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Heroic chess downed in 1 try while on mobile watching netflix on my bed.

I think malchezzar is one of the best battles in all the adventures. Maybe they'll do a brawl with him vs medivh although I can't imagine how they could balance it out and still be fun. It's kind of a power trip match up.

Wonder if Pantry Spider is worthwhile in an Evolve Shaman deck. Seems like it could be pretty good.

Also I hate these week long waits between wings. Pretty much have to put off deck ideas for a month.

I played against a shaman running it. I immediately assumed he was running evolve. But he never evolved and eventually he lost.

can;t wait till gods is rotated out and shamans can go fuck off already. So much bullshit that shamans are dominant only because they were purposely given broken cards

Then maybe we can complain about priest. And the cycle continues.


Heroic chess downed in 1 try while on mobile watching netflix on my bed.

I think malchezzar is one of the best battles in all the adventures. Maybe they'll do a brawl with him vs medivh although I can't imagine how they could balance it out and still be fun. It's kind of a power trip match up.

I played against a shaman running it. I immediately assumed he was running evolve. But he never evolved and eventually he lost.

Then maybe we can complain about priest. And the cycle continues.

I guarantee that priest will never get a 4 mana 7/7 or a 6 mana 5/5 taunt that is 90% of the time 0 mana. Hell priest won't ever get early game, no way they'll get a 1 mana card that ends up as an 5-8 attack because of other shit they got.


Next expansion should've filled with crazy ass tempo/aggro card then if blizz really like the meta (fuck them tho) and want to maintain it, so many powerful aggro/tempo card rotating out.. its gonna had bonker reveal if they goes all out the way to replace them all lol


Unconfirmed Member
yeah but most zoo decks already run soulfire and doomguard. Was just watching a tournament today and everyone had doomguard at very least and they could pull a soulfire from 'Dark peddler'.

anyway no time to mess with that card myself yet. I'm trying to figure out how to build a Mage deck since over the past week I pulled Yogg and Archmage legends from decks

It's not about whether or not to run doomguard and soulfire. It's about choosing the right time to play them. Mostly the right time to play those cards are far after the tempo of 3 mana is useful and the limiting factor is card draw, not mana.

The most common mistake I see from watching lower rank zoo play is from people misunderstanding the use of Soulfire and Doomguard, and exactly how easy you can lose the game with careless discards.
I guarantee that priest will never get a 4 mana 7/7 or a 6 mana 5/5 taunt that is 90% of the time 0 mana. Hell priest won't ever get early game, no way they'll get a 1 mana card that ends up as an 5-8 attack because of other shit they got.

They'll get their own "broken' cards too. They've gotten decent early game before. We've seen them running 4x 2/3 1 drops before. 2/4 taunt 2 drop. If dragon priest becomes strong enough, they've already got a lot of viable cards in the released sets.
Blizzard realized that Hunter should have Haunted Creeper in Standard.

Now they need to realize that Priest needs Zombie Chow in Standard.


I don't think blizzard likes Handlocks,so no.

They also need lightbomb.
They have a specific recipe for it!

You know, for as much as people claim Priest is terrible I'm running into them constantly on ladder.

And they all remind me why I'm glad Priest is in the basement and why they should stay there forever.


can;t wait till gods is rotated out and shamans can go fuck off already. So much bullshit that shamans are dominant only because they were purposely given broken cards

i hope they get even better aggro/tempo cards in the next expansion just to tell the whiners to fuck off and die.


I would imagine many people are going to say 'big woop' at this.....but.

I finally managed to get to rank 18 in ranked play, after what feels like forever!

It's a big deal for me! feels like I've been pinging between 20 and 19 since I don't know when .


I would imagine many people are going to say 'big woop' at this.....but.

I finally managed to get to rank 18 in ranked play, after what feels like forever!

It's a big deal for me! feels like I've been pinging between 20 and 19 since I don't know when .
Congrats on the progress, keep at it and you'll be getting those monthly golden epics in no time. I'm curious though, what are your primary deck lists? Some list tuning would probably help a lot in those early ranks.


You know, for as much as people claim Priest is terrible I'm running into them constantly on ladder.

And they all remind me why I'm glad Priest is in the basement and why they should stay there forever.

Yeah it's a "be careful what you wish for". Playing against priest is the worst and there will be even more complaining if they're the #1 class.

The whole playing against your own cards which I guess they consider "converting" just isn't fun to me. What if they went with a concept of "converting" cards to still being in your opponent's control but give positive effects to the priest (like power word glory but expanded into different ideas).

