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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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Point is that if everyone plays Renolock, especially with Leeroy Faceless PO combo, Priest isn't going to be meta. Frankly they might because Renlock might have enough board clears now to contest Shaman, and Shaman might drop out in meta if there are a lot of Control/Dragon Priests.

No one stop play control warrior when midrange hunter in the meta, its just mean that good deck had 1-2 really bad matchup


Point is that if everyone plays Renolock, especially with Leeroy Faceless PO combo, Priest isn't going to be meta. Frankly they might because Renlock might have enough board clears now to contest Shaman, and Shaman might drop out in meta if there are a lot of Control/Dragon Priests.

Depends on the meta as a whole. One bad matchup ain't stopping me.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It'll be fun grinding Priest down with Jaraxxus again atleast.

And I will tilt off the earth when they play him first because of that damn discover dragon.

and then i tech in sac pact


At least I have the feeling than this expansion will generate a significant change in the meta
Most likely yes, but that doesn't have to be a good thing.
Let's hope we get a good mix of aggro, midrange/tempo, control and combo, instead of midrange shaman, dragon priest and goons warrior or something.


Most likely yes, but that doesn't have to be a good thing.
Let's hope we get a good mix of aggro, midrange/tempo, control and combo, instead of midrange shaman, dragon priest and goons warrior or something.

Druid ain't going nowhere.


Priest can always rotate in the Auchenai/Flash Heal/New 1-Drop if Warlock becomes big. Burning them down once they've tapped enough/played Jaraxxus worked pretty well pre-Standard with Zombie Chow.


Not going to feel guilty that I just won with a Kill Command -> Quick Shot -> Draw 2nd Quick Shot -> Draw 2nd Kill Command. Nice to get the ridiculous luck for once.
I'm not convinced of warlock's strength based on the new minion alone. I think it'll depend on how good the other cards are, especially kazakus for renolock. Warlock isn't exactly missing AOE and a 7 mana one that only hits for 3 isn't changing up the game entirely. Not to mention, we're talking about strength versus shaman which may not translate well to strength vs maly druid or secret hunter, or even tempo mage... or face hunter... perhaps even dragon warrior... maly rogue...


Have to see the other cards but Priest isn't going to be tier 1 based on the cards shown. They can be tier 2 though. The new cards are busted but they don't help the match ups Priest is already bad at. I already stated this a while back but unlike these tempo decks Priest in general is a lot easier to counter. It will still struggle against Miracoli and Freeze Mage plus if Renolock returns then that would be another deck that crushes Priest.

As always you keep Jaraxxus in hand against Priest to deny them the steal.


Super Sleuth
Have to see the other cards but Priest isn't going to be tier 1 based on the cards shown. They can be tier 2 though. The new cards are busted but they don't help the match ups Priest is already bad at. I already stated this a while back but unlike these tempo decks Priest in general is a lot easier to counter. It will still struggle against Miracoli and Freeze Mage plus if Renolock returns then that would be another deck that crushes Priest.

As always you keep Jaraxxus in hand against Priest to deny them the steal.

Mind vision!


You guys really need to stop over hyping Dirty Rat.
Unless your hand reading skills are godlike and you are lucky, the card isn't going to do much.


Sounds kinda dangerous if dirty rat becomes popular. Assuming the card works like I think it does.
I don't think Dragon Priest plays that card.

But that is certainly something that might be relevant vs Control Priest. Even Deathlord didn't pull from hand.


Super Sleuth
I was playing my renolock in wild against what I thought was a control warrior.

Game was going normally, armor up tap armor up tap.

Turn 9 comes around, and the pirates get dumped out of hand. Biggest surprise in hearthstone. A pirate warrior who didn't play any pirates until turn 9.

He was golden warrior too.

He didn't win.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Have to see the other cards but Priest isn't going to be tier 1 based on the cards shown. They can be tier 2 though. The new cards are busted but they don't help the match ups Priest is already bad at. I already stated this a while back but unlike these tempo decks Priest in general is a lot easier to counter. It will still struggle against Miracoli and Freeze Mage plus if Renolock returns then that would be another deck that crushes Priest.

