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and you don't have to sacrifice too much.

2. Even drawing one card might not be too bad if it's your win condition. A Malygos Rogue might throw in The Curator as a guaranteed Malygos draw and then going crazy with Gadgetzan Auctioneer is less important.

Yeah people have been saying how powerful cards are that draw specific cards or that can search your deck, this card can pretty much do just that. While a little slow at 7 mana, it would definitely be perfect for a combo deck.
So I figured out two possibilities for The Curator that people seem to be overlooking.

1. Dragon Warrior. If you tech in Fierce Monkey and Sir Finley. Putting more stuff in your hand in a tempo deck is pretty good and you don't have to sacrifice too much.

2. Even drawing one card might not be too bad if it's your win condition. A Malygos Rogue might throw in The Curator as a guaranteed Malygos draw and then going crazy with Gadgetzan Auctioneer is less important.

The problem with 1 is you can only do this from turn 7, maybe, and the tempo loss is significant to do it. Worse, I'd guess in a lot of cases due to your mulligan, you will already have those cards drawn and played meaning it is completely dead.

Also the game ended two turns ago because of all the new fast cards :|

Scenario 2 is more viable, however I'd try Barnes + Malygos spell deck before that, given you still have to spend the 9 mana to play Malygos and that is a big problem.


Super Sleuth
I've got 6400 dust just burning a hole in my pocket. Can't decide what deck to make though. And i should wait until all the cards are revealed but that is no fun.


I wish there was a card that fetched your Emperor. :\

I'm still surprised they are printing Barnes and Curator, both seem they can be quite useful for combo decks which they hate.


Super Sleuth
Barnes in a yogg and load could be fun, take out Elekk and give you a 50% chance of getting an extra Emperor tick. Or leave it in


Went to the dark side... Playing C'Thun Warrior.

It's like control warrior but way easier.

Still, people are really bad in the mirror. Beat both C'thun warrior mirrors today because both players just randomly played Sylvanas for no reason.

They end up playing C'thun, I play my Syl and Shield Slam it, and they have no way to get it back, so they can't get Doomcaller value.

Meanwhile I have Doomcaller and Elise so I just win.

If anyone here plays C'thun Warrior, don't waste your Sylvanas in the mirror. Stealing a Sylvanas, or stealing back a C'thun, is your only way to win if you're facing someone who knows how to play the match up.

I'm also very happy that I've beaten 2 Hunters in a row. That's a tough match up.

Isn't it funny that when I was playing Druid I saw three Face Shaman's in a row, but now that I'm playing a deck with tons of life gain they are nowhere to be seen? Hmmmmmm


No shadow word death either.

Absolutely disgusting.jpeg



So I figured out two possibilities for The Curator that people seem to be overlooking.

1. Dragon Warrior. If you tech in Fierce Monkey and Sir Finley. Putting more stuff in your hand in a tempo deck is pretty good and you don't have to sacrifice too much.

2. Even drawing one card might not be too bad if it's your win condition. A Malygos Rogue might throw in The Curator as a guaranteed Malygos draw and then going crazy with Gadgetzan Auctioneer is less important.
I already touched on both of these.

Plus some Reno decks can use Jeweled Scarab and that new Murloc that is like a board clear.


I've got 6400 dust just burning a hole in my pocket. Can't decide what deck to make though. And i should wait until all the cards are revealed but that is no fun.

must be nice! I'm up to 1010 dust. But got bout 400 dust worth of gold cards I could get rid of

Went to the dark side... Playing C'Thun Warrior.

It's like control warrior but way easier.

Still, people are really bad in the mirror. Beat both C'thun warrior mirrors today because both players just randomly played Sylvanas for no reason.

They end up playing C'thun, I play my Syl and Shield Slam it, and they have no way to get it back, so they can't get Doomcaller value.

Meanwhile I have Doomcaller and Elise so I just win.

If anyone here plays C'thun Warrior, don't waste your Sylvanas in the mirror. Stealing a Sylvanas, or stealing back a C'thun, is your only way to win if you're facing someone who knows how to play the match up.

I'm also very happy that I've beaten 2 Hunters in a row. That's a tough match up.

