Just mulligan claw and golem 10 games in a row and you are legend rank -Saltnoodle 2016
Oh noodles your salt is so delicious.
Salty Reynad is the best
Why did they limit it to 4 tries
poor face decks, got nothing. someone think of the face.
Greatest card ever printed in Hearthstone.I don't know where the hell all these handlocks came from all of a sudden, but fuck jaraxxus
Salty Reynad is the best
Why did they limit it to 4 tries
Maybe they took the gambling complaints to heart and are limiting it so kids don't end up spending thousands of dollars participating in it.
There's a new card reveal on Hearthstone's YouTube channel by Li Bo and Bai Ze.
3 Mana Rare Warlock Potion
Give a Minion +3 Attack. If it's a Demon, give it +3 health as well.
They also talk about the Kabal Common minion that gives you a random potion and the new Warlock 7 Mana 6/6 Infernal.
Card is like on the fringe of playability. It's kinda like Demonfire. You can use the 3 attack to trade up with a non demon minion or buff a small Demon into a much larger one.There's a new card reveal on Hearthstone's YouTube channel by Li Bo and Bai Ze.
3 Mana Rare Warlock Potion
Give a Minion +3 Attack. If it's a Demon, give it +3 health as well.
They also talk about the Kabal Common minion that gives you a random potion and the new Warlock 7 Mana 6/6 Infernal.
Average Zoolock deck these days runs 10 demons. Two Malch Imp, Two Flame Imps, Two Voidwalkers, Two Imp Gangs and two Doomguards. And we haven't seen the rest of this expansion yet, maybe there are more demons.That seems really bad. There aren't enough playable demons.
Oh man I forgot about the Kabal Chemist implication. This card makes it a lot worse.+3/+3 for 3 mana isn't even particularly great, let alone having half of it be conditional.
Certainly adds a bad outcome to Kabal Chemist I guess.
You should try playing it then, you can get it from the Karazhan adventure.Prince Malchezaar is bullshit. 35 card deck with 5 free legendaries? Fuck that.
Prince Malchezaar is bullshit. 35 card deck with 5 free legendaries? Fuck that.
I don't know where the hell all these handlocks came from all of a sudden, but fuck jaraxxus
Reynad loses to Secret Paladin in Heroic Brawl and goes 4-3 with Paladin.
And yeah based off what I have seen, the Brawl does match you up with people at the same wins/loss at you. At lower ranks you see a lot of meme decks, way more than should be normal in a high stakes Brawl like this and at the top end it's Shaman after Shaman.
This pretty much means that you kinda have to run meta decks vs anti meta decks because meta decks punish these meme decks far better. So basically pick Shaman anyway.
I think what you meant to say was "fuck jaraxxus, EREDAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION." Typo?
no pic of new card on thread yet?
in before blizzard be pushing that demon gimmick
People are saying Dog got 0-3 in the Brawl... is that true? I don't think it is.
He got really lucky with not only his draws but his opponents as well. Kinda high rolled through to the end where he faced against real opponents and folded.Kripp currently 8-1 lol
Man if he actually not in love-hate relationship with the game he could've elite player
He got really lucky with not only his draws but his opponents as well. Kinda high rolled through to the end where he faced against real opponents and folded.
Now he's on his second run already 0-2.