it was a ban format? how many times did shaman get to play?
Last hero standing. People didn't ban Shaman because they for the most part brought extremely anti aggro line ups. So you had a lot of Reno decks, Control Warriors, Control Paladin etc. People generally saw that I had Druid in my line up and banned that because otherwise the Druid would've swept them. First day I had brought Warrior and people banned that thinking it was Pirate Warrior. Second day I had Warlock, Mage, Shaman and Druid. Shaman was only banned in one of my matches.
Generally almost every match played out the same way. I started out with Renolock and either swept them with it or they beat it and then I brought out the Shaman. One time instead of bringing out the Shaman I brought out the Druid because Shaman was banned and that was Druid against Reno Mage which was a free win.
I think I played Shaman like 3 times. It was usually brought out when it was like 2-1 in my favor.
Here's how the matches played out individually:
First match: My Renolock swept his full Dragon line up. Dragon Paladin, Dragon Priest and Dragon Warrior. This guy was a dragon fan obviously lol. The Paladin match was the toughest because he had the greediest Paladin Dragon deck ever with that new Deathwing.
Second match: Renolock swept again. He had Reno Mage, Control Warrior and Reno Priest... all of which was super anti aggro.
Third match: This was my toughest match up because IMO this guy was probably the top 3 best player there. I banned his Shaman and he banned my Warrior. I won against his Renolock and Reno Mage with my Renolock. His Jade Druid beat my Renolock and Reno Mage. This set had a crazy 30 HP kill on my Renolock with his Druid because he got double Savage Roars off of Discovers from Idol. My Shaman ended up beating his Druid pretty easily because he didn't have a single swipe in his top half of the deck.
Fourth match (this is day 2 so I have a new line up with Jade Druid): Played against a crazy Rogue player who killed my Warlock from 28 HP first game after which I scummed with Shaman. I won with Reno Warlock against his Control Warrior and Reno Mage initially.
Fifth match: This was a tough one. He had Reno Mage (burn variant), Anyfin Paladin, Shaman (which I banned) and Reno Warlock, he banned my Druid. I won the Renolock mirror and beat his Anyfin Paladin (this match I killed him from 28 HP by getting a PO discover and then Emperor ticking the full combo), he beat my Renolock with Reno Mage by getting a 22 damage combo assembled through Cabalist Tome fuckery (double Ice Lances). My Shaman then cleaned up.
Final match: This guy had 3 aggro decks and a Reno Mage, I had to ban his Rogue he banned my Shaman. I didn't know what he was playing because otherwise I would have started Reno Mage but Reno Warlock ended up winning until the end (so Reno Mage and the Shaman) when it was his Pirate Warrior left and then my Reno Mage finished the game by beating his final Pirate Warrior.