Isn't it funny that when I was playing Druid I saw three Face Shaman's in a row, but now that I'm playing a deck with tons of life gain they are nowhere to be seen? Hmmmmmm

huh got a friend that plays this build. Wonder if hes making similar mistakes. hes at 12

Thanks again both of you. Been mining salt on ladder for a good portion of the day, bouncing between rank 7 and 8. Now I got some gold, and my pity timer finally went off at 38 packs with a Yogg(didn't have it). Maybe now I can put together something stupid for friend challenges.

Yeah interesting I think I must've opened the same # of packs almost. My last legendary was a Gold Bloodhoof on 6-22. I played daily since so right around that same # of packs I land on another legendary

I probably shouldn't complain there are some legendaries I've sharded (Grul & oathspark) to put together some decent decks that I could use.

Played against someone that had a Gold Grul today. He got lethal'ed tho soon as he played it



No shadow word death either.

Absolutely disgusting.jpeg
Coin Steward into Muster into Blessing of Kings into Quartermaster would have been so fun in standard (and disgusting). Mysterious Challenger at 6 to seal the deal. ;__; I miss strong class cards for Pally.

Then you got classes like Hunter or Warrior with 20+ great class cards in their decks. >_>


Coin Steward into Muster into Blessing of Kings into Quartermaster would have been so fun in standard (and disgusting). Mysterious Challenger at 6 to seal the deal. ;__; I miss strong class cards for Pally.

Then you got classes like Hunter or Warrior with 20+ great class cards in their decks. >_>

Pally class card is disgusting, easily 2nd best after Warrior

Uldaman, Aldor, the legs, 2 great weapon

they have glaring missing link tho, they lack their "ravaging ghoul"

they're weak, but they not even in bad shape

must've not that hard found 2-3 new card in-between next 160 new card to made pally great again


The effects are great. They only don't have well statted minions until turn 6 with Mysterious Challenger in secret Paladin or turn 8 with Tirion or Light Rag. What other class is like that? Dropping either Keeper on an empty board sucks. They work well if you are on board though, but you don't really have great early Paladin cards for it.


The effects are great. They only don't have well statted minions until turn 6 with Mysterious Challenger in secret Paladin or turn 8 with Tirion or Light Rag. What other class is like that? Dropping either Keeper on an empty board sucks. They work well if you are on board though, but you don't really have great early Paladin cards for it.

Priest :D

Dem weapon doe, unlike priest you just slay mofo with weapon and debuff threat, but yeahhh the early game always feel clunky and they really need something to fill in there..
I wish there was a card that fetched your Emperor. :

I'm still surprised they are printing Barnes and Curator, both seem they can be quite useful for combo decks which they hate.

Blizzard isn't exactly known for their foresight. The cards could be completely broken and Blizzard would be none the wiser until players get the cards in their hands.

18-3 with this deck lul

At least 2 of the losses was my fault, and the other was extremely bad draws which would seem close to impossible with this deck to begin with.

I actually played til I hit 100g cap. I haven't done that since the original set.


I just heard trump mentioning the Barnes copy can be silenced and get to full attack and health..

wat??? that can work in priests
I just heard trump mentioning the Barnes copy can be silenced and get to full attack and health..

wat??? that can work in priests

1/1 copies have an effect on them that make them 1/1s. Be it from Shadowcaster, Hearld, or whatever else. That effect will be removed when silenced.

At least I'm pretty sure that's how it works.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks again both of you. Been mining salt on ladder for a good portion of the day, bouncing between rank 7 and 8. Now I got some gold, and my pity timer finally went off at 38 packs with a Yogg(didn't have it). Maybe now I can put together something stupid for friend challenges.

My Joust/Y'Sarjj deck isn't stupid :(

If my master jouster didn't pull the literally only 4 cost or below minion in my deck, I would have survived one more turn and could have played either the Yogg or Y'Sarajj in my hand to make a comeback.


My Joust/Y'Sarjj deck isn't stupid :(

If my master jouster didn't pull the literally only 4 cost or below minion in my deck, I would have survived one more turn and could have played either the Yogg or Y'Sarajj in my hand to make a comeback.

I didn't mean stupid in a bad way, I meant stupid in that I want something a little wacky and not necessarily competitive. Having a Yogg will help with that. All of my current decks are tryhard ladder decks for each class, it would be nice to have something fun and dumb for friendly matches.


I think I just saw a dragon warrior bot, this guy was golden with legend card backs too so I doubt he'd axe face on turn two in any case. no, he didn't have the second one. the trades...the use of ghoul it was so bad.


