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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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Super Sleuth
Oh I see thank you for the clarification, no I don't. I'll check that now. Thanks!

You can also then post your collection here and we can tell you depending on the cards you got from the 40 packs which class you are closest to building a good deck with.


Very glad I saved up my hearthbucks considering one of the cardbacks is awarded if you purchase everything within the first week (i'm assuming you can use gold to do so).

It will feel good to be able to spend my gold again, need more packs T_T

Also, does anyone have a nicely formatted spreadsheet for collection tracking purposes? There was a really good one before but it stopped getting updated, would tell you percentages, most efficient packs to buy, etc.


Super Sleuth

You could make a nearly complete midrange hunter or zoolock or aggro shaman just by dusting that golden Milhouse Manastorm.

Very glad I saved up my hearthbucks considering one of the cardbacks is awarded if you purchase everything within the first week (i'm assuming you can use gold to do so).

It will feel good to be able to spend my gold again, need more packs T_T

You usually can't preorder wings with gold. The card back may be cash only bonus.


People in this thread can help you assemble a deck without a lot of high end cards. Warlock and shaman are probably your best bet.
Zoo is hands down the best deck for beginners. It's cheap, allows for a lot of substitutions if you don't have a certain card, and it helps you learn a lot about board control, trading efficiently and card advantage


You usually can't preorder wings with gold. The card back may be cash only bonus.

I actually was just thinking that as I posted. But the way the cardback text is worded gives me hope. If I don't get it, oh well, just add it to the long list of cardbacks I dont have because I quit for a year.


Yes sir, you having LoE is a big advantage to building an aggro shaman.

And that deck will take you as far as your skill will allow.

The only problem is with the likely limited amount of dust you have, you have to just pick one deck and hope you enjoy the play style.
So if I understand correctly, if I buy any more packs in the coming months (I'm done for this month + karazhan next month) do I need to dust the golden ones if I don't use them?
And what would you advise to a newer player, shaman or hunter?


So I just bought 40 packs of classic hearthstone, I am pretty new to the game though.
Is there any guides for new players because on hearthpwn I see all these decks but with insane cards I do not have.

Welcome to the broke beginner club (I've been here since around WoTG launch). Just search 'zoo' that will help you climb. There is also midrange hunter and those f2p warrior decks. Stay away from Rogue (because most decent decks for that class is uber expensive and will trigger you)

[edit] Give me a moment I'll link you a decent Zoo deck I used to get to rank 16 in one sitting. All cheap cards. Rank 16 is not high but im sure you could do much better with time. I'm too busy myself. ** Rank 16 is top 40% according to ingame prompt

edit2 - Warlock Zoo Icy Veins. I replaced Gormok with Bloodhoof but basically just switch that card out. I only run 1 doomguard + 1 Crusader (shield + charge card). Basically just try your best to find some kinda replacement for any card you lack.


Super Sleuth
So if I understand correctly, if I buy any more packs in the coming months (I'm done for this month + karazhan next month) do I need to dust the golden ones if I don't use them?
And what would you advise to a newer player, shaman or hunter?

Midrange/hybrid hunter and aggro shaman are both very straight forward curve heavy classes so both are good for beginners with still plenty of room to learn and improve. Both are decks that cost around 2000 dust but can definitely take you to legend when you improve your own skills.

I always disenchant gold cards that I can't immediately use. If you disenchant a golden Hogger, and then 6 months down the road you really want to build a deck around Hogger, you didn't lose any dust unless you put value on the golden part of the card. Others disagree with me though, but having cards you can use now is worth more to me than having cards that I have no current use for. This only really applies to golden cards for me though, the dust value you get for normal cards is too small to disenchant any cards you may have a use for in the future.

I wouldn't disenchant any core/great golden legendaries if I had no normal version. But Milhouse Manastorm is a fantastic way to build your first deck by dusting him.
Warlocks got another overstated 1 drop.

How the hell are people immediately calling it shit? Is this bizarro world? They already have a mana wyrm/frothing berserker growth type in darkshire councilman btw.

