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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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They should have cards in HS that you can double click on to activate their ability for mana cost (or some other cost). I guess that's what Inspire was for but sometimes you just don't want to use hero power. Most other card games already do this (hell some card games have multiple effects like these on a single card).

There's not much limit into what can be implemented but it boils down to how complex Blizzard wants to make the game and they simply don't so they just continue to make cards that do stuff just by playing them or leave the decision making to the game rather than the player (ie. RNG). Most other card games allow you to pick cards you want to discard or pick cards you want to resurrect, not in HS.

They should keep making cards that make use of the digital aspect to differentiate from the TCGs. That's where the potential is. Unfortunately for Blizzard, that just means making more random cards that pull random stuff out of the ether that you can't play around (ie. Unstable Portal).
They should have cards in HS that you can double click on to activate their ability for mana cost (or some other cost). I guess that's what Inspire was for but sometimes you just don't want to use hero power. Most other card games already do this (hell some card games have multiple effects like these on a single card).

There's not much limit into what can be implemented but it boils down to how complex Blizzard wants to make the game and they simply don't so they just continue to make cards that do stuff just by playing them or leave the decision making to the game rather than the player (ie. RNG). Most other card games allow you to pick cards you want to discard or pick cards you want to resurrect, not in HS.

They should keep making cards that make use of the digital aspect to differentiate from the TCGs. That's where the potential is. Unfortunately for Blizzard, that just means making more random cards that pull random stuff out of the ether that you can't play around (ie. Unstable Portal).

the issue with cards having complex abilities is coding them properly to work in every case. Guess that isnt as big of an issue w/ HS b/c there isnt a stack but I think in mtgo certain cards just dont work b/c the abilities are convoluted. Idk about ytgo. Blizz is slowly putting in more abilities, like doomcaller/cthun stuff, curator, harbinger. Issue is blizzard is slow at adding this stuff and seems to care more about implementing "random"


YGO Pro generally works but it's constantly updated to fix bugs which pop up a lot because new cards are added quickly and the interactions become very complex very fast.

Too bad all those online YGO games are taken down now.
I'm not sure why it infuriates me so much when an opponent plays a half-dozen cards to kill me when just one will do.
Sometimes I let people kill me because I think "They earned this win - nice work". Then they waste a whole minute doing random crap and I regret not just moving on. It's annoying.
Had all Paladin quests earlier. Won first game, couldn't win a game for 4 or 5 more afterwards. Actually said "I really need someone to give me a win." and then played a Warlock who conceded after the mulligan. The odd time, the game smiles on you.

I played a few games of proto-discard Warlock as well. I think it's going to be legit once the new Imp comes in. Not sure what you cut for it. Probably some Flame Imps or Voidwalkers since 6+ one-drops is probably not very good for ladder. But still, playing a Doomguard and getting Fist of Jaraxxus to kill a 4-health minion and getting out a 3/3 for no extra mana, preeeeeety good.


Reynad finally starting to see how good Maelstrom Portal is for shaman. I think he is overblowing it a little bit, but I have had good experiences in a control and totem based version of shaman using Maelstrom.



I picked this up from some streamer and it's been doing work. I don't think it's optimized yet but it's a pretty dang good Tempo Mage build.

I'm curious what other new cards might make the cut as future wings are released.


Surprised it took this long for someone to remember that Unbound Elemental is a Shaman card. I guess everyone wants to just high roll the Tuskar Totemic instead.

Now Reynad on salt tilt.


Surprised it took this long for someone to remember that Unbound Elemental is a Shaman card. I guess everyone wants to just high roll the Tuskar Totemic instead.

Now Reynad on salt tilt.

I made 4 or 5 different versions of maelstorm shaman the other day, but he's going to insist he "invented" the deck. It is adding one of the few new cards to an existing archetype, not rocket science.

It is hilarious when he is streaming and runs into a mirror within a few games.


He is hyping that deck pretty hard.

Hes also being a salty bitch about it. If he wins it's cause hes amazing and keeps saying "MY deck" as if no one else has thought it up. He plays any shaman the first thing out of his mouth is "oh I bet hes playing MY deck card for card" and if it's similar to his but the opponent has something else that his does not it's "it's like MY deck but but way worse".

