That's a worse combo than just arcane giants echo or arcane giants Alex. Neither of those two require ticks.
Why would Time Warp Mage be less of a gimmick than other OTK decks? In the sense that many of them have been viable in the past.I watched Trump's review yesterday of the Ungoro cards and he was saying that he doubts the Time Warp Mage deck will be more than a gimmick.
Also said that Priest, Warrior, and Paladin quest decks wouldn't see play and/or underpowered.
Hahaha, you're right.That's a worse combo than just arcane giants echo or arcane giants Alex. Neither of those two require ticks.
Why would Time Warp Mage be less of a gimmick than other OTK decks? In the sense that many of them have been viable in the past.
My guess is most OTK decks rely on consistent card draw of known cards to combo with. The problem with warp mage is getting the pieces together for the 2 turn combo is hard with the randomness of your hand plus then fitting in standard draw to put the pieces together. I tend to agree that it won't be a meta deck for those reasons.
No different than reno OTK no? Lock OTK has to have Thor tick on atleast one of three cards for the combo to go off for 20 life.
Brann is rotating and that after a period of Brann Jades, Brann Dragons and Brann Kazakus we saw plenty how strong he is.Brann makes the paladin quest redundant, is way easier to get that going than playing a quest deck. Tells you how OP Brann is.
Brann makes the paladin quest redundant, is way easier to get that going than playing a quest deck. Tells you how OP Brann is.
Has anyone received packs for the Bahamas tournament on the NA Server?
I keep reading about people receiving those packs and a heroic tavern brawl chest, but I haven't gotten either on my end.
Thanks for clarifying.
Time Warp is insane guys. You are severely underestimating what an extra turn means in hearthstone, a game where the opponent cannot interact with you on your turn.
Time Warp is insane guys. You are severely underestimating what an extra turn means in hearthstone, a game where the opponent cannot interact with you on your turn.
Time Warp is definitely insane.
I think what brings it down is the requirements of the quest and how that affects your deck construction. When you're running all of the cards that generate random spells, that leaves less room for any defensive tools that help you survive to the point where you complete the requirements of the quest, and less room for the pure cycle that helps you draw to your combo.
I don't think it's bad but I don't think it'll be top of the meta, either.
No different than reno OTK no? Lock OTK has to have Thor tick on atleast one of three cards for the combo to go off for 20 life.
The freeze package doesn't need that many slots, and a vast majority of generated spells are defensive.
The issue there is mages rely on a different kind of card draw since it is not built into their hero power so they have to make decisions about what draw to include. So my feeling is the random draw encouraged by the quest and the normal draw needed to get combo pieces will leave the deck in an awkward spot.
Will you guys spend all your gold in Un'goro packs?
Will you guys spend all your gold in Un'goro packs?
Will you guys spend all your gold in Un'goro packs?
Will you guys spend all your gold in Un'goro packs?
Will you guys spend all your gold in Un'goro packs?
Galvadon + Brann is much better.
It needed enough slots that I wasn't able to run Ice Barrier in my theorycraft version of the deck.
Of course!
how not?
I think I am gonna spam all my early gold on arena.
Most of it, I might actually try Arena some more when it hits.
If you're not confident in arena don't go there. You will lose out.
That's why I asked. I don't know if I should save some of it for Arena and stuff. Decisions.
If you're not confident in arena don't go there. You will lose out.
That's why I asked. I don't know if I should save some of it for Arena and stuff. Decisions.
Will you guys spend all your gold in Un'goro packs?
Will you guys spend all your gold in Un'goro packs?
if you enjoy arena, it could be a nice option, but then it could be the same as just waiting some days and saving 150 to run arena for some days, which is fine, arena is more immediate, a more bulk of gold is needed for constructed, if you don't have the cards, you can't play constructed, so it could be wiser to spend it in packs if you want to have some cards to play constructed, arena can be saved in a matter of 3 days max to play for some more time there
I will be opening 110 packs and posting the video to youtube. I will share the link once it's live.
I'll probably just buy 80 packs, I'm an F2P player btw haHAA
So I was messing around in the brawl and this happen.
Now I understand I was suppose to take the 1 damage but was the rest of that suppose to happen? Am I missing something here?
So I was messing around in the brawl and this happen.
Now I understand I was suppose to take the 1 damage but was the rest of that suppose to happen? Am I missing something here?
Your minion deals damage to you which then causes it to try to heal you which causes the damage and the cycle repeats.
lol so the damage it does to me counts as damage done by the minion so it keeps going and going? Okay that is funny. Sheesh what a noob moment.
What gold...Will you guys spend all your gold in Un'goro packs?