Unconfirmed Member
I didn't mean stupid in a bad way, I meant stupid in that I want something a little wacky and not necessarily competitive. Having a Yogg will help with that. All of my current decks are tryhard ladder decks for each class, it would be nice to have something fun and dumb for friendly matches.

I know, just joking around. You really did play that Rogue well.

I'm glad I could help you get that Yogg.


Super Sleuth
I just heard trump mentioning the Barnes copy can be silenced and get to full attack and health..

wat??? that can work in priests

Most of the busted combos depend on the effect/deathrattle of the minion though. It would be good for a surprise lethal if the 1/1 survives a turn, but other than that it doesn't seem that useful.


Looking forward to a meta shake up, Old Gods is one of my least favorite yet. Ready for a more aggressive format.

Kindly Grandmother is hilarious. I'm suspicious of Barnes, but I like cards like Curator which can act like pseudo-tutors. Guaranteed Alex? Damn.


Unconfirmed Member
And nothing really to add about Raving Grimoire other than it's yet another good mage arena card, and another overly random mage card for constructed.


Looking forward to a meta shake up, Old Gods is one of my least favorite yet. Ready for a more aggressive format.

Kindly Grandmother is hilarious. I'm suspicious of Barnes, but I like cards like Curator which can act like pseudo-tutors. Guaranteed Alex? Damn.
Wait wut?

The top 5 decks in the meta right now are ALL aggressive/tempo decks: Dragon Warrior, Aggro Shaman, Token Druid, Zoolock and Midrange Shaman.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I went through the class and neutral cards where I liked the Barnes synergy and I made a nice list. Anything in italics is god tier opie opie. There are other nice cards but I felt these were the most notable, powerful, or interesting.

Druid - Mounted Raptor, Fandral, Aviana
Hunter - Infested Wolf, Kindly Grandmother, Savannah Highmane
Mage - Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Flamewaker, Antonidas, Rhonin
Paladin - Selfless Hero, Steward of Darkshire, Murloc Knight, Rag Lightlord, Tirion
Priest - Northshire Cleric, Auchenai Soulpriest, Shifting Shade, Confessor Paletress, Prophet Velen
Rogue - Undercity Huckster, Tomb Pillager, Xaril
Shaman - Flametongue Totem, Mana Tide Totem, Unbound Elemental, Thunder Bluff Valiant, Al’Akir
Warlock - Blood Imp, Darkshire Librarian, Imp Gang Boss, Dreadsteed, Doomguard
Warrior - Nothing super important
Neutral - Argent Squire, Thalnos, Loot Hoarder, Acolyte of Pain, Argent Horserider, Brann, Twilight Summoner, Nexus Champion Saraad, Cairne, Thaurissan, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Sylvanas, Ragnaros, Malygos, Ysera, Y’Shaarj

So N'Zoth Paladin and N'Zoth Priest are some pretty key highlights of course, because Barnes is incredible with a huge number of their minions. But I also like the synergy in Deathrattle Hunter. The ones I listed for hunter are pretty good pickups and even something like Fiery Bat or Huge Toad isn't completely horrible. Malygos OTK's are a thing if your deck is extremely light on minions.There are other potentially powerful combos outside these decks but a lot of the decks that run those types of minions also have "spoiler" minions that will basically just come out as 1/1's.


Super Sleuth
Bit the bullet and crafted Gromm and Rag for a Patron warrior list. I was playing patrons in an OTK deck but I don't love the otk part, so thought I would give pure patron a try. I suck at it but it is a lot of fun.


Was facing a C'thun warrior as yoggnload Hunter. He gas a 12/12 C'thun and Sylvanas on the board. It should have been over. I play Yogg, it mind controls the Sylvanas and polymorphs the C'thun. There is no justice in the world.


You should play some Yugioh then. Fastest card game made, can actually die on first turn.

I actually played a combo deck that frequently took me to the time limit and never let the opponent get to play, it was hilarious. But I never got bored.

I either play the fastest deck in the format or some obscure slow alt win condition deck. I'm probably the most frustrating person in the world to play against.
Looking forward to a meta shake up, Old Gods is one of my least favorite yet. Ready for a more aggressive format.

Kindly Grandmother is hilarious. I'm suspicious of Barnes, but I like cards like Curator which can act like pseudo-tutors. Guaranteed Alex? Damn.

I want hearthstone to get slower. The game's so aggressive as it is that you barely get to use the cooler higher cost cards.
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