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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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Kinda sad that Shamblers text is copy and not gain/add...



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Mill decks actually want to be playing as little minions as possible so that the opponent's removals are rendered useless.

Maybe a mill deck can outpace an aggro deck with something like this?

I shudder to think of it. I hope not.


Maybe a mill deck can outpace an aggro deck with something like this?

I shudder to think of it. I hope not.
You need a lot more than that. Giving aggro decks more cards is exactly how Mill decks get punished by aggro. They can utilized their hand better than you can.


The original site that revealed the card confirm that it's "Daring".

"Daring" and "Intrepid" are synonyms in this case. I've heard both used to describe reporters.

I know, but I think intrepid reporter sounds more old-timey and fits the theme of the set better.

Maybe I'll demand Blizzard do a Designer Insights on this card since I find it slightly disappointing.

You need a lot more than that. Giving aggro decks more cards is exactly how Mill decks get punished by aggro. They can utilized their hand better than you can.

I faced a Mill Rogue as Zoolock yesterday. It was one of the easiest wins of my life.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You need a lot more than that. Giving aggro decks more cards is exactly how Mill decks get punished by aggro. They can utilized their hand better than you can.

Right, I'm aware of that. But maybe it's like the Fel Reaver effect, where you beat aggro by just creating this huge ass threat really early in the game and they can't deal with it. I dunno. Not saying this is a guarantee or anything. That gameplan could go very poorly.


If Mill decks got popular everyone would just play Jade Druid anyway, since that deck can never die to fatigue damage.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
If Mill decks got popular everyone would just play Jade Druid anyway, since that deck can never die to fatigue damage.

Well but what if you burn their 65565 copies of Jade Idol? #GotEm
Oh man, if people thought the Cwar mirror was boring, wait until we get Druid matches where the only cards left in the deck for each side is Jade Idol...

Those matches will end fairly quickly though. If you have a bigger idol, you trade. Then you play more and maintain your lead. Eventually you hit face with your board and you win.

This is a far cry from doing almost nothing the entire match and then playing golden monkey.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Oh man, if people thought the Cwar mirror was boring, wait until we get Druid matches where the only cards left in the deck for each side is Jade Idol...

One side will probably have larger Jade Idols than the other, which would solve the problem quickly enough. But if equally sized Jade Idols get run into each other with no board advantage then it'll eventually turn into who can create lethal from a single minion first.


I can see Intrepid Journalist being played in Fatigue Druid rather than Mill Rogue since Druid needs the body as removal more than Rogue. You can immediately grow it to 6/6 with Naturalize.


lol the game currently being casted on Dreamhack was started in Wild mode, so a Cogmaster was discovered from Dark Peddler, and a Shadowbomber was spawned by Maelstrom Portal.


Unconfirmed Member
Could Daring Report be used as a tech card instead of a mill card?

Like only play it after they have loot hoarders and acolyte of pains on board. That would make it a 4 mana 5/5 with further growth potential.
I'm a F2P player but I saved up the gold for LoE and Kara. Currently sitting on 1590 dust debating which neutral legendary to go for. I have Ysera and Alex. I guess it's a toss up between Sylvanas, Ragnaros, Leeroy and Thalnos.

Leaning towards Sylvanas despite how damn popular Rag is atm.



iksarhs said:
It sounds like a lot of the negativity here is centered around Ferryman, so I'll address that. Ferryman is meant to be an option for players that build a deck completely centered around bouncing multiple targets or a single target back to your hand as many times as possible. As some of you have pointed out, this will most likely not be a meta-defining 10/10 power level card, but it still exists for some portion of the audience.
There is some value in creating cards that give you a more realistic opportunity to do the core fun piece of your deck (bounce X minion to your hand to replay) regardless of whether or not that results in the next tournament worthy performer. There are some similarities to Purify here, but as a general purpose card ferryman isn't nearly as weak as that card. Purify was released in a set where Priest was the lowest win rate class and we only had a few class cards to work with. Outside of the timing though, the design is something we definitely stand behind. Building a deck around silencing your ancient watchers and eerie statues is a super fun concept to a ton of people. Giving you more ways to consistently pull that off I think is a good thing. Ferryman is an example of a card that more consistently gives players an opportunity to do the fun thing they built their deck to do.
So what is there to do for the mega-competitive focused Rogue group? Well, we think Miracle is as strong as ever and coin will make a meaningful impact there. Rogue Jade is also interesting and probably the Jade class that scares me the most as someone who works on balance. Cards like Prep and Shadowstep allow Rogues to start the Jade train earlier than most of the other classes and snowball it very quickly. The amount of times Aya Blackpaw was discovered off of Journey Below was pretty high in playtesting, I'm sure someone will do that math there. As you can imagine, playing two of that card in a control matchup swings pretty heavily in the Rogues favor.
I hope this gives some amount of insight to what is going on with Rogue currently, we're happy to continue the conversation.