Lets see:

In addition to the obvious doomguard and soulfire.

As you can see, this card can enable a much faster warlock playstyle. Soulfire helps you fire for the board aggressively or hit face without slowing momentum. The card itself is a powerful 1 drop.

How do people praise the hell out of a 2/2 vanilla beast but then this guy comes along and he is bad? Thinning your deck out by using soulfire to hit your opponent's face, to get to doomguard or other powerful finishers... this card is gonna be great. It's like a 1 mana auctioneer in some aspects. It's like tracking in some aspects.

I dunno how strong it'll be right away but it seems like it'll make zoo faster and a faster zoo is pretty deadly. Even dark bargain is potentially pretty great with this imp.


Was playing around with this build in Casual before I took it to ranked:

still trying to workout the kinks. I fear is probably spread too thin- trying to do too much in one deck. Was trying to have a decent early game and drop totems so I can get a cheap taunt from "Thing from Below". Use faceless manipulator to dupe it or dupe Cairne. Toss some Ancestral spirits on Cairne. Major flaw is silence :(



Unconfirmed Member
Warlocks got another overstated 1 drop.

How the hell are people immediately calling it shit? Is this bizarro world? They already have a mana wyrm/frothing berserker growth type in darkshire councilman btw.

Lets see:

In addition to the obvious doomguard and soulfire.

As you can see, this card can enable a much faster warlock playstyle. Soulfire helps you fire for the board aggressively or hit face without slowing momentum. The card itself is a powerful 1 drop.

How do people praise the hell out of a 2/2 vanilla beast but then this guy comes along and he is bad? Thinning your deck out by using soulfire to hit your opponent's face, to get to doomguard or other powerful finishers... this card is gonna be great. It's like a 1 mana auctioneer in some aspects. It's like tracking in some aspects.

I dunno how strong it'll be right away but it seems like it'll make zoo faster and a faster zoo is pretty deadly. Even dark bargain is potentially pretty great with this imp.

I really don't think you want to put dark bargain and succubus in your deck because they're pretty much dead cards if you havent drawn or already played your Imp of Marche Saar. And then only having Soulfire and Doomguard might not be enough to include the Imp of Marche Saar.

Another problem is that you tend to want to play with a plan in place for what you want to do with your hand, and randomly discarding and drawing cards means you can't really have a plan. That also means the cards in your hand are usually a little better than the card that you might draw.

But still, enabling you to use soulfire or doomguard with less drawback is very appealing, and there might be some other changes to the deck that could help make it work, like Darkshire Librarian. I'm definitely looking forward to experiment with it.


The hell is up with these 1 mana minions? SMH Blizzard...

That Warlock one drop is actually insane if there are better discard cards printed. You play that one drop into Succubus, you have two over stated minions on board. You play Librarian with it and you actually have card aevantage. You play this then Doomguard, you have insane tempo. It increases Warlock decks tempo by a lot.

Only issue is that Discard Lock is going to discard all of its hand when they don't have this card. So they really need more cards like this and Librarian that allow them to maintain a hard after all the discarding.

Mage card is whatever, another rando Mage card for Casino Mage. Uninteresting.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The Imp is the kind of card that might make something like Darkshire Librarian see play, and it is very good with Doomguard which zoo already plays often enough, but I wouldn't pair it with Succubus or Dark Bargain as those cards are already questionable individually.

It's a nice idea and not totally crap but it just doesn't have enough good synergies to see play right now, I would say. But if you were to print just one more good discard card, it could see play.

The Mage card is straight up like a Mage Webspinner. I like it. it doesn't have the extra synergies that webspinner had, though, like Deathrattle or a tribal tag, so it also might not just be good enough. But it definitely wouldn't surprise me if Tempo Mage played a card like that.


Looks alright as a tempo play, although the impact of the body itself is limited as it doesn't grown on the board like other 1/3s do. But it's an interesting card and another step into that discard deck. I can see some Tiny Knight plays with it too.