I even thought what if you could give minions negative attack (maybe limited to a # of attacks before it goes away) so they healed whatever they attacked or were attacked by. Then the opponent would have to strategically kill off their stuff. Who am I kidding this would be annoying to play against as well.


he's a true believer in whatever is green you slam on board mentality that's like most of the ladder, turns out you can get that far playing very badly. seems like good game design.


Congrats on the progress, keep at it and you'll be getting those monthly golden epics in no time. I'm curious though, what are your primary deck lists? Some list tuning would probably help a lot in those early ranks.
Mainly net decking atm I just don't have the confidence to make my own.

Currently my main deck is a slightly modified budget mage Cthun deck.

I have tried druid Cthun, but didn't get on with it very well.


So is GAF still mad about this expansion? Did our predictions hit home?

I've been in love with Ivory Knight in Anyfin paladin. So fun to play and very strong. Enter the coliseum from discover has been wrecking fools.

I was wrong on moroes, he seems playable in some aggro lists.


So is GAF still mad about this expansion? Did our predictions hit home?
The cards aren't all out yet.

Also, Purify priest seems to be just as shitty as everybody thought, judging by the class challenge.


Purify was clear garbage from the beginning. It would've been usable at one mana, but Blizzard is avoiding cheap cantrips and favouring the discover mechanic over them (because they want to keep combo decks in check).


Cloaked Huntress made Hunter suddenly had interesting deck, so I must give kudos for that

Moroes still trash tho

1 card slot for specifically bait ravaging ghoul, fuck that


Cloaked Huntress made Hunter suddenly had interesting deck, so I must give kudos for that

Moroes still trash tho

1 card slot for specifically bait ravaging ghoul, fuck that

I thought that too initially, but a 3 mana card that requires quick removal is not bad in HS.


I would imagine many people are going to say 'big woop' at this.....but.

I finally managed to get to rank 18 in ranked play, after what feels like forever!

It's a big deal for me! feels like I've been pinging between 20 and 19 since I don't know when .
Grats. Don't diminish your accomplishments. Reaching a new personal milestone is what is all about and we as a community should (and do) support everyone for getting better.

You know, for as much as people claim Priest is terrible I'm running into them constantly on ladder.

And they all remind me why I'm glad Priest is in the basement and why they should stay there forever.

Couple of reasons. First new cards so everyone is trying to make things work, people axially Luke the class and want to use it even if bad and some people take it as a personal challenge to actually win as a priest.

Personally I built a new healing deck with potf and cheap spells and with holy champion. It's slow but keeps me alive. Hell my first few turns are basically just heal and pass as my only 2 drop is ooze x 2 and don't really start gong with minions until 4. Yesterday I ended up entombing an auctioneer from a rogue who didn't bother to conceal it, when I got it I turned on the miracle and started drawing my deck. It was quite funny to me.


I thought that too initially, but a 3 mana card that requires quick removal is not bad in HS.

yeah he might be interesting we'll see

You know, for as much as people claim Priest is terrible I'm running into them constantly on ladder.

And they all remind me why I'm glad Priest is in the basement and why they should stay there forever.

yep all the way up to at least 15 I kept seeing priests last month. I'll probably start my ranked climb this month in a bit and see if its the same

I would imagine many people are going to say 'big woop' at this.....but.

I finally managed to get to rank 18 in ranked play, after what feels like forever!

It's a big deal for me! feels like I've been pinging between 20 and 19 since I don't know when .

Grats!! With each passing month you'll find it easier and easier to climb. Plus rank 18 is like top 50% I believe. guess most HS players stop at rank 20 to get their chest lol (or they just cant get there for some crazy unfathomable reason)


First wing has a decent amount of cards that are seeing ladder play. Even the Priest card has been doing work for folks, even in Standard.

I had fun this morning punishing a Shaman for not removing my Flamewaker. I played the car on curve, and then I just used removal spells on all the Shaman's crap. He played two Flamewreathed Faceless and I was able to use Frostbolts, Arcane Blasts and Pings to remove them without taking any minion damage. An on curve Cabalist's Tome game me two Flamestrikes, one of which I used on curve to remove his Totem Golem and 5/5 Taunt.

Fire Portal removed his second 5/5 taunt.

A aggressive midrange Shaman who was never able to deal a single point of face damage, and had to use his removal on my Mana Wyrm into Sorceror's Apprentice, then later hexed a second Flamewaker... Easy game. Flamewaker did so much face damage, it was like a double pyroblast.

Tempo Mage is nearly unbeatable when they draw their cards in the right order and get get Tome RNG.

