I want one of the quest rewards to be a 4 mana Dr Boom.
divine shield
can't be targetted by hero powers and spells
Sometimes stealth instead of one.
8/8 divine shield, immune to direct spells, windfury... what is not to love about that power.
Stealth to negate BGH possibility too.
if we assume that adaptations are removed from the pool as they are selected you have a 23.6% chance to get the exact 5 adaptations you want.
I think what you really want is windfury, stealth and 8 attack. and from there you want to make sure your dude lives a turn so divine shield or health.
If you can pull that off you can blessed champion on the following turn for 32 damage.
In the late game if you have divine shield you can even equality pyro to clear taunts and allow your dude to hit face.
Twisting Nether
Volcano (requires a certain board state)
Deadly Shot (requires a certain board state)
Equality Combo (requires multiple sources of damage with divine shield)
Kazakus Potion (10 mana can be mass poly for guaranteed, or board state dependent with lower mana potions)
Mass Dispel
~Sunkeeper Tarim
It seems pretty hard to clear
Devolve will be the most common answer.
new shaman legend, 8 mana 7/7, play elemental cast invocation, the spells are at the link
I wonder if you can chose the effect, if so, that can be a very reliable heal.
The heals seems the most powerful out of those 4
It looks like it is chosen not random.
I believe so, yeah, it doesn't say random anywhere.
now, another discover effect for this? or we will get to chose from all 4?
I really hope so, I kinda tired to see only discover mechanics lately.
I don't like the sound of elemental activation though. Makes top decking way less useful, you might not run very many elementals, has to be played not summoned etc.
I liked dragon activation but not sure about this.
I don't like the sound of elemental activation though. Makes top decking way less useful, you might not run very many elementals, has to be played not summoned etc.
I liked dragon activation but not sure about this.
It's a good mechanic on this type of card. If your opponent has not played an elemental the previous turn, you don't have to worry about playing around a card this powerful. On the other hand, if they make an awkward turn to play an elemental, then it telegraphs they plan on playing this card so you should probably play around it. It's also not that good against high health minions, at least as far as the invocation goes. So there are ways to play around it.
Yeah this expansion should be more expensive if the class Legendaries and Quests aren't duds. Usually when an expansion rolls out you don't need a lot of new Legendaries, just a few class Legendaries and a couple of Neutrals. Old Gods was a bit of an exception with the Gods.man this expansion looks really expensive, I see a lot of nice cards here from the upper tiers, only one I haven't really liked is the shaman quest
man this expansion looks really expensive, I see a lot of nice cards here from the upper tiers, only one I haven't really liked is the shaman quest
That shaman leg looks cool
Dont understand why Invocation of fire can only hit face tho
Very good card within the elemental archetype, but still not nearly enough to sell me on elementals overall.
The activation mechanic is much, much harder to pull off than the dragon activation mechanic, and given how many very good dragon cards were needed before becoming viable, I expect elementals will need even more, particularly in the early game.
As if shaman needs a suped up fire elemental, in addition to being a super uped abysal, a suped up healbot, and a suped up tokenspawny dragon whatever the name is.
So much stronger than dragon effects too. Activating it could cost as low as 1 mana though.
So much stronger than dragon effects too. Activating it could cost as low as 1 mana though.
Picked frozen to win the HCT
At 7-9 mana though, in an era where jades and quests are getting activated at that time with very high power levels.
And if you spend that 1 mana activator but find you have to change plans because of any must answer card like that new hunter legendary or doomsayer, you've lost that activator for good.
Not calling it bad yet, just want to see more.
Is that Master Jouster reincarnated as a good card?
If there's no more removal for rogue, rogue is gonna struggle.
The art is so good.
Master jouster wasn't a 4 drop. This is a sometimes better senjin.
Rogue doesn't really struggle against divine shield due to dagger hero power.
Master jouster wasn't a 4 drop. This is a sometimes better senjin.
Rogue doesn't really struggle against divine shield due to dagger hero power.
Not the divine shield. The huge body stats.
Dropping 2 of those taunt. Gonna use 2 shadow strike? 2 evis + fok? 2 saps? Assassinate?
And then an adapt minion with +3 health? Running out of removal?
its just Tazdingo with bubble
nica card tho
Not the divine shield. The huge body stats.
Dropping 2 of those taunt. Gonna use 2 shadow strike? 2 evis + fok? 2 saps? Assassinate?
And then an adapt minion with +3 health? Running out of removal?
It seems their solution to aggro deck is huge taunt.