When you think about it, the Warlock card is kinda like the Fandral for Waelock because it synergizes with their core mechanic. Only it's way easier to combo and you have two of them.

It's a 1 drop that you just have to kill. Because if you leave it alive for a turn then the Warlock player will just go ham on you.


Unconfirmed Member
Only issue is that Discard Lock is going to discard all of its hand when they don't have this card. So they really need more cards like this and Librarian that allow them to maintain a hard after all the discarding.

If you're going to go full Discard Lock, then at least discarding your whole hand means that discard cards no longer have a drawback, and you can set up a 100% chance it discards Fist of Jaraxxus. Always fun to play a discard card, tap, and then play another discard card on an empty hand.


You can also play Imp + Soulfire on turn 2 to clear a Totem Golem while the Shaman is overloaded for 1 mana next turn. In fact it seems like it would be a good idea to keep it to combo with a discard card instead of playing it on turn 1 unless you don't have a Flame Imp/Voidwalker/Argent Squire/Possessed Villager. Since it goes into a faster deck you probably also cut Councilman and Forbidden Ritual and Knife Juggler and Sea Giant. IIRC someone brought a fast aggro zoo like that into Seatstory.


Man its too bad Fist of Jaraxxus can hit the face too, if it only hit minions like Flamecannon you could make some absurd tempo plays.

Turn 2 Shaman plays Totem Golem, you play the 1 mana minion and Succubus.. discard Fist to kill Totem Golem then draw a card LMAO!

But Fist is really unreliable.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Man its too bad Fist of Jaraxxus can hit the face too, if it only hit minions like Flamecannon you could make some absurd tempo plays.

Turn 2 Shaman plays Totem Golem, you play the 1 mana minion and Succubus.. discard Fist to kill Totem Golem then draw a card LMAO!

But Fist is really unreliable.

Imp on Board.

Play Doomguard. 2 Fist of Jaraxxus hit face

Draw 2 PO's.

21 Damage. ayy lmao


Lots of conjecture about Fist of Jaraxxus but how much longer do we even have "Grand Tournament" before it rotates out of standard? But thats a different topic somewhat. Still unclear when LoE and Grand Tournament gets rotated out


Super Sleuth
Lots of conjecture about Fist of Jaraxxus but how much longer do we even have "Grand Tournament" before it rotates out of standard? But thats a different topic somewhat. Still unclear when LoE and Grand Tournament gets rotated out

Rotations happen when the first expansion of the year is released


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Lots of conjecture about Fist of Jaraxxus but how much longer do we even have "Grand Tournament" before it rotates out of standard? But thats a different topic somewhat. Still unclear when LoE and Grand Tournament gets rotated out

We have until the first expansion next year. And Wild is always a thing.
I wonder if we'll get the last 2016 expansion before blizzcon. I guess December is still technically 2016 and if they don't drop the first 2017 expansion until around the same time as WOTG, I guess that'd be okay.


I wonder if we'll get the last 2016 expansion before blizzcon. I guess December is still technically 2016 and if they don't drop the first 2017 expansion until around the same time as WOTG, I guess that'd be okay.

I'm sure we'll get one in December. They wouldn't want to only have two sets for this year because of standard.
I just can’t win anymore. I just started playing a few weeks ago, so I’m still pretty new. I got up to 14 and I just hit this wall. It seems like it doesn’t matter what I do; I just started losing all my games. I’m back down to 18. I mainly have just been playing Hunter going for the 500 wins. I just use the standard midrange deck. Some of the cards are different because I don’t have cards like Huge Toad. I’m just kind of annoyed.


I just can’t win anymore. I just started playing a few weeks ago, so I’m still pretty new. I got up to 14 and I just hit this wall. It seems like it doesn’t matter what I do; I just started losing all my games. I’m back down to 18. I mainly have just been playing Hunter going for the 500 wins. I just use the standard midrange deck. Some of the cards are different because I don’t have cards like Huge Toad. I’m just kind of annoyed.
Sounds like combination of bad luck, unoptimized deck list and inexperience.
No one can help you with first one, but you can work at the other 2 points.
What other cards are you missing?
I feel like they're out of ideas - these cards are miserable from a creative standpoint.