From rank 18 to rank 13 with a 68% win rate, FeelsGoodMan after being sub-50% for over a week. Arcane Anomaly and Fire Portal feel really strong, I think both are going to make it into the meta. With Portal so far I've summoned 3 Leeroys and 1 Doomguard out of 25 games. Worst minion I summoned was a 3/3, which still contested the board.

It feels like a reverse Malkorok -- he's a minion that summons a Weapon you can use as removal or for face damage. With Portal, it's removal/face damage that summons a Minion. It's such a good tempo play against so many decks, and the meta is infested with cards that have 4 or 5 health so there's nearly always a good target on curve.

I'm looking forward to testing some of the other portals now--the Warrior one might be better than I thought. I still think Bash is probably better but I'm definitely testing Warrior Portal in my decks asap.

You know what else is awesome about the expansion? VARIETY IN THE META. Check out all the different decks I've faced over the last two days. It won't be long until "Secret Hunter" and "Beast Druid" are added as archetypes to Track-O-Bot (right now that's Other Druid and Other Hunter).



I didn't watch the whole prelims tournament but I didn't see a new card or deck the whole time I was watching. So the fact that no one of the new cards were an obvious no brainer slot-in could be seen as a good or bad thing depending on what you want hearthstone to be. Hopefully as more cards come out we do see some deck changes in the tourney scene.


@Levi, Yeah been looking at these highly recommended Tempo Mage netdecks and working in Firelands Portal. All of them seem to recommend "Arcane Blast" which looks staple but I dont want to burn 800 dust on that atm. I'll see how this tempo-yogg-archmage deck works w/o arcane blast. Maybe I'll burn 400 dust and craft 1


I didn't watch the whole prelims tournament but I didn't see a new card or deck the whole time I was watching. So the fact that no one of the new cards were an obvious no brainer slot-in could be seen as a good or bad thing depending on what you want hearthstone to be. Hopefully as more cards come out we do see some deck changes in the tourney scene.

They had to submit their decklists prior to the cards being released, so they couldn't use them.

You'll see new cards in the US prelims.

@Levi, Yeah been looking at these highly recommended Tempo Mage netdecks and working in Firelands Portal. All of them seem to recommend "Arcane Blast" which looks staple but I dont want to burn 800 dust on that atm. I'll see how this tempo-yogg-archmage deck works w/o arcane blast. Maybe I'll burn 400 dust and craft 1

Arcane Blast is super important. I've tried making a cheap tempo mage on my EU account where I don't have Blast and I really end up missing it. It doesn't look like much, but the scaling damage and synergies with Wyrm, Flamewaker, Tony, etc., make it really strong. If you are serious about wanting to play Mage it's worth the dust.


Arcane Blast is super important. I've tried making a cheap tempo mage on my EU account where I don't have Blast and I really end up missing it. It doesn't look like much, but the scaling damage and synergies with Wyrm, Flamewaker, Tony, etc., make it really strong. If you are serious about wanting to play Mage it's worth the dust.

Well I got the dust to make 2 of them so I will do it then. Thanks


They had to submit their decklists prior to the cards being released, so they couldn't use them.

You'll see new cards in the US prelims.

Ah makes sense. Must have missed that.

The changing meta lasts what....maybe a month after all the new cards are out? Then we can get back to complaining as usual.


Ah makes sense. Must have missed that.

The changing meta lasts what....maybe a month after all the new cards are out? Then we can get back to complaining as usual.

The two months after new cards come out is my favorite time in Hearthstone. Once the meta stabilizes and all the decks are optimized it's a lot less fun (for me).

Some people prefer stable metas because they do better when they can predict their opponent's decklists and game plan.


I'm experimenting with tempo mage in Wild right now. Seems to be doing really good.

didnt burn the dust on Arcane Blast quite yet but I will at some point soon (esp when I get serious and bring this back to Standard)

edit* Forgot to say I love Firelands Portal. PRetty expensive but so nice (actually not so expensive with Apprentice card in play)


Played a crazy ranked match against a warrior that went on for ages with my high damage mage spells repeatedly countering his high health minions. By the end of it I was just top decking with 3 health behind two 0/2 Taunt minions while he kept gaining 4 armor per turn, barely squeezed out a win thanks to fatigue though (fun fact: don't play Acolyte of Pain against a mage when you're running out of cards).


Finally returned from my exile in the no Internet lands and it seems I missed all the drama with Purify. :(

I'm interested in trying the ladder for a bit after being punished to win 5 tavern brawl games now that people are supossedly in an experimental phase.
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