthArena already exists.

Still, the same goes for you so it'll even out with a higher sample size. There's almost always a playable pick, even if it's just a Razorfen.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So miracle rogue and patron got nerfed. But freeze mage is still a thing. How come?

Freeze Mage kills you in two turns, not one. You have a chance of recovering after Alexstrasza.


Hey guys. I've been playing Hearthstone a lot. I'm a long time magic player, and I love limited formats so obviously I love Arena. That being said, I have started playing a lot more constructed. I don't really pay attention to the meta, or net deck, I like coming up with my own brew. Below is the deck I've been playing and below that is explanation and thoughts.

I give you... Tigger:

So the whole idea of this deck is to use the Brewmasters to bounce Battlecry creatures and get lots of value. This allows you to play "silver bullet" solutions, and only one copy of each, because once you play them you can pick them up and replay them.

Another plus about the brewmasters is that they can pick up damaged creatues to regenerate them, or to keep your side from getting too filled against a class that plays sweepers.

The Aspirants are the most important card in the deck, they are amazing. In this deck they are basically reusable wild growths with a body. Insane broken openings include

On the play - Turn 2 Aspirant (lives) into Ancient Brewmaster. Turn 3 with an extra crystal, and a 5/4 on the board, plus the aspirant in your hand is amazing.

On the draw - Turn 1 Innervate into Brann (lives) into Turn 2 Aspirant or Jeweled Scarab is completely broken.


The soul of the deck -

2x Y Brewmaster
2x A Brewmaster
2x Aspirant

The silver bullets:

1x Acidic Swamp Ooze
1x Ironbeack Owl
1x Blood Knight
1x Mind Control Tech
1x Kezan Mystic
1x Spellbreaker

Cards that interact really well with brewmasters but arent silver bullets:

2x Jeweled Scarab
2x Mad Bomber
2x Grove Tender
1x Keeper of the Grove
1x Bomb Lobber
1x Loatheb
1x Nightblade
1x Dr. Boom

Cards that aren't really synergistic (except that my ramping helps cast them) but are soooo good they would be hard to cut:

2x Savage Roar
2x Innervate
1x Force of Nature
1x Emperor Th

I find I prefer the Scarabs to the Novice Engineer. The selection of Discover can be so helpful, even though there is randomness involved.

It would seem at first that Knife Jugglers would work well in this deck but they don't. I tried hard.

I will replace the ooze with Harrison once I can craft one.

I think I want to put a Saboteur in.

Bomb Lobber constantly over preforms

I feel like there isn't that much divine shield in the meta right now. Blood night doesn't activate very often.

I don't really like the mad bombers but I need some decent bodies at 2 and they can be very good when bounced in certain situations.

Surprising how often bouncing Loathab and replaying is super viable and really fucks up your opponents plans.

Edit - Im not really sure how many cards i should have in each mana slot. Shattered Sun Cleric seems decent. I think i should go -1 Savage Roar +1 Force of Nature? Kelthezud? There is also the option of upping the silence guys and playing Zombie Chow, Ancient Watcher, Coliseum Manager, Argent Watchman, etc.

I'd love to hear what you guys think and what improvements you guys think I could make.

EDIT - Played an arena match yesterday where I had they guy seemingly on the ropes... He plays Reno and says "I'm Sorry".... must not have realized he drafted two of the same card and they were both still in his deck, lol!

EDIT - Another cool bit of tech with this deck is playing FoN attacking with your trees, then picking one up with Y Brewmaster, replaying it, and attacking again with it.


I will physically hurt myself each time I play against a secret paladin.

I will literally hurt myself. Over and over again. Until I manage to kill myself, and Blizzard is forced to shut down the servers for this shit after the media explodes when realizing someone killed himself over this pos game.

Any other poster saying this I'd just shrug it off.

Get help Yoshi.


I will physically hurt myself each time I play against a secret paladin.

I will literally hurt myself. Over and over again. Until I manage to kill myself, and Blizzard is forced to shut down the servers for this shit after the media explodes when realizing someone killed himself over this pos game.

i'm working on turning my secret paladin into midrange, just stay alive another month!


justicar is the card to be nerfed, just ridiculous in warrior

Justicar in absolutely no way needs to be nerfed.

Pretty succinct. If anything, warrior's cap of 4 points per hero power needs to stay where it is as their hero power is arguably the most useless in the game. To have it as say a 3 point move would make it worse than druid and priest (4 point swings), barely better than mage, just as bad as hunter, etc etc. It's fine the way it is and rewards a control meta instead of an aggro meta.


I've got to ask, do people that bm in this game get an erection from it? Are they so pathetically lonely, as in no friends, SO or family, that they feel inside their body the urge of showing how much skill it requires to draw the correct cards?

It's tactical


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Squeaked out a win vs. a mage the got Earth Elemental and Neptulon from unstable portal. Even got Murloc Knight from Neptulon...

that damn card man, I swear.
Tigger deck looks pretty fun. If only I had another deck slot so I didn't have to dismantle my druid deck to try it...

EDIT: why no antique heal bot?


Tigger deck looks pretty fun. If only I had another deck slot so I didn't have to dismantle my druid deck to try it...

EDIT: why no antique heal bot?

Its a good call. Ive considered it as it can lead to massive lifegain and i guess it a "silver bullet" against aggro. I'll give it a try.

You can have multiple decks with the same card right? You wouldnt have to dismantle anything. Unless you mean melt the cards down


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Edit: fine, it's not worth the headache.
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