Discard Warlock will always be 100% trash as long as the discard is random. I can't believe they are still even TRYING this nonsense.

Duelyst has new card that's vanilla premium stat minion that its cost reduced if you get face damage at opponent last turn

um.. what if Priest get card like that yall gonna pissed?
I want Magmar to turn into Handlock. :(
Sounds like combination of bad luck, unoptimized deck list and inexperience.
No one can help you with first one, but you can work at the other 2 points.
What other cards are you missing?

I'm just missing Huge Toads and Desert Camels, so I've just been replacing them with traps. Maybe I'll get the adventure, if they’re that important.


The are going to keep trying to make Discard Lock a thing. The expansion after this adventure is Discard Warlock's last chance to be something strong because in next rotation a bunch of discard cards will go into Wild.


I just can’t win anymore. I just started playing a few weeks ago, so I’m still pretty new. I got up to 14 and I just hit this wall. It seems like it doesn’t matter what I do; I just started losing all my games. I’m back down to 18. I mainly have just been playing Hunter going for the 500 wins. I just use the standard midrange deck. Some of the cards are different because I don’t have cards like Huge Toad. I’m just kind of annoyed.

I'll also add that hitting rank 15 after a few weeks with an less than optimal deck is pretty decent. The closer you can get to the "standard" decklist (there is actually some variety in mid-range tbh), the better you will probably do.

Another option is to start working on a cheap zoolock, warrior deck, or shaman. That should help add some other experience into your skill set and a good change of pace.

add me on battlenet and i can spectate sometime too. manhack#1706 (or anyone else fro that matter)


Super Sleuth
I just can’t win anymore. I just started playing a few weeks ago, so I’m still pretty new. I got up to 14 and I just hit this wall. It seems like it doesn’t matter what I do; I just started losing all my games. I’m back down to 18. I mainly have just been playing Hunter going for the 500 wins. I just use the standard midrange deck. Some of the cards are different because I don’t have cards like Huge Toad. I’m just kind of annoyed.

Going for 500 wins with hunter on your third week? Good lord!

I've been playing 2.5 months and the most wins I have with a class is 152 with mage.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I just can’t win anymore. I just started playing a few weeks ago, so I’m still pretty new. I got up to 14 and I just hit this wall. It seems like it doesn’t matter what I do; I just started losing all my games. I’m back down to 18. I mainly have just been playing Hunter going for the 500 wins. I just use the standard midrange deck. Some of the cards are different because I don’t have cards like Huge Toad. I’m just kind of annoyed.

14/15 is a wall for a lot of people. I think what happens is that a lot of new players get stuck in a bit of a rut around here until they fill out their collection and start learning some more advanced play strategies. Things like learning what to expect from your opponent's deck, playing around certain cards, knowing when to maximize value from your cards and when to play for tempo, etc.

Try watching some of the more popular streamers on twitch, start learning other decks. Basically, educate yourself. Playing one deck over and over against will only get you so far. Honestly I've been playing this game since launch and I've only gotten 500 wins with a single class.
I'll also add that hitting rank 15 after a few weeks with an less than optimal deck is pretty decent. The closer you can get to the "standard" decklist (there is actually some variety in mid-range tbh), the better you will probably do.

Another option is to start working on a cheap zoolock, warrior deck, or shaman. That should help add some other experience into your skill set and a good change of pace.

add me on battlenet and i can spectate sometime too. manhack#1706 (or anyone else fro that matter)

Sounds good!

Going for 500 wins with hunter on your third week? Good lord!

I've been playing 2.5 months and the most wins I have with a class is 152 with mage.

I'm almost at 100 wins with Hunter, but it's all I really play. I think I have like ~20 wins on Mage and that's it. I haven't really messed with anyone else.