If he loses it's cause the opponent got lucky with draws/rolls, yet if he wins it's his skill.


Hes also being a salty bitch about it. If he wins it's cause hes amazing and keeps saying "MY deck" as if no one else has thought it up. He plays any shaman the first thing out of his mouth is "oh I bet hes playing MY deck card for card" and if it's similar to his but the opponent has something else that his does not it's "it's like MY deck but but way worse".

If he loses it's cause the opponent got lucky with draws/rolls, yet if he wins it's his skill.
So Reyand being Reynad.


If Evolve gets like 1 or 2 more cards that evolve something, deck could be kinda insane.

Like a lot of the time you are just waiting for your Evolve cards while you are playing kinda meh minions most of the time.
If Evolve gets like 1 or 2 more cards that evolve something, deck could be kinda insane.

Like a lot of the time you are just waiting for your Evolve cards while you are playing kinda meh minions most of the time.

That's why I think it needs a lot of removal to be successful. Also I like a turn 9 kodo rider.


So apparently if you are playing the Lock n Load deck and you use Quickshot while having no hand... you don't actually get the real draw from Quickshot... even if it's shining orange.

That's some BS.


Interesting to see an experienced streamer back this up- that priests are viable up to around rank 15'ish
Priest is viable up until rank 5. Even until Legend it's probably "viable" but a lot worse decks have gotten to Legend rank in HS.

What he's saying is that the "meta" at rank 15 is more favorable to Priest because people are playing slower decks that get punished by Priest. If the competitive meta was like that then Priest would do better but instead it's aggro/tempo oriented which Priest struggles against.


Cleave works very well with slam, war axe, blood ichor, and ghoul. I was able to go 11 wins in arena with a mediocre warrior deck that had very few early game minions because of how well they synergize.


I feel like there is some degenerate deck that Cloaked Huntress belongs into that can be tier 1 quality but I just don't know which one. Like when you play this card, you have the potential to draw the nuts and instantly win the game. Even if they somehow stabilize against the nuts, you have Call of the Wild finisher.

I think the best way to play might actually just be regular Midrange deck but you use stuff like Secret Keeper instead of Fiery Bat (because it sucks) and Secrets instead of 2 drops (which are all crap anyway until Kindly Grandmother comes). Then you play Cloaked Huntress, Eaglehorn and the rest of the midrange drops ending with Call of the Wild... MAYBE even throw Yogg at the end for the degenerate comeback factor.

Yeah yeah there is the obvious Lock n Load deck but Lock n Load so often whiffs into something useless and with that kind of deck you really need some nice card draw engine because a lot of the time you are just hero powering waiting for combo pieces to line up. It's just way to better to be playing turn 1 Secret Keeper, turn 2 Secret, turn 3 Bow/Cloaked/Animal Companion, turn 4 Spider Wolf, turn 5 Tiger/Kodo, turn 6 Highmane, Animal Companion.

You can also fit in a Doomsayer for turn 2 as well potentially... get a clear field for Cloaked Huntress.

Lock n Load Cloaked Huntress would be better in a slower meta. That deck just gets rushed down way too easily IMO but against control you can probably out value them by saving a massive LnL combo.


I feel like there is some degenerate deck that Cloaked Huntress belongs into that can be tier 1 quality but I just don't know which one. Like when you play this card, you have the potential to draw the nuts and instantly win the game. Even if they somehow stabilize against the nuts, you have Call of the Wild finisher.

I think the best way to play might actually just be regular Midrange deck but you use stuff like Secret Keeper instead of Fiery Bat (because it sucks) and Secrets instead of 2 drops (which are all crap anyway until Kindly Grandmother comes). Then you play Cloaked Huntress, Eaglehorn and the rest of the midrange drops ending with Call of the Wild... MAYBE even throw Yogg at the end for the degenerate comeback factor.

Yeah yeah there is the obvious Lock n Load deck but Lock n Load so often whiffs into something useless and with that kind of deck you really need some nice card draw engine because a lot of the time you are just hero powering waiting for combo pieces to line up. It's just way to better to be playing turn 1 Secret Keeper, turn 2 Secret, turn 3 Bow/Cloaked/Animal Companion, turn 4 Spider Wolf, turn 5 Tiger/Kodo, turn 6 Highmane, Animal Companion.

