just right off the bat since I still haven't finished watching it.. it really bothers me when these streamers are just like maniacs clicking everywhere or jut hitting tables or just showing how bad they are at controlling anxiety
You're not addressing my point. You're just saying my example wasn't 100% accurate. (it was not meant to be, it was just thrown out there example and not specific at all)
The point is basically that it's a lot worse then that. Let's say you're a Paladin and you hero power into Madam Goya. That's 8 mana, not 6. So if you pull a 6-drop, you're not getting a 4/3 for free. You're getting a 4/3 for... 2 mana. But then you also have to consider that now you're going to draw a 1 mana 1/1 at some point during the game, which is pretty bad.
If you use a minion from your hand, it becomes really clunky. Let's say you play a 2-drop and Madam Goya that instead. You pretty much HAVE TO pull something really expensive, like a 7 drop or higher, minus any value from a possible battlecry of the minion you pull. But because you run small minions, you can't guarantee that you get something big.
Essentially the effect is not as great as a 6 mana 4/3 might suggest it is. It's really clunky.
You're meant to return a minion you've already gotten value off of. It's not as simple as calculating the stats or the hero power cost as you're suggesting. With shadowcaster I can copy a battlecry minion, get full value off the battlecry which is likely worth much more than 1 mana, then use goya to return it to my deck to get value off it and transform the 1/1 into something more powerful.
The example wasn't specific because this type of deck is meant to gain value off of more than just pure stats per mana. Perhaps you play a fire elemental, kill a minion with the battlecry. Then run the 6/5 into a 4/6 and then return the 6/1. You're not paying 6 mana from fire elemental, not even close.
That's a lot of what ifs and conditional stuff in there. Even that Fire Elemental example... what if that Fire Elemental dies? You can't use Fire Elemental and Goya in the same turn (unless there's an Emperor tick) so you are relying on the opponent not killing it off.You're meant to return a minion you've already gotten value off of. It's not as simple as calculating the stats or the hero power cost as you're suggesting. With shadowcaster I can copy a battlecry minion, get full value off the battlecry which is likely worth much more than 1 mana, then use goya to return it to my deck to get value off it (again later) and transform the 1/1 into something more powerful.
The example wasn't specific because this type of deck is meant to gain value off of more than just pure stats per mana. Perhaps you play a fire elemental, kill a minion with the battlecry. Then run the 6/5 into a 4/6 and then return the 6/1. You're not paying 6 mana from fire elemental, not even close.
just right off the bat since I still haven't finished watching it.. it really bothers me when these streamers are just like maniacs clicking everywhere or jut hitting tables or just showing how bad they are at controlling anxiety
That's a lot of what ifs and conditional stuff in there. Even that Fire Elemental example... what if that Fire Elemental dies? You can't use Fire Elemental and Goya in the same turn (unless there's an Emperor tick) so you are relying on the opponent not killing it off.
And the card has anti synergy with itself. So you want to include a bunch of powerful Battlecries in the deck that you can bounce back with Goya/Shadowcaster? That means that the pulls from Goya are going to be weaker when you pull a Battlecry minion out.
The issue with Inkmaster is that it's competing with your most powerful spells. What do you replace it for?
The examples are illustrative of the point I was making there, which was if you're calculating value you don't just do the math on the stats. It's difficult to talk about a trick card because you don't know what deck it'll be ran in. I could see a couple possible decks it could be used in, I don't think it's as bad as it appears on it's face and that if it had higher stats we'd be talking about how broken it is and how RNG sucks.
You can make terrible cards better by increasing the stats, sure. But we're not evaluating the card on the stats it doesn't have. We're evaluating the strength of its battlecry effect when attached to a 6 mana 4/3. The card would have been a lot stronger if it was attached to a 4 mana 4/3, but that's not the card we're evaluating. You can't look at its battlecry in a vacuum. I don't dismiss cards just because they fail the vanilla test. I also look at the value of any additional effects and try to determine if that effect is worth the loss in stats. And in this case, I don't think it does. The card is too expensive and clunky imo.
I think the statline simply means to be worth playing you need more out of it's battlecry. That is very specific to the deck you're playing.
You play her in Holy Wrath Paladin.
Big drops in the deck to take advantage of Holy Wrath. Use recruits to activate the trigger.
I think Crusher Control Shaman is another option. You run a lot of heavy taunts in the deck and you can use your totems to activate the effect.
Also Doomsayer but I feel that this variant would cut the smaller minions.Holy Wrath Paladin stills runs minions like Wild Pyromancer and Ivory Knight, right? Pulling one of those is kind of a disaster.
Also Doomsayer but I feel that this variant would cut the smaller minions.
As a Paladin main, I'm just disappointed by those understatted minions yet again. Also got nothing for control and hardly anything for midrange, could use some single target removal or normal statted minions. At least the 3 and 7 drops looks fun to use and surprisingly they don't have the boring +x/+x buff. Still gonna try a buff deck out though, but not gonna spend any real money on this expansion.
