How does the "discover a class card" works?
You have one of each class, or you select a class and then a card?
One from each class.
How does the "discover a class card" works?
You have one of each class, or you select a class and then a card?
How does the "discover a class card" works?
You have one of each class, or you select a class and then a card?
You have one of each class.How does the "discover a class card" works?
You have one of each class, or you select a class and then a card?
Cho'Gall is terrible in Renolock because it doesn't have enough spells that synergize with it. The spells either do too much damage to your hero, have too little impact, or they end up hurting Cho'Gall himself. Mage doesn't have either of these problems. They have a full kit of expensive spells that don't damage this card, and this card doesn't make them worry about their life total.
but the same consistency problem still persist, how often you get this card + big spell to combo in same hnd?
In Reno Mage? Fairly often I would think. Kibler even runs cards like Flame Lance in that deck, just to give himself more removal. I even mentioned some of the other cards you can combo with it. Anything 5 mana or more is solid, and 4 mana is fine.
Most people run that in Reno Mage nowadays.
People other than Kibler play Reno Mage?
It's better than 60% I can tell you that much.but the same consistency problem still persist, how often you get this card + big spell to combo in same hnd?
It's better than 60% I can tell you that much.
It's probably going to be about as consistent as Fandral in Malygos Druid (or slightly more) because it has about the same number of cards and it comes out later.
Fandral - 2 Raven Idols, 2 Wraths, 2 Feral Rages, 2 Living Roots
Mage Legendary - Flamestrike, Kazakus spell, Blizzard, Fireball, Cabalist's Tome, Flamelance, Pyroblast, Polymorph
And unlike Fandral, you can use it with a cheaper spell in an emergency if you really need to.
Whatever is the best play according to the situation or the match up. Hard to answer it as a rule of thumb.Speaking of fandral, when is the best time to use it? according to the situation, or you mus look for an specific combo?
Cho'gall isn't even a bad card it just doesn't fit particularly well in any existing deck. This card has a similar effect but MUCH better class synergy. People will play it I'm pretty sure.
Welp, secrets are coming back for Mage I guess because Kabal Lackey is fucking broken. I can't believe they're actually printing that.
Inkmaster Solia seems...meh. Obviously it's ridiculous if you can combine it with Flamestrike or something but I have the feeling that each of the 30 card slots in Reno Mage is going to be at a premium. Not sure Solia is good enough. Though combining it with Kazakus may just make it worthwhile to play.
Well, I would say on curve vs aggro and other fast deck if you have nothing better than 3/5 and vs slower deck keep him for combos.Whatever is the best play according to the situation or the match up. Hard to answer it as a rule of thumb.
I think I learned today that people really do not like mage secrets lol. More than just a secret is triggered when people queue up secret decks!
Secrets are easily the worst, like LITERALLY: Stalin, Hitler, SECRETS.
0 Mana Pyroblast seems good to me.
I still can't get over how poorly designed Auctioneer Beardo is.
It looks like one of those cards that was designed by a neural network.
Man, just looking at the cards we've gotten over the last 2 days, I feel so damn bad for Paladin lol.
Good enough for 35 Legendary Deck/10.Gotta imagine it'll end up being the worst legendary in the set by a good margin.
Good enough for 35 Legendary Deck/10.
Gotta imagine it'll end up being the worst legendary in the set by a good margin.
Lol somehow I don't think Beardo would be great in a 35 legendary deck.
Can't put my finger on exactly why.
Madam Goya is probably worse, but at least she's more interesting.
I don't think so. He is basically a vanilla mininon with upside that will almost never matter.Gotta imagine it'll end up being the worst legendary in the set by a good margin.
If goya brings out a 6 drop, that means you got a ~3 drop (4/3) for free.
No, you're also paying with the minion that you swapped with. Which means you're either paying with the minion from another card you played or the 2 mana from your hero power.
Right. If you use the card with your hero power, it's an 8 mana 4/3 ,summon a random minion from your deck. Also, you have dead draw in your deck now.No, you're also paying with the minion that you swapped with. Which means you're either paying with the minion from another card you played or the 2 mana from your hero power.
Very good point. Many slow deck play Doomsayer and if they don't do it already, they certianly will when people start playing ME again.I'm pretty sure mirror entity is pretty bad vs shaman. It's also bad vs freeze mage or any list that happens to be running doomsayer. It's also bad or merely okay vs a lot of aggro and midrange decks. And besides doomsayer, mistress of mixtures is the next best thing to copy on mirror entity.
That is getting quite specific.
Oh sweet Day 9's playing the same deck I was last week.
No, that's properly evaluating the actual cost of the card. You aren't getting that 4/3 "for free" in your example. You either remove a minion from your hand or board, pay some extra mana, or both. That's not "free".
As a Paladin main, I'm just disappointed by those understatted minions yet again. Also got nothing for control and hardly anything for midrange, could use some single target removal or normal statted minions. At least the 3 and 7 drops looks fun to use and surprisingly they don't have the boring +x/+x buff. Still gonna try a buff deck out though, but not gonna spend any real money on this expansion.Man, just looking at the cards we've gotten over the last 2 days, I feel so damn bad for Paladin lol.