You can also fit in a Doomsayer for turn 2 as well potentially... get a clear field for Cloaked Huntress.

Lock n Load Cloaked Huntress would be better in a slower meta. That deck just gets rushed down way too easily IMO but against control you can probably out value them by saving a massive LnL combo.

if that deck exist, how its degenerate? that deck seem not playing on curve, set up big swing turn etc?

shit sure not fun on receiving end tho

Yogg druid vs secret hunter seem crazy matchup to watch


Priest is viable up until rank 5. Even until Legend it's probably "viable" but a lot worse decks have gotten to Legend rank in HS.

What he's saying is that the "meta" at rank 15 is more favorable to Priest because people are playing slower decks that get punished by Priest. If the competitive meta was like that then Priest would do better but instead it's aggro/tempo oriented which Priest struggles against.

The only thing I fear when playing my non-Anyfin Control Paladin is priest. A combination wild pyros, holy novas, and entombs can make it a long ass game. Anyfin is usually the exception if you can get a good OTK out. Just need to play smart with your Warleaders.


The thing about L&L Cloaked Huntress deck is that you don't just play the secrets if you have spare mana, you save them and only play them in response to the appropriate situations because you want to actually get value from them. Otherwise you want to save them for comboing with L&L and/or Huntress. You shouldn't even play all of them with Huntress unless you also have L&L active. It plays almost like Miracle Rogue/Grim Patron. You guys should check Forsen's VODs where he was playing it because he actually played it very well.


if that deck exist, how its degenerate? that deck seem not playing on curve, set up big swing turn etc?

shit sure not fun on receiving end tho

Yogg druid vs secret hunter seem crazy matchup to watch
It's two different type of decks with that card.

There's the Lock n Load variant which is very hard to play well as pointed out by Xanathus. Have to save up combo pieces and stuff to get value. Can't be using up Secrets.

The other variant is basically Midrange Hunter but with Cloaked Huntress and more secrets which does NOT run Lock n Load. You just play stuff on curve in that deck and you have the occasional Cloaked Huntress blow out turns where you gain so much tempo that opponent has trouble getting through it and that basically buys enough time for your Highmane and Call of the Wild to finish the game.

I was wondering which of these variants will win out in the end.

Otherwise you want to save them for comboing with L&L and/or Huntress. You shouldn't even play all of them with Huntress unless you also have L&L active. It plays almost like Miracle Rogue/Grim Patron.
With Hunter's lack of consistent deck draw, getting L&L off with Huntress and Secrets is not that easy. Grim Patron and Miracle Rogue have a ton of card draw to assemble the card draw.

If Lock n Load drew from your deck instead of random class cards... then we would have a tier 0 deck.


1st deck I play against when I queue up with my Maelstrom elemental shaman is the Reynad version he played on stream.

My version is control and burn and I was able to clear his board and out heal him in the end game.

Fun beating people who just blindly copy Streamer decks.

Damn just realized I'm not running Hallazeal in a deck that is tailor made for him. Dammit I don't want to change any cards lol.
I have started to come around on Priest of the Feast. It's a real treasure against more aggressive decks. Leave it alive, and my normal board clearing spells now also heal me 3hp each. Which forces enemy to kill it, so it kinda acts a taunt too. Granted I'm not very high ranked but it still feels like a key card vs aggressive decks.

Completely unrelated question: If you silence one of the "1/1 copy" -minions, does it go back to full health? Or will it just be "normal attack / 1 health" -copy? Interested from theorycrafting perspective.


I have started to come around on Priest of the Feast. It's a real treasure against more aggressive decks. Leave it alive, and my normal board clearing spells now also heal me 3hp each. Which forces enemy to kill it, so it kinda acts a taunt too. Granted I'm not very high ranked but it still feels like a key card vs aggressive decks.

Completely unrelated question: If you silence one of the "1/1 copy" -minions, does it go back to full health? Or will it just be "normal attack / 1 health" -copy? Interested from theorycrafting perspective.