We don't have any plans to change Blade Flurry, I would be quite surprised if it ever changed. The future of Rogue is likely to include very weak AoE or life gain and very strong single target removal and card draw.

it's just what we figured, a card for bad decks. So about that rogue weapon...

Worth nothing that iksar thought c'thun rogue is going to be strong and that Huckster, Yogg Saron and Xaril will carry rogue in standard according o their testing.. kek.

If his idea of scary is getting Blackpaw from Journey below to beat control decks, guess what it already happens with Anub'arak. If you're scared of prep, do something about prep instead of printing bad sets after bad sets.


Super Sleuth
None of that explains the weakness of the actual design.

Sure, make more bounce back cards. But making out worse than the neutral version? That's just stupid.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Game DesignerIksarHS
We don't have any plans to change Blade Flurry, I would be quite surprised if it ever changed. The future of Rogue is likely to include very weak AoE or life gain and very strong single target removal and card draw.



Have said a million times already that Prep has been limiting design space for Rogue. Now we got confirmation.

Rogue is now reaching Priest levels of outcry in the community. Next expansion Rogue is going to be nuts.


Have said a million times already that Prep has been limiting design space for Rogue. Now we got confirmation.

Rogue is now reaching Priest levels of outcry in the community. Next expansion Rogue is going to be nuts.

Since Kharazan I feel the community really shapes where HS is headed, I know there is a hell lot of negativity of the community and tons of salt, but I'm not blinded by it and I see how the devs are really communicated with the audience, specially the core one, I wouldn't be surprised at all if rogue gets some incredible cards based only on this outcry, I've seen it proved with priest


Since Kharazan I feel the community really shapes where HS is headed, I know there is a hell lot of negativity of the community and tons of salt, but I'm not blinded by it and I see how the devs are really communicated with the audience, specially the core one, I wouldn't be surprised at all if rogue gets some incredible cards based only on this outcry, I've seen it proved with priest

Why even go that far? Not long ago, Shamans were in the "Shaman Basement", and Paladins were in a bad way not long before their ascendance.


None of that explains the weakness of the actual design.

Sure, make more bounce back cards. But making out worse than the neutral version? That's just stupid.

It's not worse, it's different.

It's nit very good either unless they print something with a cheap and ridiculous battlecry.
So every card he mentions is problematic? Aya Blackhand was mentioned, must limit design space too!

"Cards like Prep and Shadowstep allow Rogues to start the Jade train earlier than most of the other classes and snowball it very quickly."

This somehow translates to "rogues get bad cards because prep".

Since when did execute stop or slow down warrior from getting strong removal? Since when did shield slam stop or slow down warrior from getting strong armor gain spells or minions?

People jump to conclusions.

If prep was is so problematic, why would they print counterfeit coin, which enables miracle rogue to play even faster more consistently?

Lets go back and look at what he actually said. The new card, like many, aren't designed for top competitive play. Other cards are. And they are confident that rogue will have a strong deck with jade golems and miracle rogue. One reason jade golem may be strong for rogue is due to strong cards like shadowstep and prep. Also aya is insane against control decks when you get it off journey below. They don't want rogue to have strong AOE or heals. Class identity and what not.

This is not really saying prep is a problematic card. He literally just mentioned it in passing.

The card could have had something unique about it though, beyond having the choice to play a 2 mana 2/3... it should have reduced the cost of the card bounced by 1 or something, or +1/+1.


I will believe this Jade Golem Rogue when I see it.

Just like Deathrattle Raptor Rogue, Steal Rogue, Cthun Rogue, Trick Rogue, Pirate Warrior, Midrange Rogue etc.

In the end Blizzard is going to cave in to public outcry and will give people what they want so we are just going to chill.