Solia plus a 10 mana potion will be sick.
With all these new Reno cards, I'm guessing they might put Reno in classic. It's not really healthy to keep that imo but people like him and Blizzard seemingly designs based on reddit reactions and trying to appease them.
It's odd to make these cards now if Reno is cycling out in like 3 months, the reason you consider playing such a deck is for the heal. No matter how good Kazakus is, it's not going to carry the weight alone.
@Frodan if the other half is as good, it will probably be the best card set HS ever had
Can't remember the last time I played the same exact deck this many times in a row.
fucking shamans running ooze and harrison.
that is all.
I think singleton decks could still work without Reno but I think they will shift from Warlock to Priest and Mage where the heal of Reno isn't as drastically important. If Warlock doesn't get a good heal card in this set or the first of next year, non-Zoo decks will be completely out of commission.With all these new Reno cards, I'm guessing they might put Reno in classic. It's not really healthy to keep that imo but people like him and Blizzard seemingly designs based on reddit reactions and trying to appease them.
It's odd to make these cards now if Reno is cycling out in like 3 months, the reason you consider playing such a deck is for the heal. No matter how good Kazakus is, it's not going to carry the weight alone.
Yup Paladin is gonna suck even more so if priest becomes viable.Man, just looking at the cards we've gotten over the last 2 days, I feel so damn bad for Paladin lol.
The 3 drop and neutrals is all I bank my hope one, Getaway Kodo might also work out. The 1 drop Deathrattle is the first sticky minion Pally got in a long time and it can trade up with various cards while not being dead to a Hero Power.As a Paladin main, I'm just disappointed by those understatted minions yet again. Also got nothing for control and hardly anything for midrange, could use some single target removal or normal statted minions. At least the 3 and 7 drops looks fun to use and surprisingly they don't have the boring +x/+x buff. Still gonna try a buff deck out though, but not gonna spend any real money on this expansion.
Have fun getting your Anyfins or Tirions discovered by the new Dragon.Paladin vs priest is a match up very winnable for paladin. Hell, if dragon priest becomes popular I might just try to hit legend with control paladin. It'll take forever... since it's control, but I've done it before.
With all these new Reno cards, I'm guessing they might put Reno in classic. It's not really healthy to keep that imo but people like him and Blizzard seemingly designs based on reddit reactions and trying to appease them.
Peléo;224589240 said:I think it is the exact opposite, I remember reading an interview where someone from the design team said they wanted to give Reno a last ride before leaving the rotation.
Have fun getting your Anyfins or Tirions discovered by the new Dragon.
Have fun getting your Anyfins or Tirions discovered by the new Dragon.
Peléo;224595456 said:Thinking about the Grimy Goons I came up with this Paladin deck. I went with a cycle oriented curve to explore some of the cards (Meanstreet Marshall, Runic Egg, Small-Time Recruits). Really weak against AOE and the only finisher is Dopplegangster with +1/+1 or +2/+2 after sitting on the hand for the whole game.
I think a list focused on divine shield with divine favor as the draw engine might be stronger though.
You 100% need divine favor in that list i think.
Did you see how much card draw he already has? I think divine favor definitely doesn't fit in that list.
I'd rather have divine favor than novice engineer when you can empty your hand on any given turn after turn 4.
I'd rather have divine favor than novice engineer when you can empty your hand on any given turn after turn 4.
And the entire idea of the deck requires you to have a full hand, buff it, vomit it. Refill hand, buff it, vomit it.
Divine favor feels like an mvp card to me.
And since no one has posted it:
Polymorph Potion:
3 mana Mage Secret
After your opponent plays a minon, transform it into a 1/1 sheep.
Seems pretty interesting especially against control. Ragnaros? Baaaahh. Sylvannas? Baaaaahh. Not sure it has much home elsewhere though. You gotta hit a big drop to get tempo or value out of this since they still get the 1/1 body it might not help much against zoo and aggro.
Yup, Kabal Chemist is going to see plenty of play.
If you can get that Secret off of that 4 mana Potion draw card then it's going to be easy to play around. Warlock suddenly gets a Mage secret from that card... gee I wonder what it is.
Also does the Battlecry trigger before the Secret activates? Like if someone plays Reno Jackson is the Battlecry negated by that secret?
I'd assume so, I think tests have shown Battle Cries resolve before secrets effects activate.If you can get that Secret off of that 4 mana Potion draw card then it's going to be easy to play around. Warlock suddenly gets a Mage secret from that card... gee I wonder what it is.
Also does the Battlecry trigger before the Secret activates? Like if someone plays Reno Jackson is the Battlecry negated by that secret?
It overlaps with Mirror Entity and you play around both the same way so it's honestly not that good.