It feels like Blizard is showing off cards really slowly this time around. Normally during spoiler season, there was something every 12 hours, a more constant stream.
Uh, we're getting 3-4 cards a day.
It feels like Blizard is showing off cards really slowly this time around. Normally during spoiler season, there was something every 12 hours, a more constant stream.
30% is still WAY too high.You can teach an all in strategy to a kid that would beat a pro heads up in nlhe 100bb to bust at least 10% of the time. Probably more like 30% of the time. He would obviously still be a massive loser over time because that edge is still huge.
And hearthstone isn't just about one game or one series or one tournament. No game with luck involved is.
What's the event?
frozen is breaking under pressure
I picked him to win, what round is he in?
Oh, the Bahamas matches started? These are the ones that our 'champion' packs ride on?
Has Thisj played yet?
What's the event?
Thijs isn't even in the tournament.
Edit: I caught you! No Pavel hasn't played yet.
Thijs isn't even in the tournament.
Edit: I caught you! No Pavel hasn't played yet.
B7 lost twice from 30 hp using Reno Priest...
But Thijs is in Bahamas. Maybe revealing cards?
Yep, I don't know why Lifecoach thought any different. We all knew what this game was when we signed up for it.
Maybe he thought it'd change over time but why would it? It's making bank like this.
Let's say we took out all random aspects and made the game harder to play, most people would just quit playing.
StrifeCro last night said that the skill cap on this meta is the lowest it has ever been.
And then immediately after said that nobody has actually reached the skill cap.
Lifecoach tried to play hearthstone more than anybody should. He got burnt out on it. It happens. Even if he reached the skill cap, (which he almost surely didn't since he likely made mistakes nearly every gave still) it doesn't mean any of us or the people we face on a regular basis are reaching the skill cap.
New VS report, at legend aggro shaman is best deck. That fucking deck is invincible. VS report, at legend aggro shaman is best deck. That fucking deck is invincible.
can't believe there were arguments about that before release.Turns out Patches is pretty good.
More like once Blizzard said they would nerf STB people said that the problem was just STB and not Patches and pirate aggro would go away once STB was nerfed.can't believe there were arguments about that before release.
I was just about to say, you could have made it draw 1 mana spells like Mastiff and Arcane Shot and Tracking but nah they want Hunter to play the same exact way forever.why limit it to minions, are they afraid of malygos hunter? ...
It would have a more interesting card if it could draw any 1 cost card.
Give hunters a 2 mana weapon and his card is pretty good, since then they can easily run 1 mana pirats.
Yeah the 2 toughness was the bigger deal, I'm up to 2 corsairs in Pirate Pally now because more than anything I just want to keep something on board.More like once Blizzard said they would nerf STB people said that the problem was just STB and not Patches and pirate aggro would go away once STB was nerfed.
The problem was always both of them but Patches was the biggest culprit IMO because he made whatever 1 drop Pirate you played over powered. STB just happened to be the best 1 drop Pirate and people focused on that the most.
Only way Patches loses its power is if you nerf or remove every 1 drop Pirate in the game but people are still using stuff like the 1 mana Corsair to trigger Patches while also counter other Pirate Warriors.
Yeah the 2 toughness was the bigger deal, I'm up to 2 corsairs in Pirate Pally now because more than anything I just want to keep something on board.
It'd be funny if they gave Paladin a 1 mana Pirate in Ungoro. That's the kind of early game paladin needs.
What are they doing in the jungle?And they should call it Argent Pirate or Holy Pirate or something
Burying their treasure of course.What are they doing in the jungle?