Why even go that far? Not long ago, Shamans were in the "Shaman Basement", and Paladins were in a bad not long before their ascendance.

oh I say that only because I'm very new to the game, to all blizzard in fact, Kharazan was the first expansion I fully witnessed since I only started on the beginning of Whispers of The Old Gods and the standard format


T0he devs team should just stop pretending they care about balance and give all the class OP shit

Just made weak neutral and all is fair game.


The WoW model of buffing the worst classes to op levels, then pushing them back down with the next cycle is such an utterly terrible fit for a CCG


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The WoW model of buffing the worst classes to op levels, then pushing them back down with the next cycle is such an utterly terrible fit for a CCG

The issue is in the basic/classic sets. Until they balance the original sets, they're always going to have this problem in standard where Priest, Paladin, Rogue, and Shaman struggle for relevancy and they have to print OP shit on cycle to keep them relevant. They never should have made those sets unchangeably evergeen.
Rogue's classic set largely only supports one play style. It's not bad. We have a ton of decks built out of the classic set. Much more than people are willing to admit, just because many of them aren't popular or played competitively.

If anything, the criticism of rogue post-classic post-blade flurry nerf is that they focus too much of supporting that set and not enough on supporting the other ideas they've put in. But I think this criticism is only true when it comes to competitive decks.

I actually do think c'thun rogue is a bit better than people give it credit for. And maybe even burgle rogue gets a little bit more consistency out of the new leg to carve out a niche in the meta. It's really quite difficult to play control against burgle rogue btw. And I think n'zoth rogue is actually pretty good and I think it'll only be bolstered by the new set with mistress of mixtures, the new 2 drop, and aya.

If anything is holding rogue back from having more competitive decks it's the shaman meta. I think with blade flurry, rogue would be better positioned with a lot more decks than currently. Without it, they'll have to wait for a meta that isn't about creating a wide board of high health minions.


Rogue had a viable deck that played somewhat differently with Oil Rogue which opted for heavier spells and wasn't as concerned with cycling as quickly as possible.


oil rogue existed because we had so many good neutral minions to play in rogue.

belcher and shredders were disgusting in that deck, everyone just remembers secret paly because it was far more popular. those sticky guys with oil were deadly. Then there was loatheb, which also meant your opponent is dead next turn. You had to show so much respect to rogue's board, it was like a whole different game.

Those minions were so good that Tomb Pillager wasn't actually played much when it came out and people played bad cards like sprint over gadgetzan because it worked out better overall with everyone having loatheb in their deck.

Those cards were so strong that there was no point in playing gadgetzan but without those it's back to best deals forever.
Gadgetzan at 6 mana without coin or prep is pretty bad. Before pillager came out it just wasn't consistent enough. I still think prep + sprint is good but if you're going to have coins in the deck from pillager, you might as well as run gadgetzan. Sprint + prep is actually kinda good in maly rogue since you don't have to use your spells to cycle.


Considering that you will mostly want to play this on curve, you're likely only getting a 1/1 body with it. 2 mana and 1 overload is a pretty hefty price.

Druid still seems to be the best Jade Golem class.
It's comparable to shuriken I suppose. So it's probably not bad. Follow up to tunnel trogg or totem golem.

I think rogue is best positioned for jade golem after seeing (presumably) all the jade golem cards. They're the best at bouncing and even journey below can get you an aya. Hell, even their 2 drop can be copied by unearthed raptor. I think druid could work, but I think it's just gonna be too slow like c'thun druid.


Druid will be the best in the sense that all you really need is Jade Idol. Play it in any deck you want.

Rogue seems to be the best at the intended Jade Golem ramp. Deathrattle, Bounceback, Gang Up. Cheap Golem cost cards. This is likely the way Blizz wants a class to play, to get the value out of the mechanic.

Shaman feels like the Warrior for Grimy Goons. You don't get the AoE +1/+1 of Paladin or the strongest benefits like Hunter. You've got some slapstick gimmick potential.


Druid is easiest one to see that it can be very good. All it takes is to play Jade Idol in current spell druid build and suddenly you have a end game plan if all fails against warrior and things like that. You can just get it from Rave Idol even. You don't have to play any of the janky cards. I think Raven Idol is a lot stronger after this set, druid got a whole bunch of ramp cards this set, you probably should raven idol on turn 1 now, chances are high you get some kind of ramp.

One could build a miracle druid deck that plays like the gang up rogue with arcane giants, it could be much better than that deck.
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