As always you keep Jaraxxus in hand against Priest to deny them the steal.

People are overhyping the hell out of Pint-Sized Potion. So at least there's that.
I was playing my renolock in wild against what I thought was a control warrior.

Game was going normally, armor up tap armor up tap.

Turn 9 comes around, and the pirates get dumped out of hand. Biggest surprise in hearthstone. A pirate warrior who didn't play any pirates until turn 9.

He was golden warrior too.

He didn't win.
That once happened to me with standard zoolock I was sure he was reno lock but he just tapped and applied limited pressure until he vomited his hand and beat me in 2 turns.


New card reveal from GosuGamers: http://www.gosugamers.net/hearthsto...-exclusive-gadgetzan-card-reveal-kabal-lackey



In serious not because its not fucking broken like fuckshit scientist I doubt you actually want put few trap in your tempo mage just because that card


That card is an auto-include in the aggro mage deck. I'm thinking just replace Sorcerer's Apprentice or draw cards with this.
It's better than kirin tor but kirin tor isn't a great measuring stick to begin with. We basically have a prep for secrets. Also a 2/1...

Maybe you run both plus more secrets. Maybe they are adding a new secret. I'm just not quite seeing it yet.


Unconfirmed Member
What the fuck....

Why did mage need this? A ridiculous minion that really pushed mage to play more aggressive. As a 1 mana minion, it encourages aggro play and really wants mages to play Mirror entity for huge tempo swings on T2/3. What an annoying little guy.


I don't think it's that crazy honestly. Sure the tempo is there, if you have this and a secret in your hand. The difference in hunter is that, hunter traps being 2 mana, it's not a big deal to play them alone in case you don't have the combo and they have much much more board impact than mage secrets. If you end up playing 3 mana secrets, it's game losing. Mirror entity and counter spell aren't reliable exactly, you can end up losing on those, it's hard to lose on hunter secret.

Maybe a new secret can make it more appealing. So far the best case scenario is to follow it up with the 2/3 deal 3 damage if your secret is still on and you should overall be favored against druid that might not have a good answer to entity.


What the fuck....

Why did mage need this? A ridiculous minion that really pushed mage to play more aggressive. As a 1 mana minion, it encourages aggro play and really wants mages to play Mirror entity for huge tempo swings on T2/3. What an annoying little guy.

but you need play secret and this guy in same turn, is the cheap combo really worth it for few occurrence? I really don't think so


alex + this guy into ice block. I guess freeze mage just gained another turn. If they create such a card they surely created a secret, too. I hope.


Super Sleuth
I think I need to craft leeroy for reach in my renolock deck.

A priest almost grinded me out in fatigue because he entombed my nzoth.


If you only run 2 secrets on a deck this doesn't seem that good, and in freeze mage you don't need to play the secrets on turn 1


What's really strange here is that Kabal cards look like actual class cards with synergies you're used to see for those classes but grimy goons was just buff in your hand for all 3 classes which doesn't even make any sense for 2 of them. Paladin is about buffing but warrior and hunter? Not really. They used so many class cards on one gimmick but Kabal are doing many different things and actually powerful things.

It's almost like they ran out of design idea and said just printed all these samey cards to fill up the set.

I hope Jade Lotus is better, seeing all those druid cards I'm optimistic.


My brother just started playing, but he can't play against me since all my decks are Wild decks. I Googled and found "just craft a Wild card" as a solution, but the Wild sets aren't available in his crafting menu (the filter list just stops after Standard and Basics). Any idea how I can get Wild cards to show up in his crafing menu so we can play against eachother? He already has a level 10 hero (somebody on the Blizzard forums said that would make the Wild cards show up), but that didn't do anything.

in the filter of cards you can find a tab with the text "All Cards" and it seems to have an infinite symbol, that displays the wild cards, by there you can click the crafting button and it displays all the wild cards

That filter is nowhere to be found :/...
Still no luck with this... Does anyone know what's going on?
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