Should go back to full health if you want the minion just for stats.


Any chance I could list my current deck and get some feedback on how to improve it?

Just to note, I am a F2P player, so may not have a ton of dust to chuck at expensive cards.

Arcane Missles (2)
Mana Wyrm (2)
Cult Sorcerer (2)
Frostbolt (2)
Sorcerers Apprentice (2)
Arcane Intelligence (2)
Disciple of Cthun (2)
Twilight Elder (2)
Cthuns Choosen (2)
Fireball (2)
Polymorph (2)
Water Elemental (2)
Azure Drake (2)
Canablists Tome (1)
Faceless Summoner (1) - I used to have 2 of these, but swapped one out with the canablists tome, as I felt that it was better to have that?
Twin Emporer Veklor (1) - This used to be a flamestrike, but I felt this card was better value and added the canablists tome to offset to loss of the flamestrike?
Chtun (1)
Up to 160 wins on Hunter, I’m getting closer! I started to use this deck, it’s probably not the best, but it’s a lot of fun. My last game I beat a priest in five turns,
but that’s not very hard.



Any chance I could list my current deck and get some feedback on how to improve it?

Just to note, I am a F2P player, so may not have a ton of dust to chuck at expensive cards.

Arcane Missles (2)
Mana Wyrm (2)
Cult Sorcerer (2)
Frostbolt (2)
Sorcerers Apprentice (2)
Arcane Intelligence (2)
Disciple of Cthun (2)
Twilight Elder (2)
Cthuns Choosen (2)
Fireball (2)
Polymorph (2)
Water Elemental (2)
Azure Drake (2)
Canablists Tome (1)
Faceless Summoner (1) - I used to have 2 of these, but swapped one out with the canablists tome, as I felt that it was better to have that?
Twin Emporer Veklor (1) - This used to be a flamestrike, but I felt this card was better value and added the canablists tome to offset to loss of the flamestrike?
Chtun (1)

The most obvious cards you're missing are Flamewakers and Arcane Blasts, and you probably want to cut 1 Polymorph.


The most obvious cards you're missing are Flamewakers and Arcane Blasts, and you probably want to cut 1 Polymorph.

I did wonder if this might be the case, I notice Flamewaker seems a good card, and used in a lot of decks, unfortunately it's part of Blackrock mountain, which I don't have, but if its a seriously important card that will help me push on, I could be tempted........

As for Arcane blast, is one of those a good replacement for an Arcane Missile?, I could afford to craft a single Arcane blast.


I did wonder if this might be the case, I notice Flamewaker seems a good card, and used in a lot of decks, unfortunately it's part of Blackrock mountain, which I don't have, but if its a seriously important card that will help me push on, I could be tempted........

As for Arcane blast, is one of those a good replacement for an Arcane Missile?, I could afford to craft a single Arcane blast.
Well if you have the gold then you can just buy 4 wings of BRM since Flamewaker is ini the 4th wing.

Missiles are better if you face a lot of zoo and token decks, Blast is better against Midrange decks. Normally you run 2 copies of 1 of them, and 1 copy of another. People tend to run 2 of Missiles anyway because you have other options for single target removal with Frostbolt and Fireball.


Well if you have the gold then you can just buy 4 wings of BRM since Flamewaker is ini the 4th wing.

I don't, but I might spring the cash for it, so would a single Flamewaker swap out with a Polymorph?

How would I, or is it worth it, fit Arcane Blast(s) into the deck?


You want both Flamewakers because that card is nuts.

You can probably replace a Twilight Elder for it. 6 Cthun activators generally get the job done.


I don't, but I might spring the cash for it, so would a single Flamewaker swap out with a Polymorph?

How would I, or is it worth it, fit Arcane Blast(s) into the deck?

You swap 1 Polymorph for 1 Arcane Blast, and probably 2 Cthuns Chosen or Twilight Elder for 2 Flamewakers.

I was going to say that Twilight Elder is not a good card for non-Druid Cthun decks because all of the Cthun-activated cards need 10/10 stats so +1/+1 is an uneven number which isn't enough to trigger them, but it might be OK since Cult Sorceror gives +1/+1 as well.
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