14/15 is a wall for a lot of people. I think what happens is that a lot of new players get stuck in a bit of a rut around here until they fill out their collection and start learning some more advanced play strategies. Things like learning what to expect from your opponent's deck, playing around certain cards, knowing when to maximize value from your cards and when to play for tempo, etc.

Try watching some of the more popular streamers on twitch, start learning other decks. Basically, educate yourself. Playing one deck over and over against will only get you so far. Honestly I've been playing this game since launch and I've only gotten 500 wins with a single class.

Yeah I think that's my biggest issue is just inexperience. I really should start learning other decks.


I'm just missing Huge Toads and Desert Camels, so I've just been replacing them with traps. Maybe I'll get the adventure, if they’re that important.

You actually don't want to use Camels. That's more for tournaments where you can ban certain match-ups, that strategy doesn't work well on ladder because you're giving Shamans, Mages, and Warlocks free minions to put on the board.

You probably want to do something like this:


Cut the huge toads and put in 2xTracking, or 1xDeadly Shot and 1xFreezing Trap (bringing the list up to 2 each). You could even go 2xFlame Juggler if you want to maintain your early game consistency. You miss out on the beast synergy, which does bring down the overall power level of the deck, but you can still win games with it.

If you want to try a more aggressive Hunter list, Hybrid Hunter is a pretty good base.

Hybrid Hunter

Add an extra bow and tracking instead of the Huge Toads, or 2xFlame Juggler. Only other adventure card is Quick Shot, and you really don't want cut those.

Good luck! And, August 11th, you'll get the new Hunter card for free that you can just slot in instead of the Huge Toads and it'll probably be fine.
Malygos rogue is being quite fun today. Midrange hunter decided to ignore emperor thaurisan to play his highmane. I then got to play auctioneer + sap on turn 6. On turn 8 I got to play an 8 mana malygos, without double 3-4 spells, with a board of 10~ damage already. Demolished him.

Same deal with a dragon warrior. This guy... just wastes his axe going face twice. He never got tempo back instead of never losing it. By turn ~9 I already had malygos burst finish.

Some decent luck today with this deck. Not so much with tempo mage though.

I feel like they're out of ideas - these cards are miserable from a creative standpoint.

Discard Warlock will always be 100% trash as long as the discard is random. I can't believe they are still even TRYING this nonsense.

Yeah, because soul fire and doomguard are bad cards that are never played in constructed? Back when soulfire was 0 mana, it was even used in handlock.
You actually don't want to use Camels. That's more for tournaments where you can ban certain match-ups, that strategy doesn't work well on ladder because you're giving Shamans, Mages, and Warlocks free minions to put on the board.

You probably want to do something like this:


Cut the huge toads and put in 2xTracking, or 1xDeadly Shot and 1xFreezing Trap (bringing the list up to 2 each). You could even go 2xFlame Juggler if you want to maintain your early game consistency. You miss out on the beast synergy, which does bring down the overall power level of the deck, but you can still win games with it.

If you want to try a more aggressive Hunter list, Hybrid Hunter is a pretty good base.

Hybrid Hunter

Add an extra bow and tracking instead of the Huge Toads, or 2xFlame Juggler. Only other adventure card is Quick Shot, and you really don't want cut those.

Good luck! And, August 11th, you'll get the new Hunter card for free that you can just slot in instead of the Huge Toads and it'll probably be fine.

Ok cool, I'll give those a shot.

This is what I've been using:



I feel like they're out of ideas - these cards are miserable from a creative standpoint.

This "portaling" mechanic is way more exciting to me than the Forbidden cards in Old Gods. The Mage Spell looks fun as heck, and if the four other portal spells are as fun and unique I think it'll be a good addition the game.

Both legendaries will inspire people to build decks around their effects. That's what a good legendary should do, imo.

There's still, what, 35+ more cards to reveal? Let's not decry a bankruptcy of ideas based on a few cards.
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