every time there's a launch their servers shit the bed
you'd think they'd..adapt...to this problem already
sigh. open pack crash, wait to get back in, open pack, crash. (on iphone)
It's a Blizzard problem throughout the ages. I remember servers crashing when Diablo 2 launched.
every time there's a launch their servers shit the bed
you'd think they'd..adapt...to this problem already
Opened Open the Waygate and Lakkari Sacrifice back to back. The two quests I wanted out of the entire expansion!!! Looking good so far.
Everyone rushes in for new stuff on the clock = huge load spike, so servers start sweating. And they're not going to up capacity for a single day, so they'd need to rent servers - but I'm not sure if their stuff runs on general hardware or some custom setup.
There are solutions for temporary horizontal scaling, they're just cheap.
There are solutions for temporary horizontal scaling, they're just cheap.
Tarim is a really good card.all table's full
got Voraxx and Tarim.. more like 800 